Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday June 25 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 91° Plenty of sunshine.

Karen Olam Hatorah: Rav Malkiel Kotler accompanied the gedolim tonight to Toronto Canada to continue fundraising as they hit over 70 Million towards the goal of raising $107 million 

- Shabbos in Trenton Frum assemblyman Avi Schnall and Gary Schaer may have to spend shabbos at the statehouse in Trenton if the budget vote is done over the weekend. Matzav reports, Askanim informed that, unlike previous years, there is no longer a hotel near the Statehouse in Trenton. Consequently, the frum representatives would likely have to sleep at the Statehouse itself. According to the New Jersey Constitution, the state government must shut down if an annual spending bill is not introduced, approved in both houses, and signed into law by the governor by July 1. The electronic vote  can be done by an aid.

- Jamaal Bowman pro Hamas Squad member Loses his reelection to George Latimer in NY 16 Democratic primary 

- Adopt A Kollel Lalewood office responds to Bagatz ruling: After a decade of creating over 500 partnerships to bolster and support the Olam HaTorah in Eretz Yisrael, today’s Bagatz decision to cut all funding brings a real time response at Adopt a Kollel offices, a practical response being crafted to address the looming threat as organizers strategized today on how to help.(Kol Haolam)

- Many 12th graders driving  around after receiving their license today on final day of school year.

- Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlita responded ro the Bagatz ruling that it has nothing to do with us we have the yeshivos and the Torah and what they say or do does not pertain to us.

- Update: Keren Olam Hatorah: Due to flight delays the kabolas Panim scheduled for 5 pm in Toronto has been canceled there will be an event later this evening in Toronto. Tomorrow the gedolim will travel to Deal,NJ for a fundraiser 

- Judge Juan Merchan partially lifted Trump's gag order in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate, letting him talk about witnesses and the jury after his conviction.

- Tehillim for a Young Lakewood women who collapsed after not feeling well and is in critical condition name ids Kreindel Yachat Bas Esther Fruma 

-Badatz Eidah Hacharedis is planning a massive atzeres for this coming Sunday at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim to protest against any compromise by the charedi parties in response to the Gezeiras Giyus by Bagatz who took away the exemption from yeshiva students to serve in the IDF

- Several unconfirmed reports are now circulating that indicate Trump has selected Vivek Ramaswamy for VP..  

- Last day of school for most girls today many have a half day including baby sitters and playgroups

- Kosher west now offering deliveries to the Catskills for $25 to specific bungalow colonies including Tribeca, Tamarack Hills, Greenfield Meadows Alpine Estates, Chestnut Estates.

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Over $60 mullion has been raised so far towards goal of $107 million.
events today in the 5 towns and later this afternoon in Toronto at the Bais Yaakov Elementary School 15 Saranac Blvd 5:00pm

- Daf Yomi finishing Maseches Bava Metizia tomorrow and Begin Bava Basra 

- Trump Lawyer Jonathan Turley The sheer hypocrisy in the media is overwhelming after denouncing any criticism of Judge Juan Merchan in the Manhattan prosecution. For Judge Aileen Cannon,, the federal judge presiding in the Florida case against former President Donald Trump. .  it is nothing short of a press pile-on.There is a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform.

- Gas prices are predicted to keep falling ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend  but could soon stop their decline or even start to rise again as the summer wears on, according to analysts.
The New Jersey statewide average was $3.36 a gallon as of Monday, according to AAA. in Lakewood it is at $3.25

- The NYS Court of Appeals upheld an appellate court ruling that public schools don't have to bus students to religious or other private schools on days public schools are closed, in a setback for the United Jewish Community of Blooming Grove, which sued for such busing.

- B"H The 21-year-old yeshiva bochur who was critically injured Erev Shavuos after he was hit by a car in raintree, has awoken from his coma and is communicating with family. Please continue to daven for Chaim Moshe ben Leah Rivka

- Lakewood fire district admitting to not submitting reviews for major site plan applications! As previously reported here on FAA News, just last week, Lakewood Township's Planning Board approved a new 64 duplex unit development off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection faa

Video: Kabolas Panim event in Lakewood 


  1. https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/counterfeit-stamps#:~:text=Scammers%20peddle%20fake%20stamps%20on,tale%20sign%20they're%20bogus.
    Cheap stamps are fraud, people have got arrested for sending out invitations with fake postage satmps. Mail with fake postage could be junked by the post office.
    Stamps for 20% discount are already fakes according to USPS. 50% off worse. Those cheap stamps could result in all inviattions being abandoned by the USPS. Or even arrest.
    Please warn the oilam, especially those marketing them.

  2. Ramaswamy doesnt believe in foreign aid, even for close allies like Israel

  3. No one has ever been arrested nor can you be arrested since they would have to prove that you know that it was a fraud.

    1. That is not true someone was already arrested for it

    2. Anon 1217 pm: please dont intimidate people, just say the truth.
      I saw the article you did and the individual arrested was not for sending out wedding invitations.
      The individual is being accused of purchasing a large lot of Counterfeit stamps in China and selling it in the United States. That is very different than buying 400 stamps and sending out your invitations.

  4. AnonymousJune 25, 2024 at 11:06 AM
    No one has ever been arrested nor can you be arrested since they would have to prove that you know that it was a fraud.

    My Cousin in Passaic was arrested off her Job at a dentist & all invitations needed reprinting. You are wrong!!!

  5. PSA
    Your pool cover up does not qualify as clothing to go out in the street with.

  6. There is no chance Vivek Ramaswamy will be VP. It would be suicidal for DT.

  7. Anybody know what the hundreds of books of stamps by the singin gas station blowing in the wind ??

  8. When is the next event? It’s been a few days and my cc is getting bored sitting in my pocket.

  9. Where is gas in Lakewood at $3.25?
    No such thing.

  10. AnonymousJune 25, 2024 at 2:03 PM
    When is the next event? It’s been a few days and my cc is getting bored sitting in my pocket.
    Sunday evening Rosh Chodesh picnic in all Lakewood parks for the yungerleit, to eat with their families, for this time B4 Summer Holidays & 3 weeks after graduation.
    Looking for local restaurants to sponsor. this time feed the families who really need it, after they had to watch the gvirim eat. BTW Seudas Rosh chodesh is not from the cheshbon, you get your money back.
    A call to all local restaurants please sponsor. The Yungerleit missed their families 3 weeks in a row, now somw will go away for summer jobs. ( can't afford camp, only camp jobs). Please make them feel good.
    Is there anyone on the take-up?

    1. You sound drunk and bored. What's your agenda?

  11. Costco and BJ’s less than 3.25 as well as Wawa

  12. Shell 9 & Kennedy 3.23 / BP 9 & Kent 3.19

  13. Yungeleit don’t need sponsors, they have food stamps. The middle class needs the most help.

  14. Costco and BJs are $3.17 today.

    1. Costco and BJ's are not in Lakewood.
      And I was answering to "average".
      There's one gas station at $4-something, I'm sure a few more stations.

  15. Such mesiras nefesh for tuition vouchers to eat cholent in Trenton

  16. Hv ignoring Lakewood news. You don’t have to report all the details but at least the story. Tls is the worst they report this but ignore major Lakewood news.
