Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday June 28 News Update Lakewood

Friday, June 28, 2024 / כ״ב סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת שלח מברכים חודש תמוז
Candle lighting 8:12pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:30pm
Rosh chodesh is next shabbos and Sunday

Weather: 76° Mostly sunny. 
Shabbos day 83 and. Cloudy

Kaliv Rebbe spending shabbos in Lakewood at the Brookhill neighborhood BM Shemen Lmincha
Skulen rebbe of Lakewood spending shabbos with his brothers  the other rebbes in Monsey at a family simcha

- Biden:Folks, I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to. I might not debate as well as I used to.But what I do know is how to tell the truth.

-Several Israeli soldiers killed in Gazan in a operation that has  gone bad

- In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has significantly limited the scope of the obstruction statute that the DOJ has relied on to prosecute numerous January 6th defendants.
This potentially overturns hundreds of cases.

- The Supreme Court, 6-3, has struck down the "Chevron" doctrine, a 40 year precedent that granted federal agencies considerable discretion to interpret vague laws. This marks a major victory for conservatives and businesses, who have long criticized the doctrine as an overreach of executive power.

- Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency.

- some Boys elementary schools have off today

- Missionaries are back in Lakewood distributing paraphernalia and material to frum homes they are in the prospect street area

 - President Biden has no plans to drop out of 2024 presidential race and remains committed to 2nd debate in September - CNN

- Giyus update: Massive atzeres called for this Sunday by the Badatz Eidah Hacharedis in Yerushalayim at Kikar Shabbos along with leading litvish and Sefardi Roshei yeshivos in response to the Bagatz ruling to draft yeshiva students and potential compromise on a giyus law. 

- Weekly frum papers and magazines all have feature articles  and special coverage on the Mashgiach Rav Moshe Wolfson ZTL

- Jackson residents are facing a  9.9% roperty Tax hike after the state monitor overrules BOE Officials

- BDE: Petirah of Hagaon Rav Refoel Yitzchok Reichman ZTL Rosh Yeshivas Meah Shearim in Yerushalayim,Talmid chochom and Iluy  from  the last talmidim of the Brisker Rav,he was 91.Rav Refoel grew up in The Bronx he went to YU and learned by Rav Moshe Shatzkes , he spent summers in Lakewood with Rav Aaron Kotler before going to EY where he became a talmid muvhak of the Brisker Rav. A  large levaya tool place today in Yerushalayim 

- Babad shul approved: In a historic first, on Thursday night the Toms River Township Zoning Board of Adjustment granted approval to legalize the operations of  Khal Bnei Yisuschur, the KBY Learning Center.
Full story at Faanews 

- Nikki Haley: Mark my words….Biden will not be the Democrat nominee. Republicans, get your guard up!

-Mark R. Levin: Congratulations President Trump! And the Democrats are shameful and disgraceful for trying to conceal Biden’s dementia. They cannot any longer.

- Ben Shapiro: They lied to you.
They told you not to be deceived by your eyes and your ears. 
They told you you just didn't know him like they did. 
They lied to you.
They're not shocked by Biden's mental collapse. 
They knew all along, as we did.
They're just shocked they got caught.

- Vivek Ramaswamy: What we witnessed tonight wasn’t an accident, it was intentional. Brace yourself for a wild 5 months ahead

- Thomas Friedman of the NYT, urged Biden to withdraw his candidacy from the election.
"Joe Biden is a good man and a good president. He should drop out of the race,"  in order to prevent Trump from winning.

- CNN Debate Poll: "Who won the debate?"
Trump: 67%
Biden: 33%

-CNN anchor Erin Burnett implies that the network gave Joe Biden the questions in advance…

- NY Post editorial: End of an error We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden’s presidency

-Shabbos in Trenton? not so fast,as it looks like the vote on the state budget in NJ will take place today sparing the frum assemblyman Schnall and Schaer from schlepping cholent to Trenton. Gov Murphy is expected to sign the $56 Billion budget into law tonight.  Some items pertaining to Lakewood include (per faa news)
Township of Lakewood; Public Health and Safety - $7,000,000

• ShoreTown Ballpark Improvements - $4,200,000

• Jackson School District, Infrastructure Improvements - $2,500,000

• Beth Medrash Govoha, Security Needs and Anti-terrorism - $2,000,000

• Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, Networking Events - $50,000

- Biden must step aside to defeat Trump, urges NYT's Thomas Friedman "Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election," Friedman wrote

- Faa news: Why would Avi Schnall be bound to spend Shabbos in Trenton simply to vote on a budget? Weren't we *assured* during the elections that the vote was "for the individual, not the party," and that Rabbi Schnall was going to Trenton simply to advocate for tuition relief and safer streets in Lakewood, and that "they know" that he will not need to vote for their agenda? Full article HERE

- Lake Terrace receives liquor renewal despite zoning battle APP reports. There will be a hearing to approve Lake Terrace as a banquet hall this Monday


  1. Not all boys schools have off. Either way, learning torah never takes a break. It's not a hefkervelt....

    1. Thank you for your deep and thoughtful commentary. So proud to have you as a member of our community.

  2. One trick pony . . yawn

  3. The Court overturned Chevron. This is huge. Absolutely huge. A L

  4. The Chief Justice, probably the smartest man on the Court since Frankfurter, said it clearly. "Chevron is overruled." :" Chevron is a decaying husk with bold pretensions." "Chevron is unworkable."

    This a HUGE blow to the executive branch of government and enormous victory for the power of Congress. Chevron allowed the executive branch deference in interpreting acts of Congress to such an extent that the agency could make up whatever it wants as long as it was reasonable. Its power did not have to be explicit in the law, just a reasonable interpretation, and the Court would not second guess the executive.

    1. "Reasonable" does not mean "correct" or "best choice." It simply means "plausible." Thus, in litigation, the administrative agency always has a built-in advantage. Overruling Chevron benefits justice, a goal even we lefties support.

  5. תלמיד חכם שמת מי יתן לנו תמורתו
    הגאון רבי רפאל יצחק רייכמן זצ"ל

  6. Who needs Harris?
    Better President Biden stays in.
    Last thing we want is the Leftist Harris.
