Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday June 26 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 97° cloudy skies this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 97F.  Winds 10 to 15 mph. Heat advisory in effect until 9pm tonight heat index up to100

There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Belaaz reports the Gedolei Yisroel reached their goal of of $107 Million after a fundraising event tonight in Deal,NJ.
Rav Don Segal and Racnmastrivka rebbe have returned to EY.

- Spokesperson for the Lakewood Vaad, a group of local Orthodox activists and business owners, put out a statement saying, "’Ain milim’ is a simple Hebrew phrase meaning, ‘There are no words to describe’. The whole Jewish community in Lakewood — and way beyond — is still reeling from the tragic events that shook our collective essence to the core.
"The community reaches out with love and support to the families, neighbors, friends and even just casual acquaintances to be there be there for emotional support and counseling," Weisberg continued. "Our medical, counseling and social services agencies are gearing up to meet the community’s needs.
"Now begins the time for prayer, support and healing. May the souls of our dear departed children be blessed with the eternal radiance of the almighty as we pray for the healing and well-being of their family and the greater family of the Lakewood community."(App)

- Severe thunderstorm watch issued for threat of tornadoes, damaging winds, large hail  All 21 counties in New Jersey face a slight risk of getting hit with severe thunderstorms with damaging winds on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The watch will be effective from 6:15 p.m. Wednesday through 12 a.m. Thursday.

-The attempted coup in Bolivia was thwarted, as President Luis Arce successfully maintained control and order was restored.

- Military Coup underway in Bolivia the coup attempt being led by general Juan José Zuniga, who says 'We will take back our homeland. Our country can’t continue like this.' Bolivia's president calls for citizens to mobilize against 'coup d'etat'.

- Tragedy in Monsey A 14-year-old Bochur  Efraim Rubin  Z"Lwas struck and killed R"L by a car while riding his Pomona The driver remained on scene and was taken for questioning.

- Keren Olam Hatorah the Rachmastrivka rebbe shlita is on his way back to EY

-Belaaz reports In a landmark move, Tzedek Organization’s coalition ‘Americans for IVF’ has officially introduced the bipartisan ‘HOPE with Fertility Services Act’ in Congress this morning, which aims to protect and ensure access to IVF treatments for all, which would require private health insurance plans to cover infertility treatment. Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, Chairman of Americans for IVF, tells Belaaz: “This breakthrough legislation is an exciting milestone, a first ever bipartisan Republican led bill that will finally correct the injustice of couples being forced to pay out-of-pocket for infertility treatment, They are hopeful it will get passed. 

- Most Girls schools and some playgroups off today for summer vacation

- Vacationers heading up to the Catskills New mincha area announced since the usual ocation at Sloatsberg rest stop is still under renovation. The new Mincha area will open at the “Marketplace Mall” in the Village of Spring Valley, NY, off Exit 14 on the NY State Thruway South 1 Spring Valley Market Place, Spring Valley, NY, just a minute’s drive from the exit. The location is situated in an expanded tent in the parking lot.

- Change of routine with the last day of school for the girls today parents have a change of the daily routine which is important to keep in mind if bringing baby to babysitter or playgroup. Cases of forgetting babies in car happen during the transition of school and camp as the morning routine changes.

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Today is the last day of the mission with a fundraiser in Deal, NJ after that the Gedolim will be returning to E"Y.

-Hespedim for Rav Moshe Wolfson ztl will take place tomorrow evening in Lakewood arranged by the khal Emunas Yisroel in Lakewood. It will take place at Yeshiva Ktana hall 9:30 pm divrei hesped by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Oak and Vine, Rav Yechezkel Haberfeld shlita rav Emunas Yisroel and a grandson Rav Ephraim Wiedrman 

- Jackson spray park is now open for the summer season

-Presidential debate: Trump social: "Crooked Joe Biden’s “Handlers” are loudly and profusely complaining that there will be no Fact Checkers during the Debate on Thursday. Actually, that is just DISINFORMATION - They could not be happier, because there is nobody that’s as loose with the TRUTH as Crooked Joe"

the Supreme Court, 6-3, ruled in favor of the Biden administration, setting boundaries on how far the federal government can influence social media platforms to regulate content related to topics like COVID-19 and election security, in a case brought by Republican-led states challenging the administration's approach.

Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder Wins Primary Race for State Assembly


  1. We are sorely missing the mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Zatzal he would have given a fiery chizuk shmuz and guidance on this unspeakable tragedy in Lakewood

    1. Apparently that is not what hashem wants..

    2. We have Chai Life Line to be mechazek us.

  2. One thing is clear you can't trust the news at all even the mainstream news orgs were publishing articles without knowing any facts and reporting rumors as facts with gory details

  3. Why doesn't this site report yesterday's tragedy instead of pretend nothing happened

    1. Why is not reporting pretending nothing happened. Is it possible that are some issues you don't report on?
      Who decided that awareness actually helps as if people are not aware without all the so-called mental health experts having a field day?

  4. As talmidim of the mashgiach who taught us for over 10 years we should know what R Matisyahu would say had he been with us.

    1. Please share with us the olam needs chizuk

    2. One thing is for sure
      Reb Matisyahu's talmidim wont get their chizuk on this forum.

  5. We don't know anything about the background and not up for speculation and assumptions of what kind of help and medical treatments went on There is a extended family suffering terribly and we are here to support them during this difficult time.

    1. how can we help and support them?

    2. Someone will start a fundraiser for some indeterminate cause. Named Keren xx and yy

  6. Replies
    1. You sound like a millennial ,anything what happens it's all about you all the time. You are not part of the story,Frankly no one can care less that you are traumatized. No don't go seeking therapy learn how to deal with it on your own.

  7. the tragic story is a one in a billion but this article gives some background

    Thoughts of self-harm or harming others, particularly one’s children, can also be part of the condition but are less common. Among mothers suffering from postpartum psychosis, about 5% will attempt suicide and 4% will commit infanticide, said Michele Davidson, a postpartum psychosis expert and board member of Postpartum Support International.
    When these mothers kill, it is often done under the false notion that they are keeping their children from an even worse fate. “In nearly all the cases that are true postpartum psychosis, there really is not malicious intent,” she said. “It’s basically these women trying to save their babies or take their babies with them to heaven.”

  8. The frum society today is a pressure cooker between financially surviving getting kids into babysitter playgroup school camp moms carpooling all day keeping up with the kohens and what not the societal pressures to fit in and on and on there no stopping this runaway train. Young couples don't get a chance to live and relax

    1. Totally out of context and insensitive reply. If you have nothing constructive to say just keep quiet.

    2. Totally out of context and insensitive reply. If you have nothing constructive to say just keep quiet.

    3. Yes especially if parents are not in town or helping out as parents sometimes need to take care of themselves.

    4. You should be ashamed of yourself.

      Mental illness doesn't go away with 'live and relax', and life isn't about relaxing.

    5. The intown frum world is imploding and will implode from within.

    6. Complaining about today..... Have you ever lived in a different era in a different society? What makes you think today is any harder than it was?? Maybe you're terribly lucky that you have it easier.... No out houses... Blood libels ... Talk about pressure and difficulty

  9. Anyone who was a REAL talmid of the Mashgiach for 10 years would not be on ANY website!!!

    1. His Size fits all approach was only a persona for in public.Under the table he usually was tailor made for the person.

  10. If MIncha is in a tent, it is a great improvement. The halacha is that it is assur to daven outdoors, yet people just don't care. The minyanim on busses are a shande for Klal Yisroel, but we celebrate them as though they are an expression of Yiddishkeit.

    1. Not exactly so. If someone is "on the way" and close to the zman, there are allowances to daven so. What is a shande is your lack of halachic depth, yet still feel the right to criticise.

    2. Why are so many people 'on the way' every week? If they happen to be on the way, that's one thing.
      But these people have organized life that davening should take place in the least optimal halachic way. And then they have the gall to call themselves 'chassidim'. Unlike any Torah description of the chassidim and how they used to daven.

      Making a lechatchila out of allowances, and then celebrating it.

    3. So you've shown your true colors, and I won't engage further in your discussion. Please seek help for your mental illness.

  11. Why is the community hearing from no name self appointed clinicians or social workers preaching to the entire community
    This tragedy has turned into another clickbate opportunity

    1. Like during covid when eye Dr's became infectious disease specialists.

  12. We are back to the covid19 days when opportunists jump out promoting themselves before respected leaders have a chance to address the situation

    1. You're right that everyone jumps on the bandwagon, and opportunists abound. But what is sorely lacking is our leadership addressing this or any other current problem. They are MIA on most issues. I challenge you which shul in Lakewood has a Rov that will speak publicly about any current issue. Mental health, sholom bayis, chinuch, otd, financial, tuition, housing, Lakewood driving without regard to laws, chilul hashem issues, housing shortages, parnassa problems, shidduch crisis, children not accepted, spending habits, living standards, and the list goes on.
      This is the reason why people are open to hearing "anything" and anyone that can help them deal with all real life issues.

  13. The news sites obsession with using a tragedy for click bate is sick and evil
    Have they ever been so concerned about mental illness? What have they done prior for awarness?
    Do they care so much about sensitivity and privacy while showing victims in car accidents for click bate?
    Turn off the devices stop allowing their sewage to seep in

    1. News sites and organization don't miss an opportunity to monetize a tragedy

  14. People r turning to goyish opinion because our Gedolim choose to rather pretend nothing happened as we all feel by their silence. In the mean time everyone including mainly the woman are all upset and stressed out about it speculating what really happened and how to react to it

  15. BTW the whole day today it was on the news and discussion on talk shows but I did not hear anyone mention anything about her being Jewish, Frum etc

    1. Boruch Hashem

    2. All the big askanim in suspenders & those who employ them are busy with what happened.Let them get out of the way. It was them who caused this women to lose her meaning & go off the cliff. Underneath they are a bit aware of that too, but she is considered minor debris for the sake of the important demographic of the community.Like by the cantonists

    3. They mentioned treatment by Hatazala, which is online code for being Jewish.
      And picture of mother wearing a tichel.

  16. Reminder
    Your pool cover up is not a substitute for getting dressed in clothes

  17. What is this Lakewood Vaad? Is it another invention of the APP? I have never heard anything about it, who are they? What do they do? Whom do they represent?

    Can just anyone call themselves 'the Lakewood something or other'? Or do you need some kind of qualificaitons?

  18. YWN yeshiva untervelt news publishes a anonymous editorial about competing news sites who reported on the Lakewood tragedy. Such Hypocrisy coming from YWN who think they own the News of klal Yisroel. A filthy disgusting nasty website that has been spreading lashon Hora about klal Yisroel and Bizyu talmidei chachomin nombstop, a leading Rosh yeshiva in the US called them mecharcheri Riv
    they are angry that they were upended and scooped by others so they go to their playbook pretending to be holier and care about mental health and victims blah blah
    Protectionism at its best.
    They are trash and gossipy as the NYPrust
    There's nothing Yeshiva about them
