Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday June 27 News Updates Lakewood

 weather: 89° A good deal of sunshine. Hot. High 89F

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Moshe Wolfson ZTL at Yeshivah ktana 120 2nd st Lakewood 9:30pm

-White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a 'Medical Emergency' Involving One of the Candidates Requiring On-Scene Coverage 

- CNN will implement a 1-2 minute delay for tonight’s presidential debate instead of the standard 7-second delay, potentially allowing time to edit parts of the broadcast.

- A new bill introduced in the New Jersey Legislature by Assemblywoman Ellen Park provides that a member of the General Assembly be referred to as an Assembly Member rather than Assemblyman or Assemblywoman (Onejerseyschorr)

-Slabodka Roshei Yeshiva Rav Dov Landau and  Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch have returned back to yeshiva

- Beware Missionaries going around Lakewood neighborhoods today putting material onto front steps trying to engage in conversation. They are in the Albert Pine Street Arlingron Rt 88 and Coventry Sq areas 

- Summer season begins with all girls schools finished for the season. Camps begin Monday. Mincha area for those traveling to the Catskills opens today exit 14 off NYS Thruway 13 Spring Valley Market place.

- Daf Yomi begins Maseches Bava Basra the largest masechta in shas with 176 Blatt finishing it a week before chanuka

- Verizon Cell tower application to install a communication antena at the Georgian court property behind 14th st in Lakewood will be heard this Monday July 1 at the Lakewood zoning board

- Gourmet Glatt in the Catskills opening today at the former bowling alley in Kiamesha

- Belz Rebbe grandson Rav Shalom Rokeach visits the Belz community in Lakewood to raise funds on behalf of the mosdos  

-Many in Israel making this observation: 
There are currently two Israeli public representatives in the United States:
Defense Minister Gallant flew to beg the American government to transfer aid to the army. Rabbi Dov Lando flew to beg American benefactors to support Torah students.
You have to be blind not to see the connection between the two events.

- Presidential debate: The debate between Trump and Biden is will take place tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The debate will be 90 minutes long with two commercial breaks. The debate will be held in CNN's Atlanta studios and will be moderated by CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

- Tragedy statement “The sad truth is .... has a well-documented history of severe mental illness which has absolutely played a major role in these devastating events,” the family’s statement said. “While we acknowledge the seriousness of the charges that she is facing and respect same, we also believe that it’s important to recognize the incredible complexities presented by mental health challenges. (

-Nearly 3,000 people are without power Thursday morning in Ocean and Monmouth counties, but outages are quickly being restored, according to Jersey Central Power & Light. Ocean Gate Borough in Ocean County has the most outages right now, at over 1,600. Restorations in the two counties are expected by noon or earlier.

- opening today in Deal The Gray Street Coffeehouse 415 Spier Ave, Allenhurst, New Jersey 07711 under JSOR supervision 

- Walgreens is set to close a substantial number of its roughly 8,600 locations across the United States as the company looks to reset the struggling pharmaceutical chain’s business.
The company didn’t announce a specific number of store closure

Video: Rav Dov Landau breaks down crying at Deal,NJ fundraiser  asking that we save the Olam Hatorah in E"Y

Video pledges coming in at Deal fundraiser for Keren Olam HaTorah


  1. Update: State has to file its response brief and exhibits by July 4. We then can reply and the court will set a date for oral argument. This should go faster than the first round. AL

    I texted a story to a friend yesterday. My father, zichrono livracha, at Shell Oil, had a big argument with the Executive Vice President that ran the company over market value versus long-term stability. Boone Pickens had just raided Gulf Oil, breaking it up, and its assets, including Gulf’s 50-story building downtown were sold.

    Ken Lay was creating Enron out of the Houston natural gas company. Lay surrounded himself with lackeys and kiss-up men and my father did not want to do business with him both times they met. Enron was baloney but in the 1980s no one knew about the fraud that was to come.

    Enron is the Lakewood school district.

    Both had a make-believe financial structures (Lakewood's revenue is by a Ponzi scheme, Enron cooked its books). The BOE and the Enron only cared about surviving year-by-year without taking responsibility for the long-term well-being of its shareholders and stakeholders. Most comparably, the top echelon of both Enron and the district is filled yes-men (district is yes-ladies).

    I always disliked Boone Pickens for his war on the American corporation, but alas, we’re going to take down our district's corporate leadership. The people of Lakewood will no longer endure incompetent administration of a $400 million annual revenue organization with 700 employees and property resources all over town, just so that some gangstelach get this or the ten thousand dollar favor. Dollar dumb and pennies dumb. Like there isn't even an even trade off.

    1. The AG office just asked for a 30 day extension. This is the umpteenth time the State tried to delay. We just consented to 15 days, giving them to July 18. Just one more incompetent and juvenile move out of the state's bottomless hat of dirty tricks.

  2. There's an old joke -- the Knesset can always meet on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, there's always a quorum there. MKs, Ministers, always there, besides diplomats.

  3. Only connection is that had they been involved with ey then perhaps there would have been more agitation against baraks disastrous doctrine

  4. YWN yeshiva untervelt news publishes a anonymous editorial about competing news sites who reported on the Lakewood tragedy. Such Hypocrisy coming from YWN who think they own the News of klal Yisroel. A filthy disgusting nasty website that has been spreading lashon Hora about klal Yisroel and Bizyu talmidei chachomin nombstop, a leading Rosh yeshiva in the US called them mecharcheri Riv
    they are angry that they were upended and scooped by others so they go to their playbook pretending to be holier and care about mental health and victims blah blah
    Protectionism at its best.
    They are trash and gossipy as the NYPrust
    There's nothing Yeshiva about them

  5. Attention sensational frum news media
    You DO NOT control the narrative or have any ownership of the frum community happenings. Your sad attempts to exploit a tragedy is sick and despicable, it makes no difference if you are for publicizing or pretend to be above and holier than that attitude in the name of mental health sensitivity. The last few days showed the fifth and sewage that is spewed daily by the immaturity and quest of superiority for clickbate. The anonymous rabbonim and anonymous daas Torah that you hide behind is laughable and worthless
    You are NOT the responsible adult in the room.
    Same to all those self appointed spokespersons who claim to speak on behalf of the klal using their so called proffesinal title to lecture and exploit an opportunity to further their careers and agendas.

  6. There is a mass mailing in Lakewood a CD from someone called Tom cantor born a jew. Who is a missionary It looks extremely benign made to think you can just pop it into your computer but it's missionary propaganda beware!

    1. No recent computers have CD drives anymore, nothing to worry about...

  7. could it be that the Lakewood woman might have been taking anti-depressants that sent her off the edge?
