Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday June 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 84° A mix of clouds and sun.

- Primary electuon voting will take place tomorrow across New Jersey all local poling districts will be open. Several askanim endorse Repuvlican  Albert Harshaw for senate.

-Rav Boruch Soloveitchik shlita R"Y Toras Zev in Yerushalayim was in Lakewood and delivered a shiur klali today at BMG.

- Tomorrow June 4 the New traffic signal at Cedarbridge Ave and Vine Street will go live. Vine Street is also expected to be fully open in the coming days.

- Delta announced it would be resuming flights to Israel starting Friday.

- President Trump expresses gratitude to Rabbi Katz, executive director of the Israel Heritage Foundation, for his letter expressing distress and disappointment over recent events following the NYC court conviction. Trump's response: 'Thank you, Rabbi'." (Belaaz scoop)

- Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for the imprisonment of 'Mr.' Fauci to his face as she cites a new report where NIH scientists made over $700 million on cov*d royalties.
"Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people, government taxpayer paychecks to get patents where they're paid millions and hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees?" "Do you think that's appropriate? Do the American people deserve to be abused like that? Mr. Fauci? 'cause you're not Doctor, you're Mr. Fauci." "That man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison."

- Admor Vizhnitz Bet Shemesh is currently visiting the Lakewood area he met with the Skulener rebbe shlita.

- Dr. Fauci says Republicans twisted his words when he said 6 feet of social distancing lacked scientific basis and "just appeared": "By saying there was no science behind it, I mean there was no clinical trial that proved that."

- Fauci warns the American public against listening to podcasts, memes, or to the "conspiracy theorists" He blames the unvaccinated for around 200,000-300,000 additional deaths

- Bob Menendez will file today as an independent in a bid to keep his U.S. Senate seat. Petitions will be filed while he's on trial for federal corruption charges.

- Jonathan Turley: While it may be tough going initially in the New York court system, this case could well end up in the Supreme Court. The thrill kill environment of last week may then dissipate as these glaring errors are presented in higher courts.

- Tax dollars: LDC will purchase the property at 220 3rd st in Lakewood at a cost of $1.85 Million to add parking spots in the downtown. The property was appraised at $1,145,000.00, but officials will pay the asking price. 

- Accounts on Social media discussing Lakewoods roads and driving habits. "Does Lakewood have bad drivers or is it an infrastructure problem, and the roads need to be improved? Or perhaps a mix of both? A twitter account monitoring antisemitism in Ocean county wrote"The inadequate infrastructure leads to stressed drivers. I've seen this time and time again. The Jewish drivers get a bad rap. It's everybody that lives in Lakewood, although it's obviously mostly Jewish. Too many cars on the road and too many people that need to be places. It's a bad combination. 

- New Jersey Environmental Protection Commissioner announced today that his department is proposing to remove the bald eagle and osprey from the state’s list of endangered species, following decades of work to restore these birds to the state's landscape.(onejerseyschorr)

- Mexcico: Claudia Sheinbaum, former mayor of Mexico City, won Mexico's presidency in a historic landslide, becoming the first woman and first Jewish person elected as the country's President.

-Adirei Hatorah: Bussing will be available at a discounted rate of $36 from three locations;
BlueClaws Stadium, Westgate and BMG.
Parking at Wells Fargo is leased out to a 3rd party company.They do not allow pre-paid parking. Upon arrival you can pay $27 by credit card.


  1. Claudia Sheinbaum is Jewish like Bernie Sanders and Leon Trotsky are Jewish. Halchicly Jewish but for practical purposes, first class antisemites

    1. Could had not been said better . Tremendous thread for the kehilos in Mexico. You also can’t forget that the conservative Catholics are going to blame all yidden for her antics .עת צרה היא ליעקב

    2. Let's not confuse anti-zionists with anti-semites.

    3. Let's not confuse anti-zionists with philo-semites.

    4. I've never came across a secular Jewish anti-Zionist who wasn't also anti-Orthodox Judaism

    5. Her husband's name is Jes--us.
      Hardly Jewish.
      Like Senator Bernie Sander's wife (and hence daughter).

    6. It’s possible to be anti-Zionist and not be an anti-Semite. But it’s not possible to be anti-Zionist AND pro-Palestinian without being an anti-Semite. Not even if you wear a shtriemal and a veiser zoken

  2. & just as degenerate

  3. But doesn't she love Israel? Isn't that all what counts counts?

    1. These type of very secular anti-religious Jews almost always have the Satmar/Neturei Karta view of Israel. Their parents who went to shul on Rosh Hashanah, fasted on Yom Kippur and made a seder with a real Haggadah etc. loved Israel. They hate it.

  4. Albert Harshaw needs our votes tomorrow for US senate!!

  5. Is anyone going to adirei hatorah or the oilam had enough of it the last two years?

    1. The bochrim want to go. Just a little expensive for a family outing

  6. Albert Harshaw is a joke and phony. He invited and brought Democrats to a Republican club meeting in Jackson.

    1. The Republicans need a big tent to win this election. Don't be upset if people from other parties are interested in what you have to say. You can't make your club so exclusive that people feel unwelcome. Look what's going on with the Lakewood Republican club. Does it even still exist? Is that what Jackson wants to become?

    2. As you retain core values & hold on to them

  7. Ye maybe someone should make a concert the same night locally for the bochurim and charge less than $150 a pop.
