Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dealing With a Tragedy

 Rabbi Yisroel Brog shlita on Torah Anytime 


  1. When a tragedy hits Chas Vshalom -rather it's a public tragedy affecting all of klal yisroel like the current Hamas gaza war or a person tragedy-a person should IMMEDIATELY stop and make a cheshbon Hanefesh and make an honest accounting with him/herself of why Hashem our loving father and king of Kings ruler of the entire world would do such a horrific thing to klal yisroel or to the person personally Chas Vshalom??? And then immediately wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and start working on himself to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again in the future Chas Vshalom.

  2. Your right. But unfortunately more said then done. Rachmonoh litzlon grief can overcome a person with thoughts of very little to live for!!. Especially loosing a loved one suddenly. The light at the end of the tunnel is in tehilim. Hanoisen sheleg catzomer . Hashem gives you enough clothing to survive the cold snow . So we are tested only what we can handle!

  3. Wow thx for the chizuk. You must’ve been tested that you’re so smart.
