Monday, March 2, 2020

Rav Elyashiv ztl on joining the WZO

This letter was written in 5770 when the Shas party joined the WZO.


  1. It's impossible to read the document. Can HV please post a clear and readable picture?

  2. Vin news is now reporting that R Ahron Feldman retracted and said to listen to R Chaim Kanievsky

    1. VIN is trash and fake news he was never chozer

  3. Each generation and time and situation has it's own Gedolom to Pasken. A letter from years ago from a Gadol that passed away may not be relevant to the current situation that is why you seek the Psak of a Gadol who is alive who is well aware of all. The posters hung up from Gedolim in previous times

    1. Rzv Elyashiv was from this generation.
      Nothing changed since he said it's assure to join the WZO

    2. Anon 1:22 PM

      RCK (The SIL of Rav Elyashiv) is a lot better arbitrator over whether we should go with what was printed in Rav Elyashiv's name today than you are

  4. How come you are not posting that that Rav Feldman shlita has now been mivatil his daas to Rav Chaim shlit'a ?? Is that not news??

  5. Why are you only allowing in the comments the news? Post a news story about Rav Chaim shlita and Rav Feldman Shlit'a saying to vote in WZO. It doesn't go with your agenda??! You are so one sided and slanted.

  6. How about posting this as real news... You are so slanted in your reportingh on this!

    In a major development Monday morning, in a conversation with well-known news editor Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Rabbi Feldman has retracted his position, and has stated that he is “Mevatel his Da’as to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky on the matter,” effectively declaring that he no longer opposes the position of Rabbi Brudny and Rabbi Kamenetsky.

    This stunning development leaves Rabbi Malkiel Kotler the lone voice who still opposes the nearly unanimous view of Gedolei Hador that it is permitted to vote in the WZO elections.

  7. as of now there is no letter published from r chaim kanievsky.even if a letter does come out, people that know whats going on in r chaims house are aware that many things are writen by his grandchildren. this is not a speculation, its a proven fact. in short, dont trust every letter you see in the street.

  8. its comical to watch every joe shmow debate this as if he is da'as torah, howabout just asking their rabbeim/rav instead of spending their time doubting and debating everyone and everything, and if you don't have a rebbi/rav you should spend the time instead getting one.
