Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Gedolei Yisrael call for international Yom Tefilah Tomorrow Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan תש''פ

Gedolei Yisrael from all across the spectrum call on Klal yisrael to join and  daven Tomorrow together and say Tehillim at the same time.  5:30 pm Israeli time or 11:30 am in the US  EST.
Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim should take place at 6:00 pm Israel ad 12:00 pm in NY.

The Badatz Yeryushalayim, Moetzes gedolei Hatorah of Eretz Yisrael both Agudah and Degel Hatorah  and American Moetzes gedolei HaTorah, Moetzes Chachnei Hatorah of the Sefardim all have called for klal yisrael to  daven  tomorrow erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan.

Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlita added that we should be mechazek in limud Hatorah those who can should also fast and be mekabel taanis today by Mincha one can even fast a half a day and say עננו by Mincha on Wednesday if he is still fasting.

1 comment:

  1. R' Moshe bransdorfer and others have published letters against fasting in this matzav. Google:
    Breakfast Boosts Your Immune System
    Nutrition plays a key role in determining the function of your immune system, and a healthy breakfast can be a significant source of nutrients. One study carried out at Cardiff University in Wales found that eating breakfast seemed to lower the risk of catching colds and the flu in study participants.

    When you skip breakfast, your immunity goes down. "Periods of fasting appear to trigger damage to the cells and the body needs to be fed food regularly in order to maintain healthy levels of immune cells that fight infections and improve the action of fighter cells (T-cells) in the body," explains Tehzeeb Lalani, a nutritionist with Scale Beyond Scale.”
