Monday, March 30, 2020

For These We Cry
Al eileh ani bochiyah. As the plague of COVID-19 sweeps across the world, there are many in our community who have fallen in its path. As we join the families in their sorrow, and our tefillos go out for those who need a refuah, we cannot give proper tribute to these individuals.

Hamodia would like to present a list, to the best of our ability, of the niftarim, and ask that everyone take some time to daven and undertake improvements l’illui nishmasam. May Hashem accept our tefillos and bring a swift end to this epidemic. We hope to be able to present proper tributes at that time.

The list is not comprehensive, and Hamodia begs forgiveness for any inadvertent omission.
List of Niftarim R"L HERE

1 comment:

  1. Heartbreaking these niftarim were left alone in the ICU with no family members next to them and than they barley had a levaya and the family can not properly sit shiva.
    Hashem ad mosai
