Saturday, February 15, 2020

Mesivta Acceptance Season in Lakewood

 There are close to 1200 boys graduating 8th grade this year and most will be going locally to the 35 plus mesivtos in Lakewood. A small percentage of  boys go out of town. On average most bar mitzva boys apply to 3-4 mesivtos due to the high demand to get in. The farhers started 2 weeks ago and continue over next week. Boys have to decide quickly once they get accepted. There is about 70 more boys than open slots for this coming year.
hatzlacha to all the bochurim.


  1. The fact that there will be a shortage of 70 slots isnt news why wasnt this addressed and resolved before farher season started? What's supposed to happen? 70 boys is 2 mesivtas worth if boys!!

    1. Why don’t you make a suggestion or open a Yeshiva instead of just belly aching and yapping ?

  2. I dont believe there are "70 more slots" over the years many Mesivtos closed because of Lack of enough Bochurim, there are start up Mesivtos in Trailers all around Lakewood everybody ok n Lakewood wishes they could start a Yeshiva so they can become a "Rosh Yeshiva" when you say there are 70 more Bochurim than the slots available" that is referring to the same 4 or 5 Mesivtos that everyone wants to go to

  3. There are 2 new misivtas opening up in time River, maybe they did not count them

  4. how do you know how many will go out of town to be able to say there is a shortage? The trend is turning and more and more people are sending out of town. After seeing the end product of in town mesivtas.

    1. How nama new out of town mesivtas are there, not many so the trend is not changing so fast.

    2. Not fast. But slowly. Not so much new mesvitas. But The older ones are filling up with more Lakewood kids. Peekskill, long beach, scranton etc.

    3. these yeshivos are around for 40 years and always had lakewood boys no chidushim

    4. There was a gap of time where very few from Lakewood sent out of town (even to those established yeshivos). That is now changing.

  5. There are plenty of out of town Yeshivos, every Exit on the Turnpike and Parkway has a Yeshiva than there is Monsey, Bochurim are starting to go now also to Telshe in Cleveland

  6. Which 2 are opening in Toms River?

  7. A New Yeshiva Just opened by R Nosson Boruch Hertzka in Hamilton Township NJ near Princeton on the 195
