Friday, February 14, 2020

Lakewood News Briefs 2/14/20

 Weather: few clouds early, flurries  mostly sunny. Colder. High 33F. Tonight 14 degrees

- A Lakewood  township man has been indicted for leaving the scene of a fatal motor vehicle accident that claimed the life of a habachur  Yechiel Yitzchak Finegold zl last November 2018 as   well as Causing a Death While Driving with a Suspended License see press release from Ocean County Prosecutors Office  here

- Surveillance video cameras have been placed at intersections that are prone to accidents and footage of MVA's  is then posted online on websites and other social media  platforms

- Lakewood police announce opening of new Instagram page.

-Siyum Maseches Brachos of Daf  planned for Lakewood community at the new Lakewood Cheder hall motzei shabbos March 7


  1. It's disgusting that there's cameras used just to publicize an accident for hits and clicks.

  2. Where are these video cameras
