Wednesday, February 5, 2020

History Lecture: Vilna Gaon and the Hisnagdus to Chasidus



  1. the hisnagdus of tzadikim like the gra ... was clearly bahsert fun himmel, and today since there are no REAL misnagdim or chassidim on those levels we can and do sit at one table most of the time
    the yeshiva world has copied many good things from the chassidim , inc. learning from chassidishe machshava seforim and vice versa . but as a derech for the tzibur the chassidishe kehilos are ahead of the game

    1. Yes, the Yeshiva world has copied many things from the chassiddim, such as Upsherin, which are now over the top and are actually done by Roshei Yehsiva!! (Does anyone even know anymore that non chasidim did not wait until 3 to cut a boys' hair?), Kvias Mezuzah for every new business(what in the world is that anyway?), fressing galore for every occasion one can imagine, including a Rebbe's Yohrtzeit, using segulos and lighting candles, instead of teshuva and tefilla, to get what we want the easy way, not using women's names on signs and invitations even though great Gedolim in the past had their mothers' names on their chasunah invitations, etc etc. It's really nice that we sit at the same table together, but must the Yeshiva world adopt these ways?

  2. about 150 years ago, rav yehoshua leib zt"l said that today we have bigger battles to fight and we should no longer publicly fight with the chasidim and should work together with them against the bigger nisyonos. however, it is still important to know the truth.

  3. To say that "But despite the Vilna Gaon’s A-list status in the rabbinic world, his relentless campaign was ultimately ineffective and unsuccessful" is gross misunderstanding of history. The Goan ZT"L was effective at stopping the spread of Chasidus and solidified and preserved the traditional Jewish way of life.
    Additionally the Mikor Baruch brings in the name of the Tzemach Tzedek that if it had not been for the Gaon's opposition the chasidm would have gone astray.

  4. The Ga'on was actually quite successful in his campaign. Many early chassidishe rebbes realized that the Ga'on had legitimate concerns about the direction chassidus was headed in. These rebbes were kedoshei elyon (as were all of them) and took steps to roll back some of the more radical changes Chassidim had adopted.
    It is said in the name of the Tzemach Tzedek that chassidim owe hakaras hatov to the misnagdim, for without them who knows where chassidus could have ended up.

  5. See sefer HaGaon by Rav Dov Eliach shlit"a for good explanations of the history, and the Misnagdic/GR"A point of view.

    Much of the material on this in the frum world is unbalanced and doesn't give fair coverage to the Misnagdic side.

  6. The Chasidim have copied from the Yeshiva velt, more learning Teyreh, kollelim, etc., whereas in the past they were against kollelim.
