He was born in Switzerland, in Elul 5711/1951. His parents were Harav Shamshon Raphael, zt”l, and his mother Rebbetzin Yehudit Erlanger, a”h. As a bachur, he learned in Yeshivos Ponevez and Brisk, and he was considered one of the foremost talmidim. When he came of age, Reb Sender was chosen as a chassan by Harav Eliezer Tzadok Turtzin, zt”l, of Bnei Brak who was a mechaber sefarim and was very close with the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rav, zt”l.
With his vast knowledge in Toras Hanistar, Reb Sender was looked up to as one of the leading mekubalim in Bnei Brak. He was noted for his compassionate heart, doing all he could, both by strengthening and encouraging Torah learners and by doing much tzedakah and chessed with the tremendous amounts of tzedakah that went through his hands, as he was regarded as a faithful gabbai tzedakah.
He is survived by, lhbch”l, his wife, Rebbetzin Miriam, children, grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. The levayah will be held later Thursday in Bnei Brak. read more at Hamodia
Yehi zichro baruch.
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