Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Longtime Gabbai To Retire

The legendary Gabbai  and shamash of  Shomeri shabbos shul in Boro Park Reb Hillel Mozes has announced
that he is retiring from his position after 40 years. Reb Hillel would call out and arrange the minyanim for mincha and maariv, he would find rides for people going to Lakewood, Monsey  Flatbush, Williamsburg, the Catskills or anywhere.

The shul is looking for a replacement for the hours of  8:00 pm till 4:00 am. He said that as he turns 70 his health is preventing him from continuing his duties.


  1. actually, he said he is not retiring yet unless they find a replacement

  2. He is going straight to Gan Eden (Heaven) !! He is a Tzaadik! Not a bad bone in his body.

    1. Let’s hope he stays in Olam Hazeh for a long time first.
