Sunday, February 16, 2020

Bais Medrash Nachlas Dovid of Lakewood in Memory of Rav Dovid Grossman zt"l

Donate HERE Rav Dovid Grossman ZT"L 2nd Yohrtzeit is nearly upon us. Those of us whose lives were touched by Rav Dovid will always be different people. Rav Dovid loved Torah. His whole life was about learning Torah B'ameilus. About teaching Torah to others. About drawing others, Krovim and Rechokim, close with his warmth and infectious Ahavas Torah. Rav Dovid was elevated, and he tried to elevate us all with him. Until today, his Daf Yomi Shiurim continue to reach thousands of people all over the world. We are spearheading a campaign to build a Bais Medrash, Nachlas Dovid of Lakewood, in his name. This Bais Medrash will house three Kollelim. Under the direction of Rabbi Grossman's son, Rav Chaim Grossman, the building will serve illustrious Talmidei Chachomim and
Kollel members (Yungerleit). A 48 Hour Campaign has now begun to raise $700,000 to complete the Bais Medrash, Please join us in commemorating Rav Grossman's memory with the completion of this building. By joining together to create this Mokom Torah, this Zikroron for Rav Grossman, we can perpetuate his legacy for all time.