Thursday, January 3, 2019

Rav Avigdor Miller on Nachal Chareidi

Rav Avigdor Miller on Nachal Chareidi by Toras Avigdor

There has been talk in Eretz Yisroel about the frummeh agreeing to join the IDF in separate regiments called nachal chareidi. What does the Rav think about this?

Some people are proposing to take frum boys into the army in frum regiments. You should know that it's a shtus, a complete foolishness. The army is made lichatchilah for the purpose of changing the minds of the boys while in the army. The purpose of the army is to make the youth into Israelis. This is something that their leaders have said long ago. And it's well-known by those who understand things. And we don't want our children to become Israelis. We want them to remain Jews.

All this talk is only a ploy that they're using now to deceive the frummeh into entering the army. The truth is that the Am Yisroel has to keep out of the army. We have to maintain our privilege, as many other countries maintain, that Rabbinical students are patur from the draft, that they should be exempt from the military draft. And let's continue to fight for that, and not to yield and not to listen to the meisisim and meidichim who are talking about frum regiments for the frum boys.
TAPE # E-253 (January 2001)


  1. It's not necessary to quote Rav Avigdor Miller for this. All the Gedolei Yisroel hold and held like this - contrary to the la'az promoted by some unscrupulous people.

  2. This was not the opinion of other Gedolim in E.Y.
    Please there is no reason to rehash old bitter machlokes regarding Nachal Chareidi, it is no kovod for the gedolim shochnei ofor who stood on both sides. And it is not a good idea for us to talk about.

  3. The Gedolim who Endorsed Nachal Chareidi as a Bdieved did not do so For "Yeshiva Bochurim" it was meant for boys who were not in Yeshiva, Dropouts etc or for Bochurim who come from so called Chariedi Backgrouds who were planning on Joining the Army anyways

  4. rav miller zatzl is being taken totally out of context the question was posed as something similar to hesder where its a frum unit - nachal charedi was setup as a rehab by rav wolbe...

  5. There seems to be a word missing there. How did the speech jump from frummeh to rabbinical students? How about frummeh who are not rabbinical students?
    Historically, they all served, or received peturim according to the case. The Gedolim never fought with the Zionist government to free all frummeh from army service. Only those that are learning Torah.

    Either the question was misinterpreted, or he is disagreeing with all of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel since the state was formed.

  6. Yes and Rav Avigdor and those who held like him were against it even for dropouts, as opposed to the other tzad. So however you look at it you are rehashing an old machlokes of Gedolim. Please quit it

  7. We are not talking about regular dropouts who get jobs in Pizza Shops and mind their own Business we are talking about Dro0outs who become angry and would just hang out in the streets of Bnei Brak Harrassing Chariedim especially Girls and sell Drugs etc for these boys Rav Shteinman decided it is more Productive to Join Nachal Chariedi both for Themselves and the Chariedi Community as they would not be Frum on the streets they would live a degenerate immoral Lifestyle

  8. To Anonymous from January 5 at 3:07 PM:

    There are two mistakes in the way you portrayed Rav Shteinman's position. First: he was referring specifically to bachurim who are already being mechallel Shabbos and being עובר on other חייבי כריתות. Second: more importantly, Rav Shteinman did NOT decide that it is more productive for these boys to join Nachal Chareidi - what he said was that if the father of such a boy feels that he would be better off in Nachal Chareidi then we don't have a right to stop him from sending his son there.
    How do I know that this was Rav Shteinman's position? Because he said so himself in the letter that he wrote to Rav Dan Segal. You can see the letter here:
