Friday, January 18, 2019

Fundraiser for Democracy
.... We have been harassed and intimidated. Now a lawsuit has been filed against us. We are not afraid. We see this as an opportunity. But we need your help. We are fighting for the freedom to speak up. We are fighting for democracy.

If we stay silent, this can hurt every taxpayer in Lakewood. You will never be able speak up or say what is on your mind for fear of getting sued. If we don’t rally around and support each other, they will be empowered to intimidate all Lakewood citizens forever.

Now is our chance! With your help, we can create a momentous change. Once this lawsuit is won, it will be the end of all bullying tactics in Lakewood. There will be no more expelling kids from school due to political affiliation. Every Lakewood resident will have the right to support/oppose/suggest as he wishes, and the township would actually LISTEN to you


  1. וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, הקדוש ברוך הוא, ישלם שכרם, ויסיר מהם כל מחלה, וירפא לכל גופם, ויסלח לכל עונם, וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידיהם, עם כל ישראל אחיהם,
    ונאמר אמן,

    And all those who deal with the needs of the public with faith, the Holy One, Blessed is He, will pay their wages, and will remove all their sickness, heal all their bodies,and we shall say amen,

    "מי שבירך" מתפילת שחרית של שבת, נוסח אשכנז.

  2. כספי המעשר גם לשאר צורכי מצווה, כמו בניית בית כנסת או קניית ספרים לבית הכנסת (מהר"ם כמובא במהרש"ל וש"ך רמט, ג)
