Sunday, December 10, 2017

Oif Simchas Lakewood December 10, 2017

Chasuna: Ungar- Plotnick Ateres Reva hall
Chasuna: Haikins- Frankel at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder 

1 comment:

  1. כ"ג בכסלו ה'תשע"ח Laws of Guarding One's TongueDecember 11, 2017 at 6:46 AM

    Due to these reasons, the whole matter has completely collapsed,
    resulting in people saying whatever happens to come out their mouth.
    They do not consider whether it is included in lashon hara and are so
    habituated in this transgression that many do not consider it a sin at
    all. Even if a person is speaking lashon hara and someone asks him –
    Why did you speak lashon hara and rechilus? He thinks the person is
    trying to make him a righteous, upright person, and does not accept
    the rebuke as he sees that everyone disregards the matter. All these
    reasons exist because all the laws of lashon hara and rechilus have
    not been gathered into one place where their details are explained;
    rather, they are scattered throughout the Talmud and halachic works.
    Even the Rambam in chapter 7 of hilchos dei'os and Rabeinu Yonah in
    Shaarei Teshuva, did not create a clear path in this halacha. They
    were very brief according to the way of the Rishonim, and many laws
    are not included in their words.
