Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Aguda Statement on Trump Jerusalem Acknowledgement

Will The Vaad  also issue a statement?

Statement of Agudath Israel of America Regarding President Trump's Acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
Israel is a sovereign state. Sovereign states have every right to determine where their capitals are. Israel has designated Jerusalem as its capital. Jerusalem is the seat of Israel's national government. Yet nations of the world refuse to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is nothing less than a travesty.

The United States of America is Israel's closest ally. For years its political leaders have acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Indeed, in 1995 Congress passed "The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995," which explicitly establishes the position of the United States that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel," and requires that the American Embassy in Israel be moved to Jerusalem. President Trump's welcome announcement today reaffirms that longstanding commitment, and deserves to be warmly commended.

To us, as believing Jews, the special status of Jerusalem is not dependent upon the formal recognition of governments or the nations of the world. To us, Yerushalayim is the Ir Hakodesh, the holy city, the place where the Holy Temples stood thousands of years ago, the place that has been in the prayers and hearts of the Jewish people wherever they may have been through their long years of exile, the place that has been our glorious history and will forever remain our ultimate destiny


  1. Sounds a bit Zionistic

    1. And that offends your sensibilities? You were well brainwashed.

    2. That’s why they throw that last paragraph in there to make believe they’re not.

    3. So does shmone esrei

  2. Why hasn’t the Vaad put out a press statement?

    1. Their busy working on a statement regarding menashes stamp crisis !

  3. We are not Zionists.

    1. the new residents in rockwell are.

  4. Agudah should focus on Jewish domestic issues. Close to home.

  5. Agudah is silent about a major travesty taking place. A concert on Manhattan for the frum orthodox LGBT community with a frum singer. What a disgrace and chilul hashem.

    1. They could not publicly cone out against it at the convention due to the close relationship to one of the performers with a Aguada rep.
