Lakewood will host a few Malava Malkas this Motzei Shabbos parshas Vayishlach.
Veretzky: At 1382 Lanes Mill 9:15 pm
Chabad: At Tashbar hall 82 Oak street 8:00 pm
Modzitz: At the shul on N Apple street
Shedlitz: At Villas Club house
Satmar: Rockwel Seudas Hodaah for yom Hatzaah at 485 Locust 8:45 pm
Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim auction at Lake Terrace hall (for ladies)
Shiur on astronomy what makes the Molad by known expert R' Sheya Ostreicher at the shul 941 Princewood 9pm
The Veretzky Rebbe shlita from Eretz Yisrael will be in Lakewood where he will host a special seudas melava malka to be mechazek the סעודת דוד מלכה משיחא in a public venue. There will be סיפורי צדיקים by the Rebbe, a Drasha By Rav Shauul Friedman of Shemen L'Mincha and Niggunm led by R' Issac Honig and the shira Choir. The event will conclude with the Rebbes signature חלוקת הקנאבל and Kos
shel Bracha where the Rebbe gives out garlic which helps for Refuos and Yeshuos. The olam is requested to refrain from talking during the event.
-Chabad will host a Melava Malka ahead of יט כסלו with Drashos, hisoirerus nigunei hisvaadus accompanied by a live orchestra
-Modzitz will have a seudas yartzheit and will sing the famous nigun ezkara
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