Friday, December 22, 2017

32 Yidden In IDF Jails this Shabbos אגודים בצרה


  1. Sadly there are alot more than 32 yidden in jail in Israel.
    or maybe if your not Chareidi you not a yid....

    1. These 32 yiden committed NO crime they are held in Jail for their religious beliefs.

    2. No, they are in jail for their actions. They did not do their army duty and anyone who doesn't do their army duty goes to jail. If they are registered in yeshiva, they can defer it. As per the deal brokered by the Chazon Ish. But Hungarian newspaper editors consider themselves able to cone up with a different opinion to the CI. And then to try and force it on society.

  2. It's too bad they didn't register and ask for a dichui. If they would have done what tens of thousands of Bnei torah do (including all briskers and edah chareidisniks) they wouldn't be in jail.

    1. Lies Lies Lies.. many of them registered and still got locked up for minor infractions that were put in place by the idf to trap them.

    2. This is no lies. They are to blame for driving wild by yam hamelech. Hey. I have a bridge to sell you

    3. Yea ? Like what? U have no idea what u r saying. Th

  3. Not one of these boys signed up. And now they are in a military jail, doing military jobs, as members of the military.

    So the decision not to sign up is a messiras nefesh to go to the army.

    Beware, the אגודים בצרה cabal, along with 'Eitz' are pushing yeshiva bochurim out of beis hamedrash, not just for senseless demonstrations, violence and bad middos, but also to force them to go the army. They just try and change the name to 'military jail' to make it sound better.

  4. If there are those that signed up for the dichuy and still got arrested please list their names. I thought they were arrested for not signing up as per the instructions of their rabbanim?
