Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday June 4

 Israel at war day 242

- The IDF has just launched a Major Operation in and around the Bureij Refugee Camp in Central-Eastern Gaza, with Tanks and Mechanized-Infantry having entered the Camp with the Support of Airstrikes and Artillery. The Goal of the Operation is currently Unknown, but Heavy Fighting is being reported near the Border between Israel and Gaza.

- IDF stridently denies report it nixed plan to save hostages at Shifa shortly after Oct. 7

- Hamas can only agree to deal with permanent ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal, official says “We asked the mediators to get a clear Israeli position to commit to a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from Gaza,” he tells a press conference in Beirut.

-Biden: IDF engaged in inappropriate activity, not war crimes

- Biden: People have ‘every reason’ to think Netanyahu extending war to stay in power

- IDF launches combined air, ground offensive in central Gaza’s Bureij camp

-In an exclusive Time magazine interview President Biden says, that there is every reason for people to draw the conclusion that Israeli PM Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation. Kol Haolam

- Israel Minister Ben Gvir in northern Israel.
“It’s time for the IDF to destroy Hezbollah, that’s it, it’s time for War”

- Israel says more than a third of Gaza hostages are dead. Some recovered hostage bodies showed signs of execution.The government tally said of about 250 dragged into Gaza on October 7th, 120 remain in captivity, 43 of whom have been declared dead in absentia based on various sources of information, i

-Fires rage overnight across north after Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks
Most of the blazes that started Monday were brought under control, firefighting service says Tuesday morning; 11 treated for smoke inhalation, at least one home damaged by flames

- Shas party says they will support the govt in any deal that will bring about the release of the hostages that is the mitzva of pidyon  shvuyim and also save the lives of our brethren in danger.

-Lebanese report: London warns Beirut that Israel will launch offensive in mid-June

-The war cabinet is expected to meet tonight to discuss the latest developments in the north.
The past day has seen major blazes in the border region caused by rockets and drones launched by Hezbollah, leading critics to lambaste the government for failing to bring security to the region after long months of conflict.


  1. Albert Hasrshaw for US Senate needs our votes! Take a moment and vote for him today. Polling places are empty!!

  2. Why are we suddenly hearing that he needs our votes, while for the past few months we hardly heard anything, except for a letter to the editor here and there? I, for one, had no idea what those few letters to the editors were about and who was sending them. There was no reason for me to take them seriously. And now I still don't know who is behind these recent endorsements either. Just saying to vote for him without giving any reason won't convince me.

  3. "Long months of conflict" cause President Biden ordered long months of conflict
