Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday June 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Cloudy. High 82F

-  Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh shlita delivered a pre Shavuos shmuess at Mir Yerushalayim to thousands.

- Georgia's Court of Appeals has just halted ALL proceedings in President Trump's Georgia trial until it reaches a decision on whether to disqualify Fani Willis for hiring her unqualified secret lover as lead prosecutor in the case.

- WHO warns a "new strain" of bird flu "has jumped" to humans with "potential for high public health impact." — Daily Mail

- House committees issued criminal referrals to the Justice Department concerning Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s alleged “false statements to Congress” about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

- Gov. Hochul is considering delaying the state’s pending congestion pricing plan, out of concern that its June 30 implementation would hurt Democrats in competitive House races this year. (Politico)

- The Adirei hatorah gift in the BP Weekly is a promotion for community solar where people can lower their electric bills without having solar panels, the card says it is not affiliated with

- Rabbonim in Boro Park have called for a yom Tefillah tomorrow erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan to be mispalel for the Admor M'Kosov shlita who is in need of rachmei Shamayim

- Shavuos sales Bingo 56oz Mehadrin ice cream for $5.99, 32 Oz shredded cheese $7.99 canola oil 96oz $4.99
At GG JJ cream cheese $2.99 limit 5 from 6/5 -6/8
Kosher west J&J cream cheese $2.99

- Adirei Hatorah: tickets are at 87% sold out  free gift included with the BP Weekly this week. There will also be buses leaving from Jackson liberty high school. A special program will feature divrei zikaron for the mashgiach arav Mattisyahu Solomon ztl. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsjy shlita is said to attend.

- Tonight asifas zikaron commemorating the first Yartzeit of Rav Velvel Finkelstein ZTL Nasie of Bayonne Yeshiva. at 8:30 pm at Esther Gerber auditorium 5th and Madison Lakewood divrei zikaron by Rav Avrohom Schorr shlita Rav Chaim Yehoushua Hoberman shlita Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Savitz shlita

- Hashkafa in the workplace event preparing for Shavuos followed by Q&A with Rav Avrohom Schorr shlita at Torah links1301 Central Ave 8:00 pm

- Free legal advice event today by the National Chap[lains association at 199 Oceran Ave Lakewood 12:00pm- 4:30 pm

- A letter signed by Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and 100 rabbonim in support of Hatzolah of Central Jersey and calls out a new hatzolah EMS that has begun operating in the greater Lakewood area that it has the potential to undermine Hatzolah of central jersey and their ability to deliver high quality emergency medical care they believe that this unsanctioned action can ultimately lead to pikuach nefesh the letter concludes ny individual that affiliates themselves with this new organization or becomes a member of this new organization is doing so against Daas Torah 

- Agudah CEO: we're all trying to walk a tightrope these days, finding the balance between the realization that we cannot be in galus much longer and living within the practical reality in which we find ourselves, not knowing how long these days of Ikvesa d'Meshicha might take. For some, it means making preparations for the upcoming summer season, or a simcha a few months away - for us, at Agudah headquarters, it means discussions about an event scheduled for a full three years away, the 14th Siyum Hashas, be'H, slated for this very time of year.

- Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-Dennis) will need to wait until at least Friday to know who won the Democratic primary to oppose him in New Jersey’s 2nd district after the race ended election night too close to call.Judge won’t decide until at least Friday whether to count 1,803 ballots that were opened too early

- Toms River police are urging residents to double-check that their vehicles are locked after wallets, sunglasses and more were stolen from vehicles during a recent string of break-ins.

- Turnout in Ocean county primary election was at 13.37% 61,947 ballots were cast out of 
463,218 Registered Voters
Biden received 19,347 votes 
Trump received 35,801 votes
lichtenstein 908 votes
Miller 2332

- A week after Miron Israeli police once again clashed with mispalelim at the kever Shmuel Hanavi on his yahrzeit. police closed the kever for several hours. Officials said “the same scenes as Meron repeated themselves at Shmuel Hanavi.” there were safety plans agreed to that would have the inside area closed and everyone could daven outside without crowding and pushing. “Unfortunately a senior police officer decided to work in contravention of regulations and opened the tomb to the public and within half an hour everything collapsed.

 - A Shabbos goy in New Square was let go after it was discovered that he is Jewish when he mentioned to someone about his Jewish grandmother.


  1. Youngeleit can't afford adirei tickets for their sons neither could the middle class it became a expensive event for kavod hatorah

    1. It has no purpose other than as a fund raising gimmick, so the ones who can''t afford to donate the big bucks are wanted only to make the crowd look big. Otherwise, only those who can afford to shell out the dollars are wanted.

    2. I have no problem with a fundraiser. What bothers is me the lack of honesty.
      First of all if tickets were goi my so fast then they wouldn’t be advertising so heavily. I love how we have been at 85% sold for the last week.
      Second of all stop making it another Yom tov to honor the lomdey Torah. It is a marketing campaign to raise money.

  2. A Pre Shavuot Exclusive Feature Shiur  was given by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin on the topic of:
     "Pitachta Le'Moserai"- The fascinating secret of Dovid haMelech

    1. Is there a way I can access these shiurim without YouTube?

  3. Are these the same Rabbonim that promised if we vote for Schnall we would see tuition relief? What were the Rabbonim told about the new organization? How do they undermine, if anyone chooses to call them. More political hysterics under the guise of daas torah.

    1. No. There is some overlap but there are a lot more rabbonim signed onto this than onto signing to vote for Schnall. And if it really makes a difference one of the most outspoken Rabbonim on behalf of Schnall did not sign this

    2. So Hatzala has more connections than Avi Schnall. Maybe next time Avi should hire the same marketing firm. In fact he should hire the Adirei team, they got 240 signatures.

    3. My gut tells me that they approached many more Rabbanim that refused to sign.

    4. The comments knocking Hatzalah and the Rabbonim on this thread makes me understand why no one wants those guys on Hatzalah and no one wants them opening their own organization either

    5. Which is why hatzola should have nothing to worry about. People will choose to call an organization they know and trust, and if Hatzola has that trust, they will be called. Not sure where the threat is? Other than now they will be accountable to the public.

    6. The threat is that those guys will cause a lot of damage before everyone gets to see their true nature . Not everyone reads the comments here to notice it so quickly.

    7. If no one calls them, they can't cause damage.

  4. The Agudah CEO has a point aboubotei bt planning to far ahead . I suggest he should seek advise from the privileged amongst us. First the askonim who are building these ultra magnificent shuls which take a while to build. How about the locals new home construction Company purchase and takeovers in the Healthcare business . Surely that's planning long term!
    How about next pesach in south Africa on Safari. And the list goes on! . Kudos to agudah for having a real dilemma.!

  5. How can you fire a Yiddish?
    וחי אחיך עמך!

  6. Was there ever a letter from the 100 rabbonim calling on hatzolah to add members over the last 20 years for the safety of the community??
    It is precisely that behavior that caused more organizations to step up to the plate because coverage was lacking.
    Thanks to the hatzolas nefashos that hatzolah started taking on new members

    The health of the community is more important than having a exclusive boys club

    1. 250 Rabbanim signed for Adirei Hatora and only 100 on this. So 150 Rabbanim are silently supporting them?

  7. How does another emergency medical organization cause an increase of potential pikuach nefesh?

  8. Nebbuch on the guy that keep posting comments against Hatzolah anonymously, it is without question that he obviously has a personal phone to pick, and he probably wasn’t accepted as a member. Because in fact, Hatzolah has been expanding big time for many years before this sham tried getting his foot in the door. In his development alone there were a few members already active even before the sham tried starting his own “Jewish” squad in Jackson…

    1. The "major" expansion of Hatzola only started 2 years ago, after this individual announced his "jewish" squad. There were more hatzala members stationed at the siyum hashas than in all of the 5 towns of Lakewood. There are not enough members.

    2. Not everyone with a bone to pick got rejected. Every organization has areas for improvement. Using this off the cuff response to every issue, is why others chose to take action - with the backing of the Rabbanim.

  9. Every frum community has a hatzolah fight it's about power and control nothing new here

  10. Did these 100 rabbonim approve of hatzolah actions during covid when they refused to go to certain shuls or neighborhoods

  11. J&J cream cheese by GG is $3.99.

  12. Is anyone going to adirei hatorah this year? I heard they have tons of tickets and are Thinking of selling tickets for $18 or $36 just to fill it up.

  13. Or how about when Hatzalah took my mother to the hospital and then we got billed over $15,000 for ambulance service?

  14. Givat cream cheese at bingo 2.79 mehadrin ice cream 5.99

  15. This is not about Hatzolah or the new Jackson squad this is about the safety of the community that's the only thing that counts.
    Is it adequate or is there need for improvement.
    No body owns the health or safety of the Klal

    1. Hatzala came to the Rabbanim and told them this new agency is a threat. The rabbanim who we trust to be competent, I am sure asked for an explanation of the facts before signing. After a thorough understanding of the issue and verification of the information, the Rabbanim signed. Or you can believe that the rabbanim blindly trusted hatzala the way they trusted the askanim regarding tuition relief.
      If you believe either of these the chain of events, then please contact your rav and avi schnall regarding your increased tuition bill next year.

  16. One lesson from covid was that a letter with signatures means absolutely Zero

    Does the porch minyanim letter ring a bell

  17. Starting a Hatazala requires alot of money. Who are the gvirim putting up the money? A fully equipped ambulance (bus) is at least $500,000).
    Also, a politician or two or more to give government grants .

  18. With 100 signatures, we can all find out once and for all the value of a signature.

    Go to any signatory and ask them why they signed, what information they had when they signed, and how they were sure it was accurate.

    You might be enlightened.

  19. Many years ago a local organization (who likely got a grant) was promoting every one in the community to get a health check-up. Said check-up included drawing blood. The organization put out an ad with many signatures of Rabbanim. I posed the following questions to one of the R'Y of BMG shlita.
    1- What about תמים תהיה?
    2- What about making a חבלה when drawing blood?
    The R'Y readily admitted he didn't think of the questions. Subsequently, the Rabbanim stopped signing this promotion.

    As an FYI- Rabbi Forcheimer shlita told me that a man who is healthy and feeling well need not take an annual check-up while a woman should as their bodies undergo changes.

    All are advised to have and consult with their LOR.

    1. This is silly. For one, they used to do bloodletting on a regular basis in the times of Chazal. Also, there are certain issues and conditions that you can't necessarily feel on your own, and by the time you can feel some of them you are in very bad shape. For example I recently found that I had high blood pressure which I wouldn't have known about without a checkup.

    2. Bloodletting is a refuah, taking a bloodtest is not. Many poskim among them R' Moshe say not to do tests if a person is feeling %100 healthy. Nowadays this is not the minhag but definitely far from silly

    3. Because Rabbi Forscheimer disagrees with you, doesn't make him silly. In fact, his opinion is very sought after.

    4. Be wary of these organizations that draw blood.
      They keep databases of people's DNA and blood types, and share it with government agencies.
      It's in the pages of fine print of the release they have you sign, and don't give you a copy. During COVID, there was a new scam, you sign electronically, and you don't even see what you are signing.

  20. I'm quite certain that there are choshuve poskim that have no problem with a healthy man taking an annual blood test to monitor certain potential diseases . Many people in our community do not eat healthy and are,at risk of diabetes . and a simple blood test can show that .

    1. It is for that reason I was careful to write that all are advised to have and consult with their local Orthodox Rabbi.

      Reb Reuvan Feinstein shlita told me that Reb Moshe ztkl was careful to only have blood drawn by a professional to avoid an issue of חבלה. Often by these mass screenings they have amateur individuals drawing blood.

    2. Instead of being "quite certain", be sure to have a rabbi and actually ask him.

    3. This would be quite advisable with reference to everything discussed in this thread… V’hameivin Yavin
