- Lakewood with 438 cases
Tuesday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at: 8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Uren Reich 9:15 –Shiur on Hilchos Pesach from Harav Shmuel Felder 10:15 Shiur from Harav Shlomo Halioua Call in number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
4:45 pm
-First time making Pesach Cheat Sheet HERE
-Reporter for NJ12 news -As per Michael Inzelbuch, attorney for Lakewood School District - who I spoke with on the phone - he has advised police and prosecutor's office the buses were in the process of delivering meals. Two buses were stopped and checked by police. He confirms there were a couple of kids on the bus acting as volunteers helping distribute the meals. The buses moving forward - all buses - will be equipped with banners saying they are delivering meals
4:00 pm
-Gourmet Glatt has a large selection of kosher Lpesach Frozen prepared food
-Monoc partnership with Hatzolah expires tomorrow ,RWJ Barnabas will take over a similar arrangement with Hatzolah in new partnership
3:15 pm
-Live now playing Misameach magic show view here
-Recall: There is a issue with the Lieber’s Crushed Tomatoes with Basil, Code: QA BBD 01/29/23 KFP that the can expands and can potentially explode, therefore we are recalling this product, if you have any product remaining on your shelves please dispose of it immediately and notify the office for full refund.
2:30 pm
-cases in New York state jumped 14% overnight to 75,795 with 1,550 deaths across the state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday.
-Water bills expected to triple for homeowners as everyone is home
-NJ: No one will have their water shut off for non payment during this emergency period all water utilities in the state have made a commitment not to do so.
-NJTV News ob Moadim Lsimcha Passover bulk purchase video HERE
1:30 pm
-N.J. coronavirus deaths surge to 267 with 18,696 total cases
12:30 pm
-Video of school bus that was dropping off food in TR media reported fake news that a school was open watch video HERE
-Tehillim for Novominsk Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yosef Alexander ben Rechel 605-468-8011 access 7659#
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky said this year Sereifas Chometz should be performed through a shliach and there should be no public gatherings when burning the chometz
- Pesach Disposable Tableware in a Box – Delivered ! order HERE
11:30 AM
- Shivty Watch live Shiur Klali on the Inyan of Daled Kosos and K'tanim HERE on zoom
Call-in Number: 732-301-6461
-Tehillim: Zev Asher ben Devorah situation is critical (Reb Zeev Rothchild)
-School Lunches available by the vendors
Circa distribution at cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street. Others at Ggelbstein bakery, pizza on wheels, four corners are all giving kids meals paid for by the us government for all children ages 3-18.
-APP: Yet Lakewood residents get special mention for transgressions in their densely populated town of 103,000. On Monday afternoon, streets in Lakewood were quiet and few people could be seen outside when a reporter visited them. Most of the businesses on Clifton Avenue in the downtown shopping district remained shuttered,
-Tehillim for the Satmar Rebbetzin סאשה בת לאה אסתר
-Bde: Petira of Rebbetzin Chana Tabak a”h.
Rebbetzin Tabak was the wife of Rav Eliyahu Tabak z”l, one of the early residents of Monsey and a member of a unique chaburah at Bais Medrash Elyon.
Together, Rabbi and Mrs. Tabak melded into a formidable team that raised a unique, exemplary Torah family. ( Matzav)
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Lakewood Botei Din- Halachic Guidelines playgroup Tuition
Lakewood Botei Din worked on a pshara regarding tuition for Playgroup morahs and babysitters it was approved by Harav Forcheimer shlita see full letter below (courtesy of LNN)
being that there is no clear halachic consensus parents can not be forced to make further payments. Morahs should not cash any head checks they have and return it as parents have a halachic right to cancel it unless they are given specific permission from the parents to cash the checks.
with regards to the March tuition payment the morah should keep the full payment with regards to April the parents should pay 1/3 or 1/4 of the regular monthly tuition payment
being that there is no clear halachic consensus parents can not be forced to make further payments. Morahs should not cash any head checks they have and return it as parents have a halachic right to cancel it unless they are given specific permission from the parents to cash the checks.
with regards to the March tuition payment the morah should keep the full payment with regards to April the parents should pay 1/3 or 1/4 of the regular monthly tuition payment
Monday, March 30, 2020
Monday 3/30/20 News updates Lakewood
Refresh page for updates
12:00 am
- Bingo open 24 hours have Blechs and stove tops.
- Lakewood has 399 positive cases. Toms River 127, Jackson 90.
- TR police investigation into school bus that may have been transporting kids..
It was apparently delivering meals to the students.
-Hatzolah in Brooklyn bringing back Ambulances stationrs in the Catskills to keep up with the call volume
- Tehillim: Zev Asher Ben Devorah
9:30 pm
Tehillim for RabbibJacobs in serious condition with thethe vi. Yehuda ben Esther. Conference at 9:30 PM 712-770-4010 pin 912855.
Chasdei Hashem Spreading good news.
1)Rabbi M..H. 47 age a father of 8 kids , Shliach in L.I. was on a respirator, Now out of the hospital! Resting home!!!
2) A 52 year old lakewood man that had ongoing 103 fever for 2 and a half weeks due to corona is now fever free and feeling much better!
3) A big Rav in Lakewood was hospitalized due to corona and has been released today!
4) A young father (my friends brother in law) was in the hospital on a respirator and was taken off the respirator this morning!!!
They say 50-60ppl. Out of the hospital!!
5:00 pm
-Now Available Pesach Meals in a Box order online at Pesachbox.com Buy your fully cooked Pesach Yomtov meals now. Serves a family of 5 for the 10 Yom tov main meals. $349
4:00 pm
-Shiur from Rav Nissan Kaplan shlita Live on Zoom here
אבינו מלכנו מנע מגפה מנחלתיך
-BDE: Petirah of R' Michoel Tzvi Fetman z'l from Oak & Vine area in Lakewood . He was a young father of 9 children was niftar from the virus R"L was 39 years old. He moved recently from Brooklyn he was taken to the hospital 5 days ago R"L see more here
-The LIC Lakewood Industrial commission will hold a meeting this Thursday via zoom to act on "items of business that are deemed to be time sensitive". Meeting is open to the public on zoom
3:00 pm
-Murphy: Lakewood has overwhelming compliance take a look at a snapshot of the empty streets but there were a few gatherings that we were not happy about it is the fastest growing community in the state
-Lakewood Matzoh looking for Bochrim or yungeleit to help make matzoh - $15/20 hour Please call 732-877-9600 if interested
-Rabbi Forcheimer: Who ever is making gatherings minyanim or simchas must stop immediately it is causing Tzaros to yidden as the media reports it a hospital did not want to treat a young yid on a respirator patient because they say we are doing it to ourselves. this can be compared to a rodef.
2:00 pm
- Murphy press conference mentions Bat Mitzva in lkwd among other violations across NJ
- Murphy NJ Statewide totals 16,636 positive cases death toll now at 198
1:00 pm
Audio: Chizuk from Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita Rav of Sterling Forest after he was released from the hospital intro by Rav Uren Reich shlita
- LPD : Breaks up a gathering of 35 people this morning Two men charged Governor Murphy “We will name & shame you.”
12:00 pm
Online form Mechiras Chometz by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita click HERE
11:00 am
-Evergreen will no longer be accepting online orders untill after Pesach due to the high volume
-Niftarim buried in Lakewood Bais Olam al Tnai since there is no option to go to EY for kevura
-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned the Jewish community that synagogues that continue to defy coronavirus regulations and hold services will be permanently shut down.
- Testing site opens this morning in Ocean county college by appointment only. Tests are for county residents only book a test here need letter from physician
10:00 am
-BD"E: R' Shabsi Reis of Boro Park, a Holocaust survivor that was Niftar last night from coronavirus. Father of Mrs Sari Grunwald renowned Lakewood nursery Morah, and R' Menachem of Lakewood among others
-Delivery options dwindling in Lakewood forcing more people to do in store shopping
-Gourmet Glatt- NO Longer accepting orders online before pesach
-News reports of police breaking up gathering in Lakewood on Sunday of 40 to 50 people on the lawn and street in front of a home people charged with five counts of child endangerment
-Audio: Harav Uren Reich shlita gives words of Chizuk and heartfelt thanks to the Hatzolah members
-BDE: Petirah of Reb Yossel Czapnik z”l he was approx 60 years old. Originally a resident of Boro Park, Brooklyn, Reb Yossel relocated a number of years ago to Lakewood, NJ, where he resided in the Madison Avenue area and was a mispallel at the Gerer Shteibel on Tenth Street. Matzav.com
9:30 am
-School Lunch drop off will discontinue at the locations as of this week
-Moadim L'simcha: distribution today Monday March 30 by appointment only at 2 stadium way, in the parking lot, at the corner of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire.
The distribution will be done as a drive through pick up. Please stick to your appointment time.
Please call 732-402-6956 to confirm or hear your appointment time No children will be allowed on site.
-Bingo Dozen eggs for $1.99 limit 30
12:00 am
- Bingo open 24 hours have Blechs and stove tops.
- Lakewood has 399 positive cases. Toms River 127, Jackson 90.
- TR police investigation into school bus that may have been transporting kids..
It was apparently delivering meals to the students.
-Hatzolah in Brooklyn bringing back Ambulances stationrs in the Catskills to keep up with the call volume
- Tehillim: Zev Asher Ben Devorah
9:30 pm
Tehillim for RabbibJacobs in serious condition with thethe vi. Yehuda ben Esther. Conference at 9:30 PM 712-770-4010 pin 912855.
Chasdei Hashem Spreading good news.
1)Rabbi M..H. 47 age a father of 8 kids , Shliach in L.I. was on a respirator, Now out of the hospital! Resting home!!!
2) A 52 year old lakewood man that had ongoing 103 fever for 2 and a half weeks due to corona is now fever free and feeling much better!
3) A big Rav in Lakewood was hospitalized due to corona and has been released today!
4) A young father (my friends brother in law) was in the hospital on a respirator and was taken off the respirator this morning!!!
They say 50-60ppl. Out of the hospital!!
5:00 pm
-Now Available Pesach Meals in a Box order online at Pesachbox.com Buy your fully cooked Pesach Yomtov meals now. Serves a family of 5 for the 10 Yom tov main meals. $349
4:00 pm
-Shiur from Rav Nissan Kaplan shlita Live on Zoom here
אבינו מלכנו מנע מגפה מנחלתיך
-BDE: Petirah of R' Michoel Tzvi Fetman z'l from Oak & Vine area in Lakewood . He was a young father of 9 children was niftar from the virus R"L was 39 years old. He moved recently from Brooklyn he was taken to the hospital 5 days ago R"L see more here
-The LIC Lakewood Industrial commission will hold a meeting this Thursday via zoom to act on "items of business that are deemed to be time sensitive". Meeting is open to the public on zoom
3:00 pm
-Murphy: Lakewood has overwhelming compliance take a look at a snapshot of the empty streets but there were a few gatherings that we were not happy about it is the fastest growing community in the state
-Lakewood Matzoh looking for Bochrim or yungeleit to help make matzoh - $15/20 hour Please call 732-877-9600 if interested
-Rabbi Forcheimer: Who ever is making gatherings minyanim or simchas must stop immediately it is causing Tzaros to yidden as the media reports it a hospital did not want to treat a young yid on a respirator patient because they say we are doing it to ourselves. this can be compared to a rodef.
2:00 pm
- Murphy press conference mentions Bat Mitzva in lkwd among other violations across NJ
- Murphy NJ Statewide totals 16,636 positive cases death toll now at 198
1:00 pm
Audio: Chizuk from Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita Rav of Sterling Forest after he was released from the hospital intro by Rav Uren Reich shlita
- LPD : Breaks up a gathering of 35 people this morning Two men charged Governor Murphy “We will name & shame you.”
12:00 pm
Online form Mechiras Chometz by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita click HERE
11:00 am
-Evergreen will no longer be accepting online orders untill after Pesach due to the high volume
-Niftarim buried in Lakewood Bais Olam al Tnai since there is no option to go to EY for kevura
-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned the Jewish community that synagogues that continue to defy coronavirus regulations and hold services will be permanently shut down.
- Testing site opens this morning in Ocean county college by appointment only. Tests are for county residents only book a test here need letter from physician
10:00 am
-BD"E: R' Shabsi Reis of Boro Park, a Holocaust survivor that was Niftar last night from coronavirus. Father of Mrs Sari Grunwald renowned Lakewood nursery Morah, and R' Menachem of Lakewood among others
-Delivery options dwindling in Lakewood forcing more people to do in store shopping
-Gourmet Glatt- NO Longer accepting orders online before pesach
-News reports of police breaking up gathering in Lakewood on Sunday of 40 to 50 people on the lawn and street in front of a home people charged with five counts of child endangerment
-Audio: Harav Uren Reich shlita gives words of Chizuk and heartfelt thanks to the Hatzolah members
-BDE: Petirah of Reb Yossel Czapnik z”l he was approx 60 years old. Originally a resident of Boro Park, Brooklyn, Reb Yossel relocated a number of years ago to Lakewood, NJ, where he resided in the Madison Avenue area and was a mispallel at the Gerer Shteibel on Tenth Street. Matzav.com
9:30 am
-School Lunch drop off will discontinue at the locations as of this week
-Moadim L'simcha: distribution today Monday March 30 by appointment only at 2 stadium way, in the parking lot, at the corner of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire.
The distribution will be done as a drive through pick up. Please stick to your appointment time.
Please call 732-402-6956 to confirm or hear your appointment time No children will be allowed on site.
-Bingo Dozen eggs for $1.99 limit 30
Emergency Fund for Family
Fettman Family Emergency Fund
Donate HERE
Tragic Petira of R’ Michel Tzvi Fettman Z”L from the COVID-19 virus. He was 39.
The Niftar, a father of 9 children, was taken to Kimball Hospital in Lakewood five days ago for COVID-19 symptoms. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated until his Petira on Monday afternoon.
Donate HERE
Tragic Petira of R’ Michel Tzvi Fettman Z”L from the COVID-19 virus. He was 39.
The Niftar, a father of 9 children, was taken to Kimball Hospital in Lakewood five days ago for COVID-19 symptoms. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated until his Petira on Monday afternoon.
Pesach Meals In A Box
Pesach Meals Box order HERE

Order now! accepting orders on the Pesach Meals Box until Thursday April 2nd 12PM.
Buy your fully cooked Pesach Yomtov meals now. Serves a family of 5 for the 10 Yomtov main meals. Remove one worry from your plate.
Order now! accepting orders on the Pesach Meals Box until Thursday April 2nd 12PM.
Buy your fully cooked Pesach Yomtov meals now. Serves a family of 5 for the 10 Yomtov main meals. Remove one worry from your plate.
For These We Cry
Al eileh ani bochiyah. As the plague of COVID-19 sweeps across the world, there are many in our community who have fallen in its path. As we join the families in their sorrow, and our tefillos go out for those who need a refuah, we cannot give proper tribute to these individuals.
Hamodia would like to present a list, to the best of our ability, of the niftarim, and ask that everyone take some time to daven and undertake improvements l’illui nishmasam. May Hashem accept our tefillos and bring a swift end to this epidemic. We hope to be able to present proper tributes at that time.

Hamodia would like to present a list, to the best of our ability, of the niftarim, and ask that everyone take some time to daven and undertake improvements l’illui nishmasam. May Hashem accept our tefillos and bring a swift end to this epidemic. We hope to be able to present proper tributes at that time.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
BMG Poskim's Guidelines for Making Pesach 5780
Beth Medrash Govoha Poskim’s
Guidelines for Making Pesach 5780
By Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer
Rabbi Shmuel Felder
Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz
Rabbi Osher Chaim Lieberman
Selling Chometz
You can sell your Chometz by using the shtar from Rabbi Shmuel Blech, printed in the BP Weekly and Lakewood Shopper. Cut the two pages, fill out the Hebrew and English shtar, and submit to Rabbi Blech by fax at 732-367-5600, by email sellmychometz@gmail.com by mail 1060 Forest Avenue, or dropped off there. An article in the Lakewood Shopper explains more. You can call 732 364 9309 with questions.
You can also sell chometz by appointing any Rov over the phone as your שליח to sell your Chometz.
Selling Chometz Gomur
We suggest that even if you don’t ordinarily sell גמור חמץ ,this year you should evaluate your situation, as it will be difficult to obtain Chometz right after Pesach without exposing yourself and others to sakana from crowds attempting to purchase Chometz. If in the past you did not sell גמור חמץ and you choose to do so this year you do not need to make נדרים התרת to do so.
טבילת כלים
The Kailim Mikva is closed. Tevilas Kailim for dishes or appliances requiring tevilla may be done at Lake Carasaljo in an inlet that is not in the main flow of water (one such spot is area near Lakewood Avenue and 5th Street, as the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Aharon Zt”l allowed Tevilas Kailim along that area.) Extreme care should be taken to find a separate spot with full social distancing and to not be near anyone else.
Utensils and appliances in the BMG “PesachBox” distribution do not require tevilla, as it will remain
legally under the ownership of an יהודי אינו until after Pesach. (Before using those utensils next year,
they will require tevilla.)
Cleaning for Pesach
News Updates Sunday 3/29/20
-Bingo senior hours per company ad will be from 5am -8:00 am
-petirah of Reb Yehosef Neumann, Hy”d, the victim of the stabbing attack in Forshay on Chanukah of this past year.
-Volunteers available in frum communities to go shopping and do errands for those that can not leave their home
.Coronachesed.org If you are in need of assistance call at 1-929 J-CHESED (+1-929-524-3733) volunteers available in Lakewood.
-Teleconference TONIGHT! Hachana L’Seder, featuring Rabbi Yisroel Reisman at 10:00 p.m. (English), and Chayav Adam Liros Es Atzmo Keilu Hu Yotza MiMitzrayim, featuring Rabbi Elya Brudny at 10:30 p.m. (Yiddish). Call 929.219.1197
-B"H- Reb Zundel Binik shlita a veteran Hatzola member in NY and Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita if Lakewood both released from hospital and back home after recovering.
- Chizuk: Yes, there is constant chatter about this plague, but there is one important word missing from the conversations: the name of Hashem. There is a lot of espousing of “kochi ve’otzem yodi,” how we have it in our power to conquer this latest menace to society. But they’ve all missed the point of all this. How fragile we are. How dependent we are on the Ribono Shel Olam. How all of the advances in the field of medicine cannot help us if it is not His will that we be safe.
Read more at Yated.com
-Live Shiurim and Shmuessin for Bnei Torah Tonight 8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Mendel Slomovitz 9:15 –Shiur from Harav Aryeh Sherwinter 10:00 Shiur from Harav Tzvi Berkowitz Call in number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
- Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita will be saying a shmuz tonight @ 8:05 PM. 617-691-8997 no pin required.
-Rabonim in all out of town cities ( Cleveland, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, LA, Toronto) reiterate restrictions no one should have any guests for pesach coming from other cities even if it's married children or parents that were quarentined for 14 days
- Dr. Fauci: coronavirus outbreak could kill 100,000 to 200,000 Americans, the U.S. government’s top infectious-disease expert warned on Sunday as smoldering hot spots in nursing homes and a growing list of stricken cities heightened the sense of dread across the country.
- Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines through April 30 as next 2 weeks will see a peak in cases.
- Pesach Guidelines from BMG poskim Download HERE
-from BMG poskim- HaGaon Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky directly advised us that one may kasher an urn for Pesach by not
using it for 24 hours, and then pouring hot water, from a boiling kettle that was not used in 24 hours, over the spout and handle of the urn. We suggest that you also
cover the handle with foil for the duration of Pesach.
-Tevilas Keilim can be done by lake carasaljo in certain sections 5th street and Lakewood avenue is fine with proper social distancing.
- Siyum Bechorim can be done privately if one can't make one he can listen to a siyum over the phone.
- Lakewood poskim: There will be no public sreifas chometz this year nor will small fires be allowed. After consulting with Rav Dovid Feinstein shlita and Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita the biur chometz should be performed by crumbling a kazayis chometz and flushing it away.
-The U.S. Embassy in Israel warned American citizens on Sunday that they should leave the country immediately or risk an open-ended stay in Israel.
-Order the Pesach box HERE
-NJ: statewide total climbed to 13,386 with 161 deaths Ocean county with 759. Health officials also reported 22,216 negative tests for coronavirus to date.
-Tehillim: Please be mispallel for Meyer ben Perel
-Donate HERE- Fund set up for Mishpacha of Reb Zevi Halberstam A”h. Zevi was a special soul, always running around with a smile, always available to help another Jew, but now, ZEVI IS NO LONGER WITH US. He was niftar on shabbos from the virus
-Shwekey live concert streaming at 12:00 pm watch HERE
-US treasury Secretary Mnuchin says Americans can expect checks from stimulus bill to be direct deposited in their accounts within 3 weeks
-Agudah launches Corona virus emergency relief fund Klal Yisroel Helping Klal Yisroel HERE
-Lakewood has 272 cases only 2nd behind Jersey city that has the most in NJ with 334
-Chevra Kadisha in Brooklyn overwhelmed looking for volunteers or willing to pay drivers to bring niftarim to the bais olam
-UPS won’t require signatures from customers during the coronavirus pandemic.
The delivery company released updated guidelines Saturday. It says drivers will just make contact with the recipient and request ID if applicable.
-Daf Yomi: Are you falling behind? join in now learning the sugyos of ner chanuka
-BDE: Petirah of Rav Shimon Susholz zt”l. was the rov of Cong. Keren Orah in Kensington, Brooklyn, NY. His son Shalom Aron Dovid Susholz A"H "pops" was nifter 4 few years ago in Lakewood.
-Crown Heights: Crown Heights Hatzalah is requesting that every member of the Crown Heights community fill out the COVID-19 community survey to identify the spread and extent of the virus
-petirah of Reb Yehosef Neumann, Hy”d, the victim of the stabbing attack in Forshay on Chanukah of this past year.
-Volunteers available in frum communities to go shopping and do errands for those that can not leave their home
.Coronachesed.org If you are in need of assistance call at 1-929 J-CHESED (+1-929-524-3733) volunteers available in Lakewood.
-Teleconference TONIGHT! Hachana L’Seder, featuring Rabbi Yisroel Reisman at 10:00 p.m. (English), and Chayav Adam Liros Es Atzmo Keilu Hu Yotza MiMitzrayim, featuring Rabbi Elya Brudny at 10:30 p.m. (Yiddish). Call 929.219.1197
-B"H- Reb Zundel Binik shlita a veteran Hatzola member in NY and Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita if Lakewood both released from hospital and back home after recovering.
- Chizuk: Yes, there is constant chatter about this plague, but there is one important word missing from the conversations: the name of Hashem. There is a lot of espousing of “kochi ve’otzem yodi,” how we have it in our power to conquer this latest menace to society. But they’ve all missed the point of all this. How fragile we are. How dependent we are on the Ribono Shel Olam. How all of the advances in the field of medicine cannot help us if it is not His will that we be safe.
Read more at Yated.com
-Live Shiurim and Shmuessin for Bnei Torah Tonight 8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Mendel Slomovitz 9:15 –Shiur from Harav Aryeh Sherwinter 10:00 Shiur from Harav Tzvi Berkowitz Call in number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
- Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita will be saying a shmuz tonight @ 8:05 PM. 617-691-8997 no pin required.
-Rabonim in all out of town cities ( Cleveland, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, LA, Toronto) reiterate restrictions no one should have any guests for pesach coming from other cities even if it's married children or parents that were quarentined for 14 days
- Dr. Fauci: coronavirus outbreak could kill 100,000 to 200,000 Americans, the U.S. government’s top infectious-disease expert warned on Sunday as smoldering hot spots in nursing homes and a growing list of stricken cities heightened the sense of dread across the country.
- Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines through April 30 as next 2 weeks will see a peak in cases.
- Pesach Guidelines from BMG poskim Download HERE
-from BMG poskim- HaGaon Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky directly advised us that one may kasher an urn for Pesach by not
using it for 24 hours, and then pouring hot water, from a boiling kettle that was not used in 24 hours, over the spout and handle of the urn. We suggest that you also
cover the handle with foil for the duration of Pesach.
-Tevilas Keilim can be done by lake carasaljo in certain sections 5th street and Lakewood avenue is fine with proper social distancing.
- Siyum Bechorim can be done privately if one can't make one he can listen to a siyum over the phone.
- Lakewood poskim: There will be no public sreifas chometz this year nor will small fires be allowed. After consulting with Rav Dovid Feinstein shlita and Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita the biur chometz should be performed by crumbling a kazayis chometz and flushing it away.
-The U.S. Embassy in Israel warned American citizens on Sunday that they should leave the country immediately or risk an open-ended stay in Israel.
-Order the Pesach box HERE
-NJ: statewide total climbed to 13,386 with 161 deaths Ocean county with 759. Health officials also reported 22,216 negative tests for coronavirus to date.
-Tehillim: Please be mispallel for Meyer ben Perel
-Donate HERE- Fund set up for Mishpacha of Reb Zevi Halberstam A”h. Zevi was a special soul, always running around with a smile, always available to help another Jew, but now, ZEVI IS NO LONGER WITH US. He was niftar on shabbos from the virus
-Shwekey live concert streaming at 12:00 pm watch HERE
-US treasury Secretary Mnuchin says Americans can expect checks from stimulus bill to be direct deposited in their accounts within 3 weeks
-Agudah launches Corona virus emergency relief fund Klal Yisroel Helping Klal Yisroel HERE
-Lakewood has 272 cases only 2nd behind Jersey city that has the most in NJ with 334
-Chevra Kadisha in Brooklyn overwhelmed looking for volunteers or willing to pay drivers to bring niftarim to the bais olam
-UPS won’t require signatures from customers during the coronavirus pandemic.
The delivery company released updated guidelines Saturday. It says drivers will just make contact with the recipient and request ID if applicable.
-Daf Yomi: Are you falling behind? join in now learning the sugyos of ner chanuka
-BDE: Petirah of Rav Shimon Susholz zt”l. was the rov of Cong. Keren Orah in Kensington, Brooklyn, NY. His son Shalom Aron Dovid Susholz A"H "pops" was nifter 4 few years ago in Lakewood.
-Crown Heights: Crown Heights Hatzalah is requesting that every member of the Crown Heights community fill out the COVID-19 community survey to identify the spread and extent of the virus
Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, Issues Psakim About Coronavirus
Hamodia- Sunday, Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, received a series of halachic sheilos dealing with the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, notably in the chareidi community.
Harav Kanievsky wrote teshuvos in his handwriting to the questions that were raised by the various communities in Yerushalayim and were brought to him for guidance.
According to Harav Chaim Kanievsky, those who do not follow the Ministry of Health’s instructions is considered a rodef, and anyone who can should hand over to the police details of those who defy the instructions.
Here are the sheilos, with the response of Harav Kanievsky:

According to Harav Chaim Kanievsky, those who do not follow the Ministry of Health’s instructions is considered a rodef, and anyone who can should hand over to the police details of those who defy the instructions.
Here are the sheilos, with the response of Harav Kanievsky:
Saturday, March 28, 2020
For Those Making Pesach for the First time
Order Here
Pesach in a box for $200 Details below Many young couples will be making pesach at home since they can not travel to their parents home.
Pesach in a box for $200 Details below Many young couples will be making pesach at home since they can not travel to their parents home.
Motzei Shabbos Vayikra 5780 Lakewood
Tehillim- Lakewood residents admitted tonight with virus r"l
-Tehillim: Menachem Mendel Ben Masha on a respirator over shabbos
- Tehillim Yaakov Ben Gittel
-Bingo will be open 24 hours starting tomorrow until further notice
-Area hospital filling up R"L hatzolah transporting to further regional hospitals.
Please daven for the cholim and for safety of the volunteers.
-Bde: Petira of Mrs. Miriam Homnick a"h wife of Yblch Harav Moshe shlita she was 82 lived in Westgate.
-CDC issues a strong Travel Advisory for the tri state area for 14 days to stem the spread of the outbreak.
-Tehillim - Avrohom Yaakov Ben Golda Leah
-NPGS cancels all delivery orders there will be no more deliveries until after pesach
-BDE: Petira of R’ Chaim Weill z”l.
A resident of Lakewood, NJ, R’ Chaim contracted the coronavirus and succumbed to the illness. R’ Chaim is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jeannette Weill, and family.
Yehi zichro boruch.{Matzav.com}
-BDE: Petirah of R' Tzvi Yehuda Schmidt z"l from the Virus was niftar over shabbos. He and his family split their time between Brooklyn and Lakewood, NJ. One of the proprietors of Paskesz Candy Company, R’ Tzvi Yehuda was a noted baal chesed who was supremely devoted to others (matzav)
-שבר על שבר older couple niftar 1 day apart from the virus R"L Mr. And Mrs. Pacifico a"h originally from LA were living in Lakewood.
- Chicago Rabbonim: Policy no visitors from outside Chicago policy enacted that includes married children from out of town even if they were quarantined for 14 days.
-NJ Banks will give 90 grace period on mortgage payments. Must provide documentation showing covid19 related hardship.
Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and 40 other banks, credit unions, and servicers signed on to the agreement, Murphy said, and more are expected to join them soon.
“This 90-day grace period cannot and will not be used to downgrade anyone’s credit rating and lenders will also waive any late fees or other costs that would otherwise arise because of this 90-day grace period,” Murphy said.
- Lakewood at 272 confirmed cases ocean county total 680
- N.J. coronavirus cases rise to 11,124 with 140 deaths. Another big surge as 2,289 new positive tests and 32 new deaths are announced.
-Bde- Harav Tzvi Shenker Zatzal Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak was niftar after an illness a talmid if Rav Shach and grandson of the mashMashg Rav Chatzkel Levenstein. Levaya tonight in bnei Break.
-Tehillim: Menachem Mendel Ben Masha on a respirator over shabbos
- Tehillim Yaakov Ben Gittel
-Bingo will be open 24 hours starting tomorrow until further notice
-Area hospital filling up R"L hatzolah transporting to further regional hospitals.
Please daven for the cholim and for safety of the volunteers.
-Bde: Petira of Mrs. Miriam Homnick a"h wife of Yblch Harav Moshe shlita she was 82 lived in Westgate.
-CDC issues a strong Travel Advisory for the tri state area for 14 days to stem the spread of the outbreak.
-Tehillim - Avrohom Yaakov Ben Golda Leah
-NPGS cancels all delivery orders there will be no more deliveries until after pesach
-BDE: Petira of R’ Chaim Weill z”l.
A resident of Lakewood, NJ, R’ Chaim contracted the coronavirus and succumbed to the illness. R’ Chaim is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jeannette Weill, and family.
Yehi zichro boruch.{Matzav.com}
-BDE: Petirah of R' Tzvi Yehuda Schmidt z"l from the Virus was niftar over shabbos. He and his family split their time between Brooklyn and Lakewood, NJ. One of the proprietors of Paskesz Candy Company, R’ Tzvi Yehuda was a noted baal chesed who was supremely devoted to others (matzav)
-שבר על שבר older couple niftar 1 day apart from the virus R"L Mr. And Mrs. Pacifico a"h originally from LA were living in Lakewood.
- Chicago Rabbonim: Policy no visitors from outside Chicago policy enacted that includes married children from out of town even if they were quarantined for 14 days.
-NJ Banks will give 90 grace period on mortgage payments. Must provide documentation showing covid19 related hardship.
Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and 40 other banks, credit unions, and servicers signed on to the agreement, Murphy said, and more are expected to join them soon.
“This 90-day grace period cannot and will not be used to downgrade anyone’s credit rating and lenders will also waive any late fees or other costs that would otherwise arise because of this 90-day grace period,” Murphy said.
- Lakewood at 272 confirmed cases ocean county total 680
- N.J. coronavirus cases rise to 11,124 with 140 deaths. Another big surge as 2,289 new positive tests and 32 new deaths are announced.
-Bde- Harav Tzvi Shenker Zatzal Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak was niftar after an illness a talmid if Rav Shach and grandson of the mashMashg Rav Chatzkel Levenstein. Levaya tonight in bnei Break.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת קודש פרשת ויקרא תש''פ
"שבת היא מלזעוק ורפואה קרובה לבוא".
-Candle lighting 6:58 pm
-Shkia/sunset 7:16 pm
-Weather: Rain showers in the morning will evolve into a more steady rain in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.
הָדוּר נָאֶה זִיו הָעוֹלָם נַפְשִׁי חוֹלַת אַהֲבָתָךְ "אָנָּא אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לָהּ" בְּהַרְאוֹת לָהּ נֹעַם זִיוָךְ
לִקְרַאת שַׁבָּת לְכוּ וְנֵלְכָה כִּי הִיא מְקוֹר הַבְּרָכָה
Friday, March 27, 2020 / ב׳ ניסן תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת ויקרא-Candle lighting 6:58 pm
-Shkia/sunset 7:16 pm
-Weather: Rain showers in the morning will evolve into a more steady rain in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.
הָדוּר נָאֶה זִיו הָעוֹלָם נַפְשִׁי חוֹלַת אַהֲבָתָךְ "אָנָּא אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לָהּ" בְּהַרְאוֹת לָהּ נֹעַם זִיוָךְ
Updates: Erev Shabbos ויקרא Lakewood 3/27/20
Refresh page for updates
4:30 pm
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood important message:
Heading into shabbos 12 Lakewood residents are on respirators R"L over 70 patients in local and regional hospitals.Please follow the guidelines of doctors and rabbonim stay home dont go out or make minyanim.
-President Trump orders General Motors to make ventilators under Defense Production Act
4:00 pm
-BMG will be offering Pesach in a box utensils, pots and halachic guidance by poskim and practical tips for those making pesach for the first time.
- Message from the R"Y Rav Yisrael shlita anyone making a minyan is bechezkas putting the tzibbubr in a sakana unless given specific reshus by morei horahh.
3:30 pm
-Sounds of Solitude - Bashevkin poem HERE in Yated
-Tehillim: Pinchos Sholom ben Raizel Rochel on a respirator
- NY AG James sent a cease and desist letter to Johnstons Toyota dealership, warning them after a worker told a Jew "you have the virus."
-Murphy says will make decision on mortgage relief after renters will not pay the landlords also need relief
2:30 pm
-Murphy and state police official point to call with Lakewood officials and say that the town is 99.99% compliant with social distancing rules and the wedding that took place was not one that intended to break the law but rather wanted to spread out over 3 backyards 10 people each and it was an educational matter. They reiterated any bias or anti semitic comments made about any community will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law. watch here
2:00 pm
-State testing centers at Bergen and PNC will be open Monday only for 500 symptomatic patients
- Ocean county 81 new cases
-NJ Numbers total positive cases at 8825 death toll now at 108, 1982 new cases since yesterday
-NJ: Businesses that have inventory of PPE (Personal protection equipment) must report it to the state by 5 pm today
1:30 pm
-Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state wants to build four more temporary hospitals in New York City within weeks, before coronavirus cases are projected to peak.
NY- Landlords can not evict a tenant for not paying rent up to 90 days
-Message from Dr.Shanik
Many people in Lakewood are in serious condition from the coronavirus strict social distancing must be practiced by the entire town in order to put an end to the virus.
No gatherings of any kinds, children can not play wit each other, no minyanim inside or outside. If anyone in the house is displaying any symptoms you may not leave your house every member must be quarantined for 2 full weeks from the last day that the member is not contagious. Food and medicine items must be delivered by someone without symptoms.
A person who is sick will last a minimum of a week
cleaning ladies may not be brought into the house even for pesach cleaning
What should we do what kind of teshuva so many messages of what to improve and why. Today is exactly 6 month from Last Rosh Hashana and 6 months to the next one we all made kabalas and took upon ourselves something. Have we kept our word? its the midpoint of the year now lets strengthen and whatever we took upon ourselves to continue it to the rest of the year.
Moadim L'simcha:
Due to Rainy Weather The Moadim distribution has been rescheduled to this Monday March 30 by appointment only. The distribution will take place at 2 stadium way, in the parking lot, at the corner of cedarbridge and new hampshire.
The distribution will be done as a drive through pick up.
Please stick to your appointment time.
Please come with an empty minivan or large vehicle for easy loading.
Please come with a driver and a second able bodied person to load items.
No children will be allowed on site.
Elderly people should please send someone else to pick up their order.
Please bring a cellphone, as check out will be done over the phone.
Please call 732-402-6956 to confirm or hear your appointment time
12:00 pm
-Murphy: New Jersey residents who receive food stamps will receive a special payment on Sunday, and their benefits will be higher in Apri.
DR Zev Zelenko update today:
Since March 18-26 his office treated 699 patients there have been zero deaths and zero intubations in that group there r 4 patients admitted with pneumonia with IV antibiotic they will be ok. BH the statistics of death in Monroe are 0 percent and he is confident this information will be presented to President Trump and prime minister Netanyahu He thanks Hashem for his chesed that helped him discover an approach that may be helpful if anyone has leftover medication they should return it so it could be used for others.
11:30 am
-Refuah institute - My name is Professor Dr. Joshua Ritchie M.D.
I have done new research on prevention of Corona Virus, and I have found that Zinc deficiency makes the severity of the Corona Virus infection much worse. At least one third of the population has zinc deficiency. The metabolic process for resistance to infection is notably and especially dependent on zinc. So, I advise all adults to start taking 30 milligrams of Zinc every day, starting now.
Please spread the word and share this important information. Watch video
11:00 am
-Making Pesach At Home For The First Time? Here Is A List Of Items You Can Buy Online Now, Guides, And More! Dansdeals HERE
-WIC- NJ Families who rely on #IC can now substitute certain items of food like milk, beans, peanut butter, and more. Retailers and stores will not limit food supplies
-Members of CSE Jewish funeral undertakers are handling 10-15 bodies a day! רח"ל!
-Israel will order full shutdown of country starting next week thru pesach
9:00 am
-Tehillim: Rav Tzvi Shenker R"Y in EY
צבי בן שרה עכסא
-Donate Keren Almana and 11 Yesomim
Tragic Petira of Lipa Freidrich Z”L of Monsey. He was 39T The Niftar was a perfectly healthy young man with no prior medical condition. He tested positive for COVID-19 three days ago and was in isolation at home.
-Bde: Rav Avrohom Gordon ZTL A Rebbe in yeshiva Bais Dovid of Monsey for close to 50 years recently moved to his children in Lakewood. Niftar from the virus R"L
-Rohde Island- Gov. Gina Raimondo, is stationing National Guard troops at bus and train stations to collect contact information from anyone arriving from New York and to direct them to self-quarantine. State police are stopping cars with New York license plates coming into the state.
-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus will stay in isolation has mild symptoms
-Psak in Belz: Rav Padawa -Due to shortage of eggs for pesach if one finds a blood spot you can just remove the blood and keep the egg.
-Cops break up another Lakewood wedding defying coronavirus rules NJ.com
-Edison Councilman Sam Joshi Apologizes to the Lakewood Jewish Community here
4:30 pm
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood important message:
Heading into shabbos 12 Lakewood residents are on respirators R"L over 70 patients in local and regional hospitals.Please follow the guidelines of doctors and rabbonim stay home dont go out or make minyanim.
-President Trump orders General Motors to make ventilators under Defense Production Act
4:00 pm
-BMG will be offering Pesach in a box utensils, pots and halachic guidance by poskim and practical tips for those making pesach for the first time.
- Message from the R"Y Rav Yisrael shlita anyone making a minyan is bechezkas putting the tzibbubr in a sakana unless given specific reshus by morei horahh.
3:30 pm
-Sounds of Solitude - Bashevkin poem HERE in Yated
-Tehillim: Pinchos Sholom ben Raizel Rochel on a respirator
- NY AG James sent a cease and desist letter to Johnstons Toyota dealership, warning them after a worker told a Jew "you have the virus."
-Murphy says will make decision on mortgage relief after renters will not pay the landlords also need relief
2:30 pm
-Murphy and state police official point to call with Lakewood officials and say that the town is 99.99% compliant with social distancing rules and the wedding that took place was not one that intended to break the law but rather wanted to spread out over 3 backyards 10 people each and it was an educational matter. They reiterated any bias or anti semitic comments made about any community will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law. watch here
2:00 pm
-State testing centers at Bergen and PNC will be open Monday only for 500 symptomatic patients
- Ocean county 81 new cases
-NJ Numbers total positive cases at 8825 death toll now at 108, 1982 new cases since yesterday
-NJ: Businesses that have inventory of PPE (Personal protection equipment) must report it to the state by 5 pm today
1:30 pm
-Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state wants to build four more temporary hospitals in New York City within weeks, before coronavirus cases are projected to peak.
NY- Landlords can not evict a tenant for not paying rent up to 90 days
-Message from Dr.Shanik
Many people in Lakewood are in serious condition from the coronavirus strict social distancing must be practiced by the entire town in order to put an end to the virus.
No gatherings of any kinds, children can not play wit each other, no minyanim inside or outside. If anyone in the house is displaying any symptoms you may not leave your house every member must be quarantined for 2 full weeks from the last day that the member is not contagious. Food and medicine items must be delivered by someone without symptoms.
A person who is sick will last a minimum of a week
cleaning ladies may not be brought into the house even for pesach cleaning
What should we do what kind of teshuva so many messages of what to improve and why. Today is exactly 6 month from Last Rosh Hashana and 6 months to the next one we all made kabalas and took upon ourselves something. Have we kept our word? its the midpoint of the year now lets strengthen and whatever we took upon ourselves to continue it to the rest of the year.
Moadim L'simcha:
Due to Rainy Weather The Moadim distribution has been rescheduled to this Monday March 30 by appointment only. The distribution will take place at 2 stadium way, in the parking lot, at the corner of cedarbridge and new hampshire.
The distribution will be done as a drive through pick up.
Please stick to your appointment time.
Please come with an empty minivan or large vehicle for easy loading.
Please come with a driver and a second able bodied person to load items.
No children will be allowed on site.
Elderly people should please send someone else to pick up their order.
Please bring a cellphone, as check out will be done over the phone.
Please call 732-402-6956 to confirm or hear your appointment time
-Murphy: New Jersey residents who receive food stamps will receive a special payment on Sunday, and their benefits will be higher in Apri.
DR Zev Zelenko update today:
Since March 18-26 his office treated 699 patients there have been zero deaths and zero intubations in that group there r 4 patients admitted with pneumonia with IV antibiotic they will be ok. BH the statistics of death in Monroe are 0 percent and he is confident this information will be presented to President Trump and prime minister Netanyahu He thanks Hashem for his chesed that helped him discover an approach that may be helpful if anyone has leftover medication they should return it so it could be used for others.
11:30 am
-Refuah institute - My name is Professor Dr. Joshua Ritchie M.D.
I have done new research on prevention of Corona Virus, and I have found that Zinc deficiency makes the severity of the Corona Virus infection much worse. At least one third of the population has zinc deficiency. The metabolic process for resistance to infection is notably and especially dependent on zinc. So, I advise all adults to start taking 30 milligrams of Zinc every day, starting now.
Please spread the word and share this important information. Watch video
11:00 am
-Making Pesach At Home For The First Time? Here Is A List Of Items You Can Buy Online Now, Guides, And More! Dansdeals HERE
-WIC- NJ Families who rely on #IC can now substitute certain items of food like milk, beans, peanut butter, and more. Retailers and stores will not limit food supplies
-Members of CSE Jewish funeral undertakers are handling 10-15 bodies a day! רח"ל!
-Israel will order full shutdown of country starting next week thru pesach
9:00 am
-Tehillim: Rav Tzvi Shenker R"Y in EY
צבי בן שרה עכסא
-Donate Keren Almana and 11 Yesomim
Tragic Petira of Lipa Freidrich Z”L of Monsey. He was 39T The Niftar was a perfectly healthy young man with no prior medical condition. He tested positive for COVID-19 three days ago and was in isolation at home.
-Bde: Rav Avrohom Gordon ZTL A Rebbe in yeshiva Bais Dovid of Monsey for close to 50 years recently moved to his children in Lakewood. Niftar from the virus R"L
-Rohde Island- Gov. Gina Raimondo, is stationing National Guard troops at bus and train stations to collect contact information from anyone arriving from New York and to direct them to self-quarantine. State police are stopping cars with New York license plates coming into the state.
-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus will stay in isolation has mild symptoms
-Psak in Belz: Rav Padawa -Due to shortage of eggs for pesach if one finds a blood spot you can just remove the blood and keep the egg.
-Cops break up another Lakewood wedding defying coronavirus rules NJ.com
-Edison Councilman Sam Joshi Apologizes to the Lakewood Jewish Community here
Halacha Guidelines for Pesach Tevilas Keilim, Hagola, Mechiras Chometz, Biur Chometz
From the Rabbomim of the Five Towns Community
Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5780
March 26, 2020
Lichvod our Wonderful and Special Community amu"sh:
Shalom U'vracha, and hoping that you and your families are managing well, and doing your best to remain in good spirits during these difficult and turbulent times. Our thoughts and heartfelt tefillos are with all those in need of refu'os v'yeshu'os, and we will continue to fervently daven together to merit sharing only besuros tovos henceforth IY"H.
What follows are important instructions and guidelines concerning various pre-Pesach topics-- as agreed upon by many local Roshei Yeshivos and Rabbonim working in unison. Please keep in mind that what appears below are often general guidelines; each individual is strongly advised to consult with his Rav for p'sak halacha in specific cases and unique situations.
Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5780
March 26, 2020
Lichvod our Wonderful and Special Community amu"sh:
Shalom U'vracha, and hoping that you and your families are managing well, and doing your best to remain in good spirits during these difficult and turbulent times. Our thoughts and heartfelt tefillos are with all those in need of refu'os v'yeshu'os, and we will continue to fervently daven together to merit sharing only besuros tovos henceforth IY"H.
What follows are important instructions and guidelines concerning various pre-Pesach topics-- as agreed upon by many local Roshei Yeshivos and Rabbonim working in unison. Please keep in mind that what appears below are often general guidelines; each individual is strongly advised to consult with his Rav for p'sak halacha in specific cases and unique situations.
Tehillim List for Cholei Yisroel with Coronavirus R"L
List of Cholei Yisroel currently hospitalized with Coronavirus updated spreadsheet with names of Cholei Yisrael HERE
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Updates: Thursday Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780 Lakewood
Refresh page for updates
10:45 pm
Harav Asher Arieli shlita spoke divrei hisoirerus he said we don't know why the פורענויות is happening but we have to do teshuva. We can't hold in our pocket or in our home a device that is טמא and leads us to sin while telling Hashem we are doing teshuva. We have to rid of them and only have kosher devices.
Another point we are isolated and separated now this is something we must work on there's too much divisiveness amongst us it's natural for peolpe to have differences of opinion or even over financial issues but it's not a reason not to talk to one another we have to stop the division and machlokes.
-Tehillim: Yehuda Ben Ester
7:00 pm
Tonight- Thursday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at: 8:30 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 9:15 –Shiur from Harav Shmuel Felder on practical Halacha 10:15 Shiur from Harav Shloime Feivel Shustal Call in number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
-BD’E – Harav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutckock, Zt”l Rosh Yeshivas Derech Chaim.
5:00 pm
- Next clothing retail based in UK (ordered by many frum households) announced it will stop all online orders as of 6:00 pm today
-Phil Murphy- condemned people who have used the coronavirus pandemic to heap scorn on the township's Orthodox Jewish community. "Scapegoating, bullying, or vilification of any community is completely unacceptable – today or ever. There is a special place in hell for the small minority that do this during this crisis".
4:00 pm
confirmed cases in Lakewood at 198, TR 60, Jackson 52 (OCHD)
3:30 pm
-Shut down the hate against Lakewood and Orthodox Jews Sign the petition
- DONATE HERE Now, during this pandemic, Bikur Cholim Of Lakewood is not stopping and not sleeping. They are accessing the best hospitals and most prominent doctors in the country to care for those suffering from COVID-19. They are advocating for patients and families utilizing their special access to all local hospitals and well beyond.
3:00 pm
-New Jersey’s total known cases of the coronavirus increased to at least 6,876 with 81 deaths as officials announced another 2,492 new positive test results Thursday, by far the largest single-day increase since the outbreak.
-Ocean County will open a drive-thru Coronavirus testing site at Ocean County College on Monday, March 30, for Ocean County residents only, must have a doctor’s prescription, and proof of residency and you MUST REGISTER PRIOR here or at https://ochd.simplybook.me/v2/#
Tests will be administered between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
-Murphy: Anybody who has a “corona party” in New Jersey – we will crash your party. And you will pay a big price for that. Stay home. Be smart.
1:00 pm
- El Al is planning to halt all passenger flights abroad starting Thursday night, The shutdown will continue until April 4.
-A Lakewood township man is facing criminal charges after he allegedly coughed inside a liquor store and falsely claimed he had the coronavirus, police said. Juan Gómez Sánchez, 25, was charged with disorderly conduct (app)
-The coronavirus has now killed 385 New Yorkers, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday — with a startling leap of 100 fatalities in the span of just 24 hours.
12:00 pm
- Shloimy's Kosher World is offering Shabbos in a box for 4.From Challah thru all your food for the Seudas. Email shabbosbox@gmail.com
-Tehillim Rav Aryeh Zev Ginzberg shlita: rov, in five towns in ICU Aryeh Zev ben Aidel
-Shivty BMG Live shiurim online A Torah Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to this "new normal", we have rolled out a special B’Shivticha B’veisecha initiative (partnering with Agudath Israel's Ki Heim Chayeinu), filling your day with meaning, accomplishment, and the protection that limud hatorah brings. here
11:30 am
Israel: Benny Gantz splits up blue and white party joins Netanyahu in Unity Government, Lapid and Lieberman in the opposition
11:00 am
Tehillim for Harav Yisroel Plutchok Shlita R"Y Derch Chaim Brooklyn Phone Conference at 11am
Yisroel Yechezkel Ben Chaya Call in number 347-941-4763 no pin.
10:30 am
- Stimulus calculator HERE
Individuals will get $1,200 Married couples are eligible for a $2,400 check as long as their adjusted gross income is under $150,000 a year. couples also will receive an additional $500 for every child under 17. couples who earn up to $198,000 will get reduced checks. individuals with adjusted gross incomes of more than $75,000, and those making more than $99,000 would not qualify at all. The thresholds are doubled for couples.
-Flash sale at Gourmet Glatt 30 dozen eggs for $59.99 15 dozen for $32.99 by the case from 10 am - 3 pm pick up only no deliveries must have $50 minimum of non sale items. Individual dozen $2.29 limit of 12
-Circa school lunch pick up will be served today at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street Lakewood beginning at 10:30 am These meals are available free of charge to all children. 3-18
8:30 am
-Virtual Music hallel with EitanKatz at 9:30 am on Zoom link HERE or Meeting ID 405 383 0611
-BDE: Harav Uri Ashkenazi, Zt”l, Stanislaver Rebbe of London who was niftar this morning He was hospitalized in a serious state Wednesday after testing positive for coronavirus, he was 76. read article in Hamodia
-NYC: De Blasio warns half of all New Yorkers, 4 million people will get COVID-19
-Officials were told that morgues in the city are expected to reach capacity next week, per the briefing
-LA Mayor: The Department of Water and Power will shut off services for the businesses that don't comply with the "safer at home" ordinance.
- Point pleasant Beach to shut down it's Boardwalk
- Crown Heights: The obvious good news is that the rate of new infection seems to have fallen very steeply,
-The continued high rate of hospitalization among those who remain ill is deeply disturbing, and we pray for their speedy recovery.
חַדֵּשׁ עָלֵינוּ אֶת הַחדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לְטובָה וְלִבְרָכָה. לְששון וּלְשמְחָה. לִישׁוּעָה וּלְנֶחָמָה. לְפַרְנָסָה וּלְכַלְכָּלָה. לְחַיִּים טובִים וּלְשָׁלום לִמְחִילַת חֵטְא וְלִסְלִיחַת עָון. וִיהִי הַחדֶשׁ הַזֶה סוף וְקֵץ לְכָל צָרותֵינוּ. תְּחִלָּה וָראשׁ לְפִדְיון נַפְשֵׁנוּ
10:45 pm
Harav Asher Arieli shlita spoke divrei hisoirerus he said we don't know why the פורענויות is happening but we have to do teshuva. We can't hold in our pocket or in our home a device that is טמא and leads us to sin while telling Hashem we are doing teshuva. We have to rid of them and only have kosher devices.
Another point we are isolated and separated now this is something we must work on there's too much divisiveness amongst us it's natural for peolpe to have differences of opinion or even over financial issues but it's not a reason not to talk to one another we have to stop the division and machlokes.
-Tehillim: Yehuda Ben Ester
7:00 pm
Tonight- Thursday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at: 8:30 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 9:15 –Shiur from Harav Shmuel Felder on practical Halacha 10:15 Shiur from Harav Shloime Feivel Shustal Call in number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
-BD’E – Harav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutckock, Zt”l Rosh Yeshivas Derech Chaim.
5:00 pm
- Next clothing retail based in UK (ordered by many frum households) announced it will stop all online orders as of 6:00 pm today
-Phil Murphy- condemned people who have used the coronavirus pandemic to heap scorn on the township's Orthodox Jewish community. "Scapegoating, bullying, or vilification of any community is completely unacceptable – today or ever. There is a special place in hell for the small minority that do this during this crisis".
4:00 pm
confirmed cases in Lakewood at 198, TR 60, Jackson 52 (OCHD)
3:30 pm
-Shut down the hate against Lakewood and Orthodox Jews Sign the petition
- DONATE HERE Now, during this pandemic, Bikur Cholim Of Lakewood is not stopping and not sleeping. They are accessing the best hospitals and most prominent doctors in the country to care for those suffering from COVID-19. They are advocating for patients and families utilizing their special access to all local hospitals and well beyond.
3:00 pm
-New Jersey’s total known cases of the coronavirus increased to at least 6,876 with 81 deaths as officials announced another 2,492 new positive test results Thursday, by far the largest single-day increase since the outbreak.
-Ocean County will open a drive-thru Coronavirus testing site at Ocean County College on Monday, March 30, for Ocean County residents only, must have a doctor’s prescription, and proof of residency and you MUST REGISTER PRIOR here or at https://ochd.simplybook.me/v2/#
Tests will be administered between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
-Murphy: Anybody who has a “corona party” in New Jersey – we will crash your party. And you will pay a big price for that. Stay home. Be smart.
1:00 pm
- El Al is planning to halt all passenger flights abroad starting Thursday night, The shutdown will continue until April 4.
-A Lakewood township man is facing criminal charges after he allegedly coughed inside a liquor store and falsely claimed he had the coronavirus, police said. Juan Gómez Sánchez, 25, was charged with disorderly conduct (app)
-The coronavirus has now killed 385 New Yorkers, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday — with a startling leap of 100 fatalities in the span of just 24 hours.
12:00 pm
- Shloimy's Kosher World is offering Shabbos in a box for 4.From Challah thru all your food for the Seudas. Email shabbosbox@gmail.com
-Tehillim Rav Aryeh Zev Ginzberg shlita: rov, in five towns in ICU Aryeh Zev ben Aidel
-Shivty BMG Live shiurim online A Torah Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to this "new normal", we have rolled out a special B’Shivticha B’veisecha initiative (partnering with Agudath Israel's Ki Heim Chayeinu), filling your day with meaning, accomplishment, and the protection that limud hatorah brings. here
11:30 am
Israel: Benny Gantz splits up blue and white party joins Netanyahu in Unity Government, Lapid and Lieberman in the opposition
11:00 am
Tehillim for Harav Yisroel Plutchok Shlita R"Y Derch Chaim Brooklyn Phone Conference at 11am
Yisroel Yechezkel Ben Chaya Call in number 347-941-4763 no pin.
10:30 am
- Stimulus calculator HERE
Individuals will get $1,200 Married couples are eligible for a $2,400 check as long as their adjusted gross income is under $150,000 a year. couples also will receive an additional $500 for every child under 17. couples who earn up to $198,000 will get reduced checks. individuals with adjusted gross incomes of more than $75,000, and those making more than $99,000 would not qualify at all. The thresholds are doubled for couples.
-Flash sale at Gourmet Glatt 30 dozen eggs for $59.99 15 dozen for $32.99 by the case from 10 am - 3 pm pick up only no deliveries must have $50 minimum of non sale items. Individual dozen $2.29 limit of 12
-Circa school lunch pick up will be served today at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street Lakewood beginning at 10:30 am These meals are available free of charge to all children. 3-18
8:30 am
-Virtual Music hallel with EitanKatz at 9:30 am on Zoom link HERE or Meeting ID 405 383 0611
-BDE: Harav Uri Ashkenazi, Zt”l, Stanislaver Rebbe of London who was niftar this morning He was hospitalized in a serious state Wednesday after testing positive for coronavirus, he was 76. read article in Hamodia
-NYC: De Blasio warns half of all New Yorkers, 4 million people will get COVID-19
-Officials were told that morgues in the city are expected to reach capacity next week, per the briefing
-LA Mayor: The Department of Water and Power will shut off services for the businesses that don't comply with the "safer at home" ordinance.
- Point pleasant Beach to shut down it's Boardwalk
- Crown Heights: The obvious good news is that the rate of new infection seems to have fallen very steeply,
-The continued high rate of hospitalization among those who remain ill is deeply disturbing, and we pray for their speedy recovery.
BD’E – Harav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutckock, Zt”l
Hamodia- It is with profound sadness Hamodia reports the passing of Harav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutchok, zt”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Chaim in Boro Park.
Rav Plutchok was a close talmid of Harav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, Zt”l, and opened Yeshiva Deech Chaim with his brother in law, Harav Mordechai Rennert, zt”l, in 1975.
Rav Plutchok was hospitalized recently with coronavirus and was niftar Thursday afternoon.
Yehi zichro baruch.
Rav Plutchok was a close talmid of Harav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, Zt”l, and opened Yeshiva Deech Chaim with his brother in law, Harav Mordechai Rennert, zt”l, in 1975.
Rav Plutchok was hospitalized recently with coronavirus and was niftar Thursday afternoon.
Yehi zichro baruch.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Segula from the אר''י הקדוש to save one self during a מגפה to be said on Rosh Chodesh
The Sefer Pri Etz Chaim brings a special segula from the Ari Hakadosh to be said on Rosh Chodesh specifically during a magaifa or pandemic. It should be said after each of the tefilos of rosh chodesh. To say עלינו לשבח 4 times each time forwards and backwards and between each round you say pesukim of אנא בכח see below followed by על כן נקוה once and kapitel ז' of Tehillim. It is based on kabala a reason given that Yehoshua ben nun composed the tefila of Aleinu and he brought the walls of Yericho down with this tefilla reciting it 7 times.
Wednesday 3/25/20 News Updates Lakewood
Refresh Page for updates
12:30 am 3/26
Tehillim: Avigdor Sasson Meir Ben Rochel leah
11:30 pm
-Hospitals across U.S. consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients adn
8:30 pm
Lakewood now with 141 confirmed cases (ochd)
7:30 pm
Reminder tonight is Rosh Chodesh Nissan
-HaRav Avrohom Helberg shlita will be giving divrei chizuk in English this evening (R"ch Nissan) via teleconference at 9:00pm
Conf #: 515-604-9919
Access code: 403536#
Lakewood Chaveirim store info list HERE
6:00 pm
-Special Tefillah for parnassah for today by the של''ה הקדוש for Erev Rosh Chodesh HERE
-Tehillim: Critical - Gimple Mordechai Daniel ben Sarah Ita
Tonight Chizuk for B'nei Torah
8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Elya Brudny
9:15 – Shiur on the sugya of ד' כוסות from Harav Dov Green
10:30 – Divrei Chizuk for Parents from Harav Uren Reich
Call in Number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
Many without Parnassa now if you know of a job even temp submit HERE (pcs/aguda)
4:00 pm
- Hatzolah of Union County, NJ will temporary suspend all operations and will NOT respond to any calls until its deemed safe to resume. To protect its members from the #coronavirus, Effective 11 PM tonight. Anyone who needs medical help should call 911.
- LRRC/Chemed receives $83,000 from Dep of health to fight Covid 19
-Karlin chasidus tells its followers that this year Pesach they can be lenient on tings that they are usually machmir on
ההשגחה העליונה סובבה כי בשנה זו יהיה מוטל עלינו להרבות ולהדר בכל מאמצי כוחנו במצוות 'ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם', ואי לכך ייתכנו שינויים בהנהגות אצל כל יחיד ויחיד כרצון ה' ויריאיו. ומסתמן שהחומרות הנהוגות מדי שנה בחג הפסח יהיו קשות לביצוע אצל חלק מהציבור וכפי שיפורט מסיבות שונות, כגון: מצב כספי קשה, מחסור בחנויות, או מחסור במצות מהודרות בפרט עבור הילדים הקטנים, וכמו"כ מחמת שמירת האוירה הרגועה בבית עם בני הבית והילדים, וכהנה רבות, על כן באנו בזאת לפרט את החומרות שאפשר להקל בהן".
3:00 pm
-Misameach Live show with Yehuda Green click HERE or watch on Vimeo
-Police shut down the kever of Rashbi in Meron
-The bustling streets of Geula in yerushalyim are deserted as restrictions are enforced,
2:00 pm
- Murphy limits child daycare centers to only be open for children of essential workers.
-Phil Murphy said in his daily update that 2 summonses were issued in Lakewood yesterday for a gathering and a wedding at a private residence.
-Lakewood numbers higher than reported but the are not testing and some doctors offices are closed
-NJ now has a total 4402 cases death toll now is at 62
-Some local doctors will not Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine but its available by others
1:30 pm
-Dr. Zev Zelenko responds to a letter that was written about his video updates and treatment with Hydroxychloroquine he said he is mochel whoever wrote it and is touch with the highest echelons of the federal govt while there seems to be some confusion and conflict between the feds and Gov Cuomo on the use of Hydroxychloroquine to treat corona patients. He will release protocols that will be available online.
-Shmuess on the current matzav from Rav Aryeh Leib Paretzky Shlita (Rosh Kollel & Rosh Chaburah) Dial 978-990-5099 and enter access code 434679 #
Mincha with Yom Kippur Katan those fasting should say aneinu in shemonah esrei
1:00 pm
Shabbos in a Box - Shloimys kosher world offering shabbos in a box- curbside pick up send email to SHABBOSBOX@GMAIL.COM
12:30 am 3/26
Tehillim: Avigdor Sasson Meir Ben Rochel leah
11:30 pm
-Hospitals across U.S. consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients adn
8:30 pm
Lakewood now with 141 confirmed cases (ochd)
7:30 pm
Reminder tonight is Rosh Chodesh Nissan
-HaRav Avrohom Helberg shlita will be giving divrei chizuk in English this evening (R"ch Nissan) via teleconference at 9:00pm
Conf #: 515-604-9919
Access code: 403536#
Lakewood Chaveirim store info list HERE
6:00 pm
-Special Tefillah for parnassah for today by the של''ה הקדוש for Erev Rosh Chodesh HERE
-Tehillim: Critical - Gimple Mordechai Daniel ben Sarah Ita
Tonight Chizuk for B'nei Torah
8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Elya Brudny
9:15 – Shiur on the sugya of ד' כוסות from Harav Dov Green
10:30 – Divrei Chizuk for Parents from Harav Uren Reich
Call in Number 646-726-9977 no pin necessary
Many without Parnassa now if you know of a job even temp submit HERE (pcs/aguda)
4:00 pm
- Hatzolah of Union County, NJ will temporary suspend all operations and will NOT respond to any calls until its deemed safe to resume. To protect its members from the #coronavirus, Effective 11 PM tonight. Anyone who needs medical help should call 911.
- LRRC/Chemed receives $83,000 from Dep of health to fight Covid 19
-Karlin chasidus tells its followers that this year Pesach they can be lenient on tings that they are usually machmir on
ההשגחה העליונה סובבה כי בשנה זו יהיה מוטל עלינו להרבות ולהדר בכל מאמצי כוחנו במצוות 'ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם', ואי לכך ייתכנו שינויים בהנהגות אצל כל יחיד ויחיד כרצון ה' ויריאיו. ומסתמן שהחומרות הנהוגות מדי שנה בחג הפסח יהיו קשות לביצוע אצל חלק מהציבור וכפי שיפורט מסיבות שונות, כגון: מצב כספי קשה, מחסור בחנויות, או מחסור במצות מהודרות בפרט עבור הילדים הקטנים, וכמו"כ מחמת שמירת האוירה הרגועה בבית עם בני הבית והילדים, וכהנה רבות, על כן באנו בזאת לפרט את החומרות שאפשר להקל בהן".
3:00 pm
-Misameach Live show with Yehuda Green click HERE or watch on Vimeo
-Police shut down the kever of Rashbi in Meron
-The bustling streets of Geula in yerushalyim are deserted as restrictions are enforced,
2:00 pm
- Murphy limits child daycare centers to only be open for children of essential workers.
-Phil Murphy said in his daily update that 2 summonses were issued in Lakewood yesterday for a gathering and a wedding at a private residence.
-Lakewood numbers higher than reported but the are not testing and some doctors offices are closed
-NJ now has a total 4402 cases death toll now is at 62
-Some local doctors will not Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine but its available by others
1:30 pm
-Dr. Zev Zelenko responds to a letter that was written about his video updates and treatment with Hydroxychloroquine he said he is mochel whoever wrote it and is touch with the highest echelons of the federal govt while there seems to be some confusion and conflict between the feds and Gov Cuomo on the use of Hydroxychloroquine to treat corona patients. He will release protocols that will be available online.
-Shmuess on the current matzav from Rav Aryeh Leib Paretzky Shlita (Rosh Kollel & Rosh Chaburah) Dial 978-990-5099 and enter access code 434679 #
Mincha with Yom Kippur Katan those fasting should say aneinu in shemonah esrei
1:00 pm
Shabbos in a Box - Shloimys kosher world offering shabbos in a box- curbside pick up send email to SHABBOSBOX@GMAIL.COM
Video: Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita Butcher Shop can Be open to sell meat for Pesach
A question is posed to Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlita if a butcher (in Lakewood?) shop should stay open since people have to buy meat for Yom Tov on the other hand there is a possibility that customers may infect each other with the virus he said they can be open and should daven in order to have a shmira.
In other News
statement from Harold Herskowitz.
I hope everyone is safe and healthy at home. I have decided to run in the Republican primary at the last minute and unfortunately I decided to run after the need for everyone to stay home and not interact with one another. In order to run I need a petition with signatures to be on the ballot. If you could please take a moment and sign the petition electronically for the primary on June 7th. I know that things look bleak right now but I decided that when this is all over it will be even more important that our township should be run for the benefit of all of us and not a select few. I am looking toward the future and I hope you will join me. Thank you for your support. And please be careful and safe.
I hope everyone is safe and healthy at home. I have decided to run in the Republican primary at the last minute and unfortunately I decided to run after the need for everyone to stay home and not interact with one another. In order to run I need a petition with signatures to be on the ballot. If you could please take a moment and sign the petition electronically for the primary on June 7th. I know that things look bleak right now but I decided that when this is all over it will be even more important that our township should be run for the benefit of all of us and not a select few. I am looking toward the future and I hope you will join me. Thank you for your support. And please be careful and safe.
Kllal Yisrael Together: Worldwide Yom Tefillah תפילת רבים
אבינו מלכנו מנע מגפה מנחלתך
Today Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780 Klal Yisrael will join together all over the world beseeching rachmei Shamayim to stop the mageifa. some will be fasting and davening Yom Kipur katan by shachris עננו and אבינו מלכנו is said)
At 11:30 am EDT (5:30 -pm Israel time) all are asked to join together fro their homes and say the following kapitlach of Tehillim 20, 41,120,130, 142, 91 followed by אבינו מלכנו others will be saying the complete סדר פטום הקטורת see below for seder tefillah.
At 12:00 pm NY Time everyone will join together in recitation of kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim.
To follow along you can listen live and join with the Satmar Rebbe 712-432-8773 11000# or 425-436-6353 code 344596#
Tehillim and additional tefillos below
Today Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780 Klal Yisrael will join together all over the world beseeching rachmei Shamayim to stop the mageifa. some will be fasting and davening Yom Kipur katan by shachris עננו and אבינו מלכנו is said)
At 11:30 am EDT (5:30 -pm Israel time) all are asked to join together fro their homes and say the following kapitlach of Tehillim 20, 41,120,130, 142, 91 followed by אבינו מלכנו others will be saying the complete סדר פטום הקטורת see below for seder tefillah.
At 12:00 pm NY Time everyone will join together in recitation of kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim.
To follow along you can listen live and join with the Satmar Rebbe 712-432-8773 11000# or 425-436-6353 code 344596#
Tehillim and additional tefillos below
Live: Tefillas Mincha and Yom Kippur Koton at the Home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita
A Minyan at the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita davening Yom Kippur Koton with Rav Shimon Galei shlita
Pesach Prep Guidelines for this year
Prepared under the auspices of the Skver dayan of Lakewood and Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Tuesday 3/24/20 News updates Lakewood
Refresh page for updates
- Lakewood Chaveirim List of Stores hours services delivery options view HERE
11:00 pm
Group of Mekubalim in Meron going around 7 times with Lulavim asking for rachamim to stop the Coronavirus.
Crown Heights update
-Looking at the data, it would appear that there were significantly fewer new infections in the past few days when compared with last week. In a large part this may be due to the rapid accelerant that Purim provided in spreading the infection throughout our community.
-There will likely continue to be sporadic cases through our community among those who have not been exposed, including the elderly and those with chronic illness, and we must repeat our strong admonition for those who are elderly (>65 years old) or with chronic illness, who have not had the virus yet, to remain socially isolated.
-We are still seeing many patients who have been ill for over a week who are not doing well. Once again, please attend to eating, drinking, and walking around the home regularly.
-Another plea is made for adults who HAVE HAD the illness, to go and take care of your parents if they are currently ill.
-Concerning Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) – this morning, the governor of New York banned the sale of Plaquenil. The exact reasons relate to the shortage created and the unproven nature of the therapy. Notwithstanding the above, we are encouraging those already on the drug to finish their prescription. If you have a cardiac history, please clear it with your cardiologist.
- At this time, we are not suggesting widespread Zithromax use (in the absence of Plaquenil) at the onset of the illness.
8:00 pm
-People fleeing New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic have been told to self-quarantine wherever they went for 14 days as White House officials sounded the alarm over the troubling spike in cases in the city.
More than 60 percent of all new coronavirus cases in the US are coming from the New York metro area, which includes Long Island and Westchester, Dr. Deborah Birx said at the White House coronavirus task force briefing on Tuesday evening.
7:30 pm
-There will be a Shiur and Divrei Chizuk from Rav Yakov Landau at 8:30 and a Shiur and Divrei Chizuk from Rav Osher Dovid May at 10:00 P.M. The Call in number is 646-726-9977 (no pin necessary)
6:00 pm
-Tehillim-name added for rabbi gellerman.
Avigdor sosson Meir Ben rochel Leah.
-Letter from Lakewood Poskim one must stay at home and only go outside unless absolutely necessary signed by Rabbi Forcheimer shlita , Rabbi shmuel Meir Katz shlita, Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlita, Rabbi Asher Chaim Lieberman shlita see HERE
-Levaya of Rav Avrohom Levi Bressler ztl at Lakewood Bais Olam 6:15 pm only stay in cars
Call in conference to levaya: 515-604-9919 pin #403536
4:30 pm
-Lakewood has 84 confirmed cases of Covid19
Levaya for Rebbetzin Sara Murik at 5:00 pm
Webcast: HERE
Call in numbers:
515-604-9049 Pin 450538#
978-990-5000 Pin 817566#
3:30 pm
-N.J. coronavirus deaths increase to 44 with 3,675 total cases statewide. 846 new positive tests an
-A site at Ocean County College in Toms River is still in the process of being set up. An opening date cannot be established until test kits have been received and a scheduling system is in place. announced.
2:30 pm
-Replay of Kol Halashom Teleconference with Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Efraim Wachsman shlita onChazak line 732-806-8599 press 9 menu option 2 and 35# or 36#
- Caterers offering Pesach at home - Pesach at Home with world-renowned Greenwald Caterers! Contact us for menu and pricing - reserve EARLY! Call 8482453514 or email Greenwaldathome2020@gmail.com.
1:30 pm
- BDE :Petirah of Rav Avrohom Levi Bressler zt"l from westgate in Lakewood went into cardiac arrest on shabbos and was niftar earlier today he was 58 years old. Levaya in Lakewood with a minyan. His wife is ybl"c Mrs. Gittel Bresler of Tehilas Chaya Sara Girls school.
- Lakewood Chaveirim List of Stores hours services delivery options view HERE
11:00 pm
Group of Mekubalim in Meron going around 7 times with Lulavim asking for rachamim to stop the Coronavirus.
Crown Heights update
-Looking at the data, it would appear that there were significantly fewer new infections in the past few days when compared with last week. In a large part this may be due to the rapid accelerant that Purim provided in spreading the infection throughout our community.
-There will likely continue to be sporadic cases through our community among those who have not been exposed, including the elderly and those with chronic illness, and we must repeat our strong admonition for those who are elderly (>65 years old) or with chronic illness, who have not had the virus yet, to remain socially isolated.
-We are still seeing many patients who have been ill for over a week who are not doing well. Once again, please attend to eating, drinking, and walking around the home regularly.
-Another plea is made for adults who HAVE HAD the illness, to go and take care of your parents if they are currently ill.
-Concerning Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) – this morning, the governor of New York banned the sale of Plaquenil. The exact reasons relate to the shortage created and the unproven nature of the therapy. Notwithstanding the above, we are encouraging those already on the drug to finish their prescription. If you have a cardiac history, please clear it with your cardiologist.
- At this time, we are not suggesting widespread Zithromax use (in the absence of Plaquenil) at the onset of the illness.
8:00 pm
-People fleeing New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic have been told to self-quarantine wherever they went for 14 days as White House officials sounded the alarm over the troubling spike in cases in the city.
More than 60 percent of all new coronavirus cases in the US are coming from the New York metro area, which includes Long Island and Westchester, Dr. Deborah Birx said at the White House coronavirus task force briefing on Tuesday evening.
7:30 pm
-There will be a Shiur and Divrei Chizuk from Rav Yakov Landau at 8:30 and a Shiur and Divrei Chizuk from Rav Osher Dovid May at 10:00 P.M. The Call in number is 646-726-9977 (no pin necessary)
6:00 pm
-Tehillim-name added for rabbi gellerman.
Avigdor sosson Meir Ben rochel Leah.
-Letter from Lakewood Poskim one must stay at home and only go outside unless absolutely necessary signed by Rabbi Forcheimer shlita , Rabbi shmuel Meir Katz shlita, Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlita, Rabbi Asher Chaim Lieberman shlita see HERE
-Levaya of Rav Avrohom Levi Bressler ztl at Lakewood Bais Olam 6:15 pm only stay in cars
Call in conference to levaya: 515-604-9919 pin #403536
4:30 pm
-Lakewood has 84 confirmed cases of Covid19
Levaya for Rebbetzin Sara Murik at 5:00 pm
Webcast: HERE
Call in numbers:
515-604-9049 Pin 450538#
978-990-5000 Pin 817566#
3:30 pm
-N.J. coronavirus deaths increase to 44 with 3,675 total cases statewide. 846 new positive tests an
-A site at Ocean County College in Toms River is still in the process of being set up. An opening date cannot be established until test kits have been received and a scheduling system is in place. announced.
2:30 pm
-Replay of Kol Halashom Teleconference with Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Efraim Wachsman shlita onChazak line 732-806-8599 press 9 menu option 2 and 35# or 36#
- Caterers offering Pesach at home - Pesach at Home with world-renowned Greenwald Caterers! Contact us for menu and pricing - reserve EARLY! Call 8482453514 or email Greenwaldathome2020@gmail.com.
1:30 pm
- BDE :Petirah of Rav Avrohom Levi Bressler zt"l from westgate in Lakewood went into cardiac arrest on shabbos and was niftar earlier today he was 58 years old. Levaya in Lakewood with a minyan. His wife is ybl"c Mrs. Gittel Bresler of Tehilas Chaya Sara Girls school.
Gedolei Yisrael call for international Yom Tefilah Tomorrow Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan תש''פ
Gedolei Yisrael from all across the spectrum call on Klal yisrael to join and daven Tomorrow together and say Tehillim at the same time. 5:30 pm Israeli time or 11:30 am in the US EST.
Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim should take place at 6:00 pm Israel ad 12:00 pm in NY.
The Badatz Yeryushalayim, Moetzes gedolei Hatorah of Eretz Yisrael both Agudah and Degel Hatorah and American Moetzes gedolei HaTorah, Moetzes Chachnei Hatorah of the Sefardim all have called for klal yisrael to daven tomorrow erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlita added that we should be mechazek in limud Hatorah those who can should also fast and be mekabel taanis today by Mincha one can even fast a half a day and say עננו by Mincha on Wednesday if he is still fasting.
Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim should take place at 6:00 pm Israel ad 12:00 pm in NY.
The Badatz Yeryushalayim, Moetzes gedolei Hatorah of Eretz Yisrael both Agudah and Degel Hatorah and American Moetzes gedolei HaTorah, Moetzes Chachnei Hatorah of the Sefardim all have called for klal yisrael to daven tomorrow erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlita added that we should be mechazek in limud Hatorah those who can should also fast and be mekabel taanis today by Mincha one can even fast a half a day and say עננו by Mincha on Wednesday if he is still fasting.
BD’E – Reb Yitzchak Warman, Z”l
BROOKLYN - Hamodia is saddened to report the passing of Reb Yitzchak Warman, z”l.
Reb Yitzchak, a descendant of Rav Itzikel of Zidechoiv, zy”a, was born in Tzfas in 5689/1929. Reb Yitzchak and his parents miraculously survived WWII in France, and he came to the United States in 1947.
After learning in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Yeshiva Ner Yisrael, he married Sheindel Loeberbaum, a descendant of the Harav Yaakov of Lisa, (mechaber of Chavas Daas, Nesivos Hamishpat, and other seforim), in 1958.
Reb Yitzchak, a descendant of Rav Itzikel of Zidechoiv, zy”a, was born in Tzfas in 5689/1929. Reb Yitzchak and his parents miraculously survived WWII in France, and he came to the United States in 1947.
After learning in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Yeshiva Ner Yisrael, he married Sheindel Loeberbaum, a descendant of the Harav Yaakov of Lisa, (mechaber of Chavas Daas, Nesivos Hamishpat, and other seforim), in 1958.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Monday 3/23/2020 Lakewood News updates
חוסה ה' על עמך והצילנו מזעמך והסר ממנו מכת המגפה וגזרה קשה כי אתה שומר ישראל
והוא רחום שני וחמישי
Refresh page for updates
-10:00 pm
-Trump says he intends to reopen country in weeks, not months
-Tehillim: Reb Avrohom Aharon and Rivka Rubashkin, the parents of Sholom Mordechai, are both hospitalized with the coronavirus. Please daven for Avrohom Aharon ben Rasha Roiza and Rivka bas Hinda.
9:00 pm
-Thinking of flying to Florida? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says anyone flying from NY/NJ will be mandated to a 14 day quarantine upon arrival.
8:30 pm
Lakewood now with 69 confirmed cases of Coronavirus (ochd)
Rav Elya Brudny Shlita will deliver a Vaad tonight (Monday) from 8:45--9:15 PM Call in number 7128325559 Conference ID 202165# 2nd line Call in number 9294362866 Conference ID 967314861
-6:00 pm
-Mincha reminder
Lakewood Chaverim sets up LIST OF STORES Hours and services delivery and pick up options
View the spreadsheet HERE
5:00 pm
-Murphy Expect NJ schools to be closed for ‘extended period of time’until such time as deemed by health officials to be safe for classes to resume.”
- Bed Bath & Beyond closes all stores temporarily in response to coronavirus
-Orthodox Organizations: ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ NO trips or going away this pesach Travel to other cities must be canceled, whether to vacation venues (Florida, etc.) or to family. Everyone must plan to celebrate Pesach where they are currently.
This Pesach Rabbinic leaders and organizations across the Orthodox spectrum have, individually, declared the health threat presented by COVID-19 a mortal threat (sakanas nefashos). We, leaders of major American Orthodox Jewish organizations, join together again to further, clarify our shared and firm guidance for our communities. see HERE
4:30 pm
Lakewood Matzo Bakery - We are currently sold out of all matzoh - Bakery is closed
3:00 PM
-Order non Essential items for Pesach from Amazon now - Amazon Warehouses Will Now Accept Essential Supplies Only a move that will help get items like food and diapers to people affected by the coronavirus pandemic faster. This means if you needsomething for Pesach it may not be available next week.
-Misameach live show for kids HERE now 3 pm
-OU Kosher: Supply chain for kosher for Passover food has not been disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Additionally, food manufacturers are continuing to produce food during this time and we have been assured by our clients – including Manischewitz, Empire, Kedem and others – that there is plenty available and that there is no issue with food production for Passove
-Bergen county leads NJ with 609 positive cases (also had testing site set up there)
2:00 pm
- Shop local- list store hours and delivery options in the comment section to be posted
-Israel halts all public transportation and implementing more drastic measures to contain spread
-Tehillim Michoel Ben Deena in the ICU
-Additional 42 cases in Ocean county Lakewood numbers not out yet
-The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are going to be postponed to next year
-CH Hatzolah If you have FLU like symptoms assume you have presumptive Covid19 and no need to culture or test because it will expose the first responders
1:00 pm-
-Pesach hotel programs mostly cancelled there are a few that are to take place in South American countries but no one wants to risk a potential border shut downs and travel restrictions that will leave them trapped without the ability to get back into the USA
- Agudah Halacha for these unprecedented times tonight Monday 8:00-8:45 pm with
Rabbi Moshe Heineman Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore submit your questions to torahprojects@agudah.org listen live 718.298.2077 or watch at Torahanytime.org
12:00 pm
- Crown Heights update: The biggest issue facing the community at this time is the fact that many people have now progressed into the second week of their illness and have not yet recovered. We want to STRESS the importance of drinking and eating, especially as taste buds seem to be affected; Walking around in the residence, if possible, is also important.
- Viral Video Toyota service center in New Hampton, Orange County, NY is operating but turned away a Hasidic Jew because “you are spreading the virus.
-NJ Numbers - cases rise to 2,844 as testing accelerates 935 new positive test results since yesterday, death toll now at 27
-NYS numbers rise confirmed cases 20,875 statewide, including 12,305 in New York City and 157 deaths in the Empire State.
-Judaica Square to open at Seagull Square now delivering for pesach Call/WhatsApp 732-444-3111
-Gelbstein front store is now closed back bakery open- school lunches can be picked up
11:00 am
NYC: Mayor Bill de Blasio told the media today that he "can't see" NYC schools reopening in April and fears schools will remain closed through the end of the year.
-Lakewood children continue learnig with Rebbeim/ Morahs via teleconference
- Mesamchei Lev held its pesach distribution for Rebbeim at Blue claws stadium yesterday
- NJ to temporarily release 1000 low risk inmates to stop the spread of corona-virus
- Skip the Trip Lakewood township sets up page for services available online HERE
10:00 am
- The Gelbsteins drop off locations will receive lunches and snack starting at 10:30
-School Lunches will be available today to anyone age 3-18 free of charge at Circa on Cedarbridge. Four Corners Bagels Chestnut location from 11:30 am.
- Shloimy's Kosher world open 8:30 am to 10:00 pm. Fully stocked with your Pesach and chometz needs. Curbside pickup offered as well. Send orders to shloimydelivers@gmail.com. Must include cc info
- PNC Bank Arts Center testing site closes just a half-hour after opening it also said no symptoms, no test'
-BDE: - passing of Rabbi Yehuda Refson OBM, a veteran Chabad Shliach in Leeds England after contracting the COVID-19 virus.
- Snowing in some areas of the Catskills
-Coronavirus testing center backed by FEMA opened this morning at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel. 30 minute drive from Lakewood
- Rav shlesinger from Monsey mentioned that saying the tefila of והוא רחום today Monday with kavana can help stop the mageifa as is brought down in the siddur of Rav Yaakov Emdin that there was once a ship of Jews who were exiled and thretened to be thrown into a fire they had a dream about saying the tefila of Vehu Rachum and they were saved from a fire.You can say it at home no need for a minyan,
-Gourmet Glatt North hours today 9:30 am - 9:00 pm
-Essmeals.com - Lakewood Chaverim team up with Bikur Cholim, BMG, Sushi Chinese to provide kosher supper meals for certan individuals who qualify for a nominal fee. Order HERE restricted for Households that have a member with Coronavirus. immuno compromised member. Senior citizens.
והוא רחום שני וחמישי
Refresh page for updates
-10:00 pm
-Trump says he intends to reopen country in weeks, not months
-Tehillim: Reb Avrohom Aharon and Rivka Rubashkin, the parents of Sholom Mordechai, are both hospitalized with the coronavirus. Please daven for Avrohom Aharon ben Rasha Roiza and Rivka bas Hinda.
9:00 pm
-Thinking of flying to Florida? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says anyone flying from NY/NJ will be mandated to a 14 day quarantine upon arrival.
8:30 pm
Lakewood now with 69 confirmed cases of Coronavirus (ochd)
Rav Elya Brudny Shlita will deliver a Vaad tonight (Monday) from 8:45--9:15 PM Call in number 7128325559 Conference ID 202165# 2nd line Call in number 9294362866 Conference ID 967314861
-6:00 pm
-Mincha reminder
Lakewood Chaverim sets up LIST OF STORES Hours and services delivery and pick up options
View the spreadsheet HERE
5:00 pm
-Murphy Expect NJ schools to be closed for ‘extended period of time’until such time as deemed by health officials to be safe for classes to resume.”
- Bed Bath & Beyond closes all stores temporarily in response to coronavirus
-Orthodox Organizations: ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ NO trips or going away this pesach Travel to other cities must be canceled, whether to vacation venues (Florida, etc.) or to family. Everyone must plan to celebrate Pesach where they are currently.
This Pesach Rabbinic leaders and organizations across the Orthodox spectrum have, individually, declared the health threat presented by COVID-19 a mortal threat (sakanas nefashos). We, leaders of major American Orthodox Jewish organizations, join together again to further, clarify our shared and firm guidance for our communities. see HERE
4:30 pm
Lakewood Matzo Bakery - We are currently sold out of all matzoh - Bakery is closed
3:00 PM
-Order non Essential items for Pesach from Amazon now - Amazon Warehouses Will Now Accept Essential Supplies Only a move that will help get items like food and diapers to people affected by the coronavirus pandemic faster. This means if you needsomething for Pesach it may not be available next week.
-Misameach live show for kids HERE now 3 pm
-OU Kosher: Supply chain for kosher for Passover food has not been disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Additionally, food manufacturers are continuing to produce food during this time and we have been assured by our clients – including Manischewitz, Empire, Kedem and others – that there is plenty available and that there is no issue with food production for Passove
-Bergen county leads NJ with 609 positive cases (also had testing site set up there)
2:00 pm
- Shop local- list store hours and delivery options in the comment section to be posted
-Israel halts all public transportation and implementing more drastic measures to contain spread
-Tehillim Michoel Ben Deena in the ICU
-Additional 42 cases in Ocean county Lakewood numbers not out yet
-The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are going to be postponed to next year
-CH Hatzolah If you have FLU like symptoms assume you have presumptive Covid19 and no need to culture or test because it will expose the first responders
1:00 pm-
-Pesach hotel programs mostly cancelled there are a few that are to take place in South American countries but no one wants to risk a potential border shut downs and travel restrictions that will leave them trapped without the ability to get back into the USA
- Agudah Halacha for these unprecedented times tonight Monday 8:00-8:45 pm with
Rabbi Moshe Heineman Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore submit your questions to torahprojects@agudah.org listen live 718.298.2077 or watch at Torahanytime.org
12:00 pm
- Crown Heights update: The biggest issue facing the community at this time is the fact that many people have now progressed into the second week of their illness and have not yet recovered. We want to STRESS the importance of drinking and eating, especially as taste buds seem to be affected; Walking around in the residence, if possible, is also important.
- Viral Video Toyota service center in New Hampton, Orange County, NY is operating but turned away a Hasidic Jew because “you are spreading the virus.
-NJ Numbers - cases rise to 2,844 as testing accelerates 935 new positive test results since yesterday, death toll now at 27
-NYS numbers rise confirmed cases 20,875 statewide, including 12,305 in New York City and 157 deaths in the Empire State.
-Judaica Square to open at Seagull Square now delivering for pesach Call/WhatsApp 732-444-3111
-Gelbstein front store is now closed back bakery open- school lunches can be picked up
11:00 am
NYC: Mayor Bill de Blasio told the media today that he "can't see" NYC schools reopening in April and fears schools will remain closed through the end of the year.
-Lakewood children continue learnig with Rebbeim/ Morahs via teleconference
- Mesamchei Lev held its pesach distribution for Rebbeim at Blue claws stadium yesterday
- NJ to temporarily release 1000 low risk inmates to stop the spread of corona-virus
- Skip the Trip Lakewood township sets up page for services available online HERE
10:00 am
- The Gelbsteins drop off locations will receive lunches and snack starting at 10:30
-School Lunches will be available today to anyone age 3-18 free of charge at Circa on Cedarbridge. Four Corners Bagels Chestnut location from 11:30 am.
- Shloimy's Kosher world open 8:30 am to 10:00 pm. Fully stocked with your Pesach and chometz needs. Curbside pickup offered as well. Send orders to shloimydelivers@gmail.com. Must include cc info
- PNC Bank Arts Center testing site closes just a half-hour after opening it also said no symptoms, no test'
-BDE: - passing of Rabbi Yehuda Refson OBM, a veteran Chabad Shliach in Leeds England after contracting the COVID-19 virus.
- Snowing in some areas of the Catskills
-Coronavirus testing center backed by FEMA opened this morning at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel. 30 minute drive from Lakewood
- Rav shlesinger from Monsey mentioned that saying the tefila of והוא רחום today Monday with kavana can help stop the mageifa as is brought down in the siddur of Rav Yaakov Emdin that there was once a ship of Jews who were exiled and thretened to be thrown into a fire they had a dream about saying the tefila of Vehu Rachum and they were saved from a fire.You can say it at home no need for a minyan,
-Gourmet Glatt North hours today 9:30 am - 9:00 pm
-Essmeals.com - Lakewood Chaverim team up with Bikur Cholim, BMG, Sushi Chinese to provide kosher supper meals for certan individuals who qualify for a nominal fee. Order HERE restricted for Households that have a member with Coronavirus. immuno compromised member. Senior citizens.
WZO Election Results: Eretz Hakodesh gets 20,000 Votes
The results are in for the WZO elections 15 slates were running for 152 American seats for the Congress.A total of 123,000 people voted in this election more than double the amount of the previous one. The Eretz Hakodesh slate that was geared to the frum orthodox community in the US received 20,00 votes which translates to about 25 mandates. the reform slates got the most and their numbers went up as well jointly
Vote Reform 31,500
Orthodox Israel Coalition – Mizrachi 21,698
Eretz Hakodesh 20,023
ZOA Coalition 10,313
Vote Reform 31,500
Orthodox Israel Coalition – Mizrachi 21,698
Eretz Hakodesh 20,023
ZOA Coalition 10,313
Sunday, March 22, 2020
News updates Sunday כ''ו אדר תש''פ , Lakewood
Refresh page for updates
11:30 am
Pesach challenges for this year Rabbonim are working on different eitzos
Mechiras Chometz - recommending to do it over the phone or online its not lechatchila but due to circumstances they will be meikel.
Tevilas Keilim: for those making Pesach for the first time especially the local keilim mikvaos are closed. The Rabbonim are advising people to be mafkir their keilim and not claim ownership until after pesach or have in mind when purchasing that you are not being koneh it. Another option is to go to a lake or body of water but due to current circumstances is not a viable option
Hagolas Keilim: Kashering can be done at home if no public places will be open
Biur Chometz: Most probably there will be no public burning sites or it would be set up as a drop off only location if small fires are not allowed one would have to put it in their trash cans and be mafkir it.
Siyum Bechorim- on Erev Pesach: for those who are not making a siyum Modern Orthoodox rabbonim recommend you can hear a siyum over the phone but are also warning that fasting this year for many could be a sakana since they can have symptoms and need hydration.
Getting Haircuts all Barber shops are closed not knowing when restrictions will be lifted it makes sense to order a haircut machine
11:00 pm
-Mnuchin: Tentative Coronavirus Package Will Include Average Of $3,000 To A Family Of Four
-65 out of 114 Chabad bochurim who came from the US and were staying at the Dan Jerusalem Hotel, a designated Coronavirus hotel, were diagnosed with COVID-19.
-Website with financial help govt programs for those affected by Coronavirus HERE
9:00 pm-
- NJ opens State run Coronavirus testing site tomorrow at PNC Arts center in Holmdel NJ 30 minutes from Lakewood cases expected to spoke with more testing.
-This Wednesday Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, Calls for Increased Limud HaTorah and a Yom Tefillah and fast day.
-Medical community warns those who have Covid19 symptoms fever and aches not to take Advil or iboprofine it only kick-starts the virus and brings on pneumonia. Only use Tylenol
FBI: White supremacists encouraging members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews by going "any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship.
-Tehillim: Please daven for Gavriel Ben Liza Leah he is currently in ICU w/ corona virus and not breathing on his own he is attached to a respirator.
Harav Boruch Hirshfeld is speaking at 8pm , cleaning, kashering, and other things related to making yt. 646 558 8656 meeting id 697709949
7:00 pm
Do I have Coronavirus? young people feeling symptoms are wondering if they have the virus a loss of sense of taste and smell is a symptom as is the feelings one gets when you have the flu but there is no reason to panic,
- Dr Zelenko in a updated video on social media says everyone should relax 99% of you will be fine. Just wait, don’t have panic. Stay away from old people. You will be fine. As long as there is no shortness of breath, you will be fine. You don’t need any treatment.”
Mincha reminder
-Murphy: We banned any social gatherings in the state. We want people to stay home, Enforcement could include arrests, he said.
-Tehillim: Women in EY with Coronavirus emergency C-section in 7th month to save the baby עטל בת רות לאה
-Trump: National guard will be deployed to NY to fight Coronavirus by building hospitals 1,000 beds are coming to New York City within the next 48 hours, 2,000 to California.
-NY Gov. 80% of the population might get the virus closures could last for as long as 9 month
- Evergreen: Not taking anymore online orders due to tremendous volume please check back for updates
5:00 pm
-Trump Coronavirus Briefing at 5:00 pm HERE
-Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita in a video Message to Klal Yisrael- Hashem has seperate us now from one another to give us time to think how we can become better in serving hashem by becoming one klal yisrael to think about others how can we help others we are missing the freinship of one another and we should think that we are thinking not for ourself but what we can do for someone else. watch HERE
- 4:00 pm
- Hatzolah of Central Jersey transporting many patients to the hospital today R"L
-Streets of boro park are deserted as residents stay indoors
-Amazing savings will close tomorrow
-Ohio going into lockdown tonight Telz Yeshiva closes.
3:30 pm
-NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said worst is yet to come: The city is in desperate need of ventilators and other medical supplies and staff. There are now over 8,000 coronavirus cases in New York City, totaling to almost a third of cases in the U.S.
Glatt Bite will close through March 29 for the safety of it's employees.
2:30 pm
-Misameach live event for children starting 3pm HERE
-Israel considers extending winter clock and pushing off Daylight savings for a month to keep people home
-New Jersey coronavirus outbreak rises to 1,914 cases with 20 deaths. 590 new positive tests announced.
-Suspended mortgage payments contact your lender if you are by the pandemic you may be able to postpone mortgage payments or work out a payment plan and pay half (depends on state)
-Mechaneches and speaker Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish will be speaking via teleconference 2:00 pm
646-726-9977 for women and girls
-Lakewood Cheder and Bais Faiga school supply 5 days worth of free meals for the parents pick up times scheduled today at the school for those who ordered in advance
-Rebbetzin Liba Ettil Silverstein A"h 102 year old Holocaust survivor from Williamsburg was nifteres Friday night from Coronavirus. She was fully functional on Purim.
-Price of Eggs spike before Pesach Consumer panic buying causes US wholesale egg price spike The wholesale egg market now sits over $2 per dozen, Bingo was selling@ $2.50 a dozen limiting to 5 per customer.
Tehillim: Rav Chaim Meir Ben Fraida Rivka tehillim betzibur 857-799-9347 Rav of Sterling Forest (LNN)
Tehillim: Tvi Yehuda Ben Rivka on a respirator in Lakewood
-Tehillim: Rav Dovid Olewski, Rosh Yeshiva of Gur in Boro Park needs Rachmai Shumayim due to coronavirus, Dovid Shlomo Zalmen ben Zlata for a Refuah Shlem
-Bingo open and stocked sanitary items available for customers while you shop
-NPGS - Online order availability is limited at this time/item prices subject to change/items may be out of stock & w /limits consider in store shopping.
-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said The lockdown affecting large segments of the American public to try to curb the spread of the coronavirus is likely to last 10 to 12 weeks, or until early June.
- Israeli doctor in Italy they are no longer treating patients older than 60 years old
-The state-operated coronavirus testing site at Bergen Community College reached capacity less than an hour after opening Sunday and is closed for the day, officials said.
Eli Beer, the founder of Israel's Ichud Hatzalah who tested positive with coronavirusbeen placed on a respirator, Please Daven for Eliezer Yehuda ben Chaya
-Federal Tax Day Postponed To July 15 Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
8:00 am
-Tehillim: Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Chaim Dov Keller, shlita, is hospitalized with COVID-19P Please be mispallel for Chaim Dov ben Kreindel b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.
11:30 am
Pesach challenges for this year Rabbonim are working on different eitzos
Mechiras Chometz - recommending to do it over the phone or online its not lechatchila but due to circumstances they will be meikel.
Tevilas Keilim: for those making Pesach for the first time especially the local keilim mikvaos are closed. The Rabbonim are advising people to be mafkir their keilim and not claim ownership until after pesach or have in mind when purchasing that you are not being koneh it. Another option is to go to a lake or body of water but due to current circumstances is not a viable option
Hagolas Keilim: Kashering can be done at home if no public places will be open
Biur Chometz: Most probably there will be no public burning sites or it would be set up as a drop off only location if small fires are not allowed one would have to put it in their trash cans and be mafkir it.
Siyum Bechorim- on Erev Pesach: for those who are not making a siyum Modern Orthoodox rabbonim recommend you can hear a siyum over the phone but are also warning that fasting this year for many could be a sakana since they can have symptoms and need hydration.
Getting Haircuts all Barber shops are closed not knowing when restrictions will be lifted it makes sense to order a haircut machine
11:00 pm
-Mnuchin: Tentative Coronavirus Package Will Include Average Of $3,000 To A Family Of Four
-65 out of 114 Chabad bochurim who came from the US and were staying at the Dan Jerusalem Hotel, a designated Coronavirus hotel, were diagnosed with COVID-19.
-Website with financial help govt programs for those affected by Coronavirus HERE
9:00 pm-
- NJ opens State run Coronavirus testing site tomorrow at PNC Arts center in Holmdel NJ 30 minutes from Lakewood cases expected to spoke with more testing.
-This Wednesday Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, Calls for Increased Limud HaTorah and a Yom Tefillah and fast day.
-Medical community warns those who have Covid19 symptoms fever and aches not to take Advil or iboprofine it only kick-starts the virus and brings on pneumonia. Only use Tylenol
FBI: White supremacists encouraging members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews by going "any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship.
-Tehillim: Please daven for Gavriel Ben Liza Leah he is currently in ICU w/ corona virus and not breathing on his own he is attached to a respirator.
Harav Boruch Hirshfeld is speaking at 8pm , cleaning, kashering, and other things related to making yt. 646 558 8656 meeting id 697709949
7:00 pm
Do I have Coronavirus? young people feeling symptoms are wondering if they have the virus a loss of sense of taste and smell is a symptom as is the feelings one gets when you have the flu but there is no reason to panic,
- Dr Zelenko in a updated video on social media says everyone should relax 99% of you will be fine. Just wait, don’t have panic. Stay away from old people. You will be fine. As long as there is no shortness of breath, you will be fine. You don’t need any treatment.”
Mincha reminder
-Murphy: We banned any social gatherings in the state. We want people to stay home, Enforcement could include arrests, he said.
-Tehillim: Women in EY with Coronavirus emergency C-section in 7th month to save the baby עטל בת רות לאה
-Trump: National guard will be deployed to NY to fight Coronavirus by building hospitals 1,000 beds are coming to New York City within the next 48 hours, 2,000 to California.
-NY Gov. 80% of the population might get the virus closures could last for as long as 9 month
- Evergreen: Not taking anymore online orders due to tremendous volume please check back for updates
5:00 pm
-Trump Coronavirus Briefing at 5:00 pm HERE
-Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita in a video Message to Klal Yisrael- Hashem has seperate us now from one another to give us time to think how we can become better in serving hashem by becoming one klal yisrael to think about others how can we help others we are missing the freinship of one another and we should think that we are thinking not for ourself but what we can do for someone else. watch HERE
- 4:00 pm
- Hatzolah of Central Jersey transporting many patients to the hospital today R"L
-Streets of boro park are deserted as residents stay indoors
-Amazing savings will close tomorrow
-Ohio going into lockdown tonight Telz Yeshiva closes.
3:30 pm
-NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said worst is yet to come: The city is in desperate need of ventilators and other medical supplies and staff. There are now over 8,000 coronavirus cases in New York City, totaling to almost a third of cases in the U.S.
Glatt Bite will close through March 29 for the safety of it's employees.
2:30 pm
-Misameach live event for children starting 3pm HERE
-Israel considers extending winter clock and pushing off Daylight savings for a month to keep people home
-New Jersey coronavirus outbreak rises to 1,914 cases with 20 deaths. 590 new positive tests announced.
-Suspended mortgage payments contact your lender if you are by the pandemic you may be able to postpone mortgage payments or work out a payment plan and pay half (depends on state)
-Mechaneches and speaker Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish will be speaking via teleconference 2:00 pm
646-726-9977 for women and girls
-Lakewood Cheder and Bais Faiga school supply 5 days worth of free meals for the parents pick up times scheduled today at the school for those who ordered in advance
-Rebbetzin Liba Ettil Silverstein A"h 102 year old Holocaust survivor from Williamsburg was nifteres Friday night from Coronavirus. She was fully functional on Purim.
-Price of Eggs spike before Pesach Consumer panic buying causes US wholesale egg price spike The wholesale egg market now sits over $2 per dozen, Bingo was selling@ $2.50 a dozen limiting to 5 per customer.
Tehillim: Rav Chaim Meir Ben Fraida Rivka tehillim betzibur 857-799-9347 Rav of Sterling Forest (LNN)
Tehillim: Tvi Yehuda Ben Rivka on a respirator in Lakewood
-Tehillim: Rav Dovid Olewski, Rosh Yeshiva of Gur in Boro Park needs Rachmai Shumayim due to coronavirus, Dovid Shlomo Zalmen ben Zlata for a Refuah Shlem
-Bingo open and stocked sanitary items available for customers while you shop
-NPGS - Online order availability is limited at this time/item prices subject to change/items may be out of stock & w /limits consider in store shopping.
-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said The lockdown affecting large segments of the American public to try to curb the spread of the coronavirus is likely to last 10 to 12 weeks, or until early June.
- Israeli doctor in Italy they are no longer treating patients older than 60 years old
-The state-operated coronavirus testing site at Bergen Community College reached capacity less than an hour after opening Sunday and is closed for the day, officials said.
Eli Beer, the founder of Israel's Ichud Hatzalah who tested positive with coronavirusbeen placed on a respirator, Please Daven for Eliezer Yehuda ben Chaya
-Federal Tax Day Postponed To July 15 Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
-Tehillim: Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Chaim Dov Keller, shlita, is hospitalized with COVID-19P Please be mispallel for Chaim Dov ben Kreindel b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.
Clean for Pesach and Enjoy The Seder
CLEAN FOR PESACH AND ENJOY THE SEDER! by Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg
Edited By Rabbi Moshe Finkelstein Kiryat Mattersdorf, Jerusalem
These notes are based on the responsa of Moreinu veRabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, zatzal, rosh yeshivas Torah Ore, to questions posed by women attending his regular talks. They have been compiled by a group of his students. The notes also include Hebrew sources and footnotes, which are not reproduced here. link
In former times, wealthy people who had large houses also had many servants who did their bidding, while poor people, who could not afford servants, lived in small homes with one or two rooms. Understandably, the pre-Passover chores of the rich were performed by the servants, while the poor, who had only their one or two rooms to clean, a few pieces of furniture, a minimum of utensils, and some clothing, took care of their needs themselves.
In those days, cleaning was hard. Tables were made of raw wood, requiring them to be scrubbed or even to be shaven to ensure that no pieces of food were hidden in the cracks. Earthen or wooden floors also needed to be thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed.
Today, we seem to be caught in a trap. The average modern home is larger than formerly. Furniture, utensils and clothing are much more plentiful. The average home today can compare with the more affluent homes of previous generations. However, we do not have the servants that they had, so that today, all the chores fall on the woman of the home. At the same time she still feels obligated to clean and scrub as they did formerly, even though she has laminated furniture and tiled floors, making this type of cleaning unnecessary.
As a result of this, the pressure of pre-Pesach cleaning has reached unnecessary and overwhelming levels. The housewife often becomes overly nervous, unable to enjoy the holiday joy of Passover and unable to perform the mitzvos and obligations of the Seder night.
Edited By Rabbi Moshe Finkelstein Kiryat Mattersdorf, Jerusalem
These notes are based on the responsa of Moreinu veRabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, zatzal, rosh yeshivas Torah Ore, to questions posed by women attending his regular talks. They have been compiled by a group of his students. The notes also include Hebrew sources and footnotes, which are not reproduced here. link
In former times, wealthy people who had large houses also had many servants who did their bidding, while poor people, who could not afford servants, lived in small homes with one or two rooms. Understandably, the pre-Passover chores of the rich were performed by the servants, while the poor, who had only their one or two rooms to clean, a few pieces of furniture, a minimum of utensils, and some clothing, took care of their needs themselves.
In those days, cleaning was hard. Tables were made of raw wood, requiring them to be scrubbed or even to be shaven to ensure that no pieces of food were hidden in the cracks. Earthen or wooden floors also needed to be thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed.
Today, we seem to be caught in a trap. The average modern home is larger than formerly. Furniture, utensils and clothing are much more plentiful. The average home today can compare with the more affluent homes of previous generations. However, we do not have the servants that they had, so that today, all the chores fall on the woman of the home. At the same time she still feels obligated to clean and scrub as they did formerly, even though she has laminated furniture and tiled floors, making this type of cleaning unnecessary.
As a result of this, the pressure of pre-Pesach cleaning has reached unnecessary and overwhelming levels. The housewife often becomes overly nervous, unable to enjoy the holiday joy of Passover and unable to perform the mitzvos and obligations of the Seder night.
Limit Guests at the Pesach Seder This year
important message from former CBA member Dr. Stephanie Haimowitz. FWIW, I have personally received multiple identical accounts from numerous physicians in local hospitals.
Dear Rabbi Rothwachs,
I hope this email find you well and that you and your family are feeling good. I would firstly like to thank you and the entire RCBC for your bulletin to the Bergen County Jewish community regarding social distancing and the closing of the shuls. I know it was not a decision that was made lightly.
Dear Rabbi Rothwachs,
I hope this email find you well and that you and your family are feeling good. I would firstly like to thank you and the entire RCBC for your bulletin to the Bergen County Jewish community regarding social distancing and the closing of the shuls. I know it was not a decision that was made lightly.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Motzei Shabbos Vayakhel Pikudei 5780 Lakewood News updates
הנה א-ל ישועתי אבטח ולא אפחד
וְהֵסִיר ה' מִמְּךָ כָּל חֹלִי וְכָל מַדְוֵי מִצְרַיִם הָרָעִים אֲשֶׁר יָדַעְתָּ לֹא יְשִׂימָם בָּךְ וּנְתָנָם בְּכָל שֹׂנְאֶיךָ -מתוך תפילת 'ויתן לך' הנאמרת במוצאי שבת.
12:00 am
- Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the OU on Talkline- we are getting more Pesach questions this year than previous years since everyone is planing to stay at home all OU staff are available to respond and answer questions by phone or email
Download the 2020 OU Passover directory HERE
- Agudah launches shas in a day initiative to join click HERE
- NY Dr. Grace Hydroxychloroquine. the drug used to treat coronavirus older people die from the coronavirus is that their lungs fill up with fluid as part of an immune response to the virus. Hydroxychloroquine works,in both inhibiting the immune response and inhibiting the replication of the virus.he treaded 100 patients and zero deaths
-A Shabbos to remember hopefully this will be the last one but no one knows what the future holds. for 25 hours people were away from their phones away from the distraction it was hard not to daven in shul and stay cooped up indoors, but once the psak was not to go it made it easier to deal with, In many neighborhoods people davened kabolas shabbos on their porches and steps bringing in the shabbos together.
11:30 pm
- Kiryas Yoel Dr. Zev Zelenko who said Monroe could have 35k cases sends message to Trump: I’m Seeing Success with Your Approved Drug,calls for drug to be used in outpatient setting prior to hospital admittance to prevent overload see video HERE
-Donate HERE for A Keren set up to help people who’s jobs have been terminated or salaries been reduced due to COV19.
-Gourmet Glatt Lakewood will only allow 150 people at a time in its North location and 75 in the south location no children allowed security guards will enforce the rules
- NYC: The coronavirus killed city residents at a rate of more than one per hour on Friday.
Between just 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 14 people in New York City died from the virus, pushing the Big Apple’s total death toll to 43.
10:00 pm
-Town of S, Fallsburg suspends certificate of Occupancy for camps and bungalow colonies for now hospitals upstate can not deal with people coming for pesach
-A NYC Health Department memo advises not to encourage testing for asymptomatic people or those who has mild or moderate illness, even if they are hospital care workers or first responders.
-Tehillim- Avrohom Levi ben Sarah in critical condition a Lakewood resident
9:30 pm
-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron shlita tests positive for coronavirus אהרן בן פעסל לאה לרפו"ש.
-Hatzolah of central Jersey was busy over shabbos transferring patients to the hospital as more people are feeling symptoms some residents in ICU critical condition
-NJ stay at home rules HERE what you need to know
-Virtual Melava Malka HERE Special Message from Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss 9:30 pm
- BDE: Rabbi Masud Tubul, Principal at the Chaya Mushka institution and founder of the Chabad community in Paris, France, passed away from Coronavirus. He was 63 years old. (belaaz)
-Rav moshe wolfson speaks to his kehila listen to recording 718 559 6665 wait into prompt 5 than 0
In Yiddish not great but still inspiring
-Rav Avrohom Helberg shlita will be giving divrei chizuk tonight 9:45 pm via teleconference 605-475- 6700 code 1019#
8:40 pm
-OCHD: Ocean county now has 98 cases 42 in Lakewood 10 in Jackson toms river 13
-NJ to go into lockdown stay at home order beginning 9:00 pm tonight
New Jersey will go into virtual lockdown mode starting Saturday night at 9:00 pm after Gov. Phil Murphy announced he is ordering all people to stay at home except for necessary travel and mandating that all non-essential retail businesses in the state close until further notice to help to battle the spread of the coronavirus.
-FAA briefly halted air traffic in NY tri state area because an employee tested positive
-N.J. coronavirus cases spike to 1,327 total with 16 deaths. 442 new positive tests announced.
-Lakewood business charged for price gouging on Hand sanitizer, homeowner charged for too many ppl at a wedding -app
-Stores that can stay open during the lock down grocery stores, food banks, pharmacies, medical marijuana dispensaries, gas stations, auto mechanics and repair services, convenience stores, banks, hardware and home improvement stores, laundromats, dry cleaners, printing and office supply shops, pet stores, stores that sell supplies for young children, and mail and delivering shops.
וְהֵסִיר ה' מִמְּךָ כָּל חֹלִי וְכָל מַדְוֵי מִצְרַיִם הָרָעִים אֲשֶׁר יָדַעְתָּ לֹא יְשִׂימָם בָּךְ וּנְתָנָם בְּכָל שֹׂנְאֶיךָ -מתוך תפילת 'ויתן לך' הנאמרת במוצאי שבת.
12:00 am
- Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the OU on Talkline- we are getting more Pesach questions this year than previous years since everyone is planing to stay at home all OU staff are available to respond and answer questions by phone or email
Download the 2020 OU Passover directory HERE
- Agudah launches shas in a day initiative to join click HERE
- NY Dr. Grace Hydroxychloroquine. the drug used to treat coronavirus older people die from the coronavirus is that their lungs fill up with fluid as part of an immune response to the virus. Hydroxychloroquine works,in both inhibiting the immune response and inhibiting the replication of the virus.he treaded 100 patients and zero deaths
-A Shabbos to remember hopefully this will be the last one but no one knows what the future holds. for 25 hours people were away from their phones away from the distraction it was hard not to daven in shul and stay cooped up indoors, but once the psak was not to go it made it easier to deal with, In many neighborhoods people davened kabolas shabbos on their porches and steps bringing in the shabbos together.
11:30 pm
- Kiryas Yoel Dr. Zev Zelenko who said Monroe could have 35k cases sends message to Trump: I’m Seeing Success with Your Approved Drug,calls for drug to be used in outpatient setting prior to hospital admittance to prevent overload see video HERE
-Donate HERE for A Keren set up to help people who’s jobs have been terminated or salaries been reduced due to COV19.
-Updated list of stores allowed to remain open includes Liquor stores HERE
-New Jersey’s top public health official Judith Persichilli says everyone, including her, will eventually contract the coronavirus. “I’m definitely going to get it. We all are,“I’m just waiting.”-Gourmet Glatt Lakewood will only allow 150 people at a time in its North location and 75 in the south location no children allowed security guards will enforce the rules
- NYC: The coronavirus killed city residents at a rate of more than one per hour on Friday.
Between just 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 14 people in New York City died from the virus, pushing the Big Apple’s total death toll to 43.
10:00 pm
-Town of S, Fallsburg suspends certificate of Occupancy for camps and bungalow colonies for now hospitals upstate can not deal with people coming for pesach
-A NYC Health Department memo advises not to encourage testing for asymptomatic people or those who has mild or moderate illness, even if they are hospital care workers or first responders.
-Tehillim- Avrohom Levi ben Sarah in critical condition a Lakewood resident
9:30 pm
-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron shlita tests positive for coronavirus אהרן בן פעסל לאה לרפו"ש.
-Hatzolah of central Jersey was busy over shabbos transferring patients to the hospital as more people are feeling symptoms some residents in ICU critical condition
-NJ stay at home rules HERE what you need to know
-Virtual Melava Malka HERE Special Message from Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss 9:30 pm
- BDE: Rabbi Masud Tubul, Principal at the Chaya Mushka institution and founder of the Chabad community in Paris, France, passed away from Coronavirus. He was 63 years old. (belaaz)
-Rav moshe wolfson speaks to his kehila listen to recording 718 559 6665 wait into prompt 5 than 0
In Yiddish not great but still inspiring
-Rav Avrohom Helberg shlita will be giving divrei chizuk tonight 9:45 pm via teleconference 605-475- 6700 code 1019#
8:40 pm
-OCHD: Ocean county now has 98 cases 42 in Lakewood 10 in Jackson toms river 13
-NJ to go into lockdown stay at home order beginning 9:00 pm tonight
New Jersey will go into virtual lockdown mode starting Saturday night at 9:00 pm after Gov. Phil Murphy announced he is ordering all people to stay at home except for necessary travel and mandating that all non-essential retail businesses in the state close until further notice to help to battle the spread of the coronavirus.
-FAA briefly halted air traffic in NY tri state area because an employee tested positive
-N.J. coronavirus cases spike to 1,327 total with 16 deaths. 442 new positive tests announced.
-Lakewood business charged for price gouging on Hand sanitizer, homeowner charged for too many ppl at a wedding -app
-Stores that can stay open during the lock down grocery stores, food banks, pharmacies, medical marijuana dispensaries, gas stations, auto mechanics and repair services, convenience stores, banks, hardware and home improvement stores, laundromats, dry cleaners, printing and office supply shops, pet stores, stores that sell supplies for young children, and mail and delivering shops.
Friday, March 20, 2020
!שבת היא מלזעוק ורפואה קרובה לבוא חזק חזק ונתחזק
ולא יהיה בכם נגף למשחית - פרשת החודש
'בניסן נגאלו ובניסן עתידין להיגאל'.
'בניסן נגאלו ובניסן עתידין להיגאל'.
Erev Shabbos at home Updates Lakewood 3/20/2020 Coronavirus
ערב שבת פרשת ויקהל-פקודי פרשת החודש שבת מברכים חודש ניסן תש׳׳פ
Candle lighting 6:51 Shkia 7:09 pm
Refresh page for updates ראש חודש ניסן ביום החמישי הבא עלינו לטובה
Weather hi of 77 degrees in Lakewood
Segula during kiddush turn the נגף into גפן to have in mind to stop the מגפה. In the zechus of Kiddush on Wine it will turn the נגף into גפן
-Psak from RavYItzchok Zilberstein shlita: If one is awaiting results for a Coronavirus test they may leave their phone on during shabbos
5:00 pm
-Bringing in the shabbos- From Forshay and Monsey, to Flatbush and Boro Park, and many other areas in between and afar, neighbors have arranged to go to there front porches at a prearranged time to be mekabel Shabbosand sing Lcha Dodi together, bring a Shabbosdige taam to their homes and neighborhood. Everyone is reminded to remain on their own porches with appropriate social distancing (Hamodia.com)
-Trucks with loud speakers blasting music around Lakewood lifting spirits before shabbos sponsored by Eagle productions
- LPD Responded to 17calls for violations of socail distancing rules neighbors called when a wedding with limited ppl took place.
4:00 pm
-As cases continue to grow and after being initially lax, Leadership in Jewish community and frum media now urging everyone to stay home and not go out at all.
-Gov Murphy expected to tighten social distancing rules in next 24 hours. Closing non essential stores and limit gathering to 10 ppl or less
-Keren set up to help Lakewood businesses financially affected by the Coronavirus for application click HERE
Rav Baruch Hershfeld givibg divrei chizuk 4:30- 5:00 435-436-6342 #707879
- BMG mails out Kollel checks to youngeleit since they can't get it in person.
2:30 pm-
-Lakewood numbers go up
-NJ Gov. - NJ now has 890 cases and rising 11 deaths received 155 new positive test results since yesterday, this is in part due tot he capabilities of testing by private labs.
-Tehillim: for אברהם אליעזר בן טויבא - a Lakewood resident critical with coronavirus.
-Coronavirus testing fees for uninsured N.J. residents waived by Gov. Murphy
-Dr Shimshi Zimmerman medical director says Hatzolah is seeing younger and healthy people in critical condition intubated, on respirators in the ICU’s. Multiple people have already died from within our community.
2:15 pm
Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen reiterates his psak to Lakewood residents that according to Halacha it is forbidden to make minyanim anywhere not in front or back yard or any private minyan.
שבת היא מלזעוק ורפואה קרובה לבוא
-2:00 pm
Sources close to the Grand Rabbi of Satmar in KJ confirm that the results of his test have returned a little over an hour ago as positive. The Satmar community has issued guidelines urging everyone ages 60+ to enter self-quarantine immediately. בשורות טובות. (Turx)
1:00 pm
-Bergen county coronavirus testing site hits capacity after just 4 hours.
- Queen, NY :Hatzola asks that only real emergencies call in , theres an epidemic of coronavirus in the community
12:30 pm
-Hospitals in NJ setting up tents expecting surge in patients
-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron sends chizuk letter to all his followers
-Mazel Tov wedding in Lakewood today
12:00 pm
NY on lock down starting Sunday
-NY Gov to sign executive order banning all gatherings in NY Mandates That Non-Essential Employees Stay Home Likely no more Chasunas can take place! will take effect Sunday night
-Barber shops, salons close in NY as of tomorrow if you need a haircut before Pesach get it now
-Audio listen for free Jewish books for kids - Listen HERE by chilazon press
11:45 am
- Rav Tzvi Rotbereg shlita a R"Y of Bais Meir in EY said without Torah learning the segulos are worthless. !! מעולם לא פסקה ישיבה מאבותינו
אני יודע, מחר יבואו עם סגולה כזאת ומחרתיים עם סגולה אחרת, כל הדברים האלה בטלים ומבוטלים!!!! הרי אנחנו כבר "מחונכים" כמה שנים שאין תורה, ואין מצוות, ואין שום דבר יש רק דבר אחד, שקוראים לו סגולה!!! אני מאד פוחד שפה מישהו גם יבא עם כמה סגולות, ואז בכלל יוכלו לסגור את הגמרא..... ח"ו, זה דבר אחד, בלי תורה אין מה לדבר בכלל.
-A. I Stone clothing offering free shipping on all orders
-Toys For Thought offering curb side pick up Free Delivery on orders of $50 or more
10:30 am
BDE: ר' אברהם יהושע פריינד ז"ל a 63 year old Stamar Chosid from Williamsburg was niftar this morning. He was not feeling well last week and this morning had breathing complications. He did not test for Corona so no way of knowing if he had the virus.
-Those who took tests and awaiting results should not assume all is well a frum women from queens is in critical but stable condition awhile waiting for the result her situation deteriorated rapidly, she tested positive
10:00 am
APP - about Lakewood mesivta “Seems that the dormitory has students who live here in town and they are from out of town,” Meyer wrote. “They are in the process of returning home tomorrow as they typically do for the weekend.” “We cannot throw them out into the street and, like I said, we are hoping to remedy the situation tomorrow.
9:45 am
Tehillim: הרב יוסף בן רחל האדמו"ר מדעעש רמות whose situation deteriorated because of Corona the rebbe is 57 yrs old in the ICU
-Test center opens in Bergen county only those with symptoms will be tested another one opening soon atPNC bank art center exit 117 on the GSP Ocean county officials opening one next week
9:20 am
Robo call with doctors- Psak From Harav Simcha bunim Cohen shlita for the entire Lakewood
It is assur to have any private minyanim on shabbos anywhere
9:00 am
Restrictions at Lakewood supermarkets only one shopper per family no children allowed
-Rav Moshe Heineman- one does not need to announce the Molad when davening at home
דער מולד וועט זיין: דינסטיג אינדערפרי עלעף חלקים און פערצן מינוט נאך צען
The molad will be Tuesday morning 11 Chalakim and 14 minutes after 10
Rosh chodesh Nissan Thursday ראש חודש ניסן ביום החמישי הבא עלינו לטובה!
Candle lighting 6:51 Shkia 7:09 pm
Refresh page for updates ראש חודש ניסן ביום החמישי הבא עלינו לטובה
Weather hi of 77 degrees in Lakewood
Segula during kiddush turn the נגף into גפן to have in mind to stop the מגפה. In the zechus of Kiddush on Wine it will turn the נגף into גפן
-Psak from RavYItzchok Zilberstein shlita: If one is awaiting results for a Coronavirus test they may leave their phone on during shabbos
5:00 pm
-Bringing in the shabbos- From Forshay and Monsey, to Flatbush and Boro Park, and many other areas in between and afar, neighbors have arranged to go to there front porches at a prearranged time to be mekabel Shabbosand sing Lcha Dodi together, bring a Shabbosdige taam to their homes and neighborhood. Everyone is reminded to remain on their own porches with appropriate social distancing (Hamodia.com)
-Trucks with loud speakers blasting music around Lakewood lifting spirits before shabbos sponsored by Eagle productions
- LPD Responded to 17calls for violations of socail distancing rules neighbors called when a wedding with limited ppl took place.
4:00 pm
-As cases continue to grow and after being initially lax, Leadership in Jewish community and frum media now urging everyone to stay home and not go out at all.
-Gov Murphy expected to tighten social distancing rules in next 24 hours. Closing non essential stores and limit gathering to 10 ppl or less
-Keren set up to help Lakewood businesses financially affected by the Coronavirus for application click HERE
Rav Baruch Hershfeld givibg divrei chizuk 4:30- 5:00 435-436-6342 #707879
- BMG mails out Kollel checks to youngeleit since they can't get it in person.
2:30 pm-
-Lakewood numbers go up
-NJ Gov. - NJ now has 890 cases and rising 11 deaths received 155 new positive test results since yesterday, this is in part due tot he capabilities of testing by private labs.
-Tehillim: for אברהם אליעזר בן טויבא - a Lakewood resident critical with coronavirus.
-Coronavirus testing fees for uninsured N.J. residents waived by Gov. Murphy
-Dr Shimshi Zimmerman medical director says Hatzolah is seeing younger and healthy people in critical condition intubated, on respirators in the ICU’s. Multiple people have already died from within our community.
2:15 pm
Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen reiterates his psak to Lakewood residents that according to Halacha it is forbidden to make minyanim anywhere not in front or back yard or any private minyan.
שבת היא מלזעוק ורפואה קרובה לבוא
-2:00 pm
Sources close to the Grand Rabbi of Satmar in KJ confirm that the results of his test have returned a little over an hour ago as positive. The Satmar community has issued guidelines urging everyone ages 60+ to enter self-quarantine immediately. בשורות טובות. (Turx)
1:00 pm
-Bergen county coronavirus testing site hits capacity after just 4 hours.
- Queen, NY :Hatzola asks that only real emergencies call in , theres an epidemic of coronavirus in the community
12:30 pm
-Hospitals in NJ setting up tents expecting surge in patients
-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron sends chizuk letter to all his followers
-Mazel Tov wedding in Lakewood today
12:00 pm
NY on lock down starting Sunday
-NY Gov to sign executive order banning all gatherings in NY Mandates That Non-Essential Employees Stay Home Likely no more Chasunas can take place! will take effect Sunday night
-Barber shops, salons close in NY as of tomorrow if you need a haircut before Pesach get it now
-Audio listen for free Jewish books for kids - Listen HERE by chilazon press
11:45 am
- Rav Tzvi Rotbereg shlita a R"Y of Bais Meir in EY said without Torah learning the segulos are worthless. !! מעולם לא פסקה ישיבה מאבותינו
אני יודע, מחר יבואו עם סגולה כזאת ומחרתיים עם סגולה אחרת, כל הדברים האלה בטלים ומבוטלים!!!! הרי אנחנו כבר "מחונכים" כמה שנים שאין תורה, ואין מצוות, ואין שום דבר יש רק דבר אחד, שקוראים לו סגולה!!! אני מאד פוחד שפה מישהו גם יבא עם כמה סגולות, ואז בכלל יוכלו לסגור את הגמרא..... ח"ו, זה דבר אחד, בלי תורה אין מה לדבר בכלל.
-A. I Stone clothing offering free shipping on all orders
-Toys For Thought offering curb side pick up Free Delivery on orders of $50 or more
10:30 am
BDE: ר' אברהם יהושע פריינד ז"ל a 63 year old Stamar Chosid from Williamsburg was niftar this morning. He was not feeling well last week and this morning had breathing complications. He did not test for Corona so no way of knowing if he had the virus.
-Those who took tests and awaiting results should not assume all is well a frum women from queens is in critical but stable condition awhile waiting for the result her situation deteriorated rapidly, she tested positive
10:00 am
APP - about Lakewood mesivta “Seems that the dormitory has students who live here in town and they are from out of town,” Meyer wrote. “They are in the process of returning home tomorrow as they typically do for the weekend.” “We cannot throw them out into the street and, like I said, we are hoping to remedy the situation tomorrow.
9:45 am
Tehillim: הרב יוסף בן רחל האדמו"ר מדעעש רמות whose situation deteriorated because of Corona the rebbe is 57 yrs old in the ICU
-Test center opens in Bergen county only those with symptoms will be tested another one opening soon atPNC bank art center exit 117 on the GSP Ocean county officials opening one next week
9:20 am
Robo call with doctors- Psak From Harav Simcha bunim Cohen shlita for the entire Lakewood
It is assur to have any private minyanim on shabbos anywhere
9:00 am
Restrictions at Lakewood supermarkets only one shopper per family no children allowed
-Rav Moshe Heineman- one does not need to announce the Molad when davening at home
דער מולד וועט זיין: דינסטיג אינדערפרי עלעף חלקים און פערצן מינוט נאך צען
The molad will be Tuesday morning 11 Chalakim and 14 minutes after 10
Rosh chodesh Nissan Thursday ראש חודש ניסן ביום החמישי הבא עלינו לטובה!
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