B’siyata D’shmaya we have formed The Vaccine Coalition, a Coalition of Non-Vaccinating Parents in Lakewood, New Jersey.

This coalition was founded by R’ Malkiel Kotler shlit”a, R’ Shmuel Meir Katz shlit”a and R’ Refael Szmerla shlit”a, and it aims to address the current pressing issue of schools rejecting or dismissing non-vaccinated children. It will also be available to help non-vaccinating parents in Lakewood in any area we feel we can, as well as to provide support of ‘strength in numbers’ to pro-vaccine choice Lakewood families.
This coalition depends on a collective voice and will not be launched until we reach a minimum of 250 families. If you live in Lakewood and have made a decision not to vaccinate your children, we encourage you to please take a few moments to sign up to join the coalition, for your benefit, and for the benefit of all other Lakewood families like yourselves.
By joining the coalition you agree to have your name and personal information added to our private database. Your information will never be released to a third party without your permission. If the coalition should find it absolutely necessary to release your name in the course of assisting it's members you may receive an email requesting your permission. Any such instance will be authorized by the Rosh Hayeshiva R’ Malkiel Kotler shlit”a beforehand.
The success of this endeavor is contingent on enlisting as many non-vaccinating families as possible. Please take the time to reach out to your friends and family who don’t vaccinate and encourage them to join.
To join, please visit www.vaccinecoalition.org. Alternatively you can join by emailing vaccinecoalition@gmail.com or call/ text 732-806-7739
When it come to a medical Shaila a Dr takes precedence over a Rov. Are there any Local Drs. on this board?
ReplyDeleteWhen it come to a medical Shaila a Dr is OK TO LISTEN TO if it conforms with the torah!!
DeleteThe Torah doesn't address vaccines so your point is moot in this case
DeleteActually, there are Shutim and mentions in seforim going back to the Teferes Yisroel on the importance of vaccines. So if anything, the Torah world has been traditionally been for them.
DeleteIt makes sense, as they save lives.
1.Show me 1 vaccine that was tested against a true placebo
DeleteAlmost every vaccine clinical study has a placebo arm. Visit clinicaltrials.gov and search vaccine studies to see for yourself.
DeleteWhy you giving any of these wako nut cases any attention
ReplyDeleteThey have my haskama. They should make their own coalition, schools, shuls, parks, etc.
ReplyDeleteThey think they have a right to make their own choices and they do, so do we.
I don't want my children chalila getting sick from theirs.
Who is sick? YOur children cannot get sick from any health child. However recenty vaccinated kids CAN infect other healthy children.
DeleteIncorrect anonymous 3:31. The vaccines are NOT 100% effective for everyone who receives them. So the irresponsible parents, who are part of the anti-immunization cult, and do not vaccinate are endangering others.
Vaccines are meant to prevent the person getting the vaccine from contracting the disease. If my child had a life threatening reaction to a vaccine, and so I decided to stop vaccinating, that is what is best for my child, and that is a decision between me and my doctor, and no one else. I will not give my child a medication that might harm him in order to not "endanger others". This argument that I must vaccinate my child to protect other children, sounds like the argument that was given when there were cults that sacrificed children in the olden days. They picked one child to sacrifice in order to save the others.
DeleteYou are right. It is true that vaccines are not 100% effective for everyone who receives them. Nevertheless, that child cannot catch any disease from a healthy child!! Parents who do not vaccinate are not endangering others. Actually, the person who is vaccinated is a danger to others because they can shed the virus within the first few weeks after getting vaccinated, and infect others. REsponsible doctors tell parents to keep newly vaccinated kids home for the first few weeks so that they do not infect others.
DeleteThat is just so ignorant.
DeleteThis is an extremely uninformed group of people. A vaccinated person cannot pass along disease. Where are you getting these facts, please share! All medications even aspirin have side effects. But we as educated people have to weigh the risks and benefits. 30 million people died due to the Spanish influenza. Unfortinatel the majority of people living today haven't lived through measles outbreaks and polio. Developing a vaccines has saved millions of lives. I urge you to educate yourself using reputable scientific websites, like the CDC.
DeleteWe be more than happy too.
Deletewhat is the connection between this and the peleg?
ReplyDeleteI love how all these non medical professionals are having opinions on whether or not children should be vaccinated.
ReplyDeleteThey only want to do what is right for their own children. They are not telling any one else what to do.
Deletethey are deciding what is best of their child medically. They are not telling others what to do with their children. Also, there are many medical doctors who are wary of vaccines,
DeleteThe idea that your children belong to you does not come from the Torah. Republican ideals are not Talmudic and Rush Limbaugh is not a Tanna.
DeleteThe Torah says listen to doctors, even if they are paid. Those who don't vaccinate are not doing the right thing.
P.S. If the anti vaxxers actually believed in doing 'their own' research, can they show us the teshuvos of the Poskim that they rely on, so that we can see for ourselves if those people actually know how to learn? Or do they accept that on blind faith?
Chote Umachte Es Harabim
ReplyDeleteConsidering BMG requires state vaccinations for acceptance into the dorms and does not grant waivers, I highly doubt that R' Malkiel is involved...
ReplyDeleteBmg gets more $$$ from feter shmiel if they only accept vaccinated buchurim
Deletelol. this is crazy.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you guys realize, but Purim was LAST week.
ReplyDeletewhy are u posting and helping them out. this is a danger to our kids that are vaccinated.
ReplyDeleteIf your kids are vaccinated, why are other healthy kids a danger to your kids? ONe has nothing to do with theother!
DeleteIt is as there is a small pecentage who vaccinations are not effective.
Deletethe small percentage of vaccinations that are not effective doesn't mean that my unvaccinated child is sick and will infect yours!
DeleteAnonymous 9:29, its also a huge danger for babies who are not fully immune until they finish their full set of vaccines. If everyone would vaccinate the diseases would be completely eradicated. Because people dont, they aren't, and on an 8 year old, whooping cough can be a cold, on a 9 month old it is a death threat. Same with many other vaccine preventable diseases.
DeleteRav alyashiv held a person must vaccinate
ReplyDeletei run a big boys camp and will NEVER ACCEPT any "tinok shenishbah" whos parents refuse to vaccinate, 2 summers ago a 2yr old baby of a melamed at our camp was rushed to culombia hosp on fri nt for meningites because he was NOT vaccinated i learned my lesson unfortunatly this good rebbe lost his job ( because he listened to his wife)
ReplyDeleteHe lost his job??? Because he listend to his wife??? What are you talking about?
DeleteWHY would my doctor plead with me to get vaccinated, if it were harmful?
ReplyDeleteWHY would my doctor tell me that he himself gets vaccinated every year?
WHY would my doctor give bad medical advice to his own patients?
Rambam Rejected Childless Mashiach:
Verapo Yerapeh includes preventive care. B"H, diseases that were a childhood scourge have been eliminated thanks to immunizations. Do these ignorant freaks who promote non-vaccination also ride a horse and buggy or use outhouses, like the good old primitive days?
ReplyDeleteWho says in includes preventive care?
DeleteGd save us from these people
ReplyDeleteBunch of רשעים. Clearly you don't know what פיקוח נפש is. And you have some nerve to stamp the names of gedolim on this too
ReplyDeleteDoctors know nothing, see what Rav Nachman wrote about them nearly 200 years ago, and is still true today. They and the drug producers are all interested in one thing, YOUR MONEY!
ReplyDeleteSee what Gemoro wrote about them 1300 years ago. Doctors are believed, as is paskened in shulchan aruch. I thought Breslov doesn't veer from Shulcham Aruch?
DeletePeople should have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children. At least people should hear both sides of the argument pro or con and make their own informed decisions and not be forced to do what they object to. Many doctors just follow what the drug companies (who make tons of money on vaccines and drugs) tell them to and also bribe doctors with expensive perks for pushing their products.
ReplyDeletePeople who didn't receive adequate scientific educations can't make those decisions for themselves. If they could, they would not care about having a choice because they'd be able to understand there's only one side that is supported. Just the idea that it should be an individual choice demonstrates complete ignorance of public health issues.
DeleteThe facts are that MMR, Polio, and Smallpox were widespread diseases that infected many and killed many. They have all virtually been eliminated due to vaccines.
DeleteThere are many things you dont have a 'right' to decide. I mean, you may think its good to beat your child to death, but that would get them taken away and you put in jail.
DeleteCan I be a Mohel Mumcheh because I learned hilchos milah? Of course not .
ReplyDeleteChazal in Meshechta Yoma clearly qualify the term baki leInyan going after majority of opinions i.e. rov beKiIn .
There is a concept of a refuah bedukah which one is mechalel Shabbos for .
A Baki is not someone who sits in his bathroom and reads some opinionated book on medicine . They need to be schooled , just like any miktzoah in halacha from making tzitzis , matzah , shechitah , milah etc etc
Since Rov BeKiIn say to follow vaccination there is no makom for safek .
It`s clear as day .
HaShem YeRachem Aleinu shelo yishma shod VaShever Bigvulaeinu
Very well said! People don't have 'rights' to ignore Torah, even for their own children.
DeleteWho is Rov BeKiln??
DeleteThe Torah is very clear that the Ruv / Posek must listen to the doctor.
ReplyDeleteYou have the right not to vaccinate your children but you don't have the right to put my child at risk of getting sick because of your craziness and there is no way for you to not vaccinate your children without endangering my child and so many others.
ReplyDeleteNo, you don't even have the right not to vaccinate your own child. In NJ it's the law you have to.
Deletewe should force these parents to vaccinate these children even if there is a chance that it harms them... and why would giant corporation lie and encourage vaccines.... yes they make billions of dollars but they wouldn't and be able to get all the doctors to say its good for you if it harms you.. yes they did it once with tobacco industry and doctors used to recommend it and they covered up numerous reports about it being harmful but that was years ago and if there is one thing we know from history it never repeats itself and yes the sugar lobbyist blinded the american people of the harmful effect of refined sugar but other then those cases the government never lies and will not be influenced by money... so everyone calm down and stick what ever your doctor tells you into your body because your doctor has a medical degree and your hippie friend doesnt
ReplyDeleteThe Torah says that we don't care about the chances of harm in vaccinations. שומר פתאים ה׳ tells us that if many people do something without being harmed, it is not considered a danger. Anti vaxxing is amhaaratzus in halacha, non vaxxing is amhaaratzus in medicine
Deletewhat about tosillectomies? The doctors recommended removal of tonsils for all kids inthe 50s and 60s. Did any rav recommend that? And why did they stop doing it?
DeleteIt is a fact that there were hundreds of thousands of cases off MMR with hundreds of deaths annually in the U.S. Since the vaccine was introduced, that number has been reduced to virtually zero.The same can be said for polio
DeleteThere is actual statistics to back up the use of vaccines. Those who are against it cite a discredited study involving a total of 12 people.
Not one death was attributed to the MMR disease ever!! You don't have your facts right. for your information, there is no disease called MMR. YOu are showing off how uneducated you really are.
DeleteIf you say you could force you believe in a cult.
ReplyDeleteYou don't seem to know the meaning of the words you're using.
DeleteI am just stunned at the lack of humility being shown by these Rabbonim. They are great at learning torah. But them weighing in on medical issues is like me telling you how to design your house or cook your dinner because I’m great at chess. And before you tell me that learning torah makes you knowledgeable about everything, think about Moshe Rabbbeinu’s unwillingness to wade into politics and leadership issues. Pretty sure he wouldn’t take it upon himself to start writing prescriptions.
ReplyDeleteI am a strong supporter of childhood and adult vaccination for healthy individuals with a normal immune system . Only a thorough immunization program against smallpox on a global scale eradicated a once greatly feared disease. This being said, one has to be careful not to critize Rabbonim quoted by this anti vaccination coalition, as one can not know whether they actually endorsed this group.
DeleteI have in My Possession, a CDC report from the CDC website, that the DPPT vaccine causes autism. Further there are Whistle Blowers and Drs. that say the MMR shot also causes autism.
ReplyDeleteAs I'm sure everyone is aware the Government and the MSM would never lie to anyone as 17 intelligent agencies have said Donald Trump colluded with the Russians.
Further the Drs. receive a $400 bonus for every child that is vaccinated in their practice as long as most of their patients are fully vaccinated. Now $400 times minimum of 1000 patients in most practices is $400,000. How many Drs. are willing to turn a blind eye to such nice cash incentives. Hashochad yaavir einei chachamim veinei pickchim
then please publish this report, right here! You can put on a tin foil hat to make sure no one can track you.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Dppt but DTaP I mixed those letters up. Here is a quote from report.
ReplyDeleteAdverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS,
anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence
and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are
reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to
establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.2
This 2 is referring to
2. Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Data on File – 072503.
This on page 11 of a 13 page document
Exactly, they are reported by parents who decided to attribute, voluntarily, the autism, SIDS, etc to the vaccination.
Deleteright, when there is an adverse side effect to a vaccine, it isNEVER attributed to the vaccine. It is ALWAYSs a coincidence. Ask any doctor who "believes" in vaccinations if your kid who developed asthma started haveing seizures, , your kid who stopped talking after vaccines, ask them if it is a side effect of the vaccine because it happened a few days after the vaccination, they will say a coincidfence, there is no proof. There were never any studies showing the safety of many vaccines given togehter. Not even MMR which they don't even manufacture separately.
DeleteAha but where's your proof that there is any danger in vaccines? Oh you don't have any, I thought so. What about most cases of SIDS where the kid never got a vaccine?
ReplyDeleteIn the German case-control study and US open-label safety study in which 14,971 infants received Tripedia vaccine, 13 deaths in
ReplyDeleteTripedia vaccine recipients were reported. Causes of deaths included seven SIDS, and one of each of the following: enteritis,
Leigh Syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, cardiac arrest, motor vehicle accident, and accidental drowning. All of these events
occurred more than two weeks post immunization.2 The rate of SIDS observed in the German case-control study was 0.4/1,000
vaccinated infants. The rate of SIDS observed in the US open-label safety study was 0.8/1,000 vaccinated infants and the reported
rate of SIDS in the US from 1985-1991 was 1.5/1,000 live births.34 By chance alone, some cases of SIDS can be expected to follow
receipt of whole-cell pertussis DTP35 or DTaP vaccines.
Is the motor vehicle accident also a result of the vaccine? LOL!! You guys are crazy, just stop trying to defend your insanity.