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Monday, March 19, 2018
Moadim L'Simcha Pesach Distribution Today
The Pesach Moadim L'simcha Lakewood pick up will take place today March 19 starting at 4 pm until 9 pm. The distribution for orders will take place at the First Energy Park stadium parking lot corner of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire avenues.
What is up with the prices these days? Climbing and climbing every Yom Tov. Is this cost price or just a pop up Yom Tov store selling for a little cheaper . If Tomchei Shabbos is paying such prices they should quickly get a better purchaser.
I'm sure they would be more than happy if you got it cheaper for them. Put your money where your mouth is and get them the stuff for cheaper .They are getting it wholesale . Leave them a message and im sure they will call you back.
If I can't do purchasing because I have no experience that means that no one can? Did you look at the prices and then compare it to NPGS (forget about to the discount Brooklyn stores) NPGS with overhead tenfold that what Moadim Lesimcha has is maybe 10% more. Factoring in lack of expenses on most items they are similar to NPGS retail and more expensive then Brooklyn.
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
It's mnice to hock others who work for the klal,but people are not stupid . If the prices were not considerably cheaper , people would not go there . The people know the prices up front and they know what it costs in npgs so obviously ,it is,a lot cheaper or people,would not waste their time every year .
Aha. So on a site that exposes how people act like sheep without thinking thousands of people doing something is proof.
But you are missing the point. It is slightly cheaper which leads to this question.
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
I don't buy there but on the prices that I saw ,especially the big ticket items like meats ,wines etc there was way more than 10 per cent difference ,more like 20 to 22 per cent. There are always some items in npgs or other supermarkets that are cheap or even loss leaders so you can't just look at a few items . I can show you a number of items in Gourmet Glatt thst are being sold below cost just to get you in the store .
They are trying to help people. If you feel you can do better by getting your meat ,wine,and matzo at evergreen then by all means go shop there .Why do you feel the need to knock people who work hard to try and help others . They are not collecting for this and they are not making any money so why do you feel the need to bash them . Its very simple not to shop there.
There,are definitely a few items where the npgs is cheap and the savings is onky 10 to 15 per cent ,but on the main items you are saving a lot. Thousands of people are not crazy .If it wasn't substantially cheaper ,then nobody woukd go to Moadim .
I don't recall bashing anyone, I'm also trying to help people by pointing out that you'll do better with the sales at these stores. Thousands of people go there for the same reason so many still go to NPGS despite the fact that GG, evergreen and other stores have very good sales where you will do better. The reason is simple they never compared prices and just assume that NPGS is the cheapest because that's the "Raid" out there for so many years but all you have to do is pay attention and you'll see that the sales at most other stores beat NPGS.
The sales are on limited loss leader items .Shop rite also had sa les on loss leaders but if you did your main shopping there ,you paid 30 per cent for your whole order . Thete is no question , if you have the time to go to 7 different stores and buy just what's on sale in every place ,you might save some money
So you are bringing a proof from one or 2 supetmarket loss leaders. Big deal so dont buy the aluminum pans at Moadim .Please compare the meat and wine and matzos and other big expensive items. People did and they were 25 per cent cheaper than the supermarkets . Moadim couldn't care less if you dont buy the aluminum pans. As a matter of fact if the supermarkets,sold meat and wine and matzos at a loss ,then Moadim would save themselves a lot of time and headache.
Lakewood Matzoh Bakery sells Matzoh baked in Adar when ordered by Purim or so for 20 lb no shevarim. Here it's almost $19 and has shevarim and is baked who knows when.
They are getting the same deal as retail at Lakewood Matzoh bakery?
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
Ok you win . the many families who shop there are all stupid . They could have ordered their matzos 2 months ago for a dollar more ,they could have gotten a loss leader on 9 x 13 pans in gg ,they could have gotten a loss leader on silver foil in evergreen. Mest and wine us not important because they could really eat milchigs so tjis Moadim is just a complete waste of everybody's time
So great idea. Let Moadim Lesimcha order Matzoh in advance and get it for much less then $19 a pound. They really only pay $1 less a pound then had you and me gone and purchased it retail. You are obscuring my question by getting caught up in if there is a savings and convenience which no one argues. The question is why isn't it wholesale prices and it's just cheaper retail.
Do you know what it cost to run a store? Crazy Rent, electricity, employees and so on. Moadim Lesimcha has almost no overhead and they charge $25 per order to cover whatever minimal overhead they have. They don't take credit cards so they cut out another expense. Something doesn't add up.
Feel free to put your head in the sand. There are websites to go do that. Those websites don't post my comments because how dare someone question one who is part of the establishment.
I have no idea about grocery prices etc etc and I'm sure everyone there are tzadikim. This working for the klal so nothing could be questioned is what's bothering me. We all know that MM,ML,AK etc etc all work for the "klal" and we know what that means.
There is nothing to question. They are not fundraising for Moadim. It is at their cost price plus about 3 per cent for their overhead. If you don't like their cost price ,then dont shop there .Tomche Shabbos is being given out for free and they get the best prices that they can . If you think you have a connection with vendors,and can get it cheaper for them , I am sure they would be very happy to use your connections and save money for Tomchei Shabbos . Why don't you call them and offer to help with the pricing . They have many volunteers doing many different things . What is the purpose of bashing them anonymously on a public forum to make it sound like they are not honest . Just help them reduce the cost if you really can , and i am sure they will be grateful .
Or you could answer the question,yes the prices are cheaper and it's a one stop shopping experience and it might make sense to shop there BUT WHY IS IT THAT CLOSE TO RETAIL . IS THAT REALLY WHAT TOMCHEI SHABBOS PAYS??
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim Lesimcha is close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
When you are ready to answer that question in the previous paragraph then let me know.
If you really cared about the oilom, you would take the Moadim price list and see whether you could get these items or at least the big ones ,at a much lower wholesale cost .If you could then you would share your knowledge with the people running the Moadim program so they could buy better. Judt hocking about a few items lije pans etc is not whats needed . Lol at the whole list including the meats and chickens and wine and produce and see if yiu can really do much better ,If you can then help them by sharing your knowledge.
I already answered that question .It is not a money making operation and they buy wholesale and mark it up about 3 per cent for overhead .There is a board and accountants who oversee their operation and nobody is making money on it .Other than a couple of loss leaders you have not shown that the meat , wine ,grape juice and produce is not close to wholesale prices .So all your questions are very clearly answered.I have spoken to a number of people and they said the prices on most big ticket items were substantially lower than retail stores . The question YOU did not answer is that if you really believe their prices,are not good and you or somebody you know can get them a better deal to save people even more money ,then why are you not volunteering to help them get those cheaper prices ? Are you just interested in being an anonymous kvetcher or do you really want yo help people get better prices . Dont forget ,they are not fundraising for Moadin as they cover their costs ,so why are you so concerned ? Unless you,are a store owner who wants to badmouth them
Since it seems like you are part of Moadim Lesimcha and know the ins and outs. Based on the items us laymen are familiar with like Matzoh and sale items it's barely cheaper if at all. On Chicken and meat you are probably comparing normal cost per pound of plated fresh chicken or meat against frozen bagged stuff.
But back to business
What does having a board and an accountant have to do with Moadim Lesimcha being profitable or not. On the Pravda website this morning you wrote that you get the stuff for 30-40% cheaper. You write here 25% I guess that explains how it could be a profitable business and still be somewhat cheaper.
On other websites you could say read my lips If I say that there is no profits being made then it must be so. Over here you don't get a free pass because you also do chesed
I'm am not part of Moadim at all and I don't know who Pravda is and I didnt write anything on Pravda or any other web site . Since Moadim doesn't collect for their program ,it's hard to understand why you are so busy trying to figure out their price structure and making it look like they are being sneaky and really making money . Unless you feel that people are actually paying more by shopping there and getying ripped off,why are you so concerned with trying to prove that they are either being dishonest or just bad buyers by getting bad prices .
Why does saying that some stores have cheaper or comparable prices that it's not worth the huge hassle by moadim mean I'm bashing anyone?? Who am I bashing? And how does the fact that thousands of people shop there prove that their prices are so cheap?? Many people don't know grocery prices and just assume that this is the cheapest
I don't think they're being dishonest in any way, I think they are trying to help the oilam the most possible and hashrm yeshalem scharam. However the fact remains that besides chicken and meat their prices are not the cheapest and even the chicken and meat goes on sale in the other stores as well so overall I don't think most people are saving that much by them. The biggest opportunity for savings is very large families who are buying a ton of chicken and meat.
A few simple points: 1- the prices that moadim is selling at is not the same price they get from wholesalers for tomchei shabbos operations. Many companies will give huge breaks to tomchei shabbos as that is straight out tzedaka to families that cannot out food on their table. Moadim, on the other hand, is there to help families that would struggle otherwise to make you tov, have an easier time. 2- I shop by moadim, as do my siblings. You say I can go to gg, evergreen,npgs,and all other stores for their sales and that will beat moadim.you are absolutely correct about that. But,the reason why that doesn't work for me and many others I know who use moadim, is that we don't have the time and/or ability to go bargain hunting. It's simple as that. To stand up and rip a group of people who are out there solely to assist families with making yom tov,saying that according to your calculations and chesbonos someone is making money is absolutely disgusting.
If you aren't part of Moadim Lesimcha then you wouldn't be privy to what they pay for Moadim Lesimcha or what they pay for Tomchei Shabbos. But since you know obviously you are.
So bottom line are you asserting that Moadim Lesimcha isn't a profitable endeavor? I don't care who is getting the profit but just confirm that no one is. Because it sure seems otherwise.
I know it's a week ago but I'm sure you still check in over here
To stand up and rip a group of people who are out there solely to assist families with making yom tov,saying that according to your calculations and chesbonos someone is making money is absolutely disgusting.
Here you go again, who is ripping anyone??? I think it's very nicer what they're doing and have stated so, all I'm doing is stating the facts that their prices don't beat GG and evergreen sales. I'm not ripping or bashing anyone, I think what they're doing is very special.
The comments against Moadim were very nasty .They were being compared sarcastically to Askanim that this blog accuses of not being ehrlach. So that is considered ripping them .
What is up with the prices these days? Climbing and climbing every Yom Tov. Is this cost price or just a pop up Yom Tov store selling for a little cheaper . If Tomchei Shabbos is paying such prices they should quickly get a better purchaser.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they would be more than happy if you got it cheaper for them. Put your money where your mouth is and get them the stuff for cheaper .They are getting it wholesale . Leave them a message and im sure they will call you back.
DeleteIf I can't do purchasing because I have no experience that means that no one can?
DeleteDid you look at the prices and then compare it to NPGS (forget about to the discount Brooklyn stores) NPGS with overhead tenfold that what Moadim Lesimcha has is maybe 10% more. Factoring in lack of expenses on most items they are similar to NPGS retail and more expensive then Brooklyn.
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
It's mnice to hock others who work for the klal,but people are not stupid . If the prices were not considerably cheaper , people would not go there . The people know the prices up front and they know what it costs in npgs so obviously ,it is,a lot cheaper or people,would not waste their time every year .
DeleteAha. So on a site that exposes how people act like sheep without thinking thousands of people doing something is proof.
DeleteBut you are missing the point. It is slightly cheaper which leads to this question.
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
I don't buy there but on the prices that I saw ,especially the big ticket items like meats ,wines etc there was way more than 10 per cent difference ,more like 20 to 22 per cent. There are always some items in npgs or other supermarkets that are cheap or even loss leaders so you can't just look at a few items . I can show you a number of items in Gourmet Glatt thst are being sold below cost just to get you in the store .
ReplyDeleteYou'll do better with GG and evergreen sales. Compare the prices.
ReplyDeleteThey are trying to help people. If you feel you can do better by getting your meat ,wine,and matzo at evergreen then by all means go shop there .Why do you feel the need to knock people who work hard to try and help others . They are not collecting for this and they are not making any money so why do you feel the need to bash them . Its very simple not to shop there.
ReplyDeletehey co op fan you had your chance you were here before all the competition if its so cheap why are thousands of families still ordering from Moadim?
ReplyDeleteThere,are definitely a few items where the npgs is cheap and the savings is onky 10 to 15 per cent ,but on the main items you are saving a lot. Thousands of people are not crazy .If it wasn't substantially cheaper ,then nobody woukd go to Moadim .
ReplyDeleteI don't recall bashing anyone, I'm also trying to help people by pointing out that you'll do better with the sales at these stores. Thousands of people go there for the same reason so many still go to NPGS despite the fact that GG, evergreen and other stores have very good sales where you will do better. The reason is simple they never compared prices and just assume that NPGS is the cheapest because that's the "Raid" out there for so many years but all you have to do is pay attention and you'll see that the sales at most other stores beat NPGS.
ReplyDeleteThe sales are on limited loss leader items .Shop rite also had sa les on loss leaders but if you did your main shopping there ,you paid 30 per cent for your whole order . Thete is no question , if you have the time to go to 7 different stores and buy just what's on sale in every place ,you might save some money
DeleteFor example GG just had 9x13 aluminum pans on sale for $13.99 and so did evergreen, how much was it at moadim lsimcha? $16.99? $17.99?
ReplyDeleteSo you are bringing a proof from one or 2 supetmarket loss leaders. Big deal so dont buy the aluminum pans at Moadim .Please compare the meat and wine and matzos and other big expensive items. People did and they were 25 per cent cheaper than the supermarkets . Moadim couldn't care less if you dont buy the aluminum pans. As a matter of fact if the supermarkets,sold meat and wine and matzos at a loss ,then Moadim would save themselves a lot of time and headache.
DeleteLakewood Matzoh Bakery sells Matzoh baked in Adar when ordered by Purim or so for 20 lb no shevarim. Here it's almost $19 and has shevarim and is baked who knows when.
DeleteThey are getting the same deal as retail at Lakewood Matzoh bakery?
Tomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim is extremely close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
Not everyone can afford to lay out a large sum of money at moadim, also at the stores you can pay with Pay Samech.
ReplyDeleteAnd you could pay with a credit card which cost the store another 2.5% bringing the gap of retail against Moadim Lesimcha much closer
DeleteOk you win . the many families who shop there are all stupid . They could have ordered their matzos 2 months ago for a dollar more ,they could have gotten a loss leader on 9 x 13 pans in gg ,they could have gotten a loss leader on silver foil in evergreen. Mest and wine us not important because they could really eat milchigs so tjis Moadim is just a complete waste of everybody's time
DeleteSo great idea. Let Moadim Lesimcha order Matzoh in advance and get it for much less then $19 a pound. They really only pay $1 less a pound then had you and me gone and purchased it retail. You are obscuring my question by getting caught up in if there is a savings and convenience which no one argues. The question is why isn't it wholesale prices and it's just cheaper retail.
DeleteDo you know what it cost to run a store? Crazy Rent, electricity, employees and so on. Moadim Lesimcha has almost no overhead and they charge $25 per order to cover whatever minimal overhead they have. They don't take credit cards so they cut out another expense. Something doesn't add up.
Feel free to put your head in the sand. There are websites to go do that. Those websites don't post my comments because how dare someone question one who is part of the establishment.
I have no idea about grocery prices etc etc and I'm sure everyone there are tzadikim. This working for the klal so nothing could be questioned is what's bothering me.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that MM,ML,AK etc etc all work for the "klal" and we know what that means.
There is nothing to question. They are not fundraising for Moadim. It is at their cost price plus about 3 per cent for their overhead. If you don't like their cost price ,then dont shop there .Tomche Shabbos is being given out for free and they get the best prices that they can . If you think you have a connection with vendors,and can get it cheaper for them , I am sure they would be very happy to use your connections and save money for Tomchei Shabbos . Why don't you call them and offer to help with the pricing . They have many volunteers doing many different things . What is the purpose of bashing them anonymously on a public forum to make it sound like they are not honest . Just help them reduce the cost if you really can , and i am sure they will be grateful .
ReplyDeleteOr you could answer the question,yes the prices are cheaper and it's a one stop shopping experience and it might make sense to shop there BUT WHY IS IT THAT CLOSE TO RETAIL . IS THAT REALLY WHAT TOMCHEI SHABBOS PAYS??
ReplyDeleteTomchei Shabbos advertises that $100 worth of food buys $150 retail while Moadim Lesimcha is close to retail prices . Something doesn't add up. Is the sale cost price and a big chesed, or a profitable venture and a little bit cheaper then the stores.
When you are ready to answer that question in the previous paragraph then let me know.
If you really cared about the oilom, you would take the Moadim price list and see whether you could get these items or at least the big ones ,at a much lower wholesale cost .If you could then you would share your knowledge with the people running the Moadim program so they could buy better. Judt hocking about a few items lije pans etc is not whats needed . Lol at the whole list including the meats and chickens and wine and produce and see if yiu can really do much better ,If you can then help them by sharing your knowledge.
DeleteI already answered that question .It is not a money making operation and they buy wholesale and mark it up about 3 per cent for overhead .There is a board and accountants who oversee their operation and nobody is making money on it .Other than a couple of loss leaders you have not shown that the meat , wine ,grape juice and produce is not close to wholesale prices .So all your questions are very clearly answered.I have spoken to a number of people and they said the prices on most big ticket items were substantially lower than retail stores . The question YOU did not answer is that if you really believe their prices,are not good and you or somebody you know can get them a better deal to save people even more money ,then why are you not volunteering to help them get those cheaper prices ? Are you just interested in being an anonymous kvetcher or do you really want yo help people get better prices . Dont forget ,they are not fundraising for Moadin as they cover their costs ,so why are you so concerned ? Unless you,are a store owner who wants to badmouth them
ReplyDeleteSince it seems like you are part of Moadim Lesimcha and know the ins and outs. Based on the items us laymen are familiar with like Matzoh and sale items it's barely cheaper if at all. On Chicken and meat you are probably comparing normal cost per pound of plated fresh chicken or meat against frozen bagged stuff.
ReplyDeleteBut back to business
What does having a board and an accountant have to do with Moadim Lesimcha being profitable or not. On the Pravda website this morning you wrote that you get the stuff for 30-40% cheaper. You write here 25% I guess that explains how it could be a profitable business and still be somewhat cheaper.
On other websites you could say read my lips If I say that there is no profits being made then it must be so. Over here you don't get a free pass because you also do chesed
I'm am not part of Moadim at all and I don't know who Pravda is and I didnt write anything on Pravda or any other web site . Since Moadim doesn't collect for their program ,it's hard to understand why you are so busy trying to figure out their price structure and making it look like they are being sneaky and really making money . Unless you feel that people are actually paying more by shopping there and getying ripped off,why are you so concerned with trying to prove that they are either being dishonest or just bad buyers by getting bad prices .
DeleteWhy does saying that some stores have cheaper or comparable prices that it's not worth the huge hassle by moadim mean I'm bashing anyone?? Who am I bashing? And how does the fact that thousands of people shop there prove that their prices are so cheap?? Many people don't know grocery prices and just assume that this is the cheapest
ReplyDeleteIt's about time. Many people don't have the time or ability to go bargain hunting to get the best deal on everything.
DeleteI don't think they're being dishonest in any way, I think they are trying to help the oilam the most possible and hashrm yeshalem scharam. However the fact remains that besides chicken and meat their prices are not the cheapest and even the chicken and meat goes on sale in the other stores as well so overall I don't think most people are saving that much by them. The biggest opportunity for savings is very large families who are buying a ton of chicken and meat.
ReplyDeleteA few simple points:
ReplyDelete1- the prices that moadim is selling at is not the same price they get from wholesalers for tomchei shabbos operations. Many companies will give huge breaks to tomchei shabbos as that is straight out tzedaka to families that cannot out food on their table. Moadim, on the other hand, is there to help families that would struggle otherwise to make you tov, have an easier time.
2- I shop by moadim, as do my siblings. You say I can go to gg, evergreen,npgs,and all other stores for their sales and that will beat moadim.you are absolutely correct about that. But,the reason why that doesn't work for me and many others I know who use moadim, is that we don't have the time and/or ability to go bargain hunting. It's simple as that.
To stand up and rip a group of people who are out there solely to assist families with making yom tov,saying that according to your calculations and chesbonos someone is making money is absolutely disgusting.
Absolutely correct. Besides the point that on meat and chicken and wine, Moadim is way cheaper .
DeleteIf you aren't part of Moadim Lesimcha then you wouldn't be privy to what they pay for Moadim Lesimcha or what they pay for Tomchei Shabbos. But since you know obviously you are.
DeleteSo bottom line are you asserting that Moadim Lesimcha isn't a profitable endeavor? I don't care who is getting the profit but just confirm that no one is. Because it sure seems otherwise.
I know it's a week ago but I'm sure you still check in over here
To stand up and rip a group of people who are out there solely to assist families with making yom tov,saying that according to your calculations and chesbonos someone is making money is absolutely disgusting.
ReplyDeleteHere you go again, who is ripping anyone??? I think it's very nicer what they're doing and have stated so, all I'm doing is stating the facts that their prices don't beat GG and evergreen sales. I'm not ripping or bashing anyone, I think what they're doing is very special.
The comments against Moadim were very nasty .They were being compared sarcastically to Askanim that this blog accuses of not being ehrlach. So that is considered ripping them .