Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Group of Kollel guys offer Trump Halachic Solution for Border Wall

A Chabura of lamdanim in Lakewood have reached out to President Trump via the Lakewood white house reporter with a solution for his beloved border wall. The Chabura is currently learning the sugya of Eiruvin and offered to build the wall using the halachic principals of Lavud and of Gud asik mechitzta. No physical barrier is needed and the only expense would be for some rolls of fishing string. Instead of metal or concrete one can place a few  poles on the ground and the wall from below is considered a pre-established "wall" to continue upwards .

The president reacted with skepticism and called it a FAKE WALL, he asked if this is coming from Chuck Schumer. He reached out to his Jewish son in law who had a yeshiva education  and well versed in complex halachic issues (such as  Pikuach nefesh on shabbos, Stam Yeynum) for his opinion. The Eidim replied that its a good solution since illegals don't bring goats that would render it pasul if they pass through.  The president shot back "what does my son in law know hes an am haaretz" forget the  Spanish Goat what about the illegal themselves they can get through the wall?
He said  I need a big beautiful wall that is a physical barrier and can't be breached,  just like  the walled city of shushan Habirah.

  Senator chuck Shumer  was notified about the proposal.  This wall is good and like my last name is a good shomer  "if its good for eiruvin and sukkah its definitely good for Me and Mexico" he said.
 President Trump  insisted he will ask his friend Bibi if such a wall is approved by the big Rabbis in Israel, I want nothing less than the great wall of China! not a fake news wall that is technically kosher i want it Glatt Kosher! just Like the party of King Achashveirosh.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest takanah with the wall is it would make the whole wide US of A a reshus hayachid and even for the machmirim the most it would is a karmelis. Hence carrying with a minimum eiruv can be recommended kol shekain if the eiruv is not so mimimul. The most important result of this national eiruv would be that we can now set up a national eiruv fund with annual melaveh malkas, breakfasts, teas, bbqs, dinners, marathons, golf outings, Chinese auctions. We can also get matching funds.
    The bottom line is many yingehlaht will have parnooseh and the wives good jobs in a very Heimish atmosphere.
    The reason the Lakewood chaburah did not suggest these option to trump is they are not from borough park ( or even former boroparkrs) and are pushut not familiar with these Halacha in spite of horoving in eiruv in for many many years. In borough park they have a very strong Mesorah that every Jewish city must have a eiruv otherwise it can’t be called a Heimish Shtook.
