Sunday, March 11, 2018

Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood March 11, 2018

-Chasuna: Weintraub- Pollack Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Fink- Leshinsky at Lake Terrace Hall
-Vort: Hachoson Saadya Cohen to Hakalla Devorah Greenwald Bas R' Nachman at 15 Remon Lane Lakewood from  2:00-5:00 PM. 
-Vort: Hachosson Shimmi Erenthal to Hakallah Dina Winters (Cleveland) at   Chestnut shul 105 CHestnut  4:00pm- 7:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Sasson Gross to Hakallah Mimi Kahn 7:30 PM, at Zichron   Shneur 280 Oak Knoll Road Lakewood, NJ
-Vort:Hachosson Eli Spitz to  Bas R' Asher Zelig Brodt at Tashbar Hall 82 Oak  8:30 pm

-Coventry: Siyum Hashas and Shloshim Seudah for Shlomo Eliyahu Brustowsky z'l will take place in the Coventry shul from 3:00-5:00. Divrei Hesped by the Bnei Hamishpacha, Harav Uren Reich Shlita will speak divrei Bracha

-Springfield Yeshiva Dinner Ocean Place resort 6:30 pm 1 Ocean Blvd, Long Branch, NJ

-Machon Kisvei Rav Elya Baruch Finkel zt'l 10th Yartzheit Asifa at Bais Yaakov   Hall, 277 James street Lakewood, NJ 7:15 pm Program 8:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. Mazel tov R'Nachman Greenwald . Only simchos!
