Thursday, September 26, 2019

Divrei Chizuk/Hesped for Rav Gissinger Zt"l for the bnei HaKehilla

There will iyh be Speeches for the women with Divrei Hesped/Chizuk this Thursday night in Shul Simcha hall from 8:15- 10:00. The speeches for women will be given by Rebbitzen Gissinger, Harav Dovid Katzenstien, Rav Avrohom Greenwald & Rav Meir Zuckerman.
Rav Paysach Krohn will be speaking in Shul After 10:00 pm  Maariv. The Ezras Noshim will  be open. Everyone is invited to come get Chizzuk!
There will be meeting in Shul Simcha hall after Rabbi Krohn's speech (approx 11:00) for all members of Shul with Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita

1 comment:

  1. חכמת ולב שלמה זי"עSeptember 26, 2019 at 10:12 PM

    When will the crowning if the new Rav be?
