Lakewood Board of Education Meeting today September 25, 6:30 pm commons 855 Somerset Avenue
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-Reappoint Laura A. Winters, as its Superintendent for a 3 year term at a salary of $204,500 and a 3.5% increase for the 2021-2022 school year and a 3.5% increase for the 2022-2023 school year
-Approve 2019-2020 school Budget (Budget $233,610,257 Local taxes pay $104,466,984)
- DOE Loan in the amount of $36,033,862
-Approve Comegno Law Group, P.C. as Special Counsel to the Board of Education at
a cost of $200 per hour for performing legal services for, or on behalf, of the Board
-Approves the maximum amounts for contracted professional services: legal services $750,000
-Lakewood Township Grants 2018 carryover $1251,561 request additional $4,327,390 for 2019/20
-A Deficit of the LSTA becomes the responsibility of the school district that the NJ DOE to provide additional state funds in the amount of $2,900,000 as Emergency Aid