Hopefully this will be the last tisha Bav we had. We await the geula and hope for the day to become a moed speedily in our days.

Unfortunately we are at a time in history that the sad day of Tisha Bav is sadly no more. Sitting on the floor reading the kinnus in shul is not what the children are growing up with today. The day has been taken over and abused.
Ask a kid today what they know about Tisha Bav and see what the the first thing that comes to mind is. It has become a day of video binge watching, marketers use it as a release date for high end productions, premiers and to at times to push agendas.
(Modern technology allows us to sit in the comfort of our homes and listen to inspiring
shiurim and speeches live streaming online. These programs are not entertaining in nature its a live drasha broadcasted)
The messages in these videos maybe sincere in spreading ahavas chinom, the ills of Lashon hora and sinas chinom. Perhaps all this preparation should be done before tisha bav in the days leading up to it so people can utilize the day properly. It shuld not be a day we look forward to but as a day we look forward to become a Yom Tov משום דאיקרי מועד
In a nut shell:
ReplyDelete'Masiach daas from availus' is what these well meaning mosdos have promoted for the last few years. The social scene at these events as well as the 'for profit' tishah bav programs where they daven, lain Aicha and do (that word use intentionally) Kinos is a disgrace to the taanis in particular and to availus tzion in general.
My thoughts exactly. I totally agree. But then, I'm of a "certain age.."