Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Guarding The Treasures

The Food for Thought column of the Yated Ne'eman Newspaper had a nice story of a security guard at the Bais Faiga elementary school Gratter Building in Lakewood. The guard Mr. Daniel Santos wrote a letter of appreciation to the benefactor of the building Mrs. Kupperman how he is greeted with kindness and appreciation from the students and cant count how many times he hears the word thank you. He notes the children are a reflection of the kuppermans whose legacy is carried on and demonstrated by the mannerism love and kindness from the faces of the children and faculty.
In response to the article in the Yated, Mr. Santos followed up with a thank you in a Facebook post.

 "I wish to thank the Jewish newspaper in Lakewood NJ for the kind words they printed about me. The security position, that I feel was a blessing to obtain, is very rewarding in many ways. Even though I’m Catholic, a mutual respect between our religion, culture and language has formed and for that, I’m grateful. Guarding our Treasures was written by Mr. Hisiger and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. It’s truly my pleasure to watch over the children, thank you."

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