-Vort: Hachosson Ashy Newman to Hakallah Brochie Privalsky at 5 Hawk Way (Pine River Village) Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Lazer Shulman to Hakallah Chani Friedland bas R' Binyomin at 28 Carey street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Jaffe to Hakallah Rochel Weinreb at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Rd 7:30 pm
- Parlor meeting Yeshiva Bais Yosef of Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yaakov Nekritz Shlita at 67 Cushman street Chateau park Lakewood 7:30 pm
- Parlor meeting Yeshiva Meor Hatalmud R"Y Harav Noach Witty shlita at 710 Palmer Avenue Toms River 7:45 pm
- Emergency Parlor meeting for Yesodos Bais Yaskov high school at the Vineyard Westgate Shopping Plaza 7:45 pm wine tasting and Meat Buffet
-BBQ Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Bais Meir at 126 Forest Drive Lakewood 7:00 pm
- Raintree Area Parlor meeting for Family of R' Reuven Bauman ztl at 1370 Alvarado, Lakewood 7:30 pm
- LNN: 3 male suspects are on the loose after allegedly carrying out an armed robbery this afternoon on Locust Street near Vilna Lane in Lakewood. The suspects were last seen driving a gray Chrysler 300 with Florida license plates.
- Sizzling special deal at Prime 95. 12 Oz. Boneless Rib Steak w/ sauteed vegetables & rice $25 today only.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Severe Thunderstorms Watch in NJ
Patch- A severe thunderstorm watch was in effect for all 21 New Jersey counties on Wednesday as strong storms packing 60-mph wind gusts are expected. The showers and thunderstorms are forecast to bring periods of heavy rain to New Jersey after 3 p.m. Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected for some areas, with local amounts of up to 3 to 4 inches possible.
The storm could bring drenching rain that could cause nightmares for commuters. The National Weather Service also issued a severe thunderstorm warning – meaning that the threat is more imminent – to certain parts of South Jersey. Damage to roofs, siding, trees and power lines is possible as the warning alert is expected to move around the state. The NWS also has issued a hazardous
The storm could bring drenching rain that could cause nightmares for commuters. The National Weather Service also issued a severe thunderstorm warning – meaning that the threat is more imminent – to certain parts of South Jersey. Damage to roofs, siding, trees and power lines is possible as the warning alert is expected to move around the state. The NWS also has issued a hazardous
Lang Lawsuit Update
The lawsuit has concluded and a ruling is expected by the end of the year.
A tumultuous week at the Lang Lawsuit Alcantara v. Hespe. a suit brought by Lakewood math teacher and lawyer Mr. Arthur Lang against the state NJDOE for not providing a fair Thorough and Efficient Education with the funding formula to Lakewood schools.
Yated Ne'eman reports last week the state focused on mismanagement by BOE officials found by audits from 2011-2013. Mr Lang argued those audits are no longer relevant, as the mismanagement has been corrected, yet pale in comparison to funding deficiency.
At one point BOE attorney Michael Inzelbuch requested that Judge Susan Scarola presiding over the case recuse herself because statements she made can serve as a basis for appeal. In helping Mr. Lang formulate a question the Judge suggested a comparison between the state funding formula and a ponzi scheme. (interestingly the boe attorney used the very same quote from the judge to hi-lite the very situation Lakewood school district finds itself with receiving loans from the state).
Mr. Lang responded by asking the judge to remain on the case and that the judge has not taken the opinion that the state was comparable to a ponzi scheme, rather she was helping him articulate the claim he was trying to make.
The Lakewood BOE submitted a motion and asked the judge to consider current financial situation of 2019.
NJ attorney General Grubir Grewal responded in a letter the Lakewood Board of Education is a Participant in this matter; it is not a party and repeatedly attempts to revisit its status, by attempting to improperly submit evidence to the Court outside of the hearing and file meritless motions that ultimately detract from the Court's ability to consider the actual case before it.
A tumultuous week at the Lang Lawsuit Alcantara v. Hespe. a suit brought by Lakewood math teacher and lawyer Mr. Arthur Lang against the state NJDOE for not providing a fair Thorough and Efficient Education with the funding formula to Lakewood schools.
Yated Ne'eman reports last week the state focused on mismanagement by BOE officials found by audits from 2011-2013. Mr Lang argued those audits are no longer relevant, as the mismanagement has been corrected, yet pale in comparison to funding deficiency.
At one point BOE attorney Michael Inzelbuch requested that Judge Susan Scarola presiding over the case recuse herself because statements she made can serve as a basis for appeal. In helping Mr. Lang formulate a question the Judge suggested a comparison between the state funding formula and a ponzi scheme. (interestingly the boe attorney used the very same quote from the judge to hi-lite the very situation Lakewood school district finds itself with receiving loans from the state).
Mr. Lang responded by asking the judge to remain on the case and that the judge has not taken the opinion that the state was comparable to a ponzi scheme, rather she was helping him articulate the claim he was trying to make.
The Lakewood BOE submitted a motion and asked the judge to consider current financial situation of 2019.
NJ attorney General Grubir Grewal responded in a letter the Lakewood Board of Education is a Participant in this matter; it is not a party and repeatedly attempts to revisit its status, by attempting to improperly submit evidence to the Court outside of the hearing and file meritless motions that ultimately detract from the Court's ability to consider the actual case before it.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
BD"E: Tragedy at Water Park in NJ
A nine-year-old boy from Belzer day camp on a trip to the Sahara Sam water park in New Jersey, has tragically drowned while the campers were going on the water rides.
Hersh Meilech Grossman z”l from Boro Park had gone with his day camp to the water park, which had been rented for the day by a number of day camps. It is not known at this time how it occurred . As the busses prepared to leave he was discovered missing and found under water. Emergency responders performed CPR but were unsuccessful.
Tzvi Elimelech Yechiel Mechel is a son of Reb Moshe and Sheindel Grossman, who come from a prominent Belzer family. The family was notified and Misaskim are working to have the levaya as soon as possible .( Hamodia)
Yehi zichro boruch.
Hersh Meilech Grossman z”l from Boro Park had gone with his day camp to the water park, which had been rented for the day by a number of day camps. It is not known at this time how it occurred . As the busses prepared to leave he was discovered missing and found under water. Emergency responders performed CPR but were unsuccessful.
Tzvi Elimelech Yechiel Mechel is a son of Reb Moshe and Sheindel Grossman, who come from a prominent Belzer family. The family was notified and Misaskim are working to have the levaya as soon as possible .( Hamodia)
Yehi zichro boruch.
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood. July 30, 2019/ 27 Tamuz 5779
-Vort: Hachosson Eliyohu Ungar ben Rav Chaim Eily to Hakallah Esti David bas R’ Dovid Asher at R’ Gissinger’s shul 175 Sunset road Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Avrumi Fisher to hakallah Dassa Sonnenschein bas R' Moshe Tzvi at the Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 2 Augusta Blvd, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Annual Dinner for Ohr Zecharia Woodlake Yeshiva at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Parlor Meeting yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael Rav Shmuel Miller shlita Rosh hayeshiva at 18 Engleberg Terrace Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Nachlas Tzvi of Toronto at 8 Sharon court 8:00 pm
-Parlor meeting Cheder Eitz Chaim of Lakewood at 50 Kings court Lakewood 8:30 pm Divrei Bracha harav yeruchom Olshin shlita
-Parlor meeting for Bauman family yesomim at:
32 Nussbaum ave prospect square 8:30-11:00.
38 Chelsea Road, Jackson, NJ 8:30 pm Divrei Chizuk by Rav Caim Weg shlita
-Parlor meeting Mir yeshiva yerushalayim for Heimishe olam at 33 Arosa Hill 8:30 pm
-Bais Yaakov of Boro Park reunion at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Kollel Shomrei Hachomos Dinner at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street
-Vort: Hachosson Avrumi Fisher to hakallah Dassa Sonnenschein bas R' Moshe Tzvi at the Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 2 Augusta Blvd, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Annual Dinner for Ohr Zecharia Woodlake Yeshiva at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Parlor Meeting yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael Rav Shmuel Miller shlita Rosh hayeshiva at 18 Engleberg Terrace Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Nachlas Tzvi of Toronto at 8 Sharon court 8:00 pm
-Parlor meeting Cheder Eitz Chaim of Lakewood at 50 Kings court Lakewood 8:30 pm Divrei Bracha harav yeruchom Olshin shlita
-Parlor meeting for Bauman family yesomim at:
32 Nussbaum ave prospect square 8:30-11:00.
38 Chelsea Road, Jackson, NJ 8:30 pm Divrei Chizuk by Rav Caim Weg shlita
-Parlor meeting Mir yeshiva yerushalayim for Heimishe olam at 33 Arosa Hill 8:30 pm
-Bais Yaakov of Boro Park reunion at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Kollel Shomrei Hachomos Dinner at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street
United Health Care Will cover $2.1 million Zolgensma Drug for young children.
After appeal by families one major insurer has reversed and will now cover the cost for Zolgensma as of mid July, 2019.
Just a few weeks ago Klal Yisrael came together and raised over $2 million dollars for Chana bas Shani a 2 year old girl who was diagnosed with a rare disease of SMA. The miracle drug Zolgensma can reverse the disease but is labeled as the most expensive drug for a single dose at a cost of $2.1 Million. Their insurance company would not cover the drug. In a race against time before the 2 year birthday Klal yisrael responded and the funds were raised and she received the drug B"H..
Other parents of young children with the rare and fatal disease were denied coverage by their insurance companies claiming they plans don't cover gene therapy and that the cost is too expensive. The drug maker justified the cost and said the one-time treatment was half the cost of 10 years of treatment with an existing SMA drug. NBC reports the only way parents can pay for it is through a hail Mary Gofundme site.
After appeal by families one insurer UHC has reversed and will now cover the cost. A spokesperson said that media attention on the families' struggles did not play a role in the decision and that it was based on evidence that the drug works.
UnitedHealthcare Group Inc. has reversed course and will now cover a $2.1 million gene-editing
Just a few weeks ago Klal Yisrael came together and raised over $2 million dollars for Chana bas Shani a 2 year old girl who was diagnosed with a rare disease of SMA. The miracle drug Zolgensma can reverse the disease but is labeled as the most expensive drug for a single dose at a cost of $2.1 Million. Their insurance company would not cover the drug. In a race against time before the 2 year birthday Klal yisrael responded and the funds were raised and she received the drug B"H..
Other parents of young children with the rare and fatal disease were denied coverage by their insurance companies claiming they plans don't cover gene therapy and that the cost is too expensive. The drug maker justified the cost and said the one-time treatment was half the cost of 10 years of treatment with an existing SMA drug. NBC reports the only way parents can pay for it is through a hail Mary Gofundme site.
After appeal by families one insurer UHC has reversed and will now cover the cost. A spokesperson said that media attention on the families' struggles did not play a role in the decision and that it was based on evidence that the drug works.
UnitedHealthcare Group Inc. has reversed course and will now cover a $2.1 million gene-editing
Today: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Reminder: The 9 Days begins Thursday evening
The 9 day period of mourning begins this Thursday night Rosh Chodesh Av August 1, 2019. Shkia is at 8:10 pm
Asifa for Mechanchos in Lakewood This Afternoon
Asifa for Mechanchos today Tuesday, July 30 1:00pm - 3:15 pm at Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood, NJ
Special address by Rebbetzin Trenk
HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita
HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita
HaRav Elya Brudny shlita
Watch Live Stream below at 1:15 pm
Special address by Rebbetzin Trenk
HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita
HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita
HaRav Elya Brudny shlita
Watch Live Stream below at 1:15 pm
Monday, July 29, 2019
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood July 29, 2019
-Vort: Hachosson Chezky Blier to Hakallah Spear at KBT 304 Monmouth Avenue Lakewood 8:00 pme
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Yosef Fishmarn to Hakallah Shaindy Lessin bas R' Eli at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yehoshua Nesanel Gottdiener to Hakallah bas R' Chaim Sternheim at River 978 hall Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Drasha by Rav Yigal Cohen shlita at Kehilat Etz Hayim 21 Cedar street Lakewood 8:30
-Hespedim for Rav Moshe Yitzchock Cohen ztl at the Bais Horaah Madison and 4th Lakewood. 9:00 pm
-Parlor meeting for the Family of Rav Reuvein Bauman ZT"L at 13 Shenandoah drive Lakewood 8:00 pm -9:30 pm
-Parlor meeting Yesiva Heichal Hatalmud Roshei Yeshiva Rav Yechezkel Greenberger shlita Rav Moshe Weiss shlita at 30 Garfield street Lakewood Guest speaker Rabbi aaron Lopiansky shlita 7:30 pm
see video below
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Yosef Fishmarn to Hakallah Shaindy Lessin bas R' Eli at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yehoshua Nesanel Gottdiener to Hakallah bas R' Chaim Sternheim at River 978 hall Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Drasha by Rav Yigal Cohen shlita at Kehilat Etz Hayim 21 Cedar street Lakewood 8:30
-Hespedim for Rav Moshe Yitzchock Cohen ztl at the Bais Horaah Madison and 4th Lakewood. 9:00 pm
-Parlor meeting for the Family of Rav Reuvein Bauman ZT"L at 13 Shenandoah drive Lakewood 8:00 pm -9:30 pm
-Parlor meeting Yesiva Heichal Hatalmud Roshei Yeshiva Rav Yechezkel Greenberger shlita Rav Moshe Weiss shlita at 30 Garfield street Lakewood Guest speaker Rabbi aaron Lopiansky shlita 7:30 pm
see video below
Pidyon Shvuyim: President Trump Commutes Sentence of father of 5
Read full story in Hamodia.com
“Chasdei Hashem, we are living in an age when we see open miracles,” Apfel told Hamodia. “We are so grateful to President Trump for his great compassion in granting clemency to Boaz and relief to his wife and children. In reuniting this family under these tragic circumstances, the President has performed a true act of chessed, loving-kindness, which every Jew should appreciate and applaud.”
President Donald Trump has commuted the sentence of Boaz (Ronen) Nahmani, husband to a cancer-stricken wife and father of five young children, who in 2015 was given a maximum 20-year term for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, a sentence decried by many legal experts as wildly disproportionate.
“Chasdei Hashem, we are living in an age when we see open miracles,” Apfel told Hamodia. “We are so grateful to President Trump for his great compassion in granting clemency to Boaz and relief to his wife and children. In reuniting this family under these tragic circumstances, the President has performed a true act of chessed, loving-kindness, which every Jew should appreciate and applaud.”
President Donald Trump has commuted the sentence of Boaz (Ronen) Nahmani, husband to a cancer-stricken wife and father of five young children, who in 2015 was given a maximum 20-year term for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, a sentence decried by many legal experts as wildly disproportionate.
Deadline to File for School Board Candidate in NJ
Monday, July 29, 4 p.m. is the deadline to file nominating petitions for school board candidacy in this year’s General Election. Approximately 1,500 board of education positions appear on the election ballot annually. Five hundred twenty-nine school districts will conduct elections on November 5.
To help current board members and prospective candidates, NJSBA publishes a School Board Candidates Kit, which provides information on the responsibilities of school board members, requirements under the New Jersey School Ethics Act, and important dates and procedures in the candidacy and election process.
To help current board members and prospective candidates, NJSBA publishes a School Board Candidates Kit, which provides information on the responsibilities of school board members, requirements under the New Jersey School Ethics Act, and important dates and procedures in the candidacy and election process.
Bikur Cholim Fundraiser: 365k for 365

365 days a year they're at it. The angels who never sleep.
Behind every stocked pantry in the hospital, behind every medical equipment delivery, and behind every one of the other services provided by Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim, there's a selfless volunteer. Bikur Cholim and its volunteers give of themselves round the clock- 24/7, on behalf of the Cholim of our community and their families.
Today, this army of invisible angels turns to us for our support. They give us 365. Now it's our turn to give back! 365 for 365! DONATE HERE
Boys Day Camps Begins
The Lakewood elementary schools finished last week and The camp spirit is here. The boys Mesivtas will finish on Tuesday. The mascots are on the street corners cheering on the kids. B'H the children get to enjoy and have fun. Boys day camps begin today besides for a few that will start next week. Camp programs keep the kinderlach busy in these long summer days. Thanks to the many Rebbeim and counselors who provide summer fun for Lakewood's kinderlach.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Yahrtzeit of Harav Yaakov Joseph, Zt’l
NEW YORK - The 117th yahrtzeit of Harav Yaakov Joseph, zt”l, Rav Hakollel of New York City, was marked this past Shabbos Parashas Pinchos, 24 Tammuz. On Erev Shabbos and Sunday, hundreds came to Union Field Cemetery in the Ridgewood section of Queens to visit his tziyun. Harav Joseph, who had served as Dayan in Vilna, came to New York City in 5648/1888 to become the first Chief Rabbi, of New York. Yidden representing various communities arrived at the tziyun to daven. Visitors davened for rachamei Shamayim in these challenging times, both on the communal and individual level. Many have reported experiencing yeshuos after davening there.
Photo: Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Visits Camp HASC
HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita and his Rebbetzin visiting camp HASC in the Catskills.(Photos: Camp Hasc)
Lakewood News Briefs Sunday 7/28/19
Weather: Hi of 93 no rain very humid (high Pollen alert)
-Ateres Tzipora school update click Here (Matzav article Here)
-Shiva Info: R' Shachne & R' Yoel Scheiner will be sitting for their father zt'l at 449 Squankum Rd, Lakewood Maariv 9:30 pm getting up tomorrow morning in Brooklyn. Rebbetzin Weintraub is sitting at 138 Daniel Drive Lakewood
-BD"E Mrs. Maita Rosenblum a"h Wife of Rav Moshe shlita daughter of Rav Shraga Moshe Kalmanowitz Zatzal Levaya in Lakewood 9:30 am at 7th street Chapel. Matzav.com
-NPGS 20% off all purchases this week at the Seagull square Location excluding sale items. location closing on Friday
-Bingo- Members exclusive this week Free 6 dozen XL Eggs, Blooms freeze pops 144 ct 2.99
-Ateres Tzipora school update click Here (Matzav article Here)
-Shiva Info: R' Shachne & R' Yoel Scheiner will be sitting for their father zt'l at 449 Squankum Rd, Lakewood Maariv 9:30 pm getting up tomorrow morning in Brooklyn. Rebbetzin Weintraub is sitting at 138 Daniel Drive Lakewood
-BD"E Mrs. Maita Rosenblum a"h Wife of Rav Moshe shlita daughter of Rav Shraga Moshe Kalmanowitz Zatzal Levaya in Lakewood 9:30 am at 7th street Chapel. Matzav.com
-NPGS 20% off all purchases this week at the Seagull square Location excluding sale items. location closing on Friday
-Bingo- Members exclusive this week Free 6 dozen XL Eggs, Blooms freeze pops 144 ct 2.99
Friday, July 26, 2019
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת קודש פרשת פנחס תשע''ט מברכים חודש מנחם אב
Friday, July 26, 2019 / כ״ג תמוז תשע״ט ערב שבת פרשת פינחס
-Candle lighting: 7:58 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 8:16 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is on Friday August 2
-Molad is Thursday morning, 22 minutes and 3 chalakim after 4:00 am.
Weather Shabbos day - Sunny. High around 85F.
הָלֹךְ וְקָרָאתָ בְאָזְנֵי יְרוּשָׁלִַם לֵאמֹר: כֹּה אָמַר ה׳ זָכַרְתִּי לָךְ חֶסֶד נְעוּרַיִךְ אַהֲבַת כְּלוּלֹתָיִךְ, לֶכְתֵּךְ אַחֲרַי בַּמִּדְבָּר בְּאֶרֶץ לֹא זְרוּעָה
הפטרה פרשת פנחס
Video: A Modern Day Pinchos
-Candle lighting: 7:58 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 8:16 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is on Friday August 2
-Molad is Thursday morning, 22 minutes and 3 chalakim after 4:00 am.
Weather Shabbos day - Sunny. High around 85F.
הָלֹךְ וְקָרָאתָ בְאָזְנֵי יְרוּשָׁלִַם לֵאמֹר: כֹּה אָמַר ה׳ זָכַרְתִּי לָךְ חֶסֶד נְעוּרַיִךְ אַהֲבַת כְּלוּלֹתָיִךְ, לֶכְתֵּךְ אַחֲרַי בַּמִּדְבָּר בְּאֶרֶץ לֹא זְרוּעָה
הפטרה פרשת פנחס
Video: A Modern Day Pinchos
ויהי אור JCP&L Reporting power Restored in Lakewood
The numbers keep fluctuating but JCPL map shows power has all been restored to Lakewood by 1:30 pm currently showing only 12 customers out.
Satmar Lakewood Leases Building For its School system
The Satmar community of Lakewood has leased a building for its elementary schools. The building is located at 5 Airport rd corner Cedarbridge avenue in the industrial park. The property and neighboring lot was sold last year and currently houses the law offices of Bathgate and company. LNN reports the large building will accommodate boys and girl schools on separate sides of the building.
Star-K Updated Recommended List for Starbucks
Star-K Starbucks Information Updated July 17, 2019 see updated list HERE
Please be advised that Starbucks corporation has decided to end the expanded STAR-K kosher information program.
Consumers are advised that effective immediately the STAR-K can only recommend a limited number of drinks and can no longer vouch for the kashrus of many of the flavored items previously listed.
Please be advised that Starbucks corporation has decided to end the expanded STAR-K kosher information program.
Consumers are advised that effective immediately the STAR-K can only recommend a limited number of drinks and can no longer vouch for the kashrus of many of the flavored items previously listed.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Events Lakewood July 25
-JCP&L: 8:00 pm- Only 16 customers left without power in Lakewood Estimated Restoration:
"We expect to restore power to the majority of affected customers by Tomorrow at 1:00 PM"
-Parlor meeting for Kollel Bais Halevi Rabbi Mordechai Cherick shlita special video message by Harav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita at Madison Manor 401 Madison Lakewood , NJ 9:30p m - 11:30 pm
-Measles Alert- Anyone who visited Congregation Belz, 18 Prague Place, Lakewood, NJ 08701
"We expect to restore power to the majority of affected customers by Tomorrow at 1:00 PM"
-Parlor meeting for Kollel Bais Halevi Rabbi Mordechai Cherick shlita special video message by Harav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita at Madison Manor 401 Madison Lakewood , NJ 9:30p m - 11:30 pm
-Measles Alert- Anyone who visited Congregation Belz, 18 Prague Place, Lakewood, NJ 08701
FOUND! Search for Missing Bachur in Vermont
Update: The boy is B"H Safe and sound and in good health. he has contacted his family using someones cell phone he is still in the woods A Search team went in and are now escorting him back from the forest . (CH Info)
Frum Jackson Man Helps War Veteran During Power Outage
Photo News 12 NJ |
A nice story from News12NJ - A Frum Jackson man Mr. David Shlezinger helped a neighbor Mr. Orama an Iraqi wear vet who struggles daily from PTSD and other combat related injuries during the power outage. Mr Shlezinger had a generator powering his home and seeing that his neighbor also had nno electricity he ran a extension cord to his neighbors home enabling him to power his fridge and cell phone.
Mr. Orama was very grateful to his neighbor for helping out a war Vet and saving his food. Mr. Shlezinger stressed that neighbors is not just about saying hello but helping during such times. See more HERE
Lakewood News Brief Thursday 7/25/19
-JCP&L - Power restored to most of Lakewood 271 customers without power
NPGS Seagull Square location taken over by Gourmet Glatt
-The NPGS store at Seagull Square shopping plaza in Lakewood will close up as of August 1, 2019 and will be taken over by Gourmet Glatt. The store will undergo some renovations prior to opening. This will give GG a second location in south Lakewood at the Toms River border and Cross street area
Girls High school wont open next year due to lack of Funding
-Yesodos Bais Yaakov Girls high school sent home letters to parents that the school will unfortunately close as of August 1, 2019 due to a financial situation. Attempts have been made to raise the necessary funds from askannim and other sources. Last month a parlor meeting was held, on June 12 apparently it was not enough to keep the school open for next year. The school is under the leadership of Rav Shloime Green and run by Mrs. Schwimmer.
-Protest held at fundraiser event
Last night a political fundraising event took place in Lakewood. The politicians were from other cities. Al 1 man protest took place holding up a sign calling out their stance and voting record for pro Toaiva legislation
NPGS Seagull Square location taken over by Gourmet Glatt
-The NPGS store at Seagull Square shopping plaza in Lakewood will close up as of August 1, 2019 and will be taken over by Gourmet Glatt. The store will undergo some renovations prior to opening. This will give GG a second location in south Lakewood at the Toms River border and Cross street area
Girls High school wont open next year due to lack of Funding
-Yesodos Bais Yaakov Girls high school sent home letters to parents that the school will unfortunately close as of August 1, 2019 due to a financial situation. Attempts have been made to raise the necessary funds from askannim and other sources. Last month a parlor meeting was held, on June 12 apparently it was not enough to keep the school open for next year. The school is under the leadership of Rav Shloime Green and run by Mrs. Schwimmer.
-Protest held at fundraiser event
Last night a political fundraising event took place in Lakewood. The politicians were from other cities. Al 1 man protest took place holding up a sign calling out their stance and voting record for pro Toaiva legislation
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood July 24, 2019
JCPL 6:00 pm- 5% Customers out of power 1,980 out of 33,319 in Lakewood.
-Vort: Hachosson Aaron Kelner to Hakallah Esti Scher bas R' Yisroel Meir Z"L at Willow court shul 1445 14th street Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Keren Chasanim Zichron Mattel the Shadchans Tzedaka parlor meeting at 320 Van Buren Lakewood, NJ Guest Speaker R' Sruly Besser 8:30 pm Donate HERE
-Siyum Masechta at B"M kelmwoods Rabbi Helberg's shul, Dayan Dunner shlita of London will be speaking in English at at 47 Kelmwoods (Westgate) 9:30 pm
-Mesivta Torah Temima of Lakewood annual Dinner at Mesoras Avos hall 230 Ocean avenue 8:30 pm
-Chai Lifeline Lakewood annual event at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga Dinner 8:30 Program 10:00 pm
-Kollel Mechanchim of B"M Bais Halevy at 46 Lapsley Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yeshiva Gedolah shaarei shmuel parlor meeting Rav Gellerman shlita at 80 Adams street Lakewood 7:30 pm
- Night at the Net 1131 Cross street Lakewood, NJ 6:30 pm poolside BBQ for Kiruv
-Vort: Hachosson Aaron Kelner to Hakallah Esti Scher bas R' Yisroel Meir Z"L at Willow court shul 1445 14th street Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Keren Chasanim Zichron Mattel the Shadchans Tzedaka parlor meeting at 320 Van Buren Lakewood, NJ Guest Speaker R' Sruly Besser 8:30 pm Donate HERE
-Siyum Masechta at B"M kelmwoods Rabbi Helberg's shul, Dayan Dunner shlita of London will be speaking in English at at 47 Kelmwoods (Westgate) 9:30 pm
-Mesivta Torah Temima of Lakewood annual Dinner at Mesoras Avos hall 230 Ocean avenue 8:30 pm
-Chai Lifeline Lakewood annual event at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga Dinner 8:30 Program 10:00 pm
-Kollel Mechanchim of B"M Bais Halevy at 46 Lapsley Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yeshiva Gedolah shaarei shmuel parlor meeting Rav Gellerman shlita at 80 Adams street Lakewood 7:30 pm
- Night at the Net 1131 Cross street Lakewood, NJ 6:30 pm poolside BBQ for Kiruv
When the 3 Weeks is Longer Than Sefira
The Sefira period from Pesach to Shavuos is seven weeks, the mourning period from 17 Tamuz to Tisha B'av, is known as the "3 weeks". Basic math would say that 7 weeks is longer than 3 weeks. True, but what used to be a time of no chasunas during sefira except for lag baomer has now changed. More weddings are taking place during the 2nd half of sefira after lag Baomer. That makes the longest stretch of the sefira period from Rosh Chodesh less than 3 weeks.
A sign of the times.
A sign of the times.
Lakewood Outage Map
3:30 PM- Update Jcpl has restored power to some areas and updated restoration times for today and tomorrow.
-JCP&L outage map in Lakewood as of Wednesday morning July 24. Estimated Restoration:
We expect to restore power to the majority of affected customers by Jul 26 2019, 11:30 PM
-JCP&L outage map in Lakewood as of Wednesday morning July 24. Estimated Restoration:
We expect to restore power to the majority of affected customers by Jul 26 2019, 11:30 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood July 23, 2019
-Update 5:00 pm: 3,467 without power in Lakewood JCP&L estimates Can take " 3 days" for power to be restored by Friday 11:30 pm. see photos at LNN
-Vort: Hachoson Moshe Aryeh Segal to Hakallah Malky Jacobovitch Bas R' Shmuel M. at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Dovid Eisemann to Hakallah Gitty Gartenberg Bas R' Aaron at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Yeshiva and Mesivta Keren Hatorah annual Dinner at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 7:30 pm
-Ahavas Tzedaka Dinner under the auspices of Dr. and Mrs. Shanik at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga Reception 7:30 pm Dinner 8:30 pm Keynote speaker Dayan Aaron Dovid Dunner Shlita of London
-Parlor meeting Mesivta Ahavas Torah R"Y Rav Yaakov Lezewnik shlita at 2 Tori Court Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Relief resources BBQ 1528 Laguna (Raintree) 7:00 pm Mincha 7:15
-Virtual Reality tour of the Bais Hamikdash at Pine River Village simcha hall 36 Goldcrest Lakewood 6:30 pm -9:30 pm $12 per person (family of 6 get 1 free)
-Vort: Hachoson Moshe Aryeh Segal to Hakallah Malky Jacobovitch Bas R' Shmuel M. at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Dovid Eisemann to Hakallah Gitty Gartenberg Bas R' Aaron at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Yeshiva and Mesivta Keren Hatorah annual Dinner at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 7:30 pm
-Ahavas Tzedaka Dinner under the auspices of Dr. and Mrs. Shanik at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga Reception 7:30 pm Dinner 8:30 pm Keynote speaker Dayan Aaron Dovid Dunner Shlita of London
-Parlor meeting Mesivta Ahavas Torah R"Y Rav Yaakov Lezewnik shlita at 2 Tori Court Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Relief resources BBQ 1528 Laguna (Raintree) 7:00 pm Mincha 7:15
-Virtual Reality tour of the Bais Hamikdash at Pine River Village simcha hall 36 Goldcrest Lakewood 6:30 pm -9:30 pm $12 per person (family of 6 get 1 free)
Today: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Eagle Ridge Application
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting Tuesday July 23, 2019 municipal hall at 6:00 pm
-See Agenda HERE
-watch Live stream HERE
1. SP 1957A Beth Medrash Govoha of America
Forest Ave & Carey Street Block 63, Lots 1 & 4
Extension of a Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan for a school campus
2. SP 2310 The Parke at Lakewood, LLC
752 & 688 Cross Street Block 524; 524.23, Lots 2.03 & 77.02; 1
General Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting Tuesday July 23, 2019 municipal hall at 6:00 pm
-See Agenda HERE
-watch Live stream HERE
1. SP 1957A Beth Medrash Govoha of America
Forest Ave & Carey Street Block 63, Lots 1 & 4
Extension of a Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan for a school campus
2. SP 2310 The Parke at Lakewood, LLC
752 & 688 Cross Street Block 524; 524.23, Lots 2.03 & 77.02; 1
General Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development
Lakewood News Briefs July 23. 2019
-5:00 Pm: 3,467 without power in Lakewood JCP&L Can take "days" for power to be restored
-update 2:30 pm JCP&L 3,500 Lakewood customers still without power.
-Weather- Showers this morning becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. High 76F. Chance of rain 60%.
-Power Outages, Hundreds still without power all around Lakewood this morning JCP&L statement "Severe weather is causing power outages. Estimated restoration time will be provided when available" . Outages in Whispering Pines, Squankum, Yeshiva area, E. County line, W. county Line, Case rd, new Central, New Hampshire see outage map HERE
- LNN- An application was presented to build 9 houses on Spruce Street between Vine Street and Washington Avenue's (across Bais Kaila). Current zoning laws permit 2 homes on these lots. Many neighbors were at the meeting in opposition to the application, mainly due to traffic congestion and safety concerns. The hearing lasted over 2 hours. The board then announced they will continue hearing the application at next month's meeting.
-update 2:30 pm JCP&L 3,500 Lakewood customers still without power.
-Weather- Showers this morning becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. High 76F. Chance of rain 60%.
-Power Outages, Hundreds still without power all around Lakewood this morning JCP&L statement "Severe weather is causing power outages. Estimated restoration time will be provided when available" . Outages in Whispering Pines, Squankum, Yeshiva area, E. County line, W. county Line, Case rd, new Central, New Hampshire see outage map HERE
- LNN- An application was presented to build 9 houses on Spruce Street between Vine Street and Washington Avenue's (across Bais Kaila). Current zoning laws permit 2 homes on these lots. Many neighbors were at the meeting in opposition to the application, mainly due to traffic congestion and safety concerns. The hearing lasted over 2 hours. The board then announced they will continue hearing the application at next month's meeting.
Lakewood School District Busing Notification
The Lakewood School District is pleased to share the following information:
-Lakewood Nonpublic School students, who received courtesy/hazardous busing
during the 2018-2019 school year, will receive busing in the 2019-2020 school year, as
long as a) a Vendor bids on the bus route b) the bid is below the $1,000 per student cost,
as mandated by law
- Lakewood Public School students will continue to receive courtesy/hazardous busing
during the 2019-2020 school year. Courtesy/Hazardous busing will continue to be paid
for by the Township of Lakewood.
-Lakewood Nonpublic School students, who received courtesy/hazardous busing
during the 2018-2019 school year, will receive busing in the 2019-2020 school year, as
long as a) a Vendor bids on the bus route b) the bid is below the $1,000 per student cost,
as mandated by law
- Lakewood Public School students will continue to receive courtesy/hazardous busing
during the 2019-2020 school year. Courtesy/Hazardous busing will continue to be paid
for by the Township of Lakewood.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Lakewood Events July 22, 2019
Update 12:30 am - Many Power outages still ongoing n Lakewood , Jackson, Howell, JCP&L says Severe weather is causing power outages. Estimated restoration time will be provided when available
-Severe Thunderstorms until 7:00 pm winds up to 60 mph, trees and wires down, reports of trees falling on cars, Power outages, electric poll fires.
See storm Photos at LNN Lakewood News Network.
-Parlor Meeting. Yeshiva Gedola Noam Hatalmud Rosh yeshiva Rav Uri Meir kanarek shlita at 1 Freedom Drive Lakewood Guest speaker- Rav Binyomin Eisenberger shlita Rav Khal Heichal Hatefilah of Boro park at 8:30 pm
-Pizza on Wheels fresh pie for $7.50 (with coupon) this Monday and Tuesday only from 2:00 pm- 7:00 pm 1213 River
-Severe Thunderstorms until 7:00 pm winds up to 60 mph, trees and wires down, reports of trees falling on cars, Power outages, electric poll fires.
See storm Photos at LNN Lakewood News Network.
-Parlor Meeting. Yeshiva Gedola Noam Hatalmud Rosh yeshiva Rav Uri Meir kanarek shlita at 1 Freedom Drive Lakewood Guest speaker- Rav Binyomin Eisenberger shlita Rav Khal Heichal Hatefilah of Boro park at 8:30 pm
-Pizza on Wheels fresh pie for $7.50 (with coupon) this Monday and Tuesday only from 2:00 pm- 7:00 pm 1213 River
Lakewood Zoning Board Meeting today
Lakewood Zoning Board meeting Monday July 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm
See full agenda HERE
watch live stream HERE or HERE
Appeal # 4124 – Bais Medrash of Pine Street, 307 Pine Street, Block 774.04 Lot 18, R-10
Zone. Preliminary and final major subdivision to create 2 new duplex lots and
2 new lots for the construction of a synagogue on each lot
See full agenda HERE
watch live stream HERE or HERE
Appeal # 4124 – Bais Medrash of Pine Street, 307 Pine Street, Block 774.04 Lot 18, R-10
Zone. Preliminary and final major subdivision to create 2 new duplex lots and
2 new lots for the construction of a synagogue on each lot
Harav Reuven Scheiner Zt"l
Matzav,com It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rav Reuven Scheiner zt”l, longtime R”M at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Brooklyn, NY. A tremendous talmid chochom, with wide-ranging yedios haTorah, Rav Scheiner, in addition to being marbitz Torah at Torah Vodaas, also gave shiurim at Congregation Yismach Yisroel Alexander in Boro Park. Rav Scheiner leaves behind his wife, Rebbetzin Shoshana Scheiner (nee Lichtenstein), and an illustrious family, including his son, R’ Leizer (Louis) Scheiner, noted askan, baal tzedakah and founder of Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in the Forshay section of Monsey, as well as his son, Rav Shachna Scheiner of Lakewood, author of sifrei Darkei Moshe. Levayah will take place at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas 1:00PM 425 e. 9TH STREET Brooklyn, NY
NWS: Flash Flood Watch Thunderstorms
Temps will reach a high of 90 today, a break in the heat will first come Tuesday with a high of 76.
A flash flood watch remains in effect for the region including Ocean county NJ
From 8 AM this morning through Tuesday morning Showers and thunderstorms are forecast to bring periods of heavy rain to our region from Monday afternoon into early Tuesday morning. Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected to be common, with local amounts up to 3 to 4 inches possible.
A flash flood watch remains in effect for the region including Ocean county NJ
From 8 AM this morning through Tuesday morning Showers and thunderstorms are forecast to bring periods of heavy rain to our region from Monday afternoon into early Tuesday morning. Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected to be common, with local amounts up to 3 to 4 inches possible.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Fast of שבעה עשר בתמוז תשע''ט Lakewood
-Atzeres Tefila וזעקה for Gezeiras Giyus at BMG Ateres Esther hall Binyan Herzka 8:30 pm divrei Hisoirerus by Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita.
-Parlor meeting tonight for Yeshiva Chayei Olam of Monsey Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yaakov Yankelewitz shlita at Madison Manor, shmuez 8:30 Maariv 9:05 pm Seuda by crown catering.
-BDE- Petira of Rav Yitzchok Wenger Z"L Matzav.com Levaya at 10 pm in BMG Yoshon B"M kevura in Lakewood.
-fast is over 9:09 pm (shkia 8:21 pm)
-Weather- High of 100 Degrees heat index as high as 110 Dangerous time to be outdoor from mid afternoon to early evening.
-Yizkereim event at KZY 2:30 pm
-Parlor meeting tonight for Yeshiva Chayei Olam of Monsey Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yaakov Yankelewitz shlita at Madison Manor, shmuez 8:30 Maariv 9:05 pm Seuda by crown catering.
-BDE- Petira of Rav Yitzchok Wenger Z"L Matzav.com Levaya at 10 pm in BMG Yoshon B"M kevura in Lakewood.
-fast is over 9:09 pm (shkia 8:21 pm)
-Weather- High of 100 Degrees heat index as high as 110 Dangerous time to be outdoor from mid afternoon to early evening.
-Yizkereim event at KZY 2:30 pm
Friday, July 19, 2019
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת בלק תשע״ט
וּכשֵׁם שֶׁפָּרַשׂתָּ כּנָפֶיךָ עַל אֲבוֹתֵינוּ בַּמִּדבָּר, והִצַּלתָּם מֵעֵינָה בִּישָׁא דּבִלעָם הָרָשָׁע, כֵּן תִּפרֹש כּנָפֶיךָ עָלֵינוּ בּרַחֲמֶיךָ הָרַבִּים, ונִהיֶה מכֻסִּים בּמִכסֶה והַנהָגָה בִּשׁמוֹתֶיךָ הַקּדוֹשִׁים, אָמֵן
-Candle lighting 8:04 pm
-Shkia/Sunset 8:22 pm
-Weather Shabbos day shine and clouds mixed. Very hot. High 97F.
Sunday fast of Shiva Asar B' Tamuz fast starts 4:04 am fast ends 9:09 pm
כִּי מֵרֹאשׁ צֻרִים אֶרְאֶנוּ וּמִגְּבָעוֹת אֲשׁוּרֶנּוּ הֶן עָם לְבָדָד יִשְׁכֹּן וּבַגּוֹיִם לֹא יִתְחַשָּׁב
וְלֹא אָבָה ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ לִשְׁמֹעַ אֶל בִּלְעָם וַיַּהֲפֹךְ ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ לְךָ אֶת הַקְלָלָה לִבְרָכָה כִּי אֲהֵבְךָ ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ
שבת שלום ומבורך
"The Popcorn is Not Kosher"

Rav Yaakov Bender told me the following story about Rav Trenk. One Friday evening, Rav Trenk heard that three bochurim had gotten hold of a car and drove to watch a movie. He ran the few miles to the theater and found the boys in the darkness there. He said to them, “I just wanted you to know that the popcorn here is not kosher. You may not have known that.” Rav Dovid walked back home exhausted but exhilarated. He knew that those boys would never drive to a movie again on Shabbos.
That is the action of a novi Hashem. His love for the bochurim overtook every other emotion and sent him flying out the door to rescue them in the most loving way possible. He didn’t curse them or send them further away. He used the keilim Hashem gave him to bring them back.
Sadly, we know that not all of the products of our perfect chinuch turn out perfect. What do we do about it? We need more people like Rabbi Trenk. Now that he has passed away, we should all adopt some of his middos and love Jews as much as he did. Thousands of people, young and old, would benefit from a touch of love, a kind remark, a hug, a kiss, and knowing that theater popcorn is not kosher.
Klal Yisroel lost another novi emes with the passing of Rav Reuven Bauman of Norfolk, VA. Noting
Busing Deal Reached: Courtesy Busing for Public paid by Township, LSTA will bus courtesy for non Public, parents pay fee
Private school courtesy busing students will have to pay $150 via the LSTA for busing. Public school courtesy busing will be sponsored by the Lakewood township.
The Lakewood township will provide funding for courtesy busing of the non mandated Public school students. As for the private schools for Mandated busing the township receives $1000 per student that's a total of $22.5 million dollars for this year. The LSTA via the township will be able to bus the non public courtesy students as well with those funds plus the $150 fee per student. Details of this deal will be finalized next week.
Officials stressed that no money from public school students is being diverted to bus private school students. Under state law the school district is mandated to bus any student that lives more than 2 miles from their elementary or 2.5 from high school. Therefore at $1000 per student the funding for private schools will be a total of 22.5 million.
The Lakewood township will provide funding for courtesy busing of the non mandated Public school students. As for the private schools for Mandated busing the township receives $1000 per student that's a total of $22.5 million dollars for this year. The LSTA via the township will be able to bus the non public courtesy students as well with those funds plus the $150 fee per student. Details of this deal will be finalized next week.
Officials stressed that no money from public school students is being diverted to bus private school students. Under state law the school district is mandated to bus any student that lives more than 2 miles from their elementary or 2.5 from high school. Therefore at $1000 per student the funding for private schools will be a total of 22.5 million.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 18, 2019
-Rothberg - Landau at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Anton - Stein at Ateres Reva Hall
-Ganz - Steinharter at Lake Terrace Hall
-Jacobs - Werblowsky at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson ben R' Meir Grunebaum to Hakallah bas R' Yossi Weinnan at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Rd Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yartzheit seuda at Bais Medrash Tiferes Tzvi of Bluzhov for previous rebbe Rav Tzvi yehuda Spira zt'l at 43 Broadway Avenue Lakewood Oak and Vine neighborhood 9:30 pm
-Rothberg - Landau at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Anton - Stein at Ateres Reva Hall
-Ganz - Steinharter at Lake Terrace Hall
-Jacobs - Werblowsky at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson ben R' Meir Grunebaum to Hakallah bas R' Yossi Weinnan at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Rd Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yartzheit seuda at Bais Medrash Tiferes Tzvi of Bluzhov for previous rebbe Rav Tzvi yehuda Spira zt'l at 43 Broadway Avenue Lakewood Oak and Vine neighborhood 9:30 pm
Will Lakewood Township take over Busing Responsibilities from the LSTA?
posted on Twitter:
"Sources confirm to me that #Lakewood Township is set to take over the busing responsibilities of the Lakewood Student Transportation Authority (LSTA). This measure will be considered at tonight's township meeting and is expected to be approved."
"Sources confirm to me that #Lakewood Township is set to take over the busing responsibilities of the Lakewood Student Transportation Authority (LSTA). This measure will be considered at tonight's township meeting and is expected to be approved."
Slow Moving Thunderstorms Heavy Downpours, Outages
-LPD: Watch for poor drainage flooding on roadways 1-2 inches of water through 5pm. Additional storms possible later this evening.
-Power outages reported in Albert area, Spruce street, prospect, James, Faraday,
-Power outages reported in Albert area, Spruce street, prospect, James, Faraday,
Excessive Heat Watch for Ocean County, New Jersey
Important for those fasting on Sunday 17 Tamuz (Nidcha)
Starting 12:00 pm Friday July 19 until 10:00pm Sun Jul 21.
Starting 12:00 pm Friday July 19 until 10:00pm Sun Jul 21.
Township Committee Meeting
Lakewood township committee meeting Thursday July 18, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Watch Live stream HERE
See full Agenda HERE
- $7,000,000 For A Solid Waste Transfer Station And Radio Communications Tower, Authorizing The Issuance Of $6,650,000 Bonds And Notes To Finance A Portion Of The Costs
-Tax Abatement 319 Cedarbridge, LLC, For Facilities Located At Block 548, Lot 170.66
-Tax Abatement for Local Property Taxes To The Lakewood Courtyard Hotel, LLC,
- Authorizing The Public Sale Of Block 1022 Lot 5 (Oak and vine) exchanged in 2012 for $450k
- Reconstruction Of Shady Lane Between Miller Road and Forest Drive
-Submitting NJDOT grants for A New Bike Path Around Industrial park, John F Patrick Park
Watch Live stream HERE
See full Agenda HERE
- $7,000,000 For A Solid Waste Transfer Station And Radio Communications Tower, Authorizing The Issuance Of $6,650,000 Bonds And Notes To Finance A Portion Of The Costs
-Tax Abatement 319 Cedarbridge, LLC, For Facilities Located At Block 548, Lot 170.66
-Tax Abatement for Local Property Taxes To The Lakewood Courtyard Hotel, LLC,
- Authorizing The Public Sale Of Block 1022 Lot 5 (Oak and vine) exchanged in 2012 for $450k
- Reconstruction Of Shady Lane Between Miller Road and Forest Drive
-Submitting NJDOT grants for A New Bike Path Around Industrial park, John F Patrick Park
Special BOE Meeting Today on referendum, Tax increase, transportation
The Lakewood BOE will hold a special meeting today to discuss the budget and items on the referendum that will ask for an additional yearly tax increase of $6 million dollars.
You must sign your name on a sheet n the back of the room if you want to speak at the public comment portion of the meeting. See below for tough talk by the board president
Watch Live-stream HERE 7:30 pm
Posted o the district website.
"The Lakewood Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2019, Public Session at 6:30 p.m. in the LHS Commons, Executive Session. Public Session will reopen at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the 2019-2020 Budget, Transportation, After School
You must sign your name on a sheet n the back of the room if you want to speak at the public comment portion of the meeting. See below for tough talk by the board president
Watch Live-stream HERE 7:30 pm
Posted o the district website.
"The Lakewood Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2019, Public Session at 6:30 p.m. in the LHS Commons, Executive Session. Public Session will reopen at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the 2019-2020 Budget, Transportation, After School
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood July 17, 2019/ 14 Tamuz 5779
- Adler - Blitz at Ateres Reva hall
- Jacobs - Tolwinski at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
- Dicker - Glatzer at Lake terrace hall
- Eckstein -Karmel at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
- Weiss - Kravitz at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Naftali Antebi to Hakallah Miriam Maleh at River terrace 1094 River Ave, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachoson Shoime yachnowitz to Hakallah irons at R' Gissinger's shul 175 Sunset rd lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Ari Banker (Chicago) to Hakallah Ahuva Stern Bas R' Dovid Aryeh at River 978 Estreia Lakewood
- Parlor Meeting reception Vaad L'hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel at Esther Gerber hall 5th street & Madison Lakewood 8:45 pm Guest speaker: Harav Eliyohu Meir Shmeltzer shlita Rav Bais Medrash Flair, Jackson, Hot Buffet
- Parlor Meeting for Renewal org at 227 Autumn Road in Lakewood. Exquisite Cuisine by Fine Art Catering 7:30 pm
- Hanochas Even Hapina for Yeshiva gedolah Ohr Torah 840 Ridge avenue Lakewood 7:00 pm
Agudah Withdraws Siyum APP as it underminds Message Of Smartphone Usage

The original intent behind the Siyum App was להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה: to encourage and facilitate Torah learning among the broad hamon am by making Daf Yomi shiurim and other forms of limud haTorah easily accessible to the masses. The Siyum App was never intended to encourage those who do not have “smartphones” to start using them; it was meant for those who already do use smartphones, and who now would have an opportunity to use the App to start or increase their own kvias itim la’
מי כעמך ישראל
Between hundreds of volunteers searching for the body of a rabbi who saved the life of his student in VA, to the 23,000+ strangers who raised more than $2.2 million in 4 days to save the life of a little girl. It’s a proud week to be a Jew! Mi k'amcha Yisrael
Satmar Calls for Yom Tefillah on Shiva Asar B' Tamuz for spiritual threats in the USA and EY

DOE seeks to impose and implement guidelines to the curriculum in the yeshivos which will limit the hours of Torah study. Additionly it seeks to force the school to teach subjects that are not in line with the torah.
Earlier this week, the New York state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, who sought to enact strict oversight of private-school curricula, suddenly announced her resignation. At this point the threat to the yeshivos is still active.
NWS: Urgent Weather Message
URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ - July 17,2019. Ocean county.
Heat Advisory in effect until 8:00 pm this evening The highest heat index values will occur around mid day. Additional advisories or warnings are expected during subsequent days.
Prolonged Period of Excessive Heat through the Weekend. .The combination of heat and high humidity will lead to dangerously hot conditions through the weekend across much of the
region....Up to 105 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dew points in the mid 70s.
* IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during
outdoor exertion or extended exposure.
Heat Advisory in effect until 8:00 pm this evening The highest heat index values will occur around mid day. Additional advisories or warnings are expected during subsequent days.
Prolonged Period of Excessive Heat through the Weekend. .The combination of heat and high humidity will lead to dangerously hot conditions through the weekend across much of the
region....Up to 105 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dew points in the mid 70s.
* IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during
outdoor exertion or extended exposure.
BOE Referendum: Why is it Lumped Together and Not voted on Individually.
The Lakewood Board of Ed passed a resolution to hold a referendum that will be voted on by the taxpayers to approve a annual 6 million dollar tax increase (on top of the allowable 2% cap) to cover costs for after school programs, courtesy busing and special ed funding. It was designed by lumping all 3 categories into a single ballot question. Possibly a tactic to get something passed that would never have passed on its own.
The tax payers should have the choice to decide on each one separately. These programs are not mandated by the state and everyone should have an opportunity to make separate intelligent decisions. Instead of lumping them together in an attempt to piggy back one off the other, it should be set up as separate questions on how to spend tax money. It should not cost more to have it designed that way.
The tax payers should have the choice to decide on each one separately. These programs are not mandated by the state and everyone should have an opportunity to make separate intelligent decisions. Instead of lumping them together in an attempt to piggy back one off the other, it should be set up as separate questions on how to spend tax money. It should not cost more to have it designed that way.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood 13 Tamuz 5779
-Stavsky - King at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Rosengarten - Sussman at Lake Terrace hall
-Tomor - Leibovic at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Rosenbaum - Frost at Ateres Reva hall
-Holzberg - Weiss at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall -Vort: Hachosson Sruli Godlewsky to Hakallah Bas R' Shloime Weber at 1595 Jacks Way Toms River NJ 7:30 pm
-Hachnosas sefer Torah in memory of Rebbetzin Rischel Kotler a'h to yeshiva Kneses Bais Levi the procession will take place today 6:45 pm from the home of Harav malkiel Kotler shlita at 521 5th street to the BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash
-Video below Ozerover Rebbe at a Mitzvah Tantz last night in Lakewood
-Stavsky - King at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Rosengarten - Sussman at Lake Terrace hall
-Tomor - Leibovic at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Rosenbaum - Frost at Ateres Reva hall
-Holzberg - Weiss at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall -Vort: Hachosson Sruli Godlewsky to Hakallah Bas R' Shloime Weber at 1595 Jacks Way Toms River NJ 7:30 pm
-Hachnosas sefer Torah in memory of Rebbetzin Rischel Kotler a'h to yeshiva Kneses Bais Levi the procession will take place today 6:45 pm from the home of Harav malkiel Kotler shlita at 521 5th street to the BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash
-Video below Ozerover Rebbe at a Mitzvah Tantz last night in Lakewood
Guarding The Treasures

In response to the article in the Yated, Mr. Santos followed up with a thank you in a Facebook post.
"I wish to thank the Jewish newspaper in Lakewood NJ for the kind words they printed about me. The security position, that I feel was a blessing to obtain, is very rewarding in many ways. Even though I’m Catholic, a mutual respect between our religion, culture and language has formed and for that, I’m grateful. Guarding our Treasures was written by Mr. Hisiger and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. It’s truly my pleasure to watch over the children, thank you."
Hamodia: A Tribute to Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z"L
Hamodia.com (NEW YORK) - by Rafael Hoffman
The petirah of Rabbi Reuven Bauman, z”l, 35, was a tragedy that captured the attention and hearts of Klal Yisrael. Thousands followed the events in the news, many davened on his behalf, and dozens of people from organizations and communities around the country put aside their daily lives to take part in the search effort to locate his body.

The six days between his disappearance into waves of a Virginia beach and when he was finally brought to kever Yisrael brought Jews of disparate stripes together, bound by a heartbreaking cause.
Yet, behind the emotional news story of an elementary-school rebbi whose last earthly act was to save a child in his charge is the story of a phenomenal man, who in his short life touched many other lives. With gentle middos, an infectious ahavas Hatorah, and a genuine sense of respect and caring for his fellow Jew, he connected to young and old, sharing his knowledge and love of Torah in and out of the classroom.
The petirah of Rabbi Reuven Bauman, z”l, 35, was a tragedy that captured the attention and hearts of Klal Yisrael. Thousands followed the events in the news, many davened on his behalf, and dozens of people from organizations and communities around the country put aside their daily lives to take part in the search effort to locate his body.

The six days between his disappearance into waves of a Virginia beach and when he was finally brought to kever Yisrael brought Jews of disparate stripes together, bound by a heartbreaking cause.
Yet, behind the emotional news story of an elementary-school rebbi whose last earthly act was to save a child in his charge is the story of a phenomenal man, who in his short life touched many other lives. With gentle middos, an infectious ahavas Hatorah, and a genuine sense of respect and caring for his fellow Jew, he connected to young and old, sharing his knowledge and love of Torah in and out of the classroom.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 15, 2019
-Shulman - Gabioff at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Anemer - Landau at Lake Terrace Hall
-Stern - Stohl at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Benzi Farhi to Hakallah Aliza Azoolay bas R' Moshe at Tashbar hall 82 Oak Street 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachsson Yanky Gutman to Hakallah Nava Jaffe at Madison Manor Hall, 401 Madison Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Shulman - Gabioff at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Anemer - Landau at Lake Terrace Hall
-Stern - Stohl at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Benzi Farhi to Hakallah Aliza Azoolay bas R' Moshe at Tashbar hall 82 Oak Street 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachsson Yanky Gutman to Hakallah Nava Jaffe at Madison Manor Hall, 401 Madison Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
Possible Heatwave This weekend
The NWS issued a hazardous weather outlook for the entire state.
Keep in mind Sunday is the fast day of 17 Tamuz.
"Excessive heat is possible from Wednesday through Saturday Heat Index values near of above 100 degrees will be possible Wednesday and Thursday, potentially reaching as high as 110 degrees Friday and Saturday."
There is a possibility of heavy rain and flooding Wednesday night through Thursday,
Keep in mind Sunday is the fast day of 17 Tamuz.
"Excessive heat is possible from Wednesday through Saturday Heat Index values near of above 100 degrees will be possible Wednesday and Thursday, potentially reaching as high as 110 degrees Friday and Saturday."
There is a possibility of heavy rain and flooding Wednesday night through Thursday,
New York Education Commissioner Elia Resigning
Hamodia: - New York state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, under whose tenure the Education Department has sought to enact strict oversight of private-school and yeshiva curricula, suddenly announced her resignation Monday. The resignation, reported by Politico NY’s Anna Gronewald, is effective at the end of August, and caught the Board of Regents by surprise.
Body of R' Reuvain Bauman Z"L Found
Hook up for Levaya in NJ at 4:00 pm
605-313-5739 Code 582493
712-770-4160 code 271789#
Levaya in Norfolk, VA will take place 10:30 AM at the B'nai Israel Congregation, 420 Spotswood Avenue. The Aron will fly to NJ Levaya at the King Solomon Cemetery Clifton NJ. Shiva will take place in Norfolk and Monsey at 183 McNamara Road, New Hempstead, NY, 10977 starting Tuesday morning. Shachris 8:00. Mincha/Maariv at 8:10
BDE: The body of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z''L has been found in the waters off North Carolina near False Cape State Park at the Virginia beach border by the Misaskim division of Baltimore enabling him to be brought to kevura. The area is 3 miles south from where he was pulled in by a rip tide and drowned.
A Levaya will take place tomorrow first in Norfolk followed by the Kevura in King Solomon Cemetery Clifton NJ details TBA.
Fund set u to help the family click to DONATE
TNZBH המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Search and rescue crews found a body in the ocean near False Cape Sunday afternoon that officials believe is a teacher who went missing in the water earlier this week. Virginia Beach officials say they found the body around 2:15 p.m.
Joel Rubin, CEO of Rubin Communications Group tells 10 On Your Side that Rabbi Alexander Haber from B’Nai Israel Synagogue in Norfolk positively identified the body found as Rabbi Bauman.
605-313-5739 Code 582493
712-770-4160 code 271789#
Levaya in Norfolk, VA will take place 10:30 AM at the B'nai Israel Congregation, 420 Spotswood Avenue. The Aron will fly to NJ Levaya at the King Solomon Cemetery Clifton NJ. Shiva will take place in Norfolk and Monsey at 183 McNamara Road, New Hempstead, NY, 10977 starting Tuesday morning. Shachris 8:00. Mincha/Maariv at 8:10
BDE: The body of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z''L has been found in the waters off North Carolina near False Cape State Park at the Virginia beach border by the Misaskim division of Baltimore enabling him to be brought to kevura. The area is 3 miles south from where he was pulled in by a rip tide and drowned.
A Levaya will take place tomorrow first in Norfolk followed by the Kevura in King Solomon Cemetery Clifton NJ details TBA.
TNZBH המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Search and rescue crews found a body in the ocean near False Cape Sunday afternoon that officials believe is a teacher who went missing in the water earlier this week. Virginia Beach officials say they found the body around 2:15 p.m.
Joel Rubin, CEO of Rubin Communications Group tells 10 On Your Side that Rabbi Alexander Haber from B’Nai Israel Synagogue in Norfolk positively identified the body found as Rabbi Bauman.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood July 14, 2019
-Simkin - Cohen at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Beilus - Klugman Ateres Reva hall
-Krupnik - Fisher at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Kivi Cohen to Hakallah Faigy Friedman bas R' Shlomo at Ateres Malka, 140 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Tiferes Chaim at 1948 Powder Horn Rd toms River, NJ 8:00 pm
Kosson Lakewood Yartzeit seuda of Bal Ateres Tzvi M'Ziditshoiv Zy"a at 1195 N Maple Ave, Tpms River Mincha 7:15 pm
-Simkin - Cohen at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Beilus - Klugman Ateres Reva hall
-Krupnik - Fisher at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Kivi Cohen to Hakallah Faigy Friedman bas R' Shlomo at Ateres Malka, 140 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Tiferes Chaim at 1948 Powder Horn Rd toms River, NJ 8:00 pm
Kosson Lakewood Yartzeit seuda of Bal Ateres Tzvi M'Ziditshoiv Zy"a at 1195 N Maple Ave, Tpms River Mincha 7:15 pm
Lakewood News Sunday July 14
Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 93F
Visiting day
- Hatzolah of Jersey shore annual carnival at JCC Jersey Shore 100 Grant Ave, Deal, New Jersey
07723 from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Lakewood Chaveirim members head out to Norfolk, Virginia to join the search for R' Bauman
- Chemed community fair at Chemed parking lot 12:00pm -5:00 pm
- Measles alert- On July 10th at CHEMED Lakewood Anyone who was there between 1:30 and 6 in the afternoon that day might have been exposed.
Wedding: Adler - Guttman Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga 12 pm Chuppa
Visiting day
- Hatzolah of Jersey shore annual carnival at JCC Jersey Shore 100 Grant Ave, Deal, New Jersey
07723 from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Lakewood Chaveirim members head out to Norfolk, Virginia to join the search for R' Bauman
- Chemed community fair at Chemed parking lot 12:00pm -5:00 pm
- Measles alert- On July 10th at CHEMED Lakewood Anyone who was there between 1:30 and 6 in the afternoon that day might have been exposed.
Wedding: Adler - Guttman Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga 12 pm Chuppa
Friday, July 12, 2019
Norfolk Update: A Letter to The Community
Letter by The Rabbi to the Norfolk, VA Jewish community
"You can avoid rumors. Misinformation about possible rescues, decisions, and storylines are not helpful and can cause great pain. Even true information and decisions need to be communicated in a responsible fashion. We are dealing with a family and community in distress."
To our distinguished community,
As friends, admirers, and students of Rabbi Bauman and his family, we have all experienced a very difficult week. My goal with these words is to clarify some facts and perhaps answer some questions.
As you know, Rabbi Bauman was caught in a riptide in the Sandbridge area of Virginia Beach in the early afternoon on Tuesday. The force of the water was so strong that nobody present was able to save him. The rescue crews were nearby and on the scene immediately.
It is true that Rabbi Bauman entered the water to rescue children in distress. Those children were rescued by a heroic bystander and are safe. The nature of the riptide was such that the bystander either did not see or could not reach Rabbi Bauman. We do not know the identity of the bystander.
"You can avoid rumors. Misinformation about possible rescues, decisions, and storylines are not helpful and can cause great pain. Even true information and decisions need to be communicated in a responsible fashion. We are dealing with a family and community in distress."
To our distinguished community,
As friends, admirers, and students of Rabbi Bauman and his family, we have all experienced a very difficult week. My goal with these words is to clarify some facts and perhaps answer some questions.
As you know, Rabbi Bauman was caught in a riptide in the Sandbridge area of Virginia Beach in the early afternoon on Tuesday. The force of the water was so strong that nobody present was able to save him. The rescue crews were nearby and on the scene immediately.
It is true that Rabbi Bauman entered the water to rescue children in distress. Those children were rescued by a heroic bystander and are safe. The nature of the riptide was such that the bystander either did not see or could not reach Rabbi Bauman. We do not know the identity of the bystander.
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת חקת תשע׳׳ט
Friday, July 12, 2019 / ט׳ תמוז תשע״ט Lakewood, New Jersey
-Candle lighting: 8:08 pm
-Shkiah/Sunset: 8:26 pm
Shabbos Weather: A mainly sunny sky. High 89F real feel of 94 air quality will be unhealthy for sensitive groups
אָז יָשִׁיר יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת הַשִּׁירָה הַזֹּאת, עֲלִי בְּאֵר עֱנוּ לָהּ בְּאֵר חֲפָרוּהָ שָׂרִים כָּרוּהָ נְדִיבֵי עִם... וְנִשְׁקָפָה עַל פְּנֵי הַיְשִׁימוֹן
-Candle lighting: 8:08 pm
-Shkiah/Sunset: 8:26 pm
Shabbos Weather: A mainly sunny sky. High 89F real feel of 94 air quality will be unhealthy for sensitive groups
אָז יָשִׁיר יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת הַשִּׁירָה הַזֹּאת, עֲלִי בְּאֵר עֱנוּ לָהּ בְּאֵר חֲפָרוּהָ שָׂרִים כָּרוּהָ נְדִיבֵי עִם... וְנִשְׁקָפָה עַל פְּנֵי הַיְשִׁימוֹן
Litfish Herring Now Available
With two delicious flavors to taste you will be sure to love them.
Try Litfish’s Garlic Schmaltz for a savory bite or turn up the heat with our Spicy Schmaltz. available at Evergreen kosher and Coming to stores near you this week.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewoid July 11, 2019
Thunder storm watch until 9:30 pm
-Matzliach - Krauss Wedding at Lake Terrace hall
-Tesser - Rosengarten at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Dreyfuss - Kaplan at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Shachter - Delman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Parlor meeting at R' Forcheimer shul 418 5th street at 10:00 pm for Rav Nachum Friedman of Yerushalayim
-Matzliach - Krauss Wedding at Lake Terrace hall
-Tesser - Rosengarten at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Dreyfuss - Kaplan at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Shachter - Delman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Parlor meeting at R' Forcheimer shul 418 5th street at 10:00 pm for Rav Nachum Friedman of Yerushalayim
Free Document Shredding Event in Lakewood
Attention Residents of Lakewood NJ Friday, July 12th from 9:00am-1:00pm for a free document shredding event! Get rid of your old documents safely and securely.
At the Lakewood Public works parking lot 1 America Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701 sponsored by the Ocean county board of chosen Freeholders and Dept of Solid waste management
At the Lakewood Public works parking lot 1 America Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701 sponsored by the Ocean county board of chosen Freeholders and Dept of Solid waste management
Norfolk Update: Search Continues
Thursday afternoon update: Search continues with helicopter, boats, and people walking and riding on beach. Rabbi Slone continues to coordinate. We are always hopeful, but al pi derech hateva this is a ‘recovery’ mission. We will be coordinating volunteer search units over shabbos.
Contrary to previous reports the family will not be beginning shiva today. The hope is to find R’ Bauman soon. Please respect the family’s privacy and do not linger. Refreshments for visitors can be found in the Shul social hall. There will be a meeting at Shul for community members at 6:30 pm. It will follow the format of previous meetings with representation from the various organizations. Please continue to daven for everyone involved.
Update as of Thursday morning from the Norfolk Jewish community:
The search continues to find the body of R' Reuvein Tzvi ben esther Baila Bauman
The search is continuing with many volunteers on land at sea and by drone. They will resume at 4:30 Thursday morning and continue throughout Thursday and Friday, possibly longer if necessary.
No official announcements have been made regarding shiva. Please continue to daven.
A fund was set up to help the mishpacha during this difficult time.
To donate click HERE
(video courtesy of Blaaz and GL)
Update as of Thursday morning from the Norfolk Jewish community:
The search continues to find the body of R' Reuvein Tzvi ben esther Baila Bauman
The search is continuing with many volunteers on land at sea and by drone. They will resume at 4:30 Thursday morning and continue throughout Thursday and Friday, possibly longer if necessary.
No official announcements have been made regarding shiva. Please continue to daven.
A fund was set up to help the mishpacha during this difficult time.
To donate click HERE
(video courtesy of Blaaz and GL)
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Officials: If $6 Million Proposal is Voted Down there will Be NO courtesy Busing in Lakewood, If Approved no $150 Fee
At Last nights BOE meeting officials discussed the $6.1 million dollar proposal to be voted on by Lakewood taxpayers on November 5th. They explained that as of today there is no money for courtesy busing for both pubic and non public school students for the coming year.
If the proposal is approved by the voters it would cost the average tax payer $203 (in addition to the regular increase of $67) and they said it would provide courtesy busing for both public and non public and fund after school programs. It will be a yearly increase in the tax bill.
Non mandated parents will not have to pay a $150 fee to the LSTA per child since the money will come from the taxes it will cost the average homeowner (assessed at 320k) $203 a year. Mandated parents will also have to pay the same $203. so for a family of 4 who was paying the LSTA a total of $600 will now pay the annual taxes of 203 for a average home. Mandated parents will also have to pay the same $203 in txes even though they get busing at $1000 per child.
The LSTA already charged non mandated parents a $150 fee for next year it's not clear what is happening with those funds.
Because there is no LSTA as of today there is no funds available to pay for the non public courtesy busing. The township said it can no longer give money for the public courtesy busing. Therefore if the proposal is voted down by the tax payers officials said that would leave 13,000 non public students and 2965 public school students with no busing.
If the proposal is approved by the voters it would cost the average tax payer $203 (in addition to the regular increase of $67) and they said it would provide courtesy busing for both public and non public and fund after school programs. It will be a yearly increase in the tax bill.
Non mandated parents will not have to pay a $150 fee to the LSTA per child since the money will come from the taxes it will cost the average homeowner (assessed at 320k) $203 a year. Mandated parents will also have to pay the same $203. so for a family of 4 who was paying the LSTA a total of $600 will now pay the annual taxes of 203 for a average home. Mandated parents will also have to pay the same $203 in txes even though they get busing at $1000 per child.
The LSTA already charged non mandated parents a $150 fee for next year it's not clear what is happening with those funds.
Because there is no LSTA as of today there is no funds available to pay for the non public courtesy busing. The township said it can no longer give money for the public courtesy busing. Therefore if the proposal is voted down by the tax payers officials said that would leave 13,000 non public students and 2965 public school students with no busing.
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 10, 2019
-Cherrick -Tashman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Blum - Landinsky at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Rosenberg - Gelb at Lake Terrace Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Friedman to Hakallah Avigail Lurie at Khal Bnei Torah 304 Monmouth Avenue Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Tehillim for Reuvein Tzvi ben Esther Baila Bauman with Divrei Hisoirerus by Harav Chaim Bresler shlita at BMG Bais Aaron Chabura room 7:20 Pm
-Free Narcan training at Minyan Shelanu 145 ocean avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Shiur from R' Ahron Lopiansky shlita at Coventry shul downstairs BM 9:35 followed by maariv.
-Cherrick -Tashman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Blum - Landinsky at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Rosenberg - Gelb at Lake Terrace Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Friedman to Hakallah Avigail Lurie at Khal Bnei Torah 304 Monmouth Avenue Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Tehillim for Reuvein Tzvi ben Esther Baila Bauman with Divrei Hisoirerus by Harav Chaim Bresler shlita at BMG Bais Aaron Chabura room 7:20 Pm
-Free Narcan training at Minyan Shelanu 145 ocean avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Shiur from R' Ahron Lopiansky shlita at Coventry shul downstairs BM 9:35 followed by maariv.
Lakewood BOE Meeting Today
Lakewood BOE public meeting 6:30 P.M. Wednesday July 10, 2019 at 855 Somerset Avenue
Watch Live stream HERE starts at 7:30 pm
see Agenda HERE
-Adopting the budget including the $36 million loan which will have a tax levy $104,466,984 and owe the state $82 Million dollars
Fund federal lawsuit by board attorney at an additional rate of $350-perhour
-Stipulation if SCHI wins appeal the DOE must pay $5 million for tuition costs
Watch Live stream HERE starts at 7:30 pm
see Agenda HERE
-Adopting the budget including the $36 million loan which will have a tax levy $104,466,984 and owe the state $82 Million dollars
Fund federal lawsuit by board attorney at an additional rate of $350-perhour
-Stipulation if SCHI wins appeal the DOE must pay $5 million for tuition costs
Fish Grill Opens Lakewood Branch
See full Menu HERE
Numerous salads are offered, as well as fresh (non-grilled) poke bowls, sides such as fries, rice, grilled veggies, pico de gallo, herring, and more. Other dishes include soup (chowder), fish tacos, fish & chips, and pastas with fish.
The physical space of the restaurant is huge, offering diners 2 stories of casual seating, in a slightly nautical theme. The restaurant is open Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm, and Fridays 11am-2:30pm.
Proposal Now Asking Voters for $6.1 Million. Annual increase
The proposal by the Lakewood BOE to be put for a vote by the tax payers has now included courtesy busing which will be a total of $6,132,973 annual increase on top of the other tax increases in Lakewood.
If approved by the voters, this would allow the School District to offer various after-school public
school clubs, courtesy busing and certain nonpublic Special Education services which were
previously funded by the Township of Lakewood and the Lakewood Student Transportation
Authority. Starting with the 2019-2020 School year, the Township will no longer be funding those
programs and the Lakewood Student Transportation Authority no longer exists.
From the BOE agenda:
Proposal to raise an additional $6,132,973 for General Funds in the 2019-2020 School Year.
These taxes will be used to fund various after-school Public School clubs in the amount of
$1,487,501, provide Public School courtesy busing in the amount of $1,287,916, provide Nonpublic
School courtesy busing in the amount of $2,300,000 and fund certain Nonpublic Special Education
services in the amount of $1,057,556. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent increase
If approved by the voters, this would allow the School District to offer various after-school public
school clubs, courtesy busing and certain nonpublic Special Education services which were
previously funded by the Township of Lakewood and the Lakewood Student Transportation
Authority. Starting with the 2019-2020 School year, the Township will no longer be funding those
programs and the Lakewood Student Transportation Authority no longer exists.
From the BOE agenda:
Proposal to raise an additional $6,132,973 for General Funds in the 2019-2020 School Year.
These taxes will be used to fund various after-school Public School clubs in the amount of
$1,487,501, provide Public School courtesy busing in the amount of $1,287,916, provide Nonpublic
School courtesy busing in the amount of $2,300,000 and fund certain Nonpublic Special Education
services in the amount of $1,057,556. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent increase
BOE Asks township to provide Hazardous Busing as other Options dry up
With LSTA gone for now and the township not paying for courtesy busing since the 3 year agreement is up, the BOE is seeking other ways of getting the township to pay. Until now the LSTA charged parents of non public courtesy busing $150 a year and the township paid for public school courtesy busing. A resolution passed last meeting calls for the township to pay for hazardous busing as the town is responsible to provide safe and adequate transportation routes for all its students. In some streets the town pays for and provides crossing guards. The BOE provided a list of 30 streets in Lakewood that are considered hazardous (see list below) and no child may cross those streets.
In a letter to the township the school district asks to meet on the matter. "If possible, the District would like to schedule a meeting to discuss hazardous routes for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, as soon as possible, as there is a July 10, 2019
In a letter to the township the school district asks to meet on the matter. "If possible, the District would like to schedule a meeting to discuss hazardous routes for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, as soon as possible, as there is a July 10, 2019
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 9, 2019
-Schonberger - Weiss at Lake Terrace hall
-Schmeltzer - Bronspiegel at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Wolf - Eisenberg at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Sussna - Green at Ateres Reva hall
-Bukai - Aboud at Ohel Simha 295 Park Ave, Long Branch, NJ
-Schmeltzer - Bronspiegel at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Wolf - Eisenberg at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Sussna - Green at Ateres Reva hall
-Bukai - Aboud at Ohel Simha 295 Park Ave, Long Branch, NJ
Tehillim Rebbe in Camp Swept out at Sea
Please say Tehilim for Reuven Tzvi ben Esther who is a Rebbi at a day camp in Norfolk, Virginia who got carried out to sea by a strong current. Search and rescue is looking for him. Reuven Tzvi ben Esther Baila is also a rebbe at Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Norfolk.
ABC -Crews were trying to find a teacher who was missing in the water off False Cape State Park Tuesday. Emergency dispatchers received a call that there may have been a drowning at the park, located at 400 1Sandpiper Road in Virginia Beach. The caller said two people had been in the water. One was 35 years old. The other was an 11-year-old student.
ABC -Crews were trying to find a teacher who was missing in the water off False Cape State Park Tuesday. Emergency dispatchers received a call that there may have been a drowning at the park, located at 400 1Sandpiper Road in Virginia Beach. The caller said two people had been in the water. One was 35 years old. The other was an 11-year-old student.
BOE Proposal: Lakewood Taxpayers to Vote on $6.1 Million Annual Increase
updated: The proposal has increased to $6. 1 Million as the distric is including courtesy busing costs
The BOE has put the $36 million loan from the state as part of the budget for next year.
On top of that, the Lakewood BOE is putting forth a proposal that would be voted on by the taxpayers this election day (November 5, 2019) to raise taxes yearly by $2.5 Million dollars for after school programs. This will automatically be raised every year going forward and will take place immediately.
The township will no longer be funding these programs from the municipal portion of the budget.
The township is still paying $2 million a year to cover the cost of courtesy bussing for the public school students not under the LSTA
The BOE agenda for tomorrows meeting explains the proposal. These taxes will be used to fund various after-school Public School clubs and certain Nonpublic Special Education services. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent increase in the District’s tax levy.
If passed, this would allow the School District to offer various public school clubs and certain
nonpublic Special Education services which were previously funded by the Township of
Lakewood. Starting with the 2019-2020 School year, the Township will no longer be funding
- School district hosting Community meeting tonight 7:30 pm at Lkwd high school.
The BOE has put the $36 million loan from the state as part of the budget for next year.
On top of that, the Lakewood BOE is putting forth a proposal that would be voted on by the taxpayers this election day (November 5, 2019) to raise taxes yearly by $2.5 Million dollars for after school programs. This will automatically be raised every year going forward and will take place immediately.
The township will no longer be funding these programs from the municipal portion of the budget.
The township is still paying $2 million a year to cover the cost of courtesy bussing for the public school students not under the LSTA
The BOE agenda for tomorrows meeting explains the proposal. These taxes will be used to fund various after-school Public School clubs and certain Nonpublic Special Education services. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent increase in the District’s tax levy.
If passed, this would allow the School District to offer various public school clubs and certain
nonpublic Special Education services which were previously funded by the Township of
Lakewood. Starting with the 2019-2020 School year, the Township will no longer be funding
Today: Planning Board Meeting
Well Raised Boys
Posted today by a bus driver on a facebook group in the Catskills.
I’m a school bus driver in Sullivan County. I did my first Jewish camp trip today.
Three years ago I moved here and I wondered how so many people can hate our summer visitors.
I guess no matter who the group is... if you put 300,000 people in any small community, it’s going to create havoc. After three summers. I can see how people get frustrated. I’ve been frustrated too.
Then today happened and I felt the need to share this... as I’ve already said... today was my first trip.
I had a bus full of 14 year old boys from one camp and I could not have asked for a better behaved, polite and grateful group of boys. Each one thanked me as they got on my bus and again as they got off. I asked them all not to leave a mess and there was not one thing left on my bus. Not ONE thing!!
I’m a school bus driver in Sullivan County. I did my first Jewish camp trip today.
Three years ago I moved here and I wondered how so many people can hate our summer visitors.
I guess no matter who the group is... if you put 300,000 people in any small community, it’s going to create havoc. After three summers. I can see how people get frustrated. I’ve been frustrated too.
Then today happened and I felt the need to share this... as I’ve already said... today was my first trip.
I had a bus full of 14 year old boys from one camp and I could not have asked for a better behaved, polite and grateful group of boys. Each one thanked me as they got on my bus and again as they got off. I asked them all not to leave a mess and there was not one thing left on my bus. Not ONE thing!!
Lakewood Stores Update
-Fish Grill from LA opening today in Lakewood at 6834 Route 9 North Howell NJ (after amazing savings) (848) 261 4444 open 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
- LNN reports Gourmet Glatt in talks to open second location by taking over NPGS store at Seagull square at the Lakewood/Toms River border. Expected to happen after Sukkos
-West Cuts Barber shop opening in Westgate at the shopping Plaza
- Hasandler shoe maker open at West Gate shopping Plaza
- LNN reports Gourmet Glatt in talks to open second location by taking over NPGS store at Seagull square at the Lakewood/Toms River border. Expected to happen after Sukkos
-West Cuts Barber shop opening in Westgate at the shopping Plaza
- Hasandler shoe maker open at West Gate shopping Plaza
Monday, July 8, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 8, 2019
-Klein - Sandler at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Brachfeld - Moskowitz at Lake Terrace hall -Stein - Ginspark at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Hirschman -Manies at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Masalton - Semah at Congregation Brothers of Israel, 250 Park Ave, Long Branch, NJ
-Vort: Hachosson Gershon Strulowicz to Hakallah Chani Epstein at Bnos Bracha Simcha Hall, 1665 Corporate Rd W, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Zevy Unger to Hakallah Reena Neiman Bas R' Moshe at 1183 Buckwald ct Lakewood
-Parlor meeting yeshivs gedolah of Mill Basin at 10 14th street Lakewood 8:00 pm Divrei Bracha by Harav Yehuda Brick shlita
-Parlor meeting for RJX Rutgers Kiruv at 258 Martin Luther King 7:30 pm BBQ and Kumzitz
-Hatzolah Auction Watch live below
-Klein - Sandler at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Brachfeld - Moskowitz at Lake Terrace hall -Stein - Ginspark at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Hirschman -Manies at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Masalton - Semah at Congregation Brothers of Israel, 250 Park Ave, Long Branch, NJ
-Vort: Hachosson Gershon Strulowicz to Hakallah Chani Epstein at Bnos Bracha Simcha Hall, 1665 Corporate Rd W, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Zevy Unger to Hakallah Reena Neiman Bas R' Moshe at 1183 Buckwald ct Lakewood
-Parlor meeting yeshivs gedolah of Mill Basin at 10 14th street Lakewood 8:00 pm Divrei Bracha by Harav Yehuda Brick shlita
-Parlor meeting for RJX Rutgers Kiruv at 258 Martin Luther King 7:30 pm BBQ and Kumzitz
-Hatzolah Auction Watch live below
Case to Fix Funding Formula for Lakewood School District to Proceed
When the state of NJ allocated over $30 million dollars in funding to the Lakewood school district a few month s ago (before it was removed and than turned into a loan) , officials credited the ongoing lawsuit filed by Mr. Arthur Lang, a Math teacher at Lakewood school district and a Lawyer.
The case is known as Alcantara v. Hespe and has been ongoing for 5 years. Tomorrow July 9, 2019 Judge Susan Scarola of the office of administrative law will hear the case to conclude the matter with the state's presentation of its case.
In July of 2014 Mr. Arthur Lang filed a petition demonstrating that the state funding formula for the Lakewood school district is inadequate for it to provide its students with a T&E education.
A Letter written this week to the judge by Professor Tractenberg mentions 2 points.
1. Does the School Funding Reform Act of 2008 (SFRA) provide the Lakewood School District (LSD) with adequate funds to enable it to provide its approximately 6,000 public school students, most of them low-income Latino and Black, with the constitutionally required through and efficient education (T&E)?
2. If it does not, are there constitutionally acceptable ways in which the State can provide
LSD with sufficient supplemental non-SFRA funding?
It has seemed clear from the start of this matter that the only constitutionally responsive and
responsible way to deal with LSD’s unique demographic circumstances, and the attendant fiscal
consequences, is by amending SFRA. The more time that elapses and the more evidence that
accumulates the clearer that reality becomes. It is time for your Honor to recognize that reality
and to forward your recommended decision to the Commissioner without further delay.
The case is known as Alcantara v. Hespe and has been ongoing for 5 years. Tomorrow July 9, 2019 Judge Susan Scarola of the office of administrative law will hear the case to conclude the matter with the state's presentation of its case.
In July of 2014 Mr. Arthur Lang filed a petition demonstrating that the state funding formula for the Lakewood school district is inadequate for it to provide its students with a T&E education.
A Letter written this week to the judge by Professor Tractenberg mentions 2 points.
1. Does the School Funding Reform Act of 2008 (SFRA) provide the Lakewood School District (LSD) with adequate funds to enable it to provide its approximately 6,000 public school students, most of them low-income Latino and Black, with the constitutionally required through and efficient education (T&E)?
2. If it does not, are there constitutionally acceptable ways in which the State can provide
LSD with sufficient supplemental non-SFRA funding?
It has seemed clear from the start of this matter that the only constitutionally responsive and
responsible way to deal with LSD’s unique demographic circumstances, and the attendant fiscal
consequences, is by amending SFRA. The more time that elapses and the more evidence that
accumulates the clearer that reality becomes. It is time for your Honor to recognize that reality
and to forward your recommended decision to the Commissioner without further delay.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood 4 Tamuz 5779
-Streicher - Cohen at Ateres Reva hall
-Zeffren - Mann at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Steinmetz- Kozlowitz at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Grazi wedding at Lake Terrace hall
-Streicher - Cohen at Ateres Reva hall
-Zeffren - Mann at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Steinmetz- Kozlowitz at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Grazi wedding at Lake Terrace hall
Lkwd News July 7 2019
- Weather: stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 81F
-Chasuna 12:00 PM: Kormendi-London at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Hachnosas sefer Torah to kollel Bnei Torah Rabbi Lefkowitz shul at 940 E. Kennedy Blvd procession at 3pm from 1135 Somerset Lakewood
-Gourmet Glatt Sunday flash sale 96 oz Canola oil $1.99 limit 2 chocolate leben 3 for $1 till 7 pm.
-Chasuna 12:00 PM: Kormendi-London at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Hachnosas sefer Torah to kollel Bnei Torah Rabbi Lefkowitz shul at 940 E. Kennedy Blvd procession at 3pm from 1135 Somerset Lakewood
-Gourmet Glatt Sunday flash sale 96 oz Canola oil $1.99 limit 2 chocolate leben 3 for $1 till 7 pm.
Rebbe Only Saw Roses
![]() |
Yated |
Article in Yated by Rav Yechiel Spero HERE
Written by a Talmid
Rebbi was larger than life. Both literally and figuratively.
In a world of black and white, Rebbi only saw roses. Rich, beautiful, vibrant colored roses.
When Rebbi looked at you, his beautiful glowing, crystal-like eyes would pierce your very soul. You could hear them say to you in the softness of tones, yet full of conviction - "believe, respect and love yourself. Because I believe in you, I respect you and I love you."
Friday, July 5, 2019
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת קודש פרשת קרח תשע''ט
Friday, July 5, 2019 / ב׳ תמוז תשע״ט ערב שבת פרשת קרח
-Candle lighting 8:11 pm
-Shkia/sunset 8:29 pm
-Weather: scattered thunderstorms. High around 90F. Chance of rain 50%.
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal mincha at 6:15 followed by Siyum in Beren dining hall.
והנה פרח מטה אהרן לבית לוי ויצא פרח ויצץ ציץ ויגמל שקדים
-Candle lighting 8:11 pm
-Shkia/sunset 8:29 pm
-Weather: scattered thunderstorms. High around 90F. Chance of rain 50%.
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal mincha at 6:15 followed by Siyum in Beren dining hall.
והנה פרח מטה אהרן לבית לוי ויצא פרח ויצץ ציץ ויגמל שקדים
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood 2nd Day Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5779 July 4th 2019
-Rabinowitz - Delman at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Scheiner - Bamberger at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Laskin - Brus at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Vort: Hachosson Lipa Perlman to Hakallah Dina Smith Bas R' Moshe at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Rd, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Rabinowitz - Delman at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Scheiner - Bamberger at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Laskin - Brus at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Vort: Hachosson Lipa Perlman to Hakallah Dina Smith Bas R' Moshe at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Rd, Lakewood 7:30 pm
Shiva Info
Mishpachas Trenk is sitting shiva for Rav Dovid zt’l at 817 Central avenue Lakewood. Shachris 7:45 pm Mincha 15 minutes before shlkia and Maariv 9:30 pm. Rav Zevi Trenk is sitting in Flatbush at 1586 E. 9th street until Friday afternoon at 2:30 PM. M"S until 11:15 pm. Rebbetzin Leah Cohen is sitting at Camp Munk, Ferndale, NY Thursday and Friday. Getting up from shiva Sunday morning.
Asifas zikaron and Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal
This shabbos 3 Tamuz will be the 37th Yartzheit of The Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav Yosef Chaim Shneur Kotler zatzal. Tonight Thursday evening there will be hespedim in the yeshiva delivered by Rav Yisrael Neuman shlita and Rav Tzvi Basch shlita at 6:30 pm in the Beren hall. On Shabbos a siyum and yartzheit seuda will take place in the yeshiva.
Fueling Machlokes
Fueling Machlokes
Parshas Korach 5779
There's strong opinions there's passion and than there is fueled and manufactured machlokes used to impose one side over the other. In the age of social media and the internet the debate gets more publicity as media platforms are used as springboards to fan the flames.
Lately, several issues among frum Jews have brought out very passionate opinions from both sides, take one example the vaccine issue.
The vaccine debate has raged over the last year and with the help of social media it has fueled one of the largest divides in klal yisrael of recent years. Of course each side will claim its pikuach nefesh and justify its actions and to force its view on others. The measles epidemic no doubt contributed to take severe drastic measures.
Putting all that aside, is it a subject worth making a pirud in klal yisrael?
Was it worth all the hate, and division it has caused among family, friends, neighbors?
Was it worth the sinas chinom and open bizayon of gedolei yisrael?
Another example, members in some shuls have decided to improve in ruchniyus by taking upon themselves the no talking in shul initiative.
Parshas Korach 5779
There's strong opinions there's passion and than there is fueled and manufactured machlokes used to impose one side over the other. In the age of social media and the internet the debate gets more publicity as media platforms are used as springboards to fan the flames.
Lately, several issues among frum Jews have brought out very passionate opinions from both sides, take one example the vaccine issue.
The vaccine debate has raged over the last year and with the help of social media it has fueled one of the largest divides in klal yisrael of recent years. Of course each side will claim its pikuach nefesh and justify its actions and to force its view on others. The measles epidemic no doubt contributed to take severe drastic measures.
Putting all that aside, is it a subject worth making a pirud in klal yisrael?
Was it worth all the hate, and division it has caused among family, friends, neighbors?
Was it worth the sinas chinom and open bizayon of gedolei yisrael?
Another example, members in some shuls have decided to improve in ruchniyus by taking upon themselves the no talking in shul initiative.
July 4th Independence Day Lakewood 2019
Weather Mostly sunny high 86 thunderstorm possible humidity 58%
-Agra DPirka July 4th program at KZY Rabbi Gissinger's shul 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood
10:15 am Harav Doniel Neustadt shlita 11:00 am Harav Avraham Snyder shlita
- No Busing today for schools or camps
-Shop Rite Howell, Brick normal hours open till 12 am , Walmart open 24 hours
-Power outages Toms River Rt 9 and Cox Cro area
-Video Lakewood Fire works by GL see HERE
-No USPS Mail, UpS or Fed Ex, Banks closed, Got offices closed, retail stores mostly are open
-Agra DPirka July 4th program at KZY Rabbi Gissinger's shul 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood
10:15 am Harav Doniel Neustadt shlita 11:00 am Harav Avraham Snyder shlita
- No Busing today for schools or camps
-Shop Rite Howell, Brick normal hours open till 12 am , Walmart open 24 hours
-Power outages Toms River Rt 9 and Cox Cro area
-Video Lakewood Fire works by GL see HERE
-No USPS Mail, UpS or Fed Ex, Banks closed, Got offices closed, retail stores mostly are open
Today at the Kosel
מזבח חדש בציון תכין, ועולת ראש חודש נעלה עליו, ושעירי עִזים נעשה ברצון, ובעבודת בית המקדש נשמח כלנו,
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5779 July 3
-Kandel - Dick at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Levin - Chesir at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Ginsburg - Greenfield at Lake Terrace hall
- Levine - Shvarzblat Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 2 Augusta Blvd, Lakewood
-Zimmerman - Rosenberg Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Aryeh Klugman to Hakallah Serel Lercher at 950 E Kennedy Blvd, Lakewood 7:00 pm
Kabolas Panim/ Parlor meeting for R' Shlomo Kanievsky Shlita: At 6 Pointe Circle, Jackson 7:30 pm Todd Plaza on Rt 9 in the tent 8:00 pm
-Kandel - Dick at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Levin - Chesir at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Ginsburg - Greenfield at Lake Terrace hall
- Levine - Shvarzblat Eagle Ridge Golf Club, 2 Augusta Blvd, Lakewood
-Zimmerman - Rosenberg Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Aryeh Klugman to Hakallah Serel Lercher at 950 E Kennedy Blvd, Lakewood 7:00 pm
Kabolas Panim/ Parlor meeting for R' Shlomo Kanievsky Shlita: At 6 Pointe Circle, Jackson 7:30 pm Todd Plaza on Rt 9 in the tent 8:00 pm
Traffic Alert
Over 3-4 hour Delay traveling from Brooklyn to Lakewood this afternoon . From Manhattan too there are heavy delays as the Lincoln tunnel is shut Jersey bound because of a truck accident. Port Authority suspended all bus service to NJ. Use Holland tunnel or Verrazzano.
Zohara Art Gallery Opens in Lakewood

Video: Reb Dovid Trenk ZT"L Last visit to Yeshiva of Carteret
Rabbi Dovid Trenk's final visit to the Yeshiva of Carteret before his passing on June 30th. He was honored with Krias Shem at the Bris of his grandson Zev Volf Brown, son of his daughter and son-in-law Rabbi & Rebbitzen Azriel & Donya Brown. The event took place on June 5th, 2019, at the Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, where the Browns serve as Rosh Yeshiva & Rebbetzin.
This was his final visit to the Yeshiva before his passing on June 30th. When he arrived at approx. 7am, although week and frail, he stood up dancing and singing with joy.
This was his final visit to the Yeshiva before his passing on June 30th. When he arrived at approx. 7am, although week and frail, he stood up dancing and singing with joy.
Independence day Fireworks in Lakewood
-The Lakewood Township Annual Independence Day Fireworks Event will be on Wednesday, July 3rd, at Lake Carasaljo. Fireworks display will begin at 9:15 pm. The fireworks can be viewed from North Lake and South Lake drive. Festivities begin with a concert 7:15 at N Lake drive
-The BlueClaws will host their biggest fireworks show of the year on July 3rd presented by Camping World, after the team's 7:05 pm game at first energy park
-The BlueClaws will host their biggest fireworks show of the year on July 3rd presented by Camping World, after the team's 7:05 pm game at first energy park
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5779
-Tolwinski - Guttman at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Eisekovitz - Eisenbach at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Rosen - Felder at Lake Terrace hall
-Hoffman- Snitzer at Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Hachosson Ahron Meir Roberts (Chicago) to Hakallah Raizy Ehrman bas R' Moshe Dovid at Ateres Chaya Faiga 1518 Tanglewood Lane Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Tolwinski - Guttman at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Eisekovitz - Eisenbach at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Rosen - Felder at Lake Terrace hall
-Hoffman- Snitzer at Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Hachosson Ahron Meir Roberts (Chicago) to Hakallah Raizy Ehrman bas R' Moshe Dovid at Ateres Chaya Faiga 1518 Tanglewood Lane Lakewood 7:30 pm
Video: Levaya of Reb Dovid Trenk ZTL, Hesped by his Brother shlita
Video below: Rabbi Zevi Trenk shlita Hesped on his brother
Lakewood will owe $82 Million if District Approves new Loan
The Lakewood school district currently owes the state of NJ $46 million for loans it received over the years to balance the budget. If the district accepts the new loan offer of 36 million it will owe the state $82 million dollars which will come from Lakewood taxpayers.
App reports critics questioned if the 1 day shutdown was necessary that left 1000 special ed students without programs they called it a stunt.
App reports critics questioned if the 1 day shutdown was necessary that left 1000 special ed students without programs they called it a stunt.
Yom Kippur Koton Minyanim Erev Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5779 Lakewood
Rosh Chodesh Tamuz is Wednesday & Thursday July 3rd-4th
-Lev Avos 1:20 pm
-Somerset walk 1:30 and 7:00 pm
-Alumni B:M 9th street 1:45 pm
-Kol shimshon at 1:45
-BM Kelmwoods 2:45 (Ezras Nashim open)
-Satmar 12:40 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
-Lutzk: Mincha & Yom Kippur Katan 7:25 pm
-Breslov 6th street 7:30 pm
- Bais Elimelech R' Pashkes 105 E Harvard 7:00 pm
-Lakewood Courtyard shul 40 minutes before shkia (Ezras Nashim open)
-Lev Avos 1:20 pm
-Somerset walk 1:30 and 7:00 pm
-Alumni B:M 9th street 1:45 pm
-Kol shimshon at 1:45
-BM Kelmwoods 2:45 (Ezras Nashim open)
-Satmar 12:40 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
-Lutzk: Mincha & Yom Kippur Katan 7:25 pm
-Breslov 6th street 7:30 pm
- Bais Elimelech R' Pashkes 105 E Harvard 7:00 pm
-Lakewood Courtyard shul 40 minutes before shkia (Ezras Nashim open)
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