Saturday, February 2, 2019

Rabbinic Message in The Flatbush Jewish Journal


  1. i dont watch the superbowl but " gehinom hatachton"? NOT A FAIR DESCRIPTION each hanhaga tova or raah has a level we must be careful not to put it on the wrong shelf

    1. I don't get the infatuation of with attacking it either. If someone is at a madrega where they don't waste any time, than sure, it is bittul zman, otherwie, there a re a lot worse things going on. I don't know anyone that went off the derech from watching the Super Bowl.

    2. To all geniuses .
      When he mentioned Gan eden HaTachton you had no questions. Why ? Because you understand the sublime pleasure that one can feel for Torah VeLomdehah.
      What Rav Leizer was saying is that someone who feels that this is an important event is like a smoker who things that smoking is good for him . He has created a world for himself that is devoid of greater pleasures and pursuits and seeks the thrill of amos haOlam above all others . Yes, he has has now created himself a living gehinom .

  2. Looks like he heard about an unnamed shul (if so can be called) that took a group trip there.

  3. If you are looking for a more wholesome alternative to a Super Bowl halftime show that has been marked by raunchy dance moves and at least one wardrobe malfunction, the Kosher Halftime Show coming to Atlanta this week may just be the ticket.

    A violinist, Orthodox Jewish rapper and social media influencer are in the lineup, along with commercials for kosher food and Jewish organizations. Hosting the pre-recorded show is Nachum Segal, a Jewish radio personality who has been broadcasting a morning program from New York, JM in the AM, geared toward the Jewish community, for 35 years.


  4. When halftime rolls around this sunday night we have created a spectacular alternative for you and your family that is totally kosher and will enhance your day with beautiful words of Torah.

    We hope you will watch and enjoy the show. Learn with Rabbis YY Jacobson, Eytan Feiner and Yoel Gold in the middle of the big game.

  5. Is there a list of all the superbowl parties

  6. Yasher keyach R. Leizer!

    Maybe he is using some poetic license, but general idea seems fine to me.

  7. R. Leizer shlit"a is a Mirrer, son of an alter Mirrer, R. Ephraim Mordechai z"l.

    In the alte Mir there was no Super Bowl. It only started in 1967. So farshteyt zich he is against it.
