Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Personal Message and Statement by Defense Attorney

Personal message by Rav Eisemann via
“I would like to thank the entire community for helping out to this point, both in ruchniyus and in gashmiyus. I cannot be more thankful to all the people who davened, made kabballos, said brachos, donated, and were nosei be’ol. May Hakadosh Boruch Hu repay you all.

Listen HERE to statement from defense Attorney about the verdict

Statement from Defense attorney Lee – transcribed by GreaterLakewood:

 “The most important thing is that it’s a tremendous victory for R’ Eisemann & the entire defense team. What this case was about according to the state, was about the theft of public money that’s what the Attorney General said in his press release. That is what they opened on and closed on. What the jury said loud & clear – there was no theft of public money, no Public money was taken, private money was used and Private money is without restriction, not regulated by the dept of education. So at the end of the day first & foremost this is a big win for Justice & the truth The first day we met he said ‘i never took a dollar from the school, I would never take a dollar from the school,’ and the jury agreed. What they convicted on was first of all legally indefensible and we’ll show that to the judge and if not to this judge, to the appellate division. And once count 3 falls away, count 5 can’t stand either. So at the end of all of this, all the counts will be gone it will all end up in full vindication of R’ Eisemann but the most important part of today – the jury agreed that he never stole public money & the state’s theory was flawed”


  1. A Few weeks ago Reb Osher Eisenman flew to Eretz Yisroel he asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky if he should take a Plea Bargain Rav Chaim said no and if I understand correctly Rav Chaim told him he would win
