Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rubashkin Heads to Eretz Yisrael

 Reb Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin heads to Eretz Yisrael following his release earlier this year. He will visit the Kosel and make rounds visiting gedolim rabbonim and amcha yidden who davened for him. He was recently given the go ahead to travel abroad for this specific trip only.


  1. Safe trip! Hope you’re allowed to blow your nose and sneeze without it being commented on!

  2. is there a special chabad minhag not to tuck in the shirt?

  3. Yes there is, actually based on halacha, in order that there should be a shiur. But first make fun.

    1. why do you think he was making fun? why so touchy? maybe you should write a letter about it to put on the scoop and then go speak to the APP about the problem.

  4. Note, that his shirt is right over left, not left over right
