Friday, August 3, 2018

20 Yidden Imprisoned in IDF Jails

19/20 went to register for a deferral, yet lost their exempt status due to the bureaucratic nature of obtaining a deferral.


  1. In Jail for being good boys.

  2. If they stood home they wouldhome for shabbas
    If they followed real gedolim they would be home for shabbas

  3. Mr. Engel: 19 of them WERE misyatzev-reported to the lishkas hagiyus, and still ended up imprisoned.
    close to 600 chareidi bochurim, girls, yungeliet served prison sentences over the past year even though they WERE misyatzev. But the bigger scandal is that almost no frum media outlet reported on even one of them, And again I"m NOT including the 60 or so that were not Misyatzev.

  4. Alumni Beis EliyahuAugust 6, 2018 at 10:07 AM

    The bottom line is that a hafgana is the most economical bein hazemanim outlet .
    It brings families together and I might suggest a BBQ would really be the cherry on top
