- Addiction Support Event "Narcan Training" at Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim 93 Prospect street Speaker Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger shlita and Mr. Lew Abrams 7:00pm- 9:00 pm
-Yeshiva Damesek Eliezer Parlor Meeting at 1454 Canterbury 8:00 pm
-Vaad L'hatzolas Nidchei Yisrael parlor meeting Esther Gerber hall Madison Avenue and 6th street Lakewood, NJ. Program starts at 8:45 pm Hot Buffet Guest Speaker - Rav Pinchos Brody
-Tehillim gathering for Yehuda ben Meirav at B"M Nadpola 2 milano Driva Lakewood 8:10 pm
Lakewood Hatzolah BIG campaign auction event watch HERE
Why do the Mosdos make events during the busy Chasunah season