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A Russian Navy ship crosses through the Dardanelles strait today in Turkey en route to the Mediterranean Sea (AP) |
The Dardanelles straits connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey connecting the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara.
Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita a great Grandson of the Vilna Gaon received a closely guarded secret that came to him from Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Chaver
zatza”l, who received it from Rabbi Chaim of Volozhyn zatza”l, who received it from the Gaon of Vilna himself, who revealed it shortly before his death: “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Mashiach is about to come any minute.”
Source: Thepartialview
ReplyDeleteThe russians conquered the Crimea twice b4 Putin retook it.
Russian military boats and submarines pass the straits all the time to go westward.
Please don't confuse everyone with the facts
DeleteGo to the vilna Gaon and tell him your haarah. We simple yidden have emunah pshutah and a looking at world events is very scary
DeleteDid Reb Moshe Shternbuch don his shtreimel since this news?
ReplyDeleteZichron, your comment is reminiscent to the kofrim who made fun of the shagas aryeh in a play about not going to milchama.
DeleteWhen Mashiach comes you are welcome to stay behind.
My point was that Reb Moshe Shternbuch himself doesn't believe this 'nevua', so why should we?
DeleteMy emuna peshuta is in the Torah, not shady rumors passed down in secret through generations. The Vilna Gaon wrote that there will be a non miraculous gathering of exiles before mashiach, do any of us support the SOI after hearing that?
Please forward to at least 5 friends, don't break the chain!
DeleteZichron, did you hear from Rab Sternbuch that he does not believe this?? I know for a fact that he said so and said it over in the name of the gaon.
DeleteYour trying to be sharf like a brisker hary in Chumash shiur and mach avek anything that people chap hispaylus from you are looking very foolish.
Answer Answe the question. Whatever he says is not the issue. Does he believe it? Is he wearing shabbos clothes? If not, does that not tell you that he doesn't believe it himself?
DeleteThere were times that were ripe for tge geula but the door was not zoche.
ReplyDeleteAll the first comnenter was saying is that this happens vety frequently and it was just copied from a blog who happened to see a picture of one if these .
ReplyDeleteI have a closely guarded mesorah that when the Cubs win the World Series, it's the beginning of the times of Moshiach. Started already in 2016-
ReplyDeleteHere' another interesting thing. R' Yosef Rivlin (grandson of R" Hille Rivlin who was from Tamidim of the Vilna Gaon who spearheaded the establishment of the old Yishuv)gave a Drasha given in 1866 about the connection between Sefiros Haomer & Yerushalaim,kenesses Yisroel. He said that there are 2 days in the Omer when the kelipos don't have power. the 20th (yesod bmalchus) & the 42nd (malchus byesod) and these days are auspicious for building up Yerushalaim. He writes that the Gmatria of Sefiros Haomer,Yerushalaim shel Maloh,kenesses Yisroel all = 1071. and the talmidim of the Goan begin laying the foundation of the yishuv on the 20th of the Omer in 1812. It's interesting that those days are Yom Hatmaut & Yom Yerushalaim respectively. I don't know about the reliability of this drasha maybe others readers would know.
ReplyDeleteThe klipot gained their power when the rabbonim of the yishuv chased the yeshiva Knesset yisrael (slabodka) from yerushalayim to Chevron.
DeleteThe neviim and chazal say (in a secret passed down to a select few, who actually learn,! and don't buy into all stupidity that stems from "sponsored content across the web") that moshiach won't come till klal Yisrael does tshuva.