Sunday, April 15, 2018

Update on Ecoli Outbreak in Letttuce

Matzav reports: 
The CDC reported a E- Coli outbreak on Romaine Lettuce from Yuma Arizona region. Bodek Kosher Produce inc. would ike to confirm that our products originate from California therefore being safe and no concern regarding this outbreak. For any further questions about this issue feel free to contact, director of operations Bodek Kosher produce inc

Other Kosher Brands such as Positive and Kosher Garden originate in Mexico and should not be a problem either.


  1. Yuma is very close to California. I would think twice before saying its ok in cali.

  2. My package of lettuce says it's from Canada what does that mean

  3. Positive & kosher Garden brands are not grown in the USA.
    These brands are always checked by the USDA before coming to the USA for processing.

    These 2 brands don't have any of these concerns.
