Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Urgent call to the Bnei Yeshivos in America

Letter written by Harav Shmuel Deutsch Shlita from EY to his son in Lakewood regarding the dangerous Giyus law that is up for adoption in the knesset. The  letter calls on the American Bnei Torah to take responsibility  by taking action and publicly oppose the pending threat. The same was  done in previous situations, when the Yidden in America scream and protest it can have a positive effect in Eretz Yisrael. There is no greater threat to the ruchniyus of Klal Yisrael and its a matter of  לא תעמוד על דם רעך. 


  1. What does Harav Chaim Kaniafsky the manhig hador say

    1. He supports Degel HaTorah, which is working on the new draft law.

    2. He says you should not shave or wear a watch do u listen to him. Oh he also said the Internet is treif abs if you own a smart phone you are pasul to be a witness.

  2. R' Shmuel Deutch is a tremendous talmid chochum, no doubt about it.

    That said, it's surprising that he would put out a letter of this sort with no acknowledgment (and what appears to be an explicit contradiction) of the fact that the vast majority of EY gedolim don't agree with his position and approach.

    Does he really want American yeshivaleit to get into the habit of educating themselves about EY issues to the point of deciding that the vast majority of EY gedolim and RY are wrong about issues, and to get involved on the opposing side? It's hard to imagine that he would advocate this approach.

    ISTM that he needs to convince the (other) EY gedolim to agree with his approach, and only then to approach the American yeshivaleit. If he can't do that first step, then that's where the battle is lost.

    1. Rav Gershon Edelstein said there's a geziras giyus.

    2. But he says not to

  3. Can someone translate the letter

    1. If you don't understand the letter then you probably don't identify with this cause anyhow

    2. Berel
      That is very rude, harsh and couldn't be further then the truth.


  4. BerelNovember 14, 2018 at 8:28 AM
    If you don't understand the letter then you probably don't identify with this cause anyhow
    Berel.its rude people like who are causing a divide in klall yisroel. A divide in klall yisroel is worse then giyus according to all gedolim of today and yester years.

    1. I'm sorry if anyone feels I'm rude but it is extremely unlikely that this letter will be well received online

      Therefore translating it will only cause much unneeded machlokes.

    2. His does that justify your disgusting response?
      There are a lot better ways you could have responded

  5. Rav Dovid Soleveitchik wrote a similar letter this week that the olam in America should gather and protest the guys law.

  6. Defense minister Avigdor Liberman resigned degel is stuck now there will be no changes to the Draft law the victory of moshe Leon win is short lived with elections in the air

  7. Why is there such a drive to supress the voice of the anti Peleg here in America? They seem to throw a full fledged tantrum every time someone may promote the anti Peleg narrative. I would think that even the pro-pelegers would agree that there as least a yesh al mi lismoch for those who disagree. Why not allow the tzibbur to hear both sides and decide for themselves which gedolim they want to align themselves with, or better yet, they may decide that we have enough machlokes in America and don't need to take sides on Israeli politics.
    Unless of course we the sheep just don't understand, and need some mouthpieces to help us understand.

  8. Not because we are sheep, but because we are far away from the field, and we have no way of knowing the truth. Most political issues occur under the table, they are done far from the spotlight of the media and anyone can convince us what they want. We in America should not mix in, because we cannot know.

    Just one point. If the government is adamant on drafting everybody, and the Charedi parties stop them from drafting 40%, is that a haskama on the other 60%? Why? When giyus banos passed, the Gedolim worked hard to ensure that religious girls are exempt? Are only religious girls supposed to be exempt? They did what they could, as do the MKs of today.

    1. Yes religious girls is a different issue. Giyus has never been framed as yehareg v'al yaavor for a man, only for giyus banos. Even this letter does not say it is that, only that it will decimate the yeshivas, which is an eis tzarah.
