Thursday, November 22, 2018

Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood November 22, 2018

Weather: real feel tonight at 10:00 pm will be 9 degrees
Power outage Ridge area rt 88 Clover est Restoration 8:30 pm

Chasuna: Kreiser - Krupenia at Ateres Reva hall
Chasuna: Nadoff - Maybloom at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Salamon - Weinsten at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Freund -  Nowosiolski at Ne'emas hachaim hall

-Posponed!! Atzeres Tefillah for Gezeiras Giyus has been postponed to Monday of next week

-Seder Limud at Pine River Bais Medrash lezchus Harav Nosson Hertzka Shlita for a refuah shleima from 11:00pm- 12:00 am

-Parlor meeting Kollel Heicha Hatorah of Long Branch at 112 Hadassah in Lakewood, Guest speaker Harav Yitzchok Oelbaum shlita 8:30 pm


  1. Of-course the Atzeres has to be postponed. This week is the Agudah Convention and the Rabbonim are busy.

  2. I was wondering, like, how am I going to manage both? How am I going to get my jollies of at the convention AND make it to the giyus event??? B"H it's all been taken care of. Shkoyach to the askonim for that.
