Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bomb Cyclone Storm Updates Lakewood January 2018

-Check Eruv for downed wires
-Roads are ok  avoid hills or non plowed areas, all shopping stores open
-Chaveirim responded to 1369 calls this week 12/29-1/4
-7:45 am LPD: Roads still hazardous
- Several Boys Schools are open for the older grades, no transportation
-LSTA Cancels Friday Busing
-Lakewood Girls schools cancelled for Friday No Busing
Friday January 5th, 2017
-8:10pm LPD Hazardous rd conditions exist Plz refrain from driving if possible plows hard @ work
-Snow Totals for Lakewood around 14-15 inches 
-Deep freeze, sub-zero temps dangerously cold conditions starting tonight  
-Township officials: All Lakewood roads were plowed at least once
-Lakewood Public schools cancelled for Tomorrow Friday Jan, 5
-5:15 storm winding down, 6 degrees tonight
-3:25 pm Jackson NJ got 15 Inches 

-Gourmet Glatt: Open fully stocked Fresh bread 🍞,milk 🥛,chicken🍗 ,meat🍖
-Evergreen: Open today no delivery, will bring boxes to your car 
-LPD: Hazardous conditions Disabled vehicles will be towed at owners expense. 
-12:25 PM: 9 Inches reportedly fell so far in Lakewood
-Hatozlah ambulance stuck by leisure chateau units trying to plow it out
-Power Outage Rt 88 Bruce, Laurel area 120 affected. 2 pm restoration
-Power outages Clifton 5th st, 150 affected restoration 1:00pm
-Cars stuck on township roads, County line, Forest, Chestnut, Squankum
-LPD Chief: Stay off the Roads, stay home, stay safe. Let crews do their jobs
-Cabinfield Cir: Traffic DPW Plow backed in to a Car LPD on Scene
-FAA: Lakewood Mayor out of town on Cruise, Deputy Miller running operations
-Power outage: Locust & Vermont 20 affected restoration expected 11:30am
-Hearthstone: Yeshivas Hillel Hazakein 10:30 - 11:30 refreshments, Raffles, guest speaker
-Rebbeim setting up phone conferences with students
-Trash pick up on for today
-Satmar Cheder Rockwell: no bus, 1st grade & up 10-3pm,kindergarten optional till 2pm
-Chasunas in lkwd tonight rides needed If you have 4x4 pls call 732-575-0084
-Ocean County Sherrif: Do not drive unless you are an Emergency Personnel
-Roads extremely dangerous, Zero visibility on the Garden State Parkway
-9:30 am Lakewood received 7 inches, snow expected to drop 2 inches per hour
-Gov Christie Declares state of emergency for Ocean and Monmouth counties 18 inches of snow feared
-Lakewood Express bus to Brooklyn cancelled all buses today 
-Road conditions: Extremely slippery and Poor visibility
-Extended Shachris minyanim added in many shuls
-Municipal court closed
-LSTA: All Busing  Cancelled
- Shaagas Aryeh, Orchos Chaim, no school
-NJ Transit running on normal weekday schedule
-Lakewood Library will open at 1pm
-Lakewood Cheder No school
-NWS- 18 inches expected at the Jersey coast
-7:30 Am - All Lakewood Girls schools cancelled No busing.
-Kollel Bus to Manhattan running on time
-Snow started falling in Lakewood 2:20 am

-9:57 pm Snow developing over Southern NJ 6-12 inches current amount
-Lakewood historical museum will be closed tomorrow and through the weekend
-Evergreen supermarket still taking deliveries in store only!!
-NPGS Jackson just got a van load of rye bread, around 8:30
-Tomorrow's BOE meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, January 8, 2018
-LPD:please remove all vehicles from roadway to give access for snow removal.
-Academy busses to city will probably be canceled including Kollel bus
-Lakewood Public Schools Closed for tomorrow
-Bikur Cholim preparing generators in case of power outages
-Blizzard warning issued  8-12 inches of  snow expected in Ocean county
-Wind gusts up to 50 MPH
-Lakewood DPW says this time they are ready for the storm as opposed to 2 years ago..time will tell


  1. DPW,
    Should we leave our (area 3) bins out for trash collection for tomorrow morning?

  2. I am not seeing anyone predicting 8-12. The weather sites are saying 4-8 with high wind.

  3. Wow love this site Actually very useful Thanks

  4. Lakewood Express (to Brooklyn) cancelled all buses today according to their website

  5. I think everyday all schools and bussing should be canceled because of the density and the many accidents daily.

  6. Why is the L bus going?

    In think a list of schools that are open should ve publicized והוקע אותם נגד השמש. People should been held responsible form their irresponsibility. Funny that the masmidim of town don't think bitul torah is the issue. Only those who don't learn that much, need frumkeit to cover itup.

    1. The L bus runs EMPTY everyday, so on a snow day they aren't losing business for lack of riders. Also, since their always EMPTY, no riders will get hurt if there's an accident.

  7. Cheder Bnei Torah has yeshiva today.

    They usually decide whether to stay open or not based on what Bagel Nosh does.They say that if Bagel Nosh can do business then we can come learn Torah..

    1. Bagel nosh make good bagels. Of course they should stay open. But......

  8. People on my block left their cars in the street. That really upsets me because then the street can't be plowed properly because the trucks can't get close enough to the curbs because they have to avoid the cars.

    1. And the township left leaf piles all around town. So many blocks won't get plowed properly. don't be so sad....

    2. You should have a warm drink, maybe with a shot of vodka. It will take care of your happiness.

  9. Is there any way to contact township regarding plowing? My street wasn't plowed once.

    1. yes, call Carnival Cruise lines
