-Chasuna: Neiman- Schneider Neemas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Handelsman- Hochberg Ateres -Chana hall Bais faiga
-Chasuna: Shurkin- Zahner Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood, NJ
-Chasuna: Nussbaun- Einhorn Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Lakewood Launches 'Chabad Hat'

See Video Below
As Lubavitchers of all ages are strict about taking their black fedora along during both personal and business trips, storing the delicate felt hat has always been an issue. Whether traveling by car, train or plane, the hats tend to get crushed by a heavy suitcase or other items. On flights, where airlines limit the amount of carry-on luggage a traveler can bring, the hat box becomes a burden that many would love to do without. Now, Simchy Zuckerman, a young entrepreneur and proprietor of the ThatHat store, says he had come up with a solution. His company designed a hat that he says is an "extremely light-weight, rabbit-felt hat that can be folded and placed in a suitcase or even your pocket, and will not leave a single crease." In describing how he came up with the idea, Zuckerman explained that while the concept of a foldable hat is not his original idea, "There was no foldable hat available for the Yeshiva or Chabad crowd." "I incorporated the idea and manufactured something that is comfortable, stylish, and most of most of all, looks no different than the average black hat," he says. He says the new hat, which is produced exclusively for ThatHat at a plant in Italy, is perfect for travelers and Bar Mitzvah-aged children because of its smaller brim size, it can last for many years.
Shidduchim: “Balabatish,” “Heimish,” and “Yeshivish.” explained by Lakewood Shadchanim
A Report on the Zichron Mattel Keren Chasanim event in Lakewood
from the 5 Towns Jewish Times by Mr. Larry Gordon
5tjt - The event took place in the epicenter of what can conceivably be referred to as the shidduch headquarters, if there is such a thing. It was last week in Lakewood, New Jersey, at Beis Medrash Govoha, and the annual event billed as Keren HaChasanim was under way. It is a wonderful experience. I traveled to Lakewood after work last Tuesday night with Yoeli Steinberg, the CEO of the Gourmet Glatt stores.
Over the previous Shabbos, he suggested that I accompany him to Lakewood, and though the Lakewood culture, so to speak, is really not part of my purview or usual domain, I agreed because it would be a new experience and possibly—as you can see—something I could expound upon that would end up in our newspaper and on our website, as well as posted on our other digital outlets.
Lakewood is more than just a city deep in the state of New Jersey. Lakewood is one of the leading yeshiva centers in the world, a bastion of scholarship and a beacon of the light of Torah to the world. But Lakewood is also a city made up of diverse people within both the similar but simultaneously different parts of the Jewish community. That dichotomy is more pronounced when it comes to the matter of making matches between the young men and women. While shidduchim thankfully occur every day, there is a still a crisis of sorts that looms large.
So let me first tell you about the wonderful event we attended last week that is somewhat unique and also inspiring before I get bogged down in the discussion of other issues.
The dinner, which was sponsored by Gourmet Glatt of Lakewood, featured the participation of hundreds of young men who were there to ostensibly pledge their support for one another by committing to donate $300 from the gifts accrued at their own weddings, once they take place. Building this type of internal charitable mechanism results in young men who require assistance in preparing for their own weddings receiving a stipend of $3,000 each.
So I am introduced to the “Lakewood shadchanim,” the men who make it happen in that community. They are headed up by the personable Meir Levy. When I asked Meir straightforwardly how many shidduchim he has engineered, he quickly responded “328.” But that was last week so the number might have increased.
from the 5 Towns Jewish Times by Mr. Larry Gordon
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PD Roth and Yoeli Steinberg |
Over the previous Shabbos, he suggested that I accompany him to Lakewood, and though the Lakewood culture, so to speak, is really not part of my purview or usual domain, I agreed because it would be a new experience and possibly—as you can see—something I could expound upon that would end up in our newspaper and on our website, as well as posted on our other digital outlets.
Lakewood is more than just a city deep in the state of New Jersey. Lakewood is one of the leading yeshiva centers in the world, a bastion of scholarship and a beacon of the light of Torah to the world. But Lakewood is also a city made up of diverse people within both the similar but simultaneously different parts of the Jewish community. That dichotomy is more pronounced when it comes to the matter of making matches between the young men and women. While shidduchim thankfully occur every day, there is a still a crisis of sorts that looms large.
So let me first tell you about the wonderful event we attended last week that is somewhat unique and also inspiring before I get bogged down in the discussion of other issues.
The dinner, which was sponsored by Gourmet Glatt of Lakewood, featured the participation of hundreds of young men who were there to ostensibly pledge their support for one another by committing to donate $300 from the gifts accrued at their own weddings, once they take place. Building this type of internal charitable mechanism results in young men who require assistance in preparing for their own weddings receiving a stipend of $3,000 each.
So I am introduced to the “Lakewood shadchanim,” the men who make it happen in that community. They are headed up by the personable Meir Levy. When I asked Meir straightforwardly how many shidduchim he has engineered, he quickly responded “328.” But that was last week so the number might have increased.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood Tu B'shvat 5778
-Chasuna: Spielman- Lederer Nemas Hachaim hall
-CHasuna: Berkowitz- Mandel Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Genedlman Kestenbaum Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Tu B'shvat Mesiba at B'M ערך ש'י at 114 Madison Avenue 10:30 pm
-CHasuna: Berkowitz- Mandel Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Genedlman Kestenbaum Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Tu B'shvat Mesiba at B'M ערך ש'י at 114 Madison Avenue 10:30 pm
BOE To Reduce the Cost of Legal Services after Audit
The BOE will hold a public meeting Tomorrow Wed January 31, 2018.
An Audit on the BOE Budget of 2016-2017 made several recommendations.
-Legal Services: it said the district exceeds 130% of the statewide average for legal costs and recommends to implement specific internal controls for the reduction of costs or to provide evidence that such procedures would not result in a reduction of costs. The Board will vote on a resolution acknowledging it
See resolution below below
-Food service Finding - The audit indicated the fund exceeded three months average expenditures by $1,458,626
Recommendation- to reduce the net cash resources of the food service fund.
-Application for State School Aid revealed the following (CAFR Finding 2017-005): On-Roll • Student counts on the ASSA were not in agreement with supporting work papers provided for audit. • Certain students were not able to be verified to class registers provided for audit.
Resolution to recognize cost of legal services exceeded statewide average:
The Board recognizes that the cost of Legal Services for the 2016-2017 school year exceeded the statewide average per pupil amount as determined by the annual audit and as reported in the Taxpayer’s Guide to Education Spending. Furthermore, the Board is committed to reducing those costs to no more than 130% of the statewide average per pupil amount and to accomplish this will continue to monitor those expenditures in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.2(a)(3).
An Audit on the BOE Budget of 2016-2017 made several recommendations.
-Legal Services: it said the district exceeds 130% of the statewide average for legal costs and recommends to implement specific internal controls for the reduction of costs or to provide evidence that such procedures would not result in a reduction of costs. The Board will vote on a resolution acknowledging it
See resolution below below
-Food service Finding - The audit indicated the fund exceeded three months average expenditures by $1,458,626
Recommendation- to reduce the net cash resources of the food service fund.
-Application for State School Aid revealed the following (CAFR Finding 2017-005): On-Roll • Student counts on the ASSA were not in agreement with supporting work papers provided for audit. • Certain students were not able to be verified to class registers provided for audit.
Resolution to recognize cost of legal services exceeded statewide average:
The Board recognizes that the cost of Legal Services for the 2016-2017 school year exceeded the statewide average per pupil amount as determined by the annual audit and as reported in the Taxpayer’s Guide to Education Spending. Furthermore, the Board is committed to reducing those costs to no more than 130% of the statewide average per pupil amount and to accomplish this will continue to monitor those expenditures in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.2(a)(3).
Monday, January 29, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 29, 2018
BMG Freezer set to open ahead of Tu Bshvat tomorrow evening
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Weitman to hakallah Wilhelm (Boston) at 55 Monterey circle Lakewood, NJ 7:00 pm
-Chasuna: Klein- Pressman Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Parnes- Zimmerman Fountain Ballroom Lakewood CHeder
-Chasuna: Lichter- Gottleib Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Pearl- kaluszyner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Hachosson Shua Waknin (Lkwd) to Hakallah Adina Elmaleh (Toronto)
Hachosson Chazkel Yenofsky (lkwd) to Hakallah Sarala Sochet (lkwd)
-Parlor meeting: Yeshiva Yeshiva Sharei Ezra Rav Avraham Massry, at 610 6th street Lakewood N.J 8:00 pm Guest speaker Rav Menachem Mintz shlita
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Weitman to hakallah Wilhelm (Boston) at 55 Monterey circle Lakewood, NJ 7:00 pm
-Chasuna: Klein- Pressman Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Parnes- Zimmerman Fountain Ballroom Lakewood CHeder
-Chasuna: Lichter- Gottleib Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Pearl- kaluszyner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Hachosson Shua Waknin (Lkwd) to Hakallah Adina Elmaleh (Toronto)
Hachosson Chazkel Yenofsky (lkwd) to Hakallah Sarala Sochet (lkwd)
-Parlor meeting: Yeshiva Yeshiva Sharei Ezra Rav Avraham Massry, at 610 6th street Lakewood N.J 8:00 pm Guest speaker Rav Menachem Mintz shlita
Super Ads run again in Lakewood Media
Once again some of the Lakewood newspapers have published advertisements of special deals for Superbowl parties this coming Sunday. Its not the first time, as these ads were already running previous years but the ads have gotten much more brazen. While in previous years there was an attempt to hide and hint to it, that is no longer the case. The ads now scream Super Sunday specials listing finger food, buffalo wings for the big game. One store only called it "super specials" cleverly camouflaging their ad that went into all the papers. The issue is not about following sports but its about making it Kosher like its a Jewish event.
A sign of the changing demographics of Lakewood. Years ago you couldn't get a Hashgacha if there was a seating area it was take out only, now you can advertise for the superbowl and be proud of it.
A sign of the changing demographics of Lakewood. Years ago you couldn't get a Hashgacha if there was a seating area it was take out only, now you can advertise for the superbowl and be proud of it.
Mid winter events Monday Jan 29 Lakewood
-Sahara sams Monday Jan 29 2-4 pm $18.95 pp under 2 free exclusive event for females
-Chuck E. Cheese's all day Monday until 9:00 pm Chai lifeline specials
-Incredible Elephant show $10 admission for Monday January 29th Ladies and girls Doors open 11:30 am Show begins 12:00 pm at 601 Prospect street
-The Beadery Midwinter pop up shop at Stolin Simcha hall Monday & Tuesday from 11:00 am- 5:00 pm 153 e 7th street Lakewood. No reservations needed
-Chuck E. Cheese's all day Monday until 9:00 pm Chai lifeline specials
-Incredible Elephant show $10 admission for Monday January 29th Ladies and girls Doors open 11:30 am Show begins 12:00 pm at 601 Prospect street
-The Beadery Midwinter pop up shop at Stolin Simcha hall Monday & Tuesday from 11:00 am- 5:00 pm 153 e 7th street Lakewood. No reservations needed
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 28, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Feinstein to Hakallah Fendel Bas R' Zalman Hilell at Ohr Tuvia 969 East End Avenue, Lakewood 7:00 -10:30 pm
-Vort: HaChosson Elazar Gornish to Hakallah Suri Engelson bas R' Daniel at the Villas Clubhouse 901 E Kennedy Blvd Lakewood, NJ from 6:30-9:30 pm
-Chasuna: Yagid-Kops Ateres CHana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Marchuk- Klein Neemas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Klang- Ziskind Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: HaChosson Elazar Gornish to Hakallah Suri Engelson bas R' Daniel at the Villas Clubhouse 901 E Kennedy Blvd Lakewood, NJ from 6:30-9:30 pm
-Chasuna: Yagid-Kops Ateres CHana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Marchuk- Klein Neemas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Klang- Ziskind Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Shiva info
-Shiva mishpachas Kastel at 6 Montana Jackson
shacharis vasikin 6:40 am Mincha/Maariv 4:55 pm
Getting up Thursday morning
-Levaya of Rebbetzin Sora Ita katz a"h of Cleveland aishes Rav Chaim Tzvi Zatzal Mother of R' Moshe, R' Bezalel, R' ElYa Nota, R' Shmuel yeshaya R' Avrohom, R' Motty, Mrs. Breslauer, (S Fallsburg) Mrs. Kaplan (Bensonhurst) will be today in Boro Park at Shomrei Hadaas 3803 14th ave. Brooklyn ny. 11:00 a.m. Levaya and Kevurah tomorrow in Cleveland at Telz Yeshiva. Shiva in Bensonhurst by Daughter Kaplan.
shacharis vasikin 6:40 am Mincha/Maariv 4:55 pm
Getting up Thursday morning
-Levaya of Rebbetzin Sora Ita katz a"h of Cleveland aishes Rav Chaim Tzvi Zatzal Mother of R' Moshe, R' Bezalel, R' ElYa Nota, R' Shmuel yeshaya R' Avrohom, R' Motty, Mrs. Breslauer, (S Fallsburg) Mrs. Kaplan (Bensonhurst) will be today in Boro Park at Shomrei Hadaas 3803 14th ave. Brooklyn ny. 11:00 a.m. Levaya and Kevurah tomorrow in Cleveland at Telz Yeshiva. Shiva in Bensonhurst by Daughter Kaplan.
Midwinter Events in Lakewood
Incredible Elephant show at 601 Prospect street Lakewood,NJ
Sunday Jan, 28- Ladies and girls Sunday doors open 1:30 show 2:00 PM
Men and Boys doors open 5:00pm Show begins 5:30 pm $10 admission for info call 848 210 1479
Sunday Jan, 28- Ladies and girls Sunday doors open 1:30 show 2:00 PM
Men and Boys doors open 5:00pm Show begins 5:30 pm $10 admission for info call 848 210 1479
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Melava Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshas Beshalach Lakewood, 5778

Earlier today road crews repaved Rt 9 in Lakewood between Central Ave and Oak Street.
-Melava Malka with Harav Yosef Chevroni shlita at 660 9th street Lakewood 9:00 pm
-Yeshiva of Staten Island Lakewood Alumni Melava Malka at Tashbar Hall 82 Oak street Reception 8:15 Program 9:00 pm
-Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood Satmar community Melava Malka at Bais Medrash of Rockwell
-Zichron Chana Leah of Westgate Parlor Meeting at 31 Kelm woods Avenue 8:15 pm
-Midwinter Event: Incredible Elephant show at Prospect corner Summer Avenue Lakewood for Men only doors open 8:00 pm show show 8:45
Friday, January 26, 2018
Zmanim Lakewood ערב שבת פרשת בשלח שבת שירה
Friday, January 26, 2018 / י׳ שבט תשע״ח לייקווד
-Candle lighting 4:50 pm
-Shkiah 5:08 pm
-Weather hi of 56° /47°F Sun mixing with cloud
-Ohr yechezkel The Rov invites all bochurim to shalosh seudos in his house this shabbos
-Rav Yosef Chevroni R"Y Chevron will spend shabbos in Lakewood New central area
- Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Glantz sin in law of Satmar Rebbe will spend shabbos in Rockwell.
-Shkiah 5:08 pm
-Weather hi of 56° /47°F Sun mixing with cloud
-Ohr yechezkel The Rov invites all bochurim to shalosh seudos in his house this shabbos
-Rav Yosef Chevroni R"Y Chevron will spend shabbos in Lakewood New central area
- Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Glantz sin in law of Satmar Rebbe will spend shabbos in Rockwell.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 25, 2018
-Chasuna: Uhr- Rosenblum Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Blochsberg- Moniker Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Briller- Parnes Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting benefiting Mifal org at 87 Rena Ln 8:00pm -11:00 pm hot buffet. Kumzitz with Shaya Roth
-Chasuna: Blochsberg- Moniker Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Briller- Parnes Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting benefiting Mifal org at 87 Rena Ln 8:00pm -11:00 pm hot buffet. Kumzitz with Shaya Roth
Petirah of Rav Chaim Mordechai Kastel Z"L of Jackson, NJ. Earlier today he collapsed in his home, Hatzolah members administered CPR, he was niftar shortly after at the hospital He was originally from Monsey were he taught at yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim. He was a mispalel at Bais Shabsi in Lakewood and also arranged a daily Vasikin minyan. He was approximately 60 years old.
Levaya 9:30 PM At the Lakewood chapel on 7th Street. TNZBH
Matzav- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Chaim Mordechai Kastel zt”l. He was 61 years old. Rav Kastel was an outstanding talmid chochom, who spent his life devoted to limud haTorah and harbotzas Hatorah. From the early morning hours, after davening vosikin, until the late hours of the night, Rav Kastel would sit in the bais medrash or his home and learn. For years, he served as a rebbi, including at Machon Tiferes Bachurim, the yeshiva of Rav Shamai Blobstein in Monsey, NY. Rav Kastel was a special person, with unique middos and an exalted level of avodas Hashem.
Last year, Rav Kastel relocated from Monsey to Montana Drive in the Brookwood neighborhood of Jackson, NJ.
Levaya 9:30 PM At the Lakewood chapel on 7th Street. TNZBH
Matzav- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Chaim Mordechai Kastel zt”l. He was 61 years old. Rav Kastel was an outstanding talmid chochom, who spent his life devoted to limud haTorah and harbotzas Hatorah. From the early morning hours, after davening vosikin, until the late hours of the night, Rav Kastel would sit in the bais medrash or his home and learn. For years, he served as a rebbi, including at Machon Tiferes Bachurim, the yeshiva of Rav Shamai Blobstein in Monsey, NY. Rav Kastel was a special person, with unique middos and an exalted level of avodas Hashem.
Last year, Rav Kastel relocated from Monsey to Montana Drive in the Brookwood neighborhood of Jackson, NJ.
A Midwinter Event for Lakewood
Change of Location for the Elephant Show. New Location at 601 Prospect street corner Summer Avenue Lakewood.
Petition Restarts Debate to Raise Speed Limit on GSP TO 75 mph
Local Media are reporting on the debate to once again raise the speed limit on the GSP. Mr. Mendel Rosenfeld of Lakewood started a online petition on change.org to raise the speed on the Garden State Parkway in NJ to 75 Mph. There have been previous attempts to raise the speed limit. Read the report from CBS New York
A New Jersey man has started a petition to raise the speed limit on the Garden State Parkway.
Twenty years ago, the state bumped up the speed limit on parts of the Parkway from 55 mph to 65 mph.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth, tried unsuccessfully in the past to raise the speed limit to 75, citing traffic studies that claimed there would be fewer lane changes and therefore fewer accidents. But the movement never really picked up enough speed. Now, Lakewood resident Mendel Rosenfeld is revisiting the idea, starting a petition on Change.org to bump up the speed limit by 10 mph.
A New Jersey man has started a petition to raise the speed limit on the Garden State Parkway.
Twenty years ago, the state bumped up the speed limit on parts of the Parkway from 55 mph to 65 mph.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth, tried unsuccessfully in the past to raise the speed limit to 75, citing traffic studies that claimed there would be fewer lane changes and therefore fewer accidents. But the movement never really picked up enough speed. Now, Lakewood resident Mendel Rosenfeld is revisiting the idea, starting a petition on Change.org to bump up the speed limit by 10 mph.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
כינוס מחאה וזעקה רבתי בראשות גדולי התורה הספרדיים
Leading Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim of the Sefardim in Eretz Yisrael with a powerful call to action on the changes affecting Giyus Banos. A Large Kinnus atzeres machaah will take place tonight in Yerushalayim. The Sefardi Girls and Boys are from the most vulnerable to get caught in the IDF trap.
Oif Simchas/ Events Lakewood January 24, 2018
Chasuna: Silber- Notis Ateres Chana Hall bais Faiga
Chasuna: Harris- Busel Fountain Ballroom Lakewood cheder
-Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah (R' Nisson Schwartz) Parlor meeting at 25 Clayton court
Reception 7:45 Divrei Bracha Harav shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita
-Parlor meeting Zichron shmuel Yechezkel Chasuna fund 7:00 pm at 4 Fillmore Avenue, Lakewood, NJ (Presidential estates)
-Bais Rivka Rochel Inaugural Dinner at Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
-Date Like a Pro event 1805 Swarthmore Avenue Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
Chasuna: Harris- Busel Fountain Ballroom Lakewood cheder
-Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah (R' Nisson Schwartz) Parlor meeting at 25 Clayton court
Reception 7:45 Divrei Bracha Harav shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita
-Parlor meeting Zichron shmuel Yechezkel Chasuna fund 7:00 pm at 4 Fillmore Avenue, Lakewood, NJ (Presidential estates)
-Bais Rivka Rochel Inaugural Dinner at Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
-Date Like a Pro event 1805 Swarthmore Avenue Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
Enough With the made up Tznius obsession
There is a phenomenon of publicizing made up letters to the editor addressing so called "tznius" concerns in certain media outlets. Editors love these letters as it increases readership and creates buzz. These made up letters usually dont harp on a certain Halacha of tznius that is lax but they focus on a made up chumrah or some extreme made up scenario. Not only do these letters insult the intelligence of the Lakewood community but it gives fodder to those who mock our way of life. In the age of social media they get picked up fast and go viral, it gives people their daily dose of "a crazy thing out of Lakewood". These posts and letters are nothing more than click-bate disguised by using tznius related content. Non of these made up chumras have rabbonim who signed off on them, and are a creation of someones obsession. There is no bigger lack of tznius than using our modest way of life by publicizing made up tznius awareness for personal satisfaction.
A lot has been said about those who are obsessed with concern for these issues. If there are serious issues about a lack in tznius, there are other time tested approaches in dealing with it.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Special Guest Will Grace the "Dinner HaHodaah" at Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood
Matzav Report: R Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will attend the Tomchei Shabbos Dinner Feb 3, Novominsker Rebbe will be Guest Speaker.
Matzav.com- Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will be returning soon to Lakewood, NJ, just a few weeks after visiting Rav Yeruchem Olshin and Rav Malkiel Kotler following his miraculous release from prison. Reb Sholom Mordechai will be visiting the city as the guest of Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood, at whose annual dinner he will participate in a special panel along with several other guests. The event will serve as an opportunity for the community to join en masse in celebrating the simcha of his release. The “Dinner Hahodaah” of Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood will take place on Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Yisro, February 3, at N’eemas Hachaim Hall.
Details of the event have been kept under wraps, but Matzav can report that the guest speaker is slated to be Rav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe.
Matzav.com- Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will be returning soon to Lakewood, NJ, just a few weeks after visiting Rav Yeruchem Olshin and Rav Malkiel Kotler following his miraculous release from prison. Reb Sholom Mordechai will be visiting the city as the guest of Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood, at whose annual dinner he will participate in a special panel along with several other guests. The event will serve as an opportunity for the community to join en masse in celebrating the simcha of his release. The “Dinner Hahodaah” of Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood will take place on Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Yisro, February 3, at N’eemas Hachaim Hall.
Details of the event have been kept under wraps, but Matzav can report that the guest speaker is slated to be Rav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe.
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 23, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Yona Tzvi bilus to hakallah Nechama Cyperstein bas R' Eli at Bais Nosson Tzvi 1445 14th street corner Willow court, 8:00 pm
-Chasuna: Gorelick- Hess Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Selengut- Pruzansky Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga
-Chasuna: Levi- Zafrani Neemas Hachaim hall Bais Tova
-Chasuna: Neuman- Halpern Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Reingold- Nitzin Ateres Reva hall Toras Aaron
- Kollel Zichron Boruch of RainTree Annual Parlor Meeting at 1546 Laguna Lane 7:30-11:00 pm
-Chasuna: Gorelick- Hess Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Selengut- Pruzansky Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga
-Chasuna: Levi- Zafrani Neemas Hachaim hall Bais Tova
-Chasuna: Neuman- Halpern Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Reingold- Nitzin Ateres Reva hall Toras Aaron
- Kollel Zichron Boruch of RainTree Annual Parlor Meeting at 1546 Laguna Lane 7:30-11:00 pm
Monday, January 22, 2018
Going to Orlando for Mid Winter break check out This Website
This site was created so that any Jew, from any walk of life, could know all the resources available to them. We’ve hired someone to be your personal concierge – free. I fell in love with Orlando’s frum community a few years ago, and I wanted to create a resource for additional people who want to come visit it.
– Ira Zlotowitz
לעילוי נשמת הר”ר מאיר יעקב זלוטוביץ ז”ל
בן הגאון הרב אהרן זצ”ל
This site was created so that any Jew, from any walk of life, could know all the resources available to them. We’ve hired someone to be your personal concierge – free. I fell in love with Orlando’s frum community a few years ago, and I wanted to create a resource for additional people who want to come visit it.
– Ira Zlotowitz
לעילוי נשמת הר”ר מאיר יעקב זלוטוביץ ז”ל
בן הגאון הרב אהרן זצ”ל
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 22, 2018
Chasuna: Suchy- Gordon Ateres Chana hall
-Chasuna: Enock- Prusky at Ne'emas Hachaim hall Lakewood, NJ
-Chasuna: Enock- Prusky at Ne'emas Hachaim hall Lakewood, NJ
חסידישע ישוב takes off in Linden, NJ
A new kehilla is moving into Linden, NJ. Yesterday was the Kvias Mezuzah at the Bais Medrash located at 130 Harvard street. The Kosson Rebbe from Boro Park Rav Yosef meir Rottenberg plans to relocate with his followers.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood Sunday January 21, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson to Hakallah Faigy Leiman bas R' Nechemia at Shemen L'mincha 2 Milano Drive, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Zev Gutman to Hakallah Bas R' Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal at 26 Hillside Blve (westgate) Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Tzvi Moishe Jakubovics to Hakallah Chavy Lewinstein at Khal Chasidim 1401 Cedar Row , Lakewood 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
-Chasuna: Kulefsky- Drebin Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Wachsman- Brooks Ateres Reva hall
Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Ohr Olam Rav Tzvi Berkowitz Rosh Yeshiva, at 112 Albion Street(Off Hearth Court W by James st) Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
Guest Speaker: Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Zev Gutman to Hakallah Bas R' Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal at 26 Hillside Blve (westgate) Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Tzvi Moishe Jakubovics to Hakallah Chavy Lewinstein at Khal Chasidim 1401 Cedar Row , Lakewood 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
-Chasuna: Kulefsky- Drebin Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Wachsman- Brooks Ateres Reva hall
Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Ohr Olam Rav Tzvi Berkowitz Rosh Yeshiva, at 112 Albion Street(Off Hearth Court W by James st) Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
Guest Speaker: Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita
Tehillim for Gezeiras Giyus Banos in BMG
![]() |
Daily Tehillim for Giyus in Lakewood |
Jersey’s new gov charts familiar course to Disaster
NYP- New Jersey’s new Democratic governor, Phil Murphy, wants to move his state back to the future — or, more accurately, to the past. The dismal past, that is, of such predecessors as Jim Florio, Jim McGreevey and Jon Corzine — who unleashed the fiscal woes that have left the Garden State’s economy in tatters and its taxes sky-high.
That’s the takeaway from Murphy’s inaugural address last week, with his vow to produce “the state that leads the nation in progressive policies” and a laundry list of hard-left priorities that surely thrilled the hearts of every Democratic activist and public-union leader in the house.
He promised pot legalization, a $15 minimum wage, “equal pay for equal work” laws, automatic and same-day voter registration, a new state Office of Immigrant Defensive Protection, action to make the rich “pay their fair share in taxes” and, of course, resolution to “stand our ground” resisting President Trump.
That’s the takeaway from Murphy’s inaugural address last week, with his vow to produce “the state that leads the nation in progressive policies” and a laundry list of hard-left priorities that surely thrilled the hearts of every Democratic activist and public-union leader in the house.
He promised pot legalization, a $15 minimum wage, “equal pay for equal work” laws, automatic and same-day voter registration, a new state Office of Immigrant Defensive Protection, action to make the rich “pay their fair share in taxes” and, of course, resolution to “stand our ground” resisting President Trump.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Bo 5778 Lakewood
-Lakewood Cheder/BF Chinese auction for ladies in Fountain Ballroom tonight
-Melava Malka -Mesivta Ohr Chaim Meir annual Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall, 360 Oak Street 8:30 pm
- Yeshiva Birchas Chaim Melava Malka/ Parlor meeting at 52 Rosell Court, Lakewood, NJ 8:15 pm
-B'M Zichron Eliezer Santov Melava Malka 9:00pm at 16 Irene Court
-Melava Malka -Mesivta Ohr Chaim Meir annual Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall, 360 Oak Street 8:30 pm
- Yeshiva Birchas Chaim Melava Malka/ Parlor meeting at 52 Rosell Court, Lakewood, NJ 8:15 pm
-B'M Zichron Eliezer Santov Melava Malka 9:00pm at 16 Irene Court
Friday, January 19, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת בא
Friday, January 19, 2018 / ג׳ שבט תשע״ח לייקווד
-Candle lighting: 4:42 pm
-Shkiah 5:00 pm
-Weather for shabbos day mostly Sunny high of 50
-Candle lighting: 4:42 pm
-Shkiah 5:00 pm
-Weather for shabbos day mostly Sunny high of 50
מעדני הפרשה ערש"ק פר' בא תשע"ח
בס"ד, ערש"ק פר' בא תשע"ח
ידידיי ומכובדיי קוראי ומתענגי הגליון 'מעדני הפרשה' הע"י.
ידידי בעל 'בדחי רבנן' פתר לי קצת מהלחץ, כי דברי תורה שאני כותב זה בבחינת 'זה מה יש', כי אינני מלקט רק כותב מה שנתחדש לי, ועל כן אין ברירה רק לקרא מה שיש (למי שקורא), וגם אם זה משוחזר, אז בדברי תורה לא מזיק אם חוזרים פעם שניה, אך הבדיחות, הקהל לא מוותר ורוצה טרי טרי תנור ראשון, וזה מהווה בעיה. אז תיתי לו לבעל ה'בדחי' שמיקל מעלי את העול, ואני מקווה שמבין שנינו יצא משהו שיעלה חיוך על השפתיים כי זאת המטרה. אבל ודאי שירשה לי קצת להוסיף נופך על שלו. כתב ב'בדחי' ששאלו לחילוני אחד, אם יודע את 'עשרת המכות', ענה 'מעולם לא ראיתי את 'הסרט המכות',
When 3 Shevat Falls Out on a Friday = Cold Winter

The פרי מגדים quotes from
the אליה רבא in the name of אייזק דרשן.
הן דבריו בסימן תרפ"ה אות ד': "מצאתי כתוב, לעולם כשחל ראש חודש שבט ביום ד' [רביעי], אז
הוא קור ושלג גדול באותו חורף. והסימן הוא ויג"ש, ראשי תיבות, י'ום ו' = ג' ש'בט [אם יום שישי יחול בתאריך ג' שבט, שאז ראש חודש שבט חל ביום רביעי, וכנ"ל, אז אנו דורשים את הראשי תיבות של המילה "ויגש" בסדר הפוך ש'לג ג'דול י'רד ו'קור], כי הוא כך בדוק ומנוסה, והיירא את דבר ה' הניס וכו' [כלומר, מי שמאמין לדברי חז"ל שנאמרו מפי ה', יכין עצמו בחורף זה לשלג ולקור]". עד כאן לשונו.
דבריו הובאו גם בספר "מגן אברהם" בחלק "אשל אברהם", סוף סימן תרפ"ה.
מת מצוה חסד של אמת
Chesed shel Emes.
If anyone is available & wants to make a kiddush Hashem- funeral is 10:30 am @ Belkoff Goldstein chapel 313 Second St Lakewood, NJ 08701 for a Jewish lady who was supposed to be cremated & family finally agreed to a Jewish burial. Can use a minyan there. Burial is in Freehold
If anyone is available & wants to make a kiddush Hashem- funeral is 10:30 am @ Belkoff Goldstein chapel 313 Second St Lakewood, NJ 08701 for a Jewish lady who was supposed to be cremated & family finally agreed to a Jewish burial. Can use a minyan there. Burial is in Freehold
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Pedestrian struck and killed After Serious Head Injury
Updated: A Pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle after being hit earlier near rt 88 and Clover street in Lakewood. It happened at about 9:45 pm. The patient was taken to Kimball Hospital and was pronounced dead. This is the second time in week where a pedestrian was stuck and killed while crossing Lakewood streets at night in the dark. A investigation is underway at the scene, road is closed.
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 18, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson: Eli Jacobovitch to Hakallah Yitty Zellinger at Ohr Tuvia 969 East End Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Chasuna: Lampert- Chapler ateres Chana hall bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Stern- Cohen Fountain ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Anisfeld- Friedman Lake Terrace hall
-Rabbi Uri Zohar will speak tonight at 953 E. County Line Rd 9:15 pm.
-Tomchei Shabbos Parlor Meeting 9 Harvest ct, Jackson
-Chasuna: Lampert- Chapler ateres Chana hall bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Stern- Cohen Fountain ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Anisfeld- Friedman Lake Terrace hall
-Rabbi Uri Zohar will speak tonight at 953 E. County Line Rd 9:15 pm.
-Tomchei Shabbos Parlor Meeting 9 Harvest ct, Jackson
Petirah of Mrs. Sheva Shurkin (47) Aishes Rav Yaakov Moshe Shlita Levaya 8:30PM 7th Street Chapel Lakewood. She was a Art teacher to many Children in Lakewood. TNZBH
Lakewood Township Committee Meeting tonight
Lakewood Township Committee meeting tonight January 18, 2018 Municipal Building 7:30th
Watch Live HERE
-Street Vacations at Oak and Vine
-Tax Abatements for facilities at Kikar Shabbos and Cedarbridge properties
- Requesting the county remove the center lane by Somerset and County line Rd.
-Rescind previous resolution 2017-438
-Appointing board members
1. Resolution Of The Township Of Lakewood, County Of Ocean, State Of New
Jersey, Appointing Members To The Lakewood Township ADA Compliance
Committee And Disabilities Commission
2. Resolution Of The Township Of
Watch Live HERE
-Street Vacations at Oak and Vine
-Tax Abatements for facilities at Kikar Shabbos and Cedarbridge properties
- Requesting the county remove the center lane by Somerset and County line Rd.
-Rescind previous resolution 2017-438
-Appointing board members
1. Resolution Of The Township Of Lakewood, County Of Ocean, State Of New
Jersey, Appointing Members To The Lakewood Township ADA Compliance
Committee And Disabilities Commission
2. Resolution Of The Township Of
Lakewood News Network

A social media website with all of Lakewood News. Follow for the latest News, Updates, and Events in Lakewood, New Jersey.
Website:coming soon. LakewoodNewsnetwork.com
Email: LkwdNewsNetwork@gmail.com
Twitter: @lakewoodnewsnet
Instagram: @lakewoodnewsnetwork
1. Follow @lakewoodnewsnetwork
2. Tag 4 friends that would like to win.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Video: CERT Training Course
Community Emergency Response Team Training course in Lakewood.
Videos Courtesy of Rafi King.
Videos Courtesy of Rafi King.
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 17, 2018
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood ראש חודש שבט תשעייח
-Chasuna: Melman- Karman Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Mandel - Moldaver at Ateres Reva hall
-Zichron Mattel Bochurim Parlor Meeting event at Bais Yitzchok 7:15 pm
-Bonei Olam Ladies event at Lake Terrace hall Lakewood
-Chasuna: Mandel - Moldaver at Ateres Reva hall
-Zichron Mattel Bochurim Parlor Meeting event at Bais Yitzchok 7:15 pm
-Bonei Olam Ladies event at Lake Terrace hall Lakewood
Tonight: Lakewood BOE Annual Organization Meeting Preliminary Budget Presentation
LAKEWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC MEETING – 7:00 P.M. Monday, Janurary 16, 2018 annual Board Organization Meeting 855 Somerset Avenue Lakewood, NJ
Kevin Campbell, Interim Board Secretary, will administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected members:
Ada Gonzalez 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Thea Jackson-Byer 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Bentzion Treisser 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Moshe Bender 1 year term – 2018
Chanina Nakdimen 1 year term – 2018
see full Agenda HERE
Kevin Campbell, Interim Board Secretary, will administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected members:
Ada Gonzalez 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Thea Jackson-Byer 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Bentzion Treisser 3 year term – 2018 – 2020
Moshe Bender 1 year term – 2018
Chanina Nakdimen 1 year term – 2018
Snow Accumulations possible Late Tonight
Updated: Ocean county expect to get less than New inch.
The NWS is forecasting some snow to hit the NJ coast. A coating to 2 inches is expected allthough 2-4 is the reasonable worst-case scenario for Monmouth and Ocean counties.
The steady snow starts late tonight and lasts through tomorrow am NW of NYC. N&W expect a general 2-5 inches but once you get to NW NJ/ near I84 expect 3-6+.
So the further you away from the coast the better chance of seeing snow accumulation.
The NWS is forecasting some snow to hit the NJ coast. A coating to 2 inches is expected allthough 2-4 is the reasonable worst-case scenario for Monmouth and Ocean counties.
The steady snow starts late tonight and lasts through tomorrow am NW of NYC. N&W expect a general 2-5 inches but once you get to NW NJ/ near I84 expect 3-6+.
So the further you away from the coast the better chance of seeing snow accumulation.
Yom Kippur Kotton Minyanim Erev Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5778 ער"ח שבט תשע"ח
Minyanim for Mincha and Yom Kippur Katan in Lakewood
Kol Shimshon
Somerset Walk 1:20 pm
Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel 1:15 (941 Princewood Ave)
- Chateau Park 1:10
-Lev Avos 14th street 1:20 pm
-B"M Westgate 1:15 pm
-Alumni 1:45pm
-B"M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45pm
-Satmar BM every bottom of the hour
Kol Shimshon
Somerset Walk 1:20 pm
Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel 1:15 (941 Princewood Ave)
- Chateau Park 1:10
-Lev Avos 14th street 1:20 pm
-B"M Westgate 1:15 pm
-Alumni 1:45pm
-B"M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45pm
-Satmar BM every bottom of the hour
Shiva Info
Mishpachas Notis is sitting Shiva for their Father Rav Dovid Ozer Zt"l at 331 Autumn Rd. Lakewood, NJ.
Shacharis: 8:00 am
Minchah: 2:00 pm
Maariv: 8:00 pm
Getting up from Shiva on Wednesday morning, January 17.
Shacharis: 8:00 am
Minchah: 2:00 pm
Maariv: 8:00 pm
Getting up from Shiva on Wednesday morning, January 17.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood, NJ January 15, 2018
-Chasuna: Bakst Nierenberg Neemas hachaim hall
-Chasunah Glustein- Roberg Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Bnos Yaakov elementary school annual Dinner at Lake Terrace hall 7:30 pm Guest Speaker Rav Moshe Mordechai Lowy shlita, Toronto
-Arachim Lecture for Women Ateres Yeshaya hall 8:00 pm free admission
-Shalva , BMG Shiurim for women at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street admission charge
-Chasunah Glustein- Roberg Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Bnos Yaakov elementary school annual Dinner at Lake Terrace hall 7:30 pm Guest Speaker Rav Moshe Mordechai Lowy shlita, Toronto
-Arachim Lecture for Women Ateres Yeshaya hall 8:00 pm free admission
-Shalva , BMG Shiurim for women at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street admission charge
Phil Murphy Innaguration this Tuesday
Governor-elect Phil Murphy will hold his inaugural ball at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, This Tuesday night Jan, 16 from 7:00 pm- 11:00 pm. The actual swearing in Ceremony will take pace Tuesday afternoon at the Trenton war memorial from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
. to attend the inaugural you must buy a ticket here following is the schedule for this week:
. to attend the inaugural you must buy a ticket here following is the schedule for this week:
American Roshei Yeshiva Sign Letter ahead of Changes to Giyus Banos law
A letter signed by American Roshei Yeshiva warns of the new threat to the status quo as it pertains to the IDF deferment of frum girls. New legislation will make it easier for a religious girl to lose her "ptur" status. The Roshei Yeshiva call on anyone who has power to act now and promise to stand firm and fight side by side from the US shores just as previous gedolim in America did. Letter was signed by Rav Ahron Feldman, Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Ahron Shechter, Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin, Rav Shmuel Miller, Rav Yosef Harari Raful, Rav Chaim Bressler, Rav Asher Kalmanowitz, Rav Eli Kanarek.
El Al Plane Finally Lands in EY after Making Emergency Landing in Goose Bay, Canada
Hamodia reports on the EL AL Plane that landed in Canada. The flight Landed this morning in Israel.
By Yosef Caldwell,
An El Al flight en route from New York to Tel Aviv made an emergency landing early Sunday morning in Goose Bay, Canada. Over 15 hours later, the passengers finally disembarked and transferred to a new plane, and were on their way to Israel.
The flight, which had been scheduled to depart JFK Airport at 11:50 p.m. Motzoei Shabbos, took off an hour late, according to Fradel Leser, a passenger who spoke with Hamodia from the plane. Two hours into the flight, they announced that that there would be an emergency landing due to “technical difficulties”; some passengers told Hamodia that they had heard “irregular mechanical noises.”
By Yosef Caldwell,
An El Al flight en route from New York to Tel Aviv made an emergency landing early Sunday morning in Goose Bay, Canada. Over 15 hours later, the passengers finally disembarked and transferred to a new plane, and were on their way to Israel.
The flight, which had been scheduled to depart JFK Airport at 11:50 p.m. Motzoei Shabbos, took off an hour late, according to Fradel Leser, a passenger who spoke with Hamodia from the plane. Two hours into the flight, they announced that that there would be an emergency landing due to “technical difficulties”; some passengers told Hamodia that they had heard “irregular mechanical noises.”
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood January 14, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Reuvein Rosenfeld to Hakallah Gtty Tesser Bas R' Ezra at khal Anshei Sefard R' Blech's shu 1250 Madison Avenue Lakewood 6:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Penfil to Hakallah Gruenbaum Bas R' Nosson at B"M Zichon Yoel 1014 Lawrence Avenue Lakewood 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Aharon Hauptman to Hakallah Meira Simons Bas R' Yaakov at 23 Pressburg Lane, Lakewood 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
-Yartzheit Gathering For Harav Shmuel Barenbaum Zatzal at B"M Chevra Lomdei Torah 617 5th street 10:00 pm Divrei Zikaron Harav Yisroel Ginsburg shlita
-Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Ohr Avrohom Chaim at 1499 Towers street (Between Albert & New Hampshire) 7:00 pm Divrei Brach Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita
-Annual Lakewood Hatzolah members appreciation Dinner. (Boro Park Units covering Lakewood)
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Penfil to Hakallah Gruenbaum Bas R' Nosson at B"M Zichon Yoel 1014 Lawrence Avenue Lakewood 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Aharon Hauptman to Hakallah Meira Simons Bas R' Yaakov at 23 Pressburg Lane, Lakewood 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
-Yartzheit Gathering For Harav Shmuel Barenbaum Zatzal at B"M Chevra Lomdei Torah 617 5th street 10:00 pm Divrei Zikaron Harav Yisroel Ginsburg shlita
-Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Ohr Avrohom Chaim at 1499 Towers street (Between Albert & New Hampshire) 7:00 pm Divrei Brach Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita
-Annual Lakewood Hatzolah members appreciation Dinner. (Boro Park Units covering Lakewood)
Photos January 14, 2017
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Melava Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshs va'eira 5778 Lakewood
-B'M Zichron Yoel Annual Melava Malka 1014 Lawrence Avenue Lakewood 8:30 pm Guest Speaker Harav Yeruchem Olshin Shlita
-Hachtara of Rav Simcha Bunim Londinski as Rav of B'M Ohr Gedalyahu 1201 Manor Drive at 8:15
-B"M Khal Chasidei East 5th street Lakewood Melava Malka at 43 Holly Street 8:30 pm
-Khal D'Brookwood Melava Malka at the public school 7:45 Drasha by Rav Uren Reich Shlit
-Chesterfield Commons Melava Malka 8:00 pm
-Siyum Hashas Arlington Shul 8:45 pm
-Hachtara of Rav Simcha Bunim Londinski as Rav of B'M Ohr Gedalyahu 1201 Manor Drive at 8:15
-B"M Khal Chasidei East 5th street Lakewood Melava Malka at 43 Holly Street 8:30 pm
-Khal D'Brookwood Melava Malka at the public school 7:45 Drasha by Rav Uren Reich Shlit
-Chesterfield Commons Melava Malka 8:00 pm
-Siyum Hashas Arlington Shul 8:45 pm
Friday, January 12, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת וארא שבת מברכים חודש שבט
Erev Shabbos Kodesh/Shabbos Mevorchim Parshas Va'eira Friday 25 Teves 5778/January 12, 2018
-Candle lighting: 4:34 pm
-Shkiah: 4:52 pm
Rosh Chodesh is on Wednesday January 17
Molad will be Wednesday night 2:25 am and 2 chalakim
Weather: Shabbos Day showers end in the morning hi of 52 mostly cloudy and Breezy
-Candle lighting: 4:34 pm
-Shkiah: 4:52 pm
Rosh Chodesh is on Wednesday January 17
Molad will be Wednesday night 2:25 am and 2 chalakim
Weather: Shabbos Day showers end in the morning hi of 52 mostly cloudy and Breezy
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 11, 2018
-Chasuna: Rosenthal- Brody at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Sacks- Sussman at Neemas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Shulman- Mintz Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Hisvadus Reb Laima Wilhelm 814 E. County line Rd 10:00 pm
Tiferes Shtreimals now on sale in harmony Park tonight 8-11 pm
-Chasuna: Sacks- Sussman at Neemas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Shulman- Mintz Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Hisvadus Reb Laima Wilhelm 814 E. County line Rd 10:00 pm
Tiferes Shtreimals now on sale in harmony Park tonight 8-11 pm
Rubashkin coming to Lakewood for Private Meeting With the Roshei Yeshiva
Reb Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin will be in Lakewood to personally meet the Roshei Yeshiva and thank them. The Lakewood community was there for him from the get go to right the injustice that was done to him. The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin paid a visit to Otisville during the Summer. Reb Shalom Mordechai has a tremendous Hakoras hatov to the shtut. Reb Pinchos Lipscutz editor of the Yated Neeman is expected to accompany Shalom Mordechai at the meeting. He will go to the homes of Rav Olshin and Reb Malkiel solitaire at 3:45pm.
Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Visits Rav Aaron Shechter Shlita
תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם
After outsiders attempted to cause machlokes and strife, the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchem Olshin Shlita paid a visit to Chaim Berlin. The R"Y asked mechila for the false reports that were made by certain individuals who misconstrued his words. The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva gave a set of his seforim, Yoreach Moadim as a gift.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 10, 2018
Vort: Hachosson Tzvi Brisman to Hakallah Baila Wilschanski Bas R' Dovid at Tiferes Bais Yaakov Hall 613 oak street Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yisrael Kugelman to Leah Mindy Schwartz bas R' Yaakov Shalom at Shemen L'Mincha hall 2 Milano Drive Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Eliezer Lipshitz to Hakallah Miriam Kleinbard Bas R' Zev at B'M Ohr Meir 30 5th street lakewood, NJ 7:30pm
-Chasuna: Pomerantz- Levovitz Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Mandelbaum- Lefkowitz Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yisrael Kugelman to Leah Mindy Schwartz bas R' Yaakov Shalom at Shemen L'Mincha hall 2 Milano Drive Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Eliezer Lipshitz to Hakallah Miriam Kleinbard Bas R' Zev at B'M Ohr Meir 30 5th street lakewood, NJ 7:30pm
-Chasuna: Pomerantz- Levovitz Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Mandelbaum- Lefkowitz Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Updated: Levaya 9:15 am at The Lakewood Chapel off 7th Street.
Petirah of Reb Dovid Ozer Notis ztl. He was niftar late this afternoon at Jersey Shore Medical Center at the age of 73. He was originally from Cleveland and moved to Lakewood 8 years ago. He learned in zichron Shneur Bais Medrash. He is survived by ybl"c his wife(nee Gluck) and children R' Shimon Dov R' Yosef R' Chaim R' Moti R' Tanchum R' Yitzie R' Moishe. Levaya will be tomorrow 9:15am at the Lakewood chapel Kevura in Eretz Yisrael.
Petirah of Reb Dovid Ozer Notis ztl. He was niftar late this afternoon at Jersey Shore Medical Center at the age of 73. He was originally from Cleveland and moved to Lakewood 8 years ago. He learned in zichron Shneur Bais Medrash. He is survived by ybl"c his wife(nee Gluck) and children R' Shimon Dov R' Yosef R' Chaim R' Moti R' Tanchum R' Yitzie R' Moishe. Levaya will be tomorrow 9:15am at the Lakewood chapel Kevura in Eretz Yisrael.
Tonight: Public Hearing For Water Rate Increase
If you live a town where your water is supplied by New Jersey American Water company, the cost of your water service may be going up, possibly as much as 18 percent for residents in the Monmouth and Ocean County area, under a proposed rate increase.
For Lakewood residents the proposed increase is about $10 on the monthly bill for the water charge and an additional $5-8$ increase on the Sewer portion.
see breakdown HERE
From Patch.com/ Lakewood
A public hearing on the proposed increase is set for 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the Howell Township Municipal Building, 4567 Route 9 North, Howell. The hearing will be in the main meeting room on the second floor of the building.
New Jersey American filed the request for the rate increase in September, saying the increase is needed to offset upgrade its systems since 2015.
For Lakewood residents the proposed increase is about $10 on the monthly bill for the water charge and an additional $5-8$ increase on the Sewer portion.
see breakdown HERE
From Patch.com/ Lakewood
A public hearing on the proposed increase is set for 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the Howell Township Municipal Building, 4567 Route 9 North, Howell. The hearing will be in the main meeting room on the second floor of the building.
New Jersey American filed the request for the rate increase in September, saying the increase is needed to offset upgrade its systems since 2015.
Frogs Here Frogs There
Parshas Va'eira The Frogs are jumping at Gelbstein's Bakery in Lakewood. The famous cupcakes are back. 415 Clifton Avenue Lakewood, NJ.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 9 , 2018
-Chasuna: Friedman- Schneck at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Tenoim: Hachoson Yaakov Yosef shpitzer to Hakallah Malka Weisbloom bas Admor M'Shedlitz At Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 Second street Lakewood
-Tenoim: Hachoson Yaakov Yosef shpitzer to Hakallah Malka Weisbloom bas Admor M'Shedlitz At Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 Second street Lakewood
Socially Off Fundraising
Reb Michel goes fundraising for Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel's building campaign. First stop is Reb Viggy. To see Part 2, come to The SOCIAL CUE at Epstein's Meats in Lakewood on January 21st, from 7:00 PM and on. All proceeds to Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel building campaign
Regular Busing Today
This morning Tuesday January 9th, there will be regular scheduled busing in Lakewood. In some developments buses will not enter the side streets.
Monday, January 8, 2018
At the BMG Shivti Yarchei Kallah 5778
Amazing story told over by Rav Asher Weiss at the siyum dinner of the Yarchei Kallah. pic.twitter.com/hloPSnQa2x— Shivti (@Shivti_BMG) January 9, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood January 8, 2018
-Chauna: Lesser- Kalisch at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Weiss- Orlander Neemas hachaim hall
-Parlor Meeting at the Bais Horaah on behalf of chanichei hayeshivos school in Netivot. Rav mottel Dick shlita will speak at 10:45 pm delivering a personal message from the Brisker Rosh Yeshiva shlita 401 Madison Avenue Lakewood, NJ
-Chasuna: Weiss- Orlander Neemas hachaim hall
-Parlor Meeting at the Bais Horaah on behalf of chanichei hayeshivos school in Netivot. Rav mottel Dick shlita will speak at 10:45 pm delivering a personal message from the Brisker Rosh Yeshiva shlita 401 Madison Avenue Lakewood, NJ
NWS: Winter Weather Advisory for ocean County
A weather advisory remains in effect until midnight. Freezing rain and some sleet is expected. The ice will cause Hazardous driving conditions during the evening commute. The LPD issued a travel advisory for this evening telling drivers to take it slow. A 1/2 in of freezing rain and sleet is expected between 5pm-11pm.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Oif Simchos Lakewood, January 7, 2018
-Those traveling to the Chaim Berlin Dinner the Yeshiva has arranged additional parking, Dinner will be at Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, Pier 12.
-Mazel Tov to The Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and his rebbetzn on the birth of a Grandson born to his son R' Shneur. The bris will be iyh Tomorrow in Mexico at the in laws Rav and rebbetzin Shmuel Baddouch.
-Vort: Hachoson Shragi Goldstein to Hakallah Rena Gross Bas R' Chaim at Rav Gissinger Shul- 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood from 3:00 pm -6:30pm
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Noach Adelman to Hakallah Brachie Lappa Bas R' Nachman at 5 Omni Court Lakewood, NJ 4:00 - 7:00pm.
-Vort: Hachosson Moishe Rosenberg Ben R' Yossi to Hakalllah Goldie Schonbrun Bas R' Yitzchok at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachoson Tzvi yehuda Hochman to Hakallah Lieba Malka Grosinger Bas R' Shmiel Aryeh at Shemen Lemincha 2 Milano Dr, 7:00 pm-10:00pm
-Vort: Hachosson Ruvy Censor to Hakallah Blimie Blumenkrantz Bas R' Alexander in Bnos Devorah Hall 360 Oak Street, Lakewood 7:00pm
-Chasuna: Korn- Lampner at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Wiesenfeld- Leff at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Dubin- Kaiyzn Ateres Reva hall
-Mazel Tov to The Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and his rebbetzn on the birth of a Grandson born to his son R' Shneur. The bris will be iyh Tomorrow in Mexico at the in laws Rav and rebbetzin Shmuel Baddouch.
-Vort: Hachoson Shragi Goldstein to Hakallah Rena Gross Bas R' Chaim at Rav Gissinger Shul- 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood from 3:00 pm -6:30pm
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Noach Adelman to Hakallah Brachie Lappa Bas R' Nachman at 5 Omni Court Lakewood, NJ 4:00 - 7:00pm.
-Vort: Hachosson Moishe Rosenberg Ben R' Yossi to Hakalllah Goldie Schonbrun Bas R' Yitzchok at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachoson Tzvi yehuda Hochman to Hakallah Lieba Malka Grosinger Bas R' Shmiel Aryeh at Shemen Lemincha 2 Milano Dr, 7:00 pm-10:00pm
-Vort: Hachosson Ruvy Censor to Hakallah Blimie Blumenkrantz Bas R' Alexander in Bnos Devorah Hall 360 Oak Street, Lakewood 7:00pm
-Chasuna: Korn- Lampner at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Wiesenfeld- Leff at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Dubin- Kaiyzn Ateres Reva hall
Video: Rubashkin speaks on the phone at Lkwd Parlor Meeting
Last Night at the Yeshiva of South Lakewood Parlor meeting R' Getzel Rubashkin called his Father on the phone to give Divrei Bracha.
Video Courtesy of TRV news by Yosef Travis
Video Courtesy of TRV news by Yosef Travis
15 Below, Friday Temps a High of 60!

Saturday, January 6, 2018
Motzei shabbos Parshas Shemos Lakewood 5778
-Parlor meeting Yeshiva of South Lakewood Rabbi Korbman, at 1428 Bellinger Street Lakewood 9:15 Gguest speaker R' Getel Rubashkin will speak about the travails and yeshuah of his father
-Womens event on Behalf of Yeshiva Mkor Chaim (Rav Paller) at Estrea 978 River Avenue 9:15 pm
- Yeshiva Gedolah of Cliffwood annual reception at Orchos Chaim hall 410 Oberlin Lakewood, NJ 8:15 PM
-Shivti Yarchei Kallah begins at the Hyatt Regency Princeton 8:30 Melava Malka followed by Chavrusa Tumul, 10:00 pm Psicha shiur by Lakewood rosh Yeshiva Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita
-Satmar Rockwell no Avos Ubanim- Nitel
-Womens event on Behalf of Yeshiva Mkor Chaim (Rav Paller) at Estrea 978 River Avenue 9:15 pm
- Yeshiva Gedolah of Cliffwood annual reception at Orchos Chaim hall 410 Oberlin Lakewood, NJ 8:15 PM
-Shivti Yarchei Kallah begins at the Hyatt Regency Princeton 8:30 Melava Malka followed by Chavrusa Tumul, 10:00 pm Psicha shiur by Lakewood rosh Yeshiva Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita
-Satmar Rockwell no Avos Ubanim- Nitel
Friday, January 5, 2018
31 in IDF Jails This Week

23 went to register yet lost their exempt status.
Here are their names to daven
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת שמות
Friday, January 5, 2018 / י״ח טבת תשע״ח Lakewood, NJ
וַיֵּצֵא אֶל-אֶחָיו, וַיַּרְא, בְּסִבְלֹתָם
-Candle lighting 4:27pm
-Shkiah 4:45pm
shabbos weather: Friday night 5°LO real feel -15° Clear, windy and frigid
Shabbos day hi 15°HI Real Feel -4° Mostly sunny, windy and frigid
הנה חזק ואמץ לאדני כזרם ברד שער קטב כזרם מים כבירים שטפים הניח לארץ ביד
(הפטורה פרשת שמות) "A strong and powerful wind Like a downpour of Hail, a destructive violent wind storm, like a downpour of mighty surging waters..
וַיֵּצֵא אֶל-אֶחָיו, וַיַּרְא, בְּסִבְלֹתָם
-Candle lighting 4:27pm
-Shkiah 4:45pm
shabbos weather: Friday night 5°LO real feel -15° Clear, windy and frigid
Shabbos day hi 15°HI Real Feel -4° Mostly sunny, windy and frigid
הנה חזק ואמץ לאדני כזרם ברד שער קטב כזרם מים כבירים שטפים הניח לארץ ביד
(הפטורה פרשת שמות) "A strong and powerful wind Like a downpour of Hail, a destructive violent wind storm, like a downpour of mighty surging waters..
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Lakewood RY yesterday walking to yeshiva |
E.coli Outbreak: Avoid Romaine Lettuce for Now, Consumer Reports Says

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