Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trump Guilty On All Counts

- President Trump will hold a press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM from the atrium at Trump Tower.

-Judge Merchan set July 11th for sentencing.  Probation interview will be set for Trump. All motions must be filed by June 13th.
The RNC Convention begins on July 15th.

-Donald Trump says the "real verdict" will be decided on election day November 5th, 2024, calls out George Soros after being found guilty. "It's okay, I'm fighting for our country... I'm fighting for our constitution." Trump also called out President Biden, saying the trial was an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election.

- Trump campaign: Now is the time to support the America First movement more than ever. Not just with donations, but sharing all Trump tweets and content here daily at @TrumpDailyPosts  to the millions of people here on X. In the end, America First will win, but we all must get involved and participate!

- Jim Jordan Statement on Trump Verdict: “The verdict is a travesty of justice.
The Manhattan kangaroo court shows what happens when our justice system is weaponized by partisan prosecutors in front of a biased judge with an unfair process, designed to keep President Trump off the campaign trail and avoid bringing attention to President Biden’s failing radical policies. Americans see through Democrats' lawfare tactics and know President Trump will be vindicated on appeal.”

-Despite what many are saying this Conviction against Former-President Donald Trump does not Disqualify or in any way Prevent him from Running against President Joe Biden, even if he is Sentenced to Prison Time. If he Wins the Election in November, he would still be Sworn-In as President of the United States, possibly even inside of the Prison.

- Vivek Ramaswamy The prosecutor is a politician who promised to nail Trump.
The judge’s daughter is a Democrat operative who literally *raised $$ from the trial* while her father presided over it. The jury instructions said they didn’t have to agree on the crime to convict. This will backfire.

- Tucker Carlson: Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first. But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.

NYP: Will Trump appeal?
Trump’s team will likely soon announce whether they plan to appeal.
First, Trump’s team will most likely seek to have Judge Juan Merchan set aside the verdict and if that’s rejected this will set off at least a year’s worth of appeals by Trump’s side, experts say.
Any appeal “won’t be [decided] before the election,” Bachner said.
Any appeal of the case will likely take at least a year.
And if Trump loses an appeal with the mid-level appeals court, he’ll likely seek to have the state’s highest court hear his case, which could take another additional year. 
“An appeal could easily take a year or longer after the sentencing,” Lichtman said.
Bachner noted that if Trump were sentenced to jail time he would probably remain out free pending the appeal.“To the extent there is a reversal on the appeal by the time Trump’s appeal is decided he would have already done his jail time so it would just be unfair to incarcerate him,” he explained.

- Speaker Mike Johnson
My statement on President Trump trial verdict:
Today is a shameful day in American history. Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one.
The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents.  
The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong—and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict—and he WILL WIN!

- Jonathan Turley
I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others. I believe that the case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president. I had hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes.

- Lee Zeldin: Just secured a $800k donation from someone for President Trump’s Joint Fundraising Committee. Never experienced a massive ask that easy.

-Mark Hemingway Also worth noting -- very likely this verdict is overturned on appeal. If that happens, it's going to be utterly discrediting and shameful to rule of law in this country.
But all anyone seems to care about on the left is that this happens after the election. Appalling.

 Joe Biden: There’s only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: At the ballot box.
Donate to our campaign today:

-Mark Levine: We need to give the Supreme Court the opportunity to intervene. If it chooses not to, then it won't.
But between Jack Smith criminalizing election challenges to the point that we do not know what is or is not legal, and now Bragg and Merchan criminalizing events and activities that are not illegal, to the point we don't now know what they are, the Supreme Court, in my view, must do something.
In the end, the S Ct will not be able to avoid this forever. Better to deal with now than later, when it will get worse.

- Former Ambassador David Friedman: Stunned by the Trump jury verdict. I’ve never seen a process more fraught with ethical conflicts and judicial errors. Embarrassed for the City of New York and the New York Bar, as to which I was once, but thankfully no longer, a member. Most of all, I fear for our nation and the damage this does to our faith in government, already at a dangerous low. When he returns to the presidency, Donald Trump must restore our confidence. I believe he will.

- Jack Ciattarelli: Regardless of what anyone thinks about Donald Trump, would these charges have ever been brought if he wasn’t running for President? Legal experts on both sides are saying that these convictions are likely to be overturned on appeal. I agree. In the end, the American people will render their verdict come November.


  1. To paraphrase Trump: Murder someone on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and it’s very likely you will be acquitted (if it even makes it to trial ). Put Trump on trial in Manhattan and he will be convicted (even if most people don’t even understand what the charges are).

  2. Rumor has it Donald Trump will be at rubashkins Bitachon shiur tonight.

  3. I DESPISE Trump but having followed the trial, for a change I agree with him. This was rigged against him.

  4. None of this bodes well for America.
    National turmoil is nisht gut far Yidden. It's Parshas Bechukosai. What the message to us is, I don't know. But I sure hope that we hear it.

    1. wow! you are scary correct! hashem yishmor! time to wake up!!!

    2. The message to us directly from Hashem is obvious. If we don't immediately wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation then soon the last country we have supporting Us Which we call the Medina shel chessed of the USA will become a communist country and be completely destroyed Chas Vshalom.

      Time for us to stop living in denial already and instead FACE REALITY and start doing serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov

  5. Whatever your view on Trump is, there is no conceivable way that anything good can come out of this trial and verdict. Trump may win or lose the next election as a result of this verdict. The respect for law and belief that there is equal protection under the law will definitely be imperiled by a large segment of the population .. הֱוֵי מִתְפַּלֵּל בִּשְׁלוֹמָהּ שֶׁל מַלְכוּת
