Thursday, May 9, 2024

Israel At War Thurs May 9

 Israel at war day 216

-Republicans have begun working on a bill that would deny President Biden the ability to prevent the transfer of military aid to Israel because of the war in Gaza. such a bill is unlikely to pass because the Senate has a Democratic majority.

- Lag Baomer celebration in Miron canceled this year due to Hezbollah rocket threats.

-The Israeli delegation has left Cairo. The negotiation collapsed because Hamas refused to compromise.

-Donald Trump Before Entering NY Courtroom: 
"What Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful. If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves. He's totally abandoned Israel."

-American-Israeli business tycoon, Haim Saban, one of the largest contributors to the Democratic Party, just wrote a letter to President Biden and National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, telling them that the Biden Administration’s decision to block the shipment of weapons to Israel in the midst of it campaign to defeat and destroy Palestinian terrorists in Gaza is “bad … bad … bad on every level.”

- House Speaker Johnson said he feels betrayed by President Biden's willingness to withhold offensive weapons to Israel, accusing him of reneging on their aid deal, saying he hopes Biden's threat is just a "senior moment". (Politico)

- IDF announces soldier was killed in Hezbollah attack on army post in north in a Hezbollah mortar and missile attack on an army position near the northern community of Malkia yesterday, the military announces.
The slain soldier is named asHaim Sabach, 20

-Biden accused of helping Hamas as Israel outraged by threatened weapons freeze
Trump: ‘Crooked Joe’ siding with the terrorists; FM Katz: Fight against Hamas won’t halt; envoy to UN: Biden could suffer in Nov.; US Jewish groups, GOP, some Dems denounce move 

- Several national and international newspapers write editorials about Bidens betrayal of allies.

- Itamar Ben Gvir tweets: “Hamas loves Biden” 

- Netanyahu, Gallant issue messages of defiance, without responding directly to Biden

-Trump:“Crooked Joe is taking the side of these terrorists just like he has sided with the Radical Mobs taking over our college campuses, because his donors are funding them,” 

- Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah tweeted, “We stand by allies, we don’t second guess them. Biden’s dithering on Israel weapons is bad policy and a terrible message to Israel, our allies and the world.”

- Israel Border Police says that for the first time in its history, some 30 ultra-Orthodox men have been drafted into the force for their mandatory military service.

- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters that he has “faith” in what President Biden is doing to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza, including a decision to pause the delivery of 3,500 bombs as his administration assesses a potential Israeli invasion of Rafah.
“I believe that Israel and America have an ironclad relationship, and I have faith in what the Biden administration is doing,” Schumer said when asked if it is appropriate for the Biden administration to hold up the shipment of bombs amid intensifying opposition on the left to the war.


  1. Of course America is not entitled to have any priorities It must supply to Israel whatever weapons whenever however no questions asked. For free!!

    1. Israel buys the weapons from America. America does not have to provide the weapons. It should, though, if it indeed sees itself as Israel's strongest ally. Morally and rationally, it is wrong to withhold the munitions, because it will force Israel to have to deal with Rafiach in a more aggressive, decisive fashion. Rafiach parking lot coming soon.

  2. we see it again biden doesn't care about israel

    1. What a dumb remark. It would be better for Bidden to order a cease fire just as every president since Eisenhower did in every Israel war. It is NEVER a question of whether America says to stop. It is always just a question of when.

      Biden has given a Israel a green light for a longer period of time than anyone else. Just think how easy it would be for Bidden, Blinken and Jake Sulliven to end the war and bring his party together. Instead, he is risking his presidency on supporting Israel.

    2. Or issue isn't with Biden himself. It's with the dem party. Biden is pro israel, we get that. But his party is generally no longer pro israel. And that's the problem.

  3. Hillary Clinton, also a regular Democrat, is now a professor in Columbia. Students walked out of her class because of her support of Israel. And the Times article is wrong, Bill Clinton almost had the deal. The Palestinians would have gotten the top of the temple mount and their own country. They will never get a better offer.

    The Democrats are split over Israel because the whole country is beginning to disagree over the issue. That is how democracy works. A faction in one of the two parties will take up an issue.

    Historically, the Democratic party has better represented the fractures in real America. The key is to empower people like Bidden within the party.

  4. "the Democratic party has better represented" in ripping apart the fractures of real America

  5. Democratic party ≠ real America
    Which rabbit hole have you crawled out of

  6. The Union survived until 1861 because the Democrats kept their northern faction and southern faction balanced. When they came apart, so did America. The Republicans were just northern Whigs. They just think they are so great because of Lincoln and preserving the Union. They are national now but they will always be the smaller and more insignificant party.

  7. So? Are you implying the dirty masses-& narrowest manipulating oligarchs- without much care for anything beyond their day-to-day built America? Or anything else for that matter
