Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel At War Monday May 27

 Israel at war day 234

- Canada announced it is ready to accept thousands of refugees from Gaza.

- News report: The $320 million Gaza pier, a floating dock built by the US military after being proposed by President Biden during his SOTU speech in March, has broken loose and has reportedly began sinking.

- United States: "We are aware of the massacre in Rafah committed by Israel, but we are gathering more information."

- The White House laments the “devastating” and “heartbreaking” images coming out of Rafah after last night’s IDF strike that reportedly killed dozens of civilians sheltering in tents in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood. “Israel has a right to go after Hamas, and we understand this strike killed two senior Hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against Israeli civilians, but, as we’ve been clear, Israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians, says a National Security Council spokesperson.

- Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister: “Israel must accept that it cannot exist without a Palestinian state.” “Israel doesn’t get to decide whether or not the Palestinians have a right to self-determination. It is absolutely necessary that Israel accepts that it cannot exist without the existence of a Palestinian state.”

- Hezbollah shot A barrage of 35 rockets towards Miron, some fell in open areas and caught fire according to IDF. No rockets were fired yesterday on Lag Baomer

- Egyptian soldier said killed in firefight with Israeli troops at Rafah Crossing Israeli military sources are blaming Egypt for a deadly exchange of fire on the Gaza-Egypt border.According to the report, Egyptian forces opened fire on Israeli troops at the Rafah Border Crossing, who responded with fire of their own 

- Israel faced fierce international criticism on Monday after an airstrike in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah reportedly killed at least 45 people, most of them civilians, in a center for displaced people on Sunday night. Israel said the strike targeted two senior Hamas terrorists. But the attack also apparently hit an area in Rafah’s Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood in western Rafah where thousands of people were taking shelter, setting blazes that engulfed several tents and shelters.

- Giyus: The cabinet rejected an appeal Monday by MK Chili Tropper against advancing a bill that would lower the age of exemption from military service for yeshiva students paving the way for the Knesset to revive the 2022 legislation.

- Hezbollah vows to intensify attacks announced on Israel, according to a report in Kuwait's Al Jarida newspaper. Hezbollah reportedly plans to sustain its fight for as long as the conflict in Gaza persists and is anticipating increased pressure from the US on Israel to end the war.  In preparation for a prolonged conflict, the terrorist organization is stockpiling weapons and planning surprise attacks on Israeli⁰

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