Saturday, May 11, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Kedoshim News Updates

היום תשעה עשר יום שהם שני שבועות  וחמשה ימים בעומר/לעומר

- Tonight: Khal  Yeshuos Dovid of Shedlitz will host the central Melava Malka this Motzei shabbos on the yartzeit of Reb Shayla Kerestir with the attendance of Local admorim and rabbonim at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 10:45 pm Birchas Hamazon 11:50 pm 

-Tonight  Large crowds at Baron HIrsch cemetery in Staten Island, NY  at the kever of the brother of Reb Shayala Keresrir R' Moshe Steiner. where people can daven at the Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner Memorial at the society grounds of Hungarian Brotherly Love Yorkville, in section F8. Tent with food set up.

- Trump held rally today in Wildwood, NJ,  he was. Cheered by 100,000 supporters at the Jersey Shore he was joined by U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew. Trump said he will win New Jersey 

- Former President Trump has dismissed a report that claimed he and his campaign were considering former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, his former GOP presidential primary opponent, to serve as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

FAA news exclusive report: lakewood police department accused of violating federal law by denying orthodox jewish man religious accommodation on shabbos more

- Raintree area of Lakewood had a power outage Friday night

- Jackson police say they received no permit request for Palestinian rally planned for next week after a flyer was posted on social media(Lakewood alerts)


  1. Daven at the yeshaya steiner memorial?? I'm guessing yeshaya steiner is reb yeshayaleh...but davening at a memorial sounds decidedly off.. Or am I missing something?

  2. The best way for a person to daven and get help is turn directly to our loving father Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY and ask for whatever is your need. Rather it's a shidduch or a parnassa or a Refuah etc..... there's no one better to turn To for help then our loving father Hashem waiting to help his loving children and just waiting for their call WHOLEHEARTEDLY for help.

    YOU don't need to turn to rebbe's and kevorim etc .. or segulahs to get help. You help us already prepared and waiting for you by Hashem directly and just waiting for you to ask for it WHOLEHEARTEDLY to send it to you.

    If Klal yisroel would call out for Mashiach WHOLEHEARTEDLY them Mashiach already would've been here a long time ago but let's FACE REALITY, we're so happy in today's generation of technology and planes with computers etc ..... When klal yisroel wakes up and YEAR S FOR MASHIACH then Hashem will send Mashiach immediately

    1. Yet the gemara says if someone has a tzara he should turn to the gadol. I guess you know better.

  3. We also must deserve Moshiach.Through our public stances for Shomayim
    We are far from it.Likely getting further
