Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday May 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:  81° Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms possible. Gusty winds and small hail are possible Chance of rain 30%. There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

The Karlsburger Rav , Rabbi Moshe Roth, son of Rav  hatzkel Roth zatzal was arrested by Israeli police for opening his Beis Midrash to all those arriving in Meron in violation the guidelines. The Rebbe, follows the tradition of his father by spending time throughout the year at kever Rashbi, traveled to Meron for Lag Ba’Omer and opened his Beis Midrash for all who wish to stay there. After a strong protest from his chasidim and locals he was released without police pressing any charges. 

- Trump rally gets underway in the Bronx According to the Trump campaign, the permit they obtained is for up to 3,500 people however it appears there are thousands more joining. A number of frum supporters are seen in the crowd
Trump recognizes the Israeli flag as supporters yell to bring home the hostages.

-Giyus update: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ordered the IDF to temporarily postpone sending draft notices to Charedi Yeshivah students, as political negotiations continue over legislation regulating the conscription of Charedi men.

- Rabbi Ozer Babad's Khal Bnei Yissoschur - "The Shul for Everyone," which holds multiple minyanim throughout the day and night - is set tonight, Thursday, May 23, 2024, to seek approval from the Toms River Township Zoning Board of Adjustment to legalize its operations. faa

- Adirei Hatorah event registration today at BMG

- Hurricane forecast calls for nasty 2024 season with up to 25 named storms

- Authorities in Bet Shemesh have yet to five final approval permit for the hadlaka of Reb Meilich Nideeman that is expected to draw over 25,000 citing issues with the bleachers.

- A second chance GKRF post on Seared Restaurant Here

- Minyan Shelanu annual lag baomer campaign  Here 

- Russia warns that British targets could be struck if British weapons are used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory

- Smokey Hill restaurant  at Spruce and 9 in Lakewood will now only be available for simchas and parties by reservation only will be known as  PH  Venue

- Frum news sites reporting on financial crisis hitting many yeshivos as several some small schools in Monsey and Linden,NJ announce they will be closing due to lack of funds. Fear of tuition hikes coming after Lakewood elementary school raises standard base tuition to 11k. 

- Lag Baomer bon fire motzei shabbos:
Skulen  4th and park
Stolin e 7th cor Cornelius 10:30
Breslov 423 6th st   10:30 
Krishevsky 677 87th street  10:30 pm
Kosson Oak and Vine 57 Havens  10:15
Sadigura  55 Holy st 10:15 
Babad TR  9:45 
Rachmastrivka  e county Line 11:30 pm
Belz  10:45 
Hallovitz 614 Ocean Ave Rt 88 
Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano at New Central & Leigh 
Royal Grove Jackson 

- Ocean County sees home listing decreased by  −2.01% compared to last April he dip might be attributed to elevated interest rates, which have affected home listings nationwide.


  1. "Frum news sites reporting on financial crisis hitting many yeshivos" - Frum news sites don't "report" anything. They share mikva reid. They have no reporters or investigators and spread nothing but rumors. Stop falling for it.

    1. It is YWN click bate trash reporting why do people fall for the fake frum news yellow journalism.

    2. The crisis is that Covid funds are coming to an end, and the Yeshivos were spending it like crazy with no plan. Now they need to cut back, but won't and will just raise tuitions.

    3. Is this a new problem? Or were there any yeshivas that closed down because of this? Could it be that these huge fancy buildings are what is causing all this debt?

  2. Where's Avi Schnalls tuition relief that was promised by all rabbonim and gedolim
    Schools are closing and parents can't pay tuition they put so much kochis into the election getting everyone to vote and now no one cares about the the Klal
    it feels like we were takwn for a ride used and fooled

    1. But many intelligent people who told you it won't happen were criticized and ostracized. When will the public wake up and realize that the askanim do not have you in mind.

    2. No worries he's in Washington today getting a few more bottles of cholov yisroel milk for the lunch boxes

    3. I voted against Avi Schnall and depending on who his opponent is, expect to do so again. I still don’t think itis fair to complain about his failure to bring tuition relief until he has been in office for two years

  3. Not only is Agudah responsible
    But so is Torah Umesorah who made a big PR campaign to increase salaries for rebbeim but the schools only raised tuitions leaving parents stuck with footing the bill.

  4. MG said Holmes for CY young

  5. I know some schools gave very mice raises for 2 consecutive years to their teachers ,but now that all Covid funding is gone ,it is getting really difficult to keep paying those higher salaries without some serious tuition hikes . Bear in mind that the tuitions in Lakewood are much lower than in the general Jewish world and the teaching salaries in some schools are getting closer to the outside world, so it's no longer feasible fir the tuitions to be less than half what it is out of Lakewood

    1. wrong. tuition in lakewood is not lower than brooklyn or monsey or anywhere out of town. (the only places that are higher are places like lawrence)

    2. You are wrong. Tuition in chasidishe mosdos in NY might be low because the kehila subsidized it . But your average tuition in Flatbush or Baltimore or Chicago or Lawrence are close to 15, to 20,000. There is no way that the average tuition in Flatbush is in the 5 to 6k range

      for high school. Yes the 4 or 5 yeshivaleit get cheap tuition because the rest of the balebatim are subsidizing them . But in many lakewood yeshivishe schools , the average tuition even after the big tuition raises is still in the 5 to 6 thousand range because the vast majority pays the lower tuition and there are very few subsidizing them . These are facts .

    3. i'm not sure what you are trying to say but no one in baltimore (besides maybe one or two gevirim) is paying close to 15 for tuition. maybe yeshiva of flatbush charges that much but charedi schools in flatbush do not charge anywhere near there. there is no way the average tuition in flatbush is over 7. those are facts.

  6. Skulen event - babysitting service for all hiemishe families in the area

  7. Lakewood schools are expected to raise tuition again for the 2025 school year. This comes at a time of rising inflation and no end in sight. Last week, a girls elementary school announced they will be raising tuition to $11,000 for the coming year, a few thousand dollar jump from the previous year. The school sent out a letter explaining  they reviewed their books and operations, and anticipate a shortfall of approximately $2 million for next year. Therefore, tuition for the coming year for grades P-8 will be $11,000 per student they will continue to accept scholarships for those who qualify and would accept a reduced price of $9000 from parents without applying for a scholarship.
    No doubt other schools will now follow in raising the base tuition maybe in smaller increases, but this has now raised the bar significantly as any tuition under 10k will be considered "cheap" as the expectation has now been raised in Lakewood.  The days of affordable tuition are over as  Lakewood is slowly being pushed to be on par with other communities losing its  status of an affordable community that is the home of thousands of bnei torah  young couples and hard working  middle class families . 


    1. Correct. Ever since a certain group decided to allow the building of a massive office building park which brought big businesses who raised the salaries of the average women by huge multiples , Lakewood teachers have rightfully demanded that they not be the fools to stay at the old yeshivashe salaries.

    2. Ah, you mean the taxpayer land that was given away to build an office park that the buildings are tax free? That the taxpayers are supposed to keep voting for incumbents becuase they are looking out for the taxpayers? That is the Lakeowod new office building park that you are talking about??

    3. Hook,line,& sinker

  8. We are not talking about taxpayer issues here . The comment just pointed out that lakewood is now a big business town and therefore all salaries fir women teachers have to keep up with the women working in these business
