Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday May 21

 Israel at war day 228

- Mt. Miron has now been declared a closed military zone by the IDF, public is not allowed access.

- Israel seizes AP equipment broadcasting live feed from Gaza, citing use by Al Jazeera
Communications Minister Karhi accuses the wire service of violating a new media law by providing images to banned Qatari network; US, Foreign Press Association criticize move

- Biden officials urge Netanyahu to reverse decision to seize AP equipment

- Netanyahu: It’s the ICC prosecutor, not me, who should be concerned for his status

- The Knesset passes a law that makes it illegal to hold the annual Lag B’Omer celebrations in Meron this year, defined as a temporary measure in connection with rocket and missile attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel,it limits the presence of people at the Meron compound to 30 at any given time.

-The military says it has launched a counter-terrorism  operation in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.  8 terrorists  have been killed by troops, the IDF adds.

-Israel has decided to shelve plans for a major offensive in the Gaza Strip’s southern city of Rafah, and will act in a more limited manner, after discussions with the US on the matter, Washington Post analyst David Ignatius reported Monday. Washington believes the new plans will result in fewer civilian casualties and thus is not expected to oppose them, Ignatius wrote.

-Hamas slams ICC for seeking arrest of its leaders alongside Netanyahu, Gallant
Terror group says World Court should not equate ‘victim with executioner’ and insists on right to ‘armed resistance’


  1. Why is Trump, the most oheiv Yisrael president in us history, posting about how his election will bring in a "unified Reich?" Is there a good kind of Reich I don't know about?

    1. You're comment is misleading, which makes you a liar. For context: He reposted a random 30 second video about his reelection. In that random video, which included many, many things, it also included the words "unified Reich", which is actually a reference to ww1, not ww2. Trump is guilty of being sloppy and not reading all the fine print on a random video that he posted during his trial.
      Of course, Biden would never ever be sloppy.

    2. Does having a nazi staffer (chashuve enough that he posts on Trump's account) count as a problem? And it took him quite a while to even take it down, guess it's not just sloppiness after all.
      What does Biden have to do with anything?

    3. It's funny how a supposedly misleading brief comment is branded a lie rather than just sloppy, but Trump's posting about his incoming Reich is merely sloppy. Frum Maga=stam maga.

    4. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! All you Trump haters are having a huge panic attack. Ha ha!

    5. See Wikipedia entry on WWI which explains Unified Reich refers to German WWI strategy of Unified Reich. The WWII version is called Third R, referring to German governments since the Kaiser.

  2. When Trump finished his speach this afternoon with the sentence, any jew that votes democrat should have his head examined and walked away from mic, made me feel very uneasy. Please dont use jews as any type of card. Not a good road to go down

    1. Dude, we all agree with him. And we love Trump because he is a real man - he says it the way it is. You know what he will do, because he is the only politician who actually does what he says he'll do. So yeah, I love the fact that he says the truth - that the jews who still vote for the antisemitic democrats need to have their heads examined.

  3. Not a good road to go down

    But a good road to go down is to:
    *Give Iran and make available to them tens of billions of dollars.
    * Send condolences when Hashem destroys the butcher of Tehran
    * Encourages all the violence on college campuses and beyond
    * Fights against Jews defending themselves
    and so, so, so much more.

    Yeah, but all of the the thousands of times Biden sounds like a buffoon is somehow comparable to one deleted, nonsensical tweet.

    Kindly check yourself into your nearest psychiatric inpatient.

    1. To criticize Trump doesn't mean that you have to believe that Biden is perfect. It doesn't even mean you believe Biden is better. It simply means he is a normal politician who should be criticized when doing something wrong. He is not; as some believe; an angel in human form.
      If you are getting that defensive over this you have serious issues. Being so adamantly pro Trump you cannot bear to hear the slightest criticism of him is absolutely not a good road to go down, however it seems you have long since missed all the possible exits.
